Allium Cepa [All-C] এলিয়াম সেপা

All-c: সর্দির সাথে নির্জীবতা, নিদ্রালুতা ও একাগ্র মনোযোগে অসুবিধা, বার বার হাঁচি ও ক্ষতকর সর্দিস্রাব, স্রাব লেগে উপরের ঠোঁট ও নাকে প্রদাহ হয়, তার সহিত চোখ দিয়ে পানি ঝড়ে কিন্তু চোখের পানি ঝাঁঝালো নয়।

All-c: ব্রংকাই (বায়ুনালী) পর্যন্ত সর্দি বিস্তৃত হয়ে প্রচুর পরিমাণে কফ নিঃসৃত হয়, কাশি ও ঘড়ঘড়ানি থাকে, শুষ্ক কাশির ফলে কণ্ঠনালী ছিঁড়ে যাবে এমন অনুভূতি।

All-c: স্নায়ুর নানা স্থানে সুতার মতো লম্বা ও সরু ব্যথা।

All-c: পেটে বায়ু জমে।


বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< সন্ধ্যায়

< উষ্ণ ঘরে

< পা ভেজালে

< ঠান্ডা স্যাঁতসেঁতে বাতাসে

< স্যাঁতসেঁতে আবহাওয়ায়

< বসন্তকালে

< বসে থাকলে

< মানসিক আঘাতে

< গান গাইলে

< পঁচা মাছ খেলে

< শসা, সালাদ খেলে

< পীচ ফল ভক্ষণে (জামজাতীয় এক ধরণের ফল)

< অতিরিক্ত আহারের ফলে

> স্নানে

> ঠাণ্ডা খোলা বাতাসে

> ঠান্ডা ঘরে

> নড়াচড়ায়

শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর প্রদাহ সহ তরুণ সর্দি, প্রচুর সর্দি । সর্দির কারণে ঘিনঘিনে অথচ প্রবল নয় এইরূপ শিরঃপীড়া, সেই সাথে তরল সর্দি যা সন্ধ্যায় বাড়ে, খোলা হাওয়ায় উপশম ও গরম ঘরে ফিরে আসলে বাড়ে (তুলনীয় = ইউফ্রে, পালস্)।

শিরঃপীড়া ঋতুস্রাবে কমে যায়; স্রাব বন্ধ হলে ফিরে আসে (ল্যাকে, জিঙ্ক)।

চোখ – জ্বালা করে, চোখের ভিতর কামড়ায়, ধোঁয়া লাগার মত যন্ত্রণা হয়—চোখ ঘষতে বাধ্য হয়, চোখ জলে ভরে যায়, ভেজাভাব, চোখের কৈশিকাগুলো (capillary) যেন বেরিয়ে আসে, প্রচুর অশ্রুস্রাব হয়।

সর্দি – প্রচুর ও জলের মত পাতলা; নাস্রাস্রাবে হেজে যায় (কিন্তু) অশ্রুস্রাবে হেজে যায় না যদিও পরিমাণে প্রচুর (প্রচুর, হেজে যায় অশ্রুস্রাবে অথচ নাসাস্রাব হাজায় না = (ইউফ্রে)।

ক্ষতকারী, জলের মত সর্দি নাকের ডগা দিয়ে ফোটা ফোটা ঝরতে থাকে (আর্স; আর্স-আইওড)।  বসন্তকালের সর্দি, উত্তর-পূর্বদিকের ভেজা বাতাস লেগে সর্দিস্রাবে জ্বালা হয় ও নাক এবং ওপরের ঠোট হেজে যায় ।

হে-ফিভার (শষ্য এবং ফুলের রেণু যখন বাতাসে ওড়ে সেইসময় এলার্জিক) প্রত্যেক বসন্তকালে; বিছানা হতে উঠলে ভীষণ হাঁচি; পীচ ফল নাড়াচাড়ায় হাঁচি ।

নাকে পলিপাস (বহু তন্তু বিশিষ্ট টিউমার) (টিউক্রি-ম্যারাম; স্যাঙ্গুইনে; স্যাঙ্গুইনে-নাই; সোরিন)।

সর্দিজনিত স্বরযন্ত্রের প্রদাহ; কাশির ধমকে কণ্ঠনালী চেপে ধরতে বাধ্য হয়, মনে হয় যেন কাশিতে কণ্ঠনালী ছিড়ে যাবে ।

শূলবেদনা — পা ভিজে ঠান্ডা লেগে; অতিভোজনে; শশা অথবা স্যালাড প্রভৃতি খেয়ে; অর্শজনিত এবং শিশুদের বসলে বাড়ে চলাফেরায় কমে ।

স্নায়ুশূল – মুখে, মাথায়, গলায়, বুকের উপর—একগাছা লম্বা সুতোয় যতটা জায়গা লাগে ঠিক ততটা জায়গায় ।

আঘাতজনিত ক্রনিক স্নায়ুপ্রদাহ; অঙ্গছেদনের পর কাটা অংশের মূলভাগে স্নায়ুশূল, এতে জ্বালা ও হুলফোটানো ব্যথা ।

আঙুলহাড়া, এতে হাতে লাল ডোরাকাটা দাগযন্ত্রণায় অস্থির হতে হয়; প্রসুতাবস্থায় আঙুলহাড়া ।

ঘষা লেগে— পায়ে বিশেষতঃ গোড়ালিতে ঘা হয়, হেজে যায় ।“পায়ে ঘষা লেগে ঘা হলে উপযোগী”—গ্রীসদেশের ডাঃ ডাইস্কোরাইড ।

ফরসেপ সাহায্যে প্রসবের পর ফ্লেবাইটিস (ফ্লেবাইটিস = দীর্ঘদিন অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে একইভাবে চাপ পড়ে অপরিশোধ্য রক্তবাহী শিরা-উপশিরার প্রদাহ ফোলে, শক্ত হয়)।

সম্বন্ধ – সাহায্যকারী ঔষধ- ফস্, পালস, থুজা ।

পলিপাস রোগে ক্যাল্কে-কা ও সাইলিশিয়ার আগে ভাল কাজ দেয় । ইউফ্রেসিয়ার সমগুণ অথচ সর্দি ও অশ্রুস্রাব লক্ষণে বিপরীত । জলে ভেজার কুফলে প্রযোজ্য (রাস-ট)।

বৃদ্ধি — বিশেষ করে সন্ধ্যাবেলায় ও গরম ঘরে (পালস্, খোলা হাওয়ায় বাড়ে = ইউফ্রে)।

উপশম – ঠান্ডা ঘরে ও খোলা হাওয়ায় (পালস্)।

শক্তি — ৬, ৩০।

একটি সর্দিজ অবস্থার ছবি তৎসহ হাজাকর নাসিকা স্রাব ও স্বরনলীর লক্ষন, চোখ থেকে যে জল পড়ে তা হাজাকর নয়, গায়কের সর্দি, গরম ঘরে বৃদ্ধি এবং সন্ধ্যার দিকে, মুক্ত বাতাসে উপশম, এইগুলি ঔষধটির চিত্র। বিশেষভাবে কাজ করে, ঠাণ্ডা, স্যাঁতসেঁতে আবহাওয়ায় সর্দি। স্নায়বিক শূলবেদনা, সরু সূতার ন্যায় বেদনা, অঙ্গচ্ছেদ অথবা স্নায়ু আঘাতের পর। আঘাতজনিত, পুরাতন স্নায়ুশূল। নাক, মুখগহ্বর, গলা, প্রস্রাব থলি ও চামড়াতে জ্বালা। শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংশ থেকে প্রখর তাপ প্রবাহের ন্যায় অনুভূতি ।

মাথা – সর্দিজ মাথার যন্ত্রণা, অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রে কপালে বেদনা, গরম ঘরে বৃদ্ধি, সন্ধ্যার দিকে। মুখমণ্ডলে বেদনা। ঋতুস্রাবের সময় মাথার যন্ত্রণা থেমে যায়, স্রাব বন্ধ হবার পর পুনরায় ফিরে আসে ।

চোখ – লাল। তীব্র জ্বালা ও যন্ত্রনা সহ জল পড়ে। আলো সহ্য হয় না। চোখ বুজে যায় এবং জলে পূর্ণ, প্রচুর, অনুত্তেজক, অশ্রুস্রাব, মুক্ত বাতাসে উপশম। চোখের পাতায় জ্বালা ।

কান – কানের যন্ত্রণা, যন্ত্রণা তীরবেগে কর্ণনালীর ভিতর দিয়ে যায়।

নাক — হাঁচি, বিশেষতঃ গরম ঘরে প্রবেশ করলে। প্রচুর, জলের মত ও তীব্র হাজারক স্রাব। নাকের মূল দেশে একটি পিণ্ডের ন্যায় অনুভূতি। হে- ফিভার (স্যাব্যাড, সাইলে, সোরি)।  বহমান সর্দি তৎসহ মাথার যন্ত্রণা, কাশি ও স্বরভঙ্গ। নাকের অর্বুদ বা পলিশ।

পাকস্থলী – প্রচণ্ড ক্ষুধা। পাইলোরিক স্থানে বেদনা। পিঁপাসা, ঢেকুর। বমি বমি ভাব ।

উদর – পেটের ভিতর গুড়গুড়, দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত বায়ু নিঃসরণ। লেফট হাইপো গ্যাসট্টিয়াম স্থানে বেদনা। বসে থাকলে ও চলাফেরা করার সময় পেটে মূল বেদনা ।

সরলান্ত্র — উদরাময় তৎসহ তীব্র দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত বায়ু নিঃসরণ। মলদ্বারে সূঁচ ফোটানোর ন্যায় অনুভূতি। মলদ্বারে চুলকানি। সরলান্ত্রে কিছু জ্বলার ন্যায় উত্তাপ।

প্রস্রাব – মূত্রথলির ও মূত্রনলীর দুর্বলতা। প্রচুর প্রস্রাব তৎসহ সর্দি। প্রস্রাব লাল, তৎসহ মূত্রনলীতে চাপবোধ ও জ্বালা ।

শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস – স্বর ভঙ্গ । ঠাণ্ডা বাতাসে শ্বাস নেবার সময় খুকখুককাশি । কণ্ঠনলীতে সুড় সুড় ভাব । মনে হয় কণ্ঠনলী যেন ছিঁড়ে গিয়েছে বা ফেটে গিয়েছে । বুকের মাঝখানে চাপ বোধ হওয়ার ফলে শ্বাস বন্ধ হয়ে আসে । আলাজিব স্থানে সংকীর্ণতা অনুভব হওয়া । যন্ত্রনা কান পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয় ।

অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ – সন্ধিগুলি খোঁড়া। পায়ের গোড়ালিতে ক্ষত। হাতের আঙ্গুলে, নখের চারিপাশে যন্ত্রণাদায়ক লক্ষণ । পায়ের স্নায়ুশূল। পা ভিজানোর কুফল। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ বিশেষত বাহুতে ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা ও পরিশ্রান্ত মনে হয়।

ঘুম – হাইতোলা তৎসহ ঝিমুনি ও মাথার যন্ত্রণা। স্বপ্ন দেখে। গভীর ঘুমে মুখ হাঁ করে থাকে। রাত্রি ২টার সময় জেগে উঠে।

কমা-বাড়া বৃদ্ধি – সন্ধ্যায়, গরম ঘরে।

উপশম : মুক্ত বাতাসে, ঠাণ্ডা ঘরে।

সম্বন্ধ – তুলনীয় : জেলস, ইউফ্রে, কেলিহাইড্রো, একোনাইট, ঈপিকাক।

অনুপূরকঃ  ফসফর, থুজা, পালস।

দোষগ্ন – আর্নিকা, ক্যামো, ভিয়েট।

শক্তি – ৩য় শক্তি ।

এলিয়াম সেপা প্রধানতঃ “সর্দ্দির” জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। এই সর্দি নাকে, গলায়, কণ্ঠনলীতে এবং বায়ুনলীতে নানা মূর্তিতে প্রকাশ পায়। রোগী নিজে এবং তাহার সর্দির নানা মূর্তি নাসিকার সর্দি, কাশি, বায়ুনলী-প্রদাহ, অন্যান্য সকল উপসর্গ গরমে বাড়ে, গরম ঘরে বাড়ে, কেবল তাহার স্বরযন্ত্রের সুড়সুড়ি বাড়ে না, কিন্তু উহাও ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় নিঃশ্বাস লইলে বাড়ে। এই ভাবে কাশি সময়ে সময়ে ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় উদ্ৰিক্ত হয়, কিন্তু রোগী নিজে ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় ভাল থাকে এবং উত্তাপে অত্যনুভূতি সম্পন্ন হয়। অধিকাংশ লক্ষণ,—নাসিকার “সর্দি” এবং সাধারণ লক্ষণসমূহ সন্ধ্যার দিকে বাড়ে। এই দুইটিই এলিয়াম সেপার সর্বাপেক্ষা বিশিষ্ট সাধারণ লক্ষণ।

বৃদ্ধা মহিলারা যে কান কটকটানির জন্য কানে এবং গলক্ষতের জন্য গলায় পিঁয়াজ বাঁধিয়া দিতেন, তাহাতে আশ্চর্য্য হইবার কিছুই নাই, কারণ ঠান্ডার কুফলে প্রায় সবদেশেই পিঁয়াজ খুব সচরাচর প্রযোজ্য হয়। যে-কোন দেশে ঠান্ডা, ভিজা, কনকনে হাওয়ায় এলিয়াম সেপার রোগগুলি উৎপন্ন হয়; ঐগুলি, যথা—সর্দি, লা-গ্রাইপ, ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জা অথবা যে কোন নামের রোগ এবং সাধারণতঃ ঐসঙ্গে রক্তসঞ্চয়জনিত শিরঃপীড়া থাকে । নাকের ক্ষততা;—চক্ষু হইতে প্রচুর জলস্রাব, উহা সৰ্ব্বদাই অবিদাহী; নাসিকা হইতে প্রচুর জলবৎ স্রাব, উহা সৰ্ব্বদাই ক্ষতকর। কণ্ঠনলী ও গলায় ক্ষততা বোধ, উহা বুকের ভিতর পর্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়। নাকের মধ্যে ক্ষততা বোধ। চব্বিশ ঘন্টার মধ্যেই উহা কণ্ঠনলীতে পৌঁছিয়া যায়। কণ্ঠনলীর সুড়সুড়ি হইতে কাশি এবং রাত্রে গরম ঘরে শুইলে উহা উদ্ৰিক্ত হয়। সন্ধ্যাকালে, শয়ন করিবার পর, এলিয়ামের কষ্টকর বৃদ্ধি-লক্ষণ দেখা দেয়। আমি রোগীকে কাশিবার সময় কণ্ঠনলীর যন্ত্রণা সম্বন্ধে এই বলিয়া বর্ণনা করিতে শুনিয়াছি যে প্রত্যেক কাশিতে তাহার মনে হয় যেন, একটা খোঁচা লইয়া কেহ নীচের দিকে বিঁধিয়া দিতেছে। প্রত্যেকবার কাশিতে কণ্ঠনলীতে ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলার ন্যায় ব্যথা। হাঁচি, সমস্ত শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর ক্ষততা এবং ঐ ছিন্নকর কাশি;—সব লক্ষণই গরম ঘরে ও সন্ধ্যার দিকে বাড়ে; পিঁয়াজ যে এই “সর্দি” কত শীঘ্র দূর করে তাহা দেখিলে বিস্মিত হইতে হয়।

এক্ষণে আমরা সর্দির বিশেষ লক্ষণগুলি আলোচনা করিব। প্রাথমিক লক্ষণগুলির মধ্যে, হাঁচি হইতে থাকিবে, এবং উহা ক্রমেই আরও শীঘ্র শীঘ্র দেখা দিতে থাকিবে। নাক হইতে জলবৎ স্রাব গড়াইতে থাকিবে, উহাতে আগুনের ন্যায় জ্বালা থাকিবে এবং উহাতে উপর ওষ্ঠ এবং নাকের পাখা দুইটি হাজিয়া যাইবে, অবশেষে ক্ষত ও আরক্ততা দেখা দিবে। লক্ষ্য করিও যে, নাক হইতে যে জলবৎ স্রাব হয়, তাহাই ক্ষতকর; কিন্তু চক্ষুর স্রাব অবিদাহী। মনে রাখিও যে, আমরা যখন ‘ইউফ্রেশিয়ার বিষয় আলোচনা করিব, তখন ইহার ঠিক বিপরীত লক্ষণ দেখিতে পাইব। আমরা ঠিক এইরূপ নাসিকা হইতে জলবৎ স্রাব এবং প্রচুর অশ্রুস্রাব দেখিতে পাইব, কিন্তু এ ক্ষেত্রে অশ্রুস্রাবটিই ক্ষতকর এবং নাসিকার স্রাবটি অবিদাহী। সেপার নাসিকা স্রাবে উপর ওষ্ঠের উপরের লোমগুলি স্পষ্ট ক্ষয়িয়া যায়; এবং উহাতে এত রক্তসঞ্চয় : থাকে, যে, রোগীর নাকে দপদপানি ও জ্বালার সহিত পূর্ণতাবোধ দেখা দেয় এবং সময়ে সময়ে রক্তপাত হয়। চোয়ালের মধ্য দিয়া মুখমন্ডলে যন্ত্রণা এবং এই বেদনা মাথা পর্যন্ত বিস্তৃত হয়।

অপ্রবল সম্মুখ-কপালে শিরোবেদনা, মাথার পশ্চাদ্দিকের শিরঃপীড়া অত্যন্ত প্রবল এবং চক্ষুতে আলোক সহ্য হয় না; মাথার মধ্যে ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলার মত, ফাটিয়া যাইবার মত, দপদপকর বেদনা ।

অতঃপর, এই ঔষধের আরও একটি রূপ আছে । কেন যে ইহা বাম পার্শ্বে আরম্ভ হইয়া দক্ষিণ পার্শ্বে যায়, তাহা আমি জানি না, কিন্তু সাধারণতঃ এইরূপ ঘটে । এক পার্শ্বের নাক বুজিয়া যায়, নাসিকার বামদিক হইতে জলবৎ ক্ষতকর স্রাব হইতে থাকে তারপর চব্বিশ ঘন্টার মধ্যে দক্ষিণ পার্শ্বও আক্রান্ত হয় । “প্রভূত নাসিকাস্রাব, ভিজা, উত্তর-পূর্বের হাওয়া লাগিবার পর সর্দি।” ইহার অর্থ যে-কোন প্রকার ভিজা ঠান্ডা লাগাইবার পর,—কারণ বিভিন্ন দেশে বিভিন্ন দিক হইতে এরূপ হাওয়া প্রবাহিত হয়। সাবযুক্ত সর্দি, তৎসহ শিরঃপীড়া, চক্ষু হইতে অশ্রুস্রাব, ক্ষুধালোপ এবং খোলা বাতাসে কাশি ও কম্পন ।“প্রতি বৎসর আগষ্ট মাসে প্রাতঃকালীন সর্দিস্রাব, তৎসহ প্রবল হাঁচি; রোগী পীচ ফলের খোসা ও ফুলের গন্ধে অত্যন্ত অনুভূতি সম্পন্ন।” এলিয়াম সেপা এই বিশেষ প্রকারের প্রতিশ্যায় রোগ আরোগ্য করে । লক্ষণ মিলিলে ইহা প্রতিশ্যায়- লক্ষণযুক্ত জ্বর কয়েকদিনের মধ্যেই সম্পূর্ণ দূর করে । তুমি হয়ত জান যে, প্রতিশ্যায়লক্ষণ জ্বরের প্রকৃত স্বভাব সাধারণত বোঝা যায় না । প্রকৃতপক্ষে ইহা পুরাতন ব্যাধির নূতন প্রকাশ অর্থাৎ উহা সোরাদোষের প্রকাশ এবং কেবলমাত্র সোরাদোষ নাশক ঔষধ দ্বারাই উহা নির্মূল করা যাইতে পারে । বহু ক্ষেত্রে আমি দেখিয়াছি যে, এক বৎসর এই প্রতিশ্যায়-লক্ষণ জ্বর একটি স্বল্পক্রিয় ঔষধ দ্বারা দূর করা হইল, কিন্তু পর বৎসর উহা ঠিক একইভাবে প্রত্যাবৃত্ত হইবে এবং হয়ত অপর একটি ঔষধের প্রয়োজন হইবে । যেই প্রতিশ্যায়লক্ষণ জ্বর নিবারিত হইবে, অমনি তুমি তাহার ধাতুদোষ নাশক চিকিৎসা আরম্ভ করিবে। তুমি যদি খুঁজিয়া লইতে পার তাহা হইলে এমন অনেক লক্ষণ পাইবে, যাহারা তরুণ রোগ-লক্ষণ হইতে সম্পূর্ণ পৃথক । যতক্ষণ প্রতিশ্যায়-লক্ষণ জ্বর থাকে ততক্ষণ ঐগুলি দেখা যায় না । প্রতিশ্যায়-লক্ষণ জ্বর যখন প্রবল থাকে তখন ধাতুদোষ সংশোধক ঔষধ নির্ণয় করা কঠিন, কারণ তখন উহা তরুণ রোগের অনুরূপ । কিন্তু উদ্ভেদ, কাশি প্রভৃতি যে-কোন সোরাদোষের বিকাশের ন্যায়, উহাও একটি সোরাদোষের বিকাশ । এক বৎসর, হয়ত, নাসিকা পুরাতন রোগের এমন একটি বিশেষ মূর্তি প্রকাশ করিল যে উহা,–উদাহরণ স্বরূপ,—এলিয়াম সেপার উপযোগী হইল । আমার মনে আছে যে, একবার আমাকে একটি দূরবর্তী স্থানে এলিয়াম সেপা ব্যবস্থা করিতে হইয়াছিল। ঐ স্থানের নিকটে একটি ঔষধালয় ছিল । আমি ঐ ঔষধালয়ের কর্তাকে আমার রোগীর জন্য এলিয়াম সেপা পাঠাইবার নির্দেশ পাঠাইলাম এবং তিনি উহা নামাঙ্কিত করিয়া পাঠাইয়া দিলেন । রোগী ঐ শিশিটি রাখিয়া দিয়াছিল এবং পর বৎসর উহা সেবন করিয়াছিল, কিন্তু উহাতে কোনই ফল হইল না । লক্ষণগুলি মিলিয়া গিয়াছে বোধ হইলেও এইরূপ ব্যাপার সম্ভব । সোরাদোষদুষ্ট অবস্থায় অল্পকালক্রিয় ঔষধ পর্যন্ত নয়, উহা মাত্র একদিনই কাৰ্য্যকরী হয় । যে দীর্ঘক্রিয় ঔষধে রোগীর, প্রতিশ্যায়-লক্ষণ জ্বরের এবং তাহার অপরাপর লক্ষণের মিল থাকে, তাহাই প্রয়োগ করিতে হয় । প্রতিশ্যায়-লক্ষণ জ্বর চিকিৎসার শ্রেষ্ঠ সময়–তরুণ আক্রমণ প্রশমিত হইবার পর হইতে পুনরাক্রমণের পূর্ব পর্যন্ত । এইরূপ করা হইলে, পরবর্তী আক্রমণটি যথেষ্ট পরিবর্তিত ভাবে, রোগীর পূর্বে যতবার আক্রমণ হইয়াছিল তাহা হইতে পৃথকভাবে উপস্থিত হইবে এবং পৃথক ঔষধ আবশ্যক হইবে । ধাতুদোষ সংশোধক ঔষধ ঠিকভাবে নির্বাচিত হইলে, এইরূপ ব্যাপারই ঘটিয়া থাকে ।

এইসকল সৰ্দিরোগে, প্রদাহ শীঘ্রই কর্ণে, গলায় এবং কণ্ঠনলীতে বিস্তৃত হয় । বৃদ্ধা মাতারা শিশুর কর্ণবেদনা হইলে শিশুর কানের উপর পিঁয়াজ রাখিয়া দিতেন । ইহাতে বিস্মিত হইবার কিছু নাই, কারণ এই ঔষধের অধিকারে সকল প্রকার যন্ত্রণা ও কামড়ানি ব্যথা দেখিতে পাই । গলা হইতে ইউষ্টেচিয়ান নলের দিকে, ঝাঁকিমারা বেদনা । ভয়ানক কর্ণবেদনা; কর্ণ হইতে পুঁজস্রাব পর্যন্ত হয় । কর্ণে ঘণ্টাধ্বনি ।  কপাল হইতে কর্ণের দিকে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা । যন্ত্রণা, যেন মস্তকের গভীর প্রদেশ হইতে মোটা সুতা ধরিয়া টানিতেছে । হুপিং কাশির সহিত, সর্দির সহিত, স্বরযন্ত্র-প্রদাহের সহিত কর্ণে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ, ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলার মত বেদনা । যে বাড়ীতে ঔষধের একটি বাক্স থাকে, সেখানে কর্ণ-বেদনার জন্য পালসেটিলা একটি ধরাবাধা ঔষধ এবং একথাও সত্য যে, ঐজন্য কদাচিৎ ডাক্তার ডাকার প্রয়োজন হয় । কর্ণের সহিত পালসেটিলার এরূপ সম্বন্ধ আছে যে, উহা প্রায় সব ক্ষেত্রেই যে সকল অত্যনুভূতিযুক্ত শিশু করুণভাবে কাঁদিতে থাকে তাহাদের কর্ণবেদনা আরোগ্য করে । কিন্তু যে-সকল শিশু বদরাগী, যাহারা কিছুতেই সন্তুষ্ট হয় না, যে জিনিষ চাহিয়াছে, তাহা দিলে যাহারা হুঁড়িয়া ফেলিয়া দেয় এবং ধাত্রীর মুখে চড় বসাইয়া দেয়, তাহাদিগকে ক্যামোমিলা’ দিতে হয় । পালসেটিলা, ক্যামোমিলা’ এবং ‘এলিয়াম সেপা দ্বারা তুমি শিশুদের কর্ণশূলের বেশীরভাগ রোগীই আরোগ্য করিতে পারিবে । তারপর, এলিয়াম সেপার সর্দির সঙ্গে যে-সকল চক্ষু-লক্ষণ থাকে তাহা বিবেচ্য । মনে রাখিও যে ইহার চক্ষুস্রাব অবিদাহী । যদিও চক্ষের মধ্যে জ্বালা থাকে, তথাপি চক্ষের জল, গালের উপর দিয়া পড়িবার সময় ঐ স্থানে ক্ষতের সৃষ্টি করে না ।  প্রচুর, জ্বালাহীন অশ্রুস্রাব । সন্ধ্যাকালে, গরম ঘরে অশ্রুস্রাব ।

পেয়াজ যে কিরূপ উদরবায়ুজনক উদ্ভিজ্জ তাহা আমরা সকলেই জানি। শিশুদের উদরাসূলে। ইহা একটি আশ্চর্য্য ঔষধ। কাটিয়া ফেলার মত, ছিদ্র করার মত, ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলার মত বেদনায় হতভাগ্য শিশুটিকে টানিয়া দ্বিভাঁজ করিয়া ফেলে। তলপেটে কর্ত্তনবৎ যন্ত্রণায় সে চীৎকার করিয়া উঠে। “পেটে সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা।” “উদরবেদনা যকৃৎ-প্রদেশে আরম্ভ হইয়া সারা পেটে ছড়াইয়া – পড়ে এবং নাভির নিকটে আসিয়া অধিকতর কষ্টদায়ক হয়, উঠিয়া বসিলে অধিক কষ্টকর হয়।” উদরে বায়ুসঞ্চয়জনিত শূলব্যথা। এলিয়াম সেপা হুপিংকাশির একটি আশ্চর্য্য ঔষধ এবং যখন উহা প্রযোজ্য হয়, তখন শিশুর, সচরাচর, অজীর্ণ, বমন এবং উদরে বায়ুসঞ্চয় থাকে; শিশু দুর্গন্ধ বায়ুত্যাগ করে, উদরবেদনায় দ্বিভাঁজ হইয়া পড়ে। এলিয়াম সেপা শিশুদিগের গুহ্যদ্বারের স্পর্শকাতর  ক্ষত ও তাহা হইতে রক্তপাতও আরোগ্য করে ।

তরুণ স্বরবিকৃতি, সর্দিজ স্বরভঙ্গ, কণ্ঠনলী হইতে প্রচুর সর্দিস্রাব। আমি পূর্বে যেরূপ কাশির কথা বলিয়াছি, তাহার সহিত আরও দ্রুত সমাগত কণ্ঠনালীর প্রবল প্রদাহ এবং তৎসহ কণ্ঠনালীতে ছিন্নকর বেদনা। কেহ কেহ ইহার বর্ণনাকালে বলিবেন যে, কিছু ছিঁড়িয়া আলগা হইয়া গিয়াছে—এরূপ অনুভূতি। যাহারা আরও সঠিকভাবে বর্ণনা করিবেন তাঁহারা বলিবেন যে, ইহা ? প্রত্যেক কাশির সহিত কণ্ঠনলীর মধ্য দিয়া যেন একটি কাঁটা টানিয়া লওয়া হইতেছে, এরূপ বোধ হওয়া। স্বরভঙ্গের সহিত কণ্ঠনলীতে সুড়সুড়ি। হুপিং কাশিতেও ঐ একই প্রকার কণ্ঠনলীর যন্ত্রণা থাকে। শিশু থর থর করে, কাঁপিতে থাকে এবং তুমি দেখিতে পাইবে যে, কণ্ঠনলীর ছিন্নকর বেদনার জন্য সে কাশিতে ভয় পায়। ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় নিঃশ্বাস লওয়ায় কাশি এবং শ্বাসকষ্ট, তথাপি গরম হাওয়া গলার সুড়সুড়ি এত বাড়াইয়া দেয় যে, উহাতে রোগীর কাশি আরম্ভ হইবে। সুতরাং ঠান্ডা হাওয়া এবং গরম ঘর এই উভয়েই কাশি বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। সময়ে সময়ে সর্দি। বায়ুনলী পৰ্য্যন্ত নামিয়া আসে এবং দ্রুত নাড়ীসহ জ্বর দেখা দেয়। যদি কণ্ঠনলীতে সুড়সুড়ি, ঠান্ডা বাতাসে নিঃশ্বাস লইলে কাশি গরম ঘরে ও সন্ধ্যায় বৃদ্ধি এবং কণ্ঠনালীতে ছিন্নকর বেদনা থাকে, তাহা হইলে এলিয়াম সেপা এরূপ অবস্থা আরোগ্য করিবে। কাশিটি আক্ষেপিক প্রকৃতির এরূপ অথবা হুপিং কাশি সদৃশ। সেপায় ক্রুপ কাশি আরোগ্যের নিদর্শন আছে। বৃদ্ধা স্ত্রীলোকেরা ক্রুপ কাশিযুক্ত শিশুর গলায় পিয়াজ বাঁধিয়া রাখেন এবং নিশ্চিতই, ডাক্তার বিহীন গভীর বনের মধ্যে। এই ব্যবস্থা প্রাচীন মতাবলম্বী (এলোপ্যাথিক) চিকিৎসা অপেক্ষা ভাল।

“পরিচায়ক লক্ষণ” নামক পুস্তক হইতে একটি সুন্দর বর্ণনা উদ্ধৃত করা হইল। স্বরভঙ্গযুক্ত, কর্কশ, ঘংঘং করা, আক্ষেপিক কাশি, অবিরাম গলার সুড়সুড়ি হইতে উহা উদ্ৰিক্ত হয় কাশিতে কণ্ঠনলীর মধ্যে ক্ষতবৎ ছিন্নকর বেদনা উৎপন্ন হয়, ঐ বেদনা এত তীব্র ও ভয়ানক যে, রোগী যন্ত্রণায় সঙ্কুচিত হইয়া পড়ে এবং কাশি চাপিয়া রাখিতে চেষ্টা করে।” “ভীষণ কণ্ঠনলীর কাশি, উহাতে রোগী কণ্ঠটি চাপিয়া ধরিতে বাধ্য হয়, মনে হয় যেন কাশির ধমকে উহা ছিঁড়িয়া যাইবে।” শিশু কণ্ঠনলী পর্যন্ত হাত তুলিয়া উহা চাপিয়া ধরে। এই অবস্থা একোনাইটে’ শিশু শুষ্ক ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় উন্মুক্ত থাকার পর মধ্যরাত্রির পূৰ্ব্বে কর্কশ ঘংঘং করা কাশির সহিত জাগিয়া উঠে এবং কণ্ঠটি চাপিয়া ধরে। সুতরাং একোনাইট’ কখনই এলিয়াম সেপার স্থান গ্রহণ করিতে পারে না। আর একটি রোগের উপর এই ঔষধের অদ্ভুত কাৰ্য্য আছে ইহা আঘাতজনিত স্নায়ু-প্রদাহ; সচরাচর উহা অঙ্গচ্ছেদের পর, ছেদিত অঙ্গের অবশিষ্টাংশে দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। বেদনা প্রায় অসহ্য হইয়া উঠে, উহাতে অতি দ্রুত রোগীর বলক্ষয় হইতে থাকে ।

 [Allium or Alium,  garlic. Cepa, Onion]

বাংলায়- পিঁয়াজ

ইহা লিলিয়েসী জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ । এতে ফসফরাস ও সালফার আছে। এই সরস সুপক্ক কন্দ থেকে মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী হয়।

এলিয়াম সেপার মূলকথা

১। সর্দি, পুনঃপুনঃ হাঁচি প্রভূত বিদাহী স্রাব (acrid), উহাতে উপর ওষ্ঠ ও নাসিকা হেজে যায়। ঐ সঙ্গে চোখ থেকে জল ঝরে কিন্তু তা অনুত্তেজক (ইউফ্রেসিয়ায় এর বিপরীত)।

২। সর্দি বায়ুনলী (bronchi) পর্যন্ত সম্প্রসারিত হয়, কাশি ও বুকে শ্লেষ্মার অত্যন্ত ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ (চেলিডোনিয়াম)।

৩। উপচয় -উপশম – অপরাহ্নে ও গরম ঘরে বৃদ্ধি । খোলা বায়ুতে (সর্দি) উপশম।

এলিয়াম সেপার – পর্যালোচনা

যেই রান্নার  জন্য কাঁচা পিয়াজ কাটে সেই জানে নাক ও চোখের উপর এর কি রকম ক্রিয়া আছে। এতে উপদাই জন্মে ও তাতে প্রবল হাঁচি হয় ও চোখ দিয়ে জল পড়ে। এজন্যই হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসার আরোগ্য নীতি অনুসারে পিয়াজ নাকের সর্দির ঔষধ স্বরূপ ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং অন্যান্য ঔষধের ন্যায় ইহাও বিশেষ প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণ যুক্ত সর্দিতেই ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে। “এতে অবিরত পুনঃপুন হাঁচি হয়, তার সঙ্গে প্রভূত জ্বালাকর স্রাব থাকে। এতে নাক ও উপরের ওষ্ঠ হেজে যায়। সন্ধ্যেবেলা ও ঘরের মধ্যে কষ্ট বাড়ে এবং খোলা বাতাসে উপশম হয়।”

এতে প্রভূত অশ্রুস্রাব হয় এবং তাতে চোখ জ্বালা করে ও টাটায় কিন্তু ঐ স্রাব অবিদাহী বা অনুত্তেজক অর্থাৎ এতে পরে চোখে যন্ত্রণা হয় না। এর সঙ্গে মাথা বেদনা থাকতেও পারে বা না থাকতেও পারে। যদি থাকে তবে উহা নাকে সর্দির মত গরম ঘরে বা সন্ধার দিকে ঝড়ে এবং খোলা বাতালে উপশমিত হয়। আমি একে শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রেই বিশেষ উপযোগী হতে দেখেছি। শিশুদের নাকের প্রচুর সর্দিস্রাবে বা সর্দি নীচের দিকে প্রসারিত হয়ে বায়ুনলী আক্রমণ করলে এবং বায়ুনলীতে প্রভূত শ্লেষ্মা জন্মানোয় খুব কাশি ও শ্লেষ্মার শব্দে ইহা বিশেষ ভাবে উপযোগী।

তবে নাকের সর্দি ও অশ্রুস্রাব একসঙ্গে থাকলে এলিয়াম সেপা হোমিওপ্যাথিক ঔষধরূপে প্রচলিত হওয়ার পূর্বে ইউফ্রেসিয়া ৰূবহৃত হত।

এই দুটি ঔষধের প্রধান পার্থক্য হল – এলিয়াম সেপায় নাসিকার স্রাব বিদায়ী (acrid) বা উত্তেজক কিন্তু চক্ষুস্রাব অবিদাহী বা অনুত্তেজক (bland) কিন্তু ইউফ্রেসিয়ায় এর ঠিক বিপরীত।

তাই মনে হয় এদের একটি প্রধানতঃ নাকের উপর এবং অপরটি চোখের উপর ক্রিয়া করে । আর এই ভাবেই আমাদের ঔষধের পার্থক্য নির্ণয় করতে শিখতে হবে।


All-c : Allium Cepa
Fluent acrid coryza. Bland lachrymation. Neuralgia of amputed stump.






-Exposure to damp north western cold wind

-Bad effects from getting wet


-Eating spoiled fish, salads, cucumber


-Surgical operations



< Evening

< Warm room

< Wet feet

< Cold damp winds

< Damp weather

< Spring

< Sitting

< Trauma

< Singing

< Eating spoiled fish

< Cucumber, Salads

< Peaches

< Over eating

> Bathing

> Cool open air

> In cold room

> Motion


– Absent mindedness and confusion of mind, after wine or coffee in the afternoon; with irritation of the brain.

– Dreams of battles, fights, precipices or being let down into wells.

– Dreams of being near water, of high waves; vexation, in convalescence.

– Fear that she would become disturbed from pain in the supporting fingers.

– Fear that pain will become intolerable.

– Insanity, passive. Does not recognize familiar people, indifferent to them. Foolish behaviour.


-LEFT SIDED MEDICINE. Symptoms go from left to right.



-HAY FEVER- in August every year. Frequent VIOLENT SNEEZING < on rising from bed, < handling peaches, < entering warm room. Inflates the lung, raises himself on his toes, this gives a HEARTY sneeze.

-Spring coryza after damp winds. Discharge burns like fire and excoriates nose and upper lip.

-Catarrhal dull headache, forehead, eyes and face < closing eyes < free coryza or menses. Returns when flow disappears. (Lach, Zinc).

-CATARRHAL LARYNGITIS – Severe cough seems to TEAR AND SPLIT THE LARYNX. Compels patient to grasp the larynx.

-Hoarseness, incessant, hacking, tickling cough in spring, cold air.

-NEURALGIC pains like a LONG THREAD in face, head, neck, chest, following amputation or injury to nerves.

-TRAUMATIC CHRONIC NEURITIS. Neuralgia of stump after amputation with burning and stinging pains.

-Sore and raw spots on feet, especially the heel from FRICTION. EFFICACIOUS WHEN FEET ARE RUBBED SORE.

-Nasal polyps (Sang, Psor, Mar-v, Teucr).

-Colic; from cold, by getting wet; overeating, cucumber, salads; haemorrhoidal, of children. < sitting > moving about.

-Phlebitis, puerperal, or after forceps delivery, or PANARITIA with red streak up the arm, with pain driving patient to despair, of lying-in women.

-Burning, biting in eyes, smarting as from smoke, but tears do not excoriate as they flow down the cheek.

-COPIOUS URINE with coryza.

-Sensation of glowing heat in different parts of body. BURNING in nose, mouth, throat, bladder, skin.

-Breathing oppressed from pressure in middle of chest; < evening.

-Good remedy for earache (Puls, Cham).

-Food and drinks: desires onions; aversion to cucumbers.


1. Profuse watery and acrid nasal discharge with profuse bland lachrymation.

2. Severe cough seems to split and tear the larynx, compels the patient to grasp larynx.

3. Shooting pains as fine as a thread following amputation or injury to nerves or other surgical operations.

4. Headache ceases during menses, returns when flow disappears.


-Profuse watery discharges.

-Excoriating nasal discharge with bland lachrymation.


-Left sidedness.

-Thread like pains.


– Profuse watery and acrid nasal discharge with profuse bland lachrymation.


1. For neuralgic pain after operation.

2. Amputation, phantom pains (Am-m, Asaf, Hyper, Staph, Symph). Ulcers on feet, esp. heel.

3. Most commonly indicated in earaches of children (Puls, Cham).

4. In a Phosphorus constitution, Allium cepa should be given for coryza and laryngitis. (Phos, drives it in to the chest).

5. A raw onion eaten just before going to bed is a popular remedy for sleeplessness.

6. Phlebitis after forceps delivery.

7. Panaritia.

8. Nasal polyps.


Complementary : Phos, Puls, Sars, Thuj.

Follows Well : Calc, Sil.

Inimical : All-s, Aloe, Squil.

Compare : Acon, All-s, Aloe, Chlor, Conv, Ip, Lach, Lil-t, Squil.

Similar : Acon, Chlor, Ip.

Antidoted By : Arn, Cham, Nux-v, Thuj, Verat.

Duration Of Action : 1 Days.


+ Common Onion, Liliaceae

In use as a medicine since time immemorial. Among the Egyptians it was hung up in noxious corners, carried about with one, taken for the consequences of bad water, used for the sting of insects, animal poisons, even the bite of the mad dog; it was applied as an irritant and to mature abscesses, even carbuncles; then it was used for frozen feet by Dioscorides, who states that it is “efficacious when feet are rubbed sore,” a symptom confirmed by the provings and verified in our practice. Then it was also used as a remedy for promoting the growth of hair and hoofs, as also for destroying warts and corns; it was given it for podagra. It was considered an eye remedy and an ear remedy, serviceable in angina and for loosening mucus it it rattled in the throat and bronchia of children and old people. It was given against flatulence and to promote the catamenia as well as the flow of urine. Dioscorides, and physicians following him, among the Arabiana, had a glimpse of the truth of similia, for they used the onion to cure the symptoms they knew it was capable of producing; but with Galen all reasonable investigation ceased.

It is mentioned in the Old Testament under the name Bejel, which the Hebrews craved, as in our time coffee and tobacco are craved.

Homer mentions it in Iliad XI, 629 and in Odyssey, XIX, 233.

Herodotus, Hist. II, Euterpe N. 125.

Hippocrates, Dediaete, II, 359; De Morbo Sacro, 302.

Theophrast, Bd. Vii, 4.

Plinius XX, (5) 20.

Oribasins, Med. Coll. XI, XV.

Aetius Tetr. 1, serm. 1.

Paulus Aegineta de re med. Vii.

In 1847, on September 15th, C. Hg. commenced his proving with a tincture prepared from the red Connecticut onion; he was assisted by Dr. Jeanes (whose preparations were made in water up to fourth dilution), Williamson, Neidhard, Lingen, W. Wesselhoeft, Geist, Eckel, Zumbrock, Alliborn and Raue. See American Drug Provings, or translations therefrom by Allen in his Encyclopedia.

To the original collection are added clinical notes from H. R.

Arndt, Hempel’s Mat. Med., vol. 1, p. 293; C.W. Balfour, A.O., vol. 4, p 344; Blakely, H. M., vol. 4,304; Greenleaf, Trans. N.Y.

Med. Soc., 1872, p. 596; Guernsey, H. M., vol. 3, p. 209; Helmuth, Am. Homoeopath., April, 1878; D. S. Kimball, M. I., vol. 3, p. 418; S. Lilienthal, N. Am. J. of Hom., Aug., 1870.

Apathetic, mornings.

Very melancholy. Catarrh.

Indefinable anxiety; walks about, and finally full of apprehension, throws himself on the bed and now gets up again; constant violent pains in L. side of abdomen, more in middle and lower part of abdomen and in region of bladder, with troubles in urinating and no stool; violent thirst; face expressive of anxiety and doubt; skin hot, especially in painful and sensitive places; pulse somewhat accelerated, full and hard.

Fears she will become distracted, from pain in suppuration of fingers.

Confused and absent-minded, in afternoon after wine and coffee.

Makes mistakes in spelling.

Vertigo on rising.

Dullness, pressure, fullness, heaviness in head, most in occiput, (<) evenings, (>) in open air, and (<) when returning to a warm room.

Dullness and confusion of head. Coryza.

Whooping cough.

Inner Head
Stitches as of needles in forehead.

Dull frontal headache. Coryza.

Dullness in forehead and whole head, as after inhaling chloroform.

Pain in forehead, with catarrh.

Pains deep in head, over l. brow.

Pains in both temples, most severe in r., (<) by winking; afterwards the pain extends over forehead, (<) on l. side.

Pain in temples, (<) after motion of eyelids.

As if swollen and heavy on crown.

Headache from both sides of head, downward and inward, towards middle.

Headache, first in occiput, then in forehead, over r. eye.

Intense pain in occipital region and cervical spine. Influenza.

Confusion in occiput, first on both sides and towards upper part, pressing down sideways, then behind ears and around whole occiput.

Severe headache, with slight coryza.

Whole head becomes hot.

Head full and heavy.

Fullness and heaviness in head, as if it was bound up, with flickering before eyes.

Pressive headache, with sensation as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water.

An electric shock passes through head.

Dull headache, with coryza; (<) in evening, (>) in open air, but aggravated when returning to a warm room.

Headache ceases during menses.

Catarrhal headache.

Outer Head
Stitches over whole l. forehead, externally; they draw into ear, upper jaw and teeth of same side; evenings.

Numbness in bones of skull, as if sleep.

Tingling pain behind l. mastoid process.

Sensation as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water.

Prickling sweat on bald vertex after each meal.

Falling out of hair.

Sight and Eyes
Eyes sensitive to light, particularly left.

Cloudy vision by candlelight.

Dullness of eyes, with aversion to light. Coryza. Pertussis.

Flickering and blinding before eyes; everything dances hither and thither.

A bright dazzling in distance and dimness near by.

Letters appear smaller; when getting sleepy, eyes dull, dim and sensitive to light. Coryza.

Burning, biting and smarting of eyes as from smoke, wants to rub them.

Itching, burning, stinging of eyes.

Sensation as if eye was hanging by a string or torn.

Drawing pain extending into l. eye from cheek.

Eyes red, itching, and sensitive to touch, l. worse.

Eyes watery and suffused, capillaries injected. Coryza. Muco- watery discharge from eyes and nose.

Excessive lachrymation, with redness of eyeballs, with frequent sneezing. Coryza.

Lachrymation of l. eye, with coryza, was much greater, eye was much redder and more sensitive to light than right.

Profuse bland lachrymation. Coryza.

Lachrymation is for most part in evening in warm room; l. eye weeps most and is more sensitive to light.

Shooting pain in r. lachrymal duct.

Winks with eyes, with pain in temples.

Smarting of inner surface of upper lids.

Swelling of lids and around eyes. Coryza.

Threadlike pain: over r. eye, towards root of nose; from cheek towards eye.

Needle stitches in eyebrows.

Itching in supraorbital region, more on l. side.

Heat in l. eyebrow.

Pain over r. eye to root of nose.

Catarrhal ophthalmia. Whooping cough.

Hearing and Ears
Noises in ears, buzzing and roaring; sounds appear to come from a distance.

Humming in ears on lying down.

Roaring in l. ear, as after a severe cold.

Tinnitus. Pertussis.

Hardness or dullness of hearing.

Stitches towards ear from l. forehead.

Pain, like thick threads, towards ear from deep within head.

Pains jerking from throat towards eustachian tube.

Chilling or burning twitching in region of r. eustachian tube near throat.


Discharge of pus from ear.

Pain behind ears deep within head from backward and inward to ears.

Pecking behind r. ear.

Under l. ear a hard swelling, size of a hazelnut, extending from above angle of lower jaw to ear, from which pains go into ear, especially on pressure.

Smell and Nose

Dryness of anterior nares.

Nose stopped, nasal voice.

A feeling of tightness at root of nose.

Pain into root of nose from above r. eye.

Constant sneezing, with profuse acrid coryza, (<) on coming into a warm room. Pertussis.

Immediately after rising from bed in morning violent sneezing, as if it would tear her to pieces.

Crawling in r. nostril, as before sneezing; must frequently blow thin mucus out of nose.

Frequent sneezing, lachrymation, pain in forehead, acrid discharge from nostril, hacking cough on inspiring cold air, cold alternates with heat.

Profuse nasal discharge. Scarlatina.

Acrid discharge from l. nostril.

Cold begins mostly on l. side and goes to right.

Spring coryza.

Colds after damp northeasterly winds.

Fluent coryza, with headache, tears from eyes, feels hot and thirsty, with want of appetite; cough and trembling of hands; (<) evenings and in-doors; (>) in open air.

Ichor oozing out of nose. Second stage of scarlatina.

Ichorous fluid from nose, when singing. Convalescence from scarlatina.

Acrid watery discharge dropping from tip of nose.

Dropping from nose, watery discharge, burning and corroding nose and upper lip.

Spring coryza; tingling and itching in r. nostril.

Every year, in August, morning coryza, with violent sneezing; very sensitive to odor of flowers and skin of peaches (lasting two or three weeks).

Coryza, at times with stoppage of nose, so that she speaks through nose, at others with profuse mucous discharge.

Catarrh, with watering and smarting eyes, with violent sneezing; he must “take a long breath,” and then sneezes correspondingly.

Violent catarrh, after northeast wind and rainy weather; eyes suffused, lids very red, as from crying and rubbing them; nose dropping, throat sore, and some cough.

Coryza: after chilliness; after flushes of heat at evening.

Coryza, with burning of edges of nose, profuse discharge.

Coryza, (>) in open air and (<) in warm room.


With coryza, trembling of hands, in evening.

Large pieces of a mucous polypus were blown out and dropping of water ceased. Polypus.

Nasal polypi.

Burning in edges of nose and lips. Coryza.

Upper Face
Expression of anxiety and despair, with pain in abdomen.

Threadlike pains about face, temples and ears. Pertussis.

Drawing pain in l. cheek going into interior of l. eye; (>) in cold air.

Threadlike pains in upper maxilla.

Throbbing, drawing, pressing pains, with swelling of cheek. Toothache.

Drawing stitches into upper jaw and teeth from l. forehead.

Warm spots on r. cheek.

Face hot, especially in evening.

Paralysis of l. half of face, also somewhat noticed in limbs of same side, too copious secretion of urine.

Eruption of nettle rash on face.

Upper lip red and sensitive from acrid nasal discharge.

Lower Face
Worse when chewing. Toothache.

Teeth and Gums
Toothache, with coryza, (>) when catarrh is worse, and (<) when catarrh ceases.

Toothache in molars, after exposure to damp cold wind, and (<) in warm room and from warm drinks; (>) from cold water and picking or sucking.

Toothache, going from l. to right.

Jerking pain in last molars.

Pressure in r. back teeth on going into a warm room.

In first upper teeth, r. side, sensitive drawing from root to crown; later same feeling in corresponding teeth on l. side.

Pressive pain in root of l. eye tooth disturbing sleep, with excessive heat in cheeks; (>) towards morning during sweat; cheeks feel swollen.

Feeling as if back teeth were too long, with some pain, during sleep; (>) on rising.

Drawing stitches into teeth from l. forehead.

Teeth are dirty and turn yellow.

Taste and Tongue
Disgusting taste in mouth; sweet and nauseous.

Burning taste, more on gums.

Loss of taste.

Tongue dirty, slimy and furred, especially in morning.

Dryness at root of tongue, on r. side.

Pains under tongue; small sore elevations at lower insertion of fraenum.

Inner Mouth
Aching like a large lump on root of tongue, roof of mouth, eustachian opening, extends towards ear.

Sensation of fullness and soreness behind palate.

Dryness and smarting above palate.

Dryness in mouth, on root of tongue, on soft palate and in throat.

Dryness in mouth, without thirst.

Mouth and tongue as if scalded.

Bad odor from mouth and throat. Toothache.

Expectoration of a lumpy mucus from posterior nares.

Lumps of mucus from choanae, in evening, having a nauseous taste.

Tough viscous mucus in fauces and throat.

Hawks up mucus of a sweetish taste.

Jerking pains from throat towards eustachian tube.

Sensation of fullness, soreness and coldness behind palate.

Drawing pain in l. side of throat, (>) by cold air.

Raw feeling in fauces, with tickling in region of epiglottis, first on l, then on r. side.

Soreness and dryness of throat. Influenza.

Pain in throat below larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen; pain extends every little while into r. ear; whole afternoon, coming on at midday.

A constrictive pain in fore part of throat, low down in region of os hyoides, later low down posteriorly on r. side.

In throat and orifice of eustachian tube, chilling or burning twitching and gnawing, not painful.

A sense of nausea extending into throat.

Sensation as of a ball or lump in throat.

In pharynx feeling as if food remained stuck behind breast bone.

Heat low in pharynx, extending into stomach.

Numb feeling in posterior wall of pharynx.

Throat aches, as after taking cold.

Coldness in pharynx.

Dryness in throat.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires. Aversions
Canine hunger, or loss of appetite. Pertussis. Coryza.

Less appetite and increased thirst.

Violent thirst, with a severe cold, frequent sneezing, running of tears, pain in forehead, acrid discharge from l. nostril, hacking cough on inspiring cold air.

Thirst. Pertussis.

Desire for raw onions. Pneumonia. Yellow fever.

Eating and Drinking
Bad effects from eating spoiled fish.

After each meal a prickling sweat on bald vertex.

Stomach weak, cannot bear anything but raw onions. Yellow fever.

Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting

Sour eructations.

Belching, with rumbling in and puffing up of abdomen.

Belching, with fever heat.

Nausea, squeamishness, comes from stomach up throat into fauces, more when rising.

Nausea forced up throat, like a thrust.

Horrible deathly nausea in stomach, with slight eructations, which relieve somewhat, after eating.

Scrobiculum and Stomach
Pain below sternum.

Pressure in epigastrium.

Pressure in stomach, with gaping.

Feels a pressure on cardia from behind.

Stomach feels empty, weak.

Pain below sternum to right, in region of pylorus.

Pressure in region of liver, with crawls along back, and coldness.

Pains begin in hepatic region and spread over abdomen. Colic.

Stitches in l. side, (>). on lying.

Contracting sensation in spleen, with stitches while lying.

Colicky pain in region of navel, (<) on sitting, (>) when walking.

Wind colic. Pertussis.

Cutting in belly, like a thread, towards center.

Colic: from catching cold by getting feet wet; after eating too much ; after eating cucumbers, salad, etc.; hemorrhoidal; of children.

Severe pains in abdomen. Pertussis.

Colicky pains, beginning in hepatic region and spreading over whole abdomen, worse around navel; (<) when sitting; (>) when moving about and by passing flatus.

Violent pain in hypogastrium, to left, with urging to urinate; burning micturition. Incarcerated hernia.

Stitches in loins.

Deep in pelvis on a small spot to right, violent pressure and cutting as with small knives.

Flashes of heat in abdomen.

Abdomen puffed up, with rumbling, more to left; ineffectual urging to stool, with heat, some pains, difficult breathing, and inconvenience of clothing; (>). after wind passes freely.

Abdomen distended, dull in head, urging to stool ends with diarrhoea.

Rumbling in bowels, with stomachache, after breakfast.

Violent cutting pain in l. lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and burning micturition.

Heat in abdomen, with pain.


Annoying pains over middle of groin.

Pressure in l. inguinal ring.

Hernia in l. groin much protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in l. side of hypochondrium drew towards incarcerated hernia; very restless; much fever, etc.

0 Periodic pains in pubic region, (<) on sitting.

Stool and Rectum
Flatus very offensive, and moist; mornings.

Bowels loose, after midnight, or towards morning, with offensive flatus. Pertussis.

Odorless masses of wind.

Urging to stool, with rumbling in bowels, but nothing passes.

Constipation, following intermittents treated by quinine.

Difficult passing of feces; passage interrupted.

Urging without a passage, but stitches in rectum.

Contraction, cutting, tearing pain at anus during stool, with irritation of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoidal pains.

A very painful stitch extends along rectum downward.

Tearing jerks in anus; also biting and crawling.

In anus, and protruding hemorrhoids, a cold creeping, like a worm, more on l. side.

Itching at anus. Worms.

Rhagades in anus.

Blood passes with stool.

Urinary Organs
Pains in renal region and pressure in region of bladder.


Region of bladder very sensitive, child screams if hand is placed there.

In bladder a burning pressure, afterwards in sacrum; pain in region of kidneys, more l. side; pain in groins.

Pressing and other pains in region of bladder.

Sensation of weakness and warmth in bladder and urethra.

Frequent urinating; with burning in urethra; urine very red; all day, still oftener evenings; especially with shuddering and chilliness.

Spasmodic strangury after getting feet and bowels cold.

Dribbling or spurting of urine, in old people.

Urine frothy and iridescent.

In albuminuria it diminished urging for frequent urination and also the quantity of albumen in urine.


Increased secretion of urine. Coryza. Catarrh. Paralysis.

Urine: frothy and clear; red; reddish-yellow, with sandy sediment.

Male Sexual Organs
Increased sexual desire.

Erections, with painful tension, without sexual desire, in morning.

After coitus pain in bladder and prostate gland.

Weakness in hips interferes with coition.

Drawing in spermatic cords.

Pain from inguinal ring along spermatic cord.

Burning on glans penis and in urethra.

Pressive pains in bladder and prostate.

Pain in pubic region.

Female Sexual Organs
Pain in uterine region.

During menses, headache ceases and returns when they disappear.


Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation
In childbed, panaritia. on several fingers, with red streaks up arm; pains driving to despair.

After forceps delivery, swelling of whole lower limb, exceedingly painful, mostly in thigh.

Voice and Larynx Trachea and Bronchia.
Tickling in epiglottis.

Catarrhal hoarseness. Pertussis.

Pain as if larynx would be torn when coughing.


Tickling in larynx, with hoarseness.

Tickling in throat, with aching in larynx. Pertussis. Throbbing in larynx, and sensation as if it contracted. Constant inclination to hack in order to relieve tickling in larynx.

Violent catarrhal laryngitis; hoarse cough seemed to split and tear larynx, causes watering of eyes, etc.

Acute bronchitis, going from l. to right.

Oppressed breathing: from pressure in middle of chest; (<) in evening; in ascites. Pertussis.

Hacking and worrying till he cannot breathe. Coryza.

He must take a long breath, and then sneezes correspondingly.

On inspiring cold air, hacking cough.

On deep inspiration, sticking in l. side.

Laryngeal cough, frequently repeated. Coryza.

Severe laryngeal cough, which compels patient to grasp larynx; feels as if cough would tear it. Coryza.

Hoarse, harsh, ringing, spasmodic cough; excited by constant ticking in larynx; cough produces a raw, splitting pain in larynx, so acute and so severe as to compel patient to crouch from suffering, and to make every effort to suppress cough.


Frequent cough, tension in upper part of chest, loss of appetite; (<) every evening.

Cough, with fullness in head, especially in occiput, with heat, copious fluent acrid coryza and profuse bland lachrymation.

Whooping cough.

Cough increases in evening.

Cough brought on by inhaling cold air.

Hacking cough from inhaling cold air.

Constant inclination to hack in order to relieve tickling in larynx.

Spasmodic cough simulating croup.

Inner Chest and Lungs
Pain in chest as though food had lodged behind sternum.

Stitches, with burning, in middle of l. side of chest, when talking a deep breath.

Pains here and there flitting through chest.

Pressure in upper middle part of chest makes respiration difficult.

Tension in upper part of chest, with coryza and cough.

Rattling in chest.

Tough mucus from chest.

Epidemics of autumnal influenza.

Incipient pneumonia in children.

Heart, Pulse and Circulation
Pulse more frequent and full; or, slow and hard.

Pulse full and accelerated.

Neck and Back
Intense pain in cervical spine. Influenza.

Pain in hand-breadth below r. shoulder, more towards spine, after long sitting.

Right shoulder blade painful on lying in bed.

Crawls in back; after sitting, pain under r. shoulder blade.

Stitches in lumbar region.

Pain in small of back, if bowels did not move.

Burning pressure in small of back.

Shiverings in back.

Chills run up back. Pertussis.

Chilly crawls run down back, most at night, more frequent urination, followed by heat and thirst.

Rigidity of spinal column in periodic attacks, accompanied by pain through whole chest.

Upper Limbs
Sweat in axilla.

Pain in r. shoulder blade, when lying in bed.

Pain under r. shoulder, in belly and pubic region.

Stitch runs through r. arm, from shoulder blade to elbow, with burning pain.

Pains from a blow in r. elbow joint.

Numbness in l. elbow, (<) on slight motion.

Needle-stitches in arms.

Pain in arms, more l. forearm.

Weak sensation, especially in arms.

Pain in middle of l. radius, (<) writing, (>) from rubbing.

Lame sensation in all joints of arm.

Pain on r. wrist, on back and extensor side, evenings.

Hands red and dry, as if he had been in the cold.

Pain in l. middle finger, and in r. fourth and fifth fingers.

Sweat in palms of hands.

Trembling of r. hand, he can hardly write.

Whitlow, on margin of skin around finger nails, inflamed and suppurating, pains up whole arm.

Voluptuous, corrosive itching, especially on palmar side of l.

thumb, from first to second phalanx, in evening.


Suppuration, after a prick with a needle, under l. thumb nail; a red streak up to elbow, where a lump the size of a hazelnut is formed.

Lower Limbs
Weakness of hips. Pertussis. Interfering with coitus.

Excessive tired feeling in region of hips, in evening, on rising from sitting, and on walking.

Nettle rash on thighs.

Bruised feeling in l. thigh, near knee.

Pain, almost burning pressure, in upper part of l. thigh, towards outer side.

Pain on outer side of r. thigh, above knee.

Glowing sensation on outer side and upper part of both thighs.

Pain above knees.

Shooting pains in l. leg and r. foot.

Stitches in r. knee, from within.

Lameness in knee.

Paralytic pains in knee joint.

Burning pressure in middle of l. lower leg, then on right.

Pains in ankle joint.

Sore and raw spots on feet, especially heel, from friction.

Painful twitching on inner side of l. heel.

Pain in most external soft parts of r. great toe, and also in l.

middle finger.

Brittle hoofs and losing hair, with horses (tinct. in water).

Limbs in General
Soreness in limbs and aching in all bones, as after taking a cold. Coryza.

Tired feeling in all limbs.

Weak sensation in limbs after flatulent troubles.

Neuralgia of stump (after amputation), violent burning stinging pains.

Rest, Position Motion
In lying: increased earache, toothache, splenic pain.

Lying: stitches in spleen; in bed, pain in shoulder blade.

Sitting: (<) colic in region of navel and hepatic region; (<) periodic pains in pubic region.

Rising: vertigo; (>) toothache.

Walking: (>) colic in region of navel.

Motion: of eyelids, pain in temple; (>) colic.

Weak and tired, has to lie down.

Deathly faintness after profuse micturition.

Lassitude. Pertussis.

Traumatic chronic neuritis; pain violent and wearing out the patient.


Yawning: with headache and cramp in stomach; with sleepiness; near objects seem distant.

Gaping in deep sleep.

Restless sleep, drowsy in morning.

At evening, walking in street, increased dropping from nose, from both nostrils, without sensation of coryza.

Wakes nights at 2 A.M., with excited pulse; cannot sleep again till morning; without any chill, only heat without any thirst; disappears mornings, but is (<) again for a few hours after breakfast, afterwards much prostrated.

Dreams: of being near the water; of battles, fights, precipices and deep wells; of storms at sea, high waves; annoying, in convalescents.

2 A.M.: awakes; heat without thirst.

Morning: apathetic, restless, drowsy; violent sneezing; pressive pain in root of eye tooth (>) ; tongue dirty, slimy, furred; offensive flatus; bowels loose; erections; cannot sleep till morning.

In afternoon: confused and absentminded.

Worse in afternoon and evening; when lying down. Pertussis.

Evening: dullness, pressure in head (<) ; stitches l. forehead into ear; lachrymation; fluent coryza (<) ; face hot; raises lumps of mucus from choanae; frequent urination; pain in r. wrist; pain in fingers; dropping from nose.

In evening: after drinking beer and eating herring, excessive thirst; heat and severe coryza, with much lachrymation, headache, acrid, burning discharge from nose, so that upper lip became red and sensitive.

Temperature and Weather
Colds and toothache after damp cold wind and weather.

Bad effects from getting feet wet.

Warm room: (<) dullness, pressure, heaviness, (<) constant sneezing; agg. fluent coryza; (<) toothache.

Patient likes to wash himself frequently and is fond of being in open air. Toothache.

Cold water: (>). toothache.

Open air: (>) dullness, pressure, heaviness in head; (>) fluent coryza; (>) toothache.

Cold air: (>) drawing pain in l. cheek and throat; toothache; hacking cough.

Spring: coryza.

August: hay fever.

Autumnal epidemics of spasmodic cough.

Coldness alternates with heat. Catarrh.

Chills, followed by fever. Influenza.

Heat in head, on head, in brows, in face, in cheeks, in throat down to stomach and bowels.

Heat with coryza, alternating with cold and flitting heat over whole body and thirst; evenings.

Attacks of flushes of heat. Coryza.

Heat and thirst, with rumbling in belly. Coryza.

Heat, without thirst, 2 A.M., passes off by morning, (<) again after breakfast.

Heat. Pertussis.

Sweats easily and copiously.

Yellow fever.

Attacks, Periodicity
Periodic pain: in pubic region.

In Spring: coryza.

Every year in August: morning coryza; hay fever.

In Autumn: epidemics of spasmodic cough.

Locality and Direction
Downward and inward: headache. Right to left in upper half of body, left to right, in lower part, in provings.

Commencing l. side, going to right. Coryza.


First l., then r.: nostril, acrid discharge; toothache; acute bronchitis.

Left: eye itches and is more sensitive to light and weeps more; pains deep in brow; forehead, stitches; tingling pain behind mastoid; itching in supraorbital region; heat in eyebrow; roaring in ear; ear, hard swelling; drawing in cheek, going to eye; forehead down to teeth, drawing stitches; face, paralysis; toothache; first upper teeth sensitive; pressive pain at root of eye tooth; drawing stitches in forehead; drawing pain in throat; raw feeling in fauces; stitches in hypochondria; violent cutting in lower abdomen; inguinal pressure; hernia; protruding hemorrhoids; pain in kidneys; sticking in lung on deep inspiration; elbow, numbness; pain in forearm; pain in fingers; thumb, itching; thumb nail, suppuration; bruised feeling in knee; thigh, pain; pain in leg; burning in lower leg; painful twitching in heel; pain in middle finger.

Right: pain in temple; pain over eye; shooting pain in lachrymal duct; thread pain over eye; chilling or burning- twitching in region of eustachian tube; pain in root of nose; nostril, crawling; cheek, warm spots; pressure in back teeth; first upper teeth sensitive; dryness of root of tongue; pain in ear; pain below shoulder; stitches from shoulder blade to elbow; pains in wrist; pain in fingers; hand, trembling; pain in thigh; pain in foot; knee, stitches; pain in great toe; pricking in arm.

As if swollen and heavy on crown; as if whole head was wrapped up in warm water; as if eye was hanging by a string or torn; as if teeth were too long; as of a ball or lump in throat; as if larynx would be torn when coughing; as though food had lodged behind sternum; as of a large, aching pump on root of tongue; mouth and tongue as if scalded.

Severe pains: in abdomen.

An intense pain: in cervical spine.

Neuralgic pains, like threads: in face, head, neck and elsewhere; (<) evenings; towards ear from deep within head.

Splitting pain: in larynx.

Cutting: in belly, like a thread; in anus; deep in pelvis; in lower abdomen.

Stitches: as of needles in forehead; in eyebrows; in eyes; in ears; in upper jaw; towards ear from forehead; in rectum; in l. hypochondrium; in lumbar region; runs through arm; in skin; in l. side; in loins; in arms; in r. knee.

Sticking: in l. chest on inspiration.

Stinging: of eye.

Shooting: in l. leg and r. foot; in r. lachrymal duct.

Tearing jerks: in anus.

Tingling pain: behind l. mastoid process.

Jerking: from throat to eustachian tube; in molars.

Tearing: in anus.

Pecking: behind r. ear.

Burning-stinging: in stump after amputation.

Drawing: into upper jaw; in teeth; in spermatic cords; in head; in occiput; from l. eye into cheek; in l. side of throat.

Pressure: in head; in teeth; in epigastrium; in stomach; in region of liver; in pelvis; in l. inguinal region; in region of bladder; l. thigh; on cardia.

Soreness: behind palate; in limbs; of throat.

Raw feeling: in fauces.

Smarting: of eyes; of upper lids; above palate.

Scalded: mouth and tongue.

Biting: of eyes; in anus.

Gnawing: in orifice of eustachian tube; eyelids; nose; mouth; lips.

Burning: of eyes; taste; orifice of eustachian tube; throat; in edges of nose and lips; in urethra; in bladder; on glans penis; small of back; l. thigh; skin.

Burning twitching: in region of r. eustachian tube.

Paralytic pain: in knee joint.

Colicky pains: in region of navel.

Painful twitching: on inner l. heel.

Tired feeling: in limbs.

Bruised feeling: in knee; of thigh.

Aching: on root of tongue; roof of mouth; eustachian orifice; through body; in joints; in bones; in forehead and head; in temples; in cervical spine; over r. eye; in larynx.

Undefined pain: behind ears deep in head; under tongue; in forehead; in throat; below sternum; in hepatic region; in abdomen; over middle of groin; violent, in hypogastrium; inguinal ring; uterine region; small of back; l. thigh; r. wrist; above knees; over r. eye to root of nose; in renal region; region of kidneys; in bladder and prostate gland; in chest; in r. shoulder blade; in r. elbow joint; in arms; in left radius; in fingers; in ankle joints; in great toe.

Fullness: in head; behind palate.

Heaviness: in head; in occiput.

Throbbing: in larynx.

Empty: stomach feels.

Tension: in upper part of chest.

Tightness: at root of nose.

Constrictive: as if head was bound up; at root of nose; pain in throat.

Contraction: in spleen; at anus.

Tickling: in larynx; in epiglottis.

Itching: of eyes; in supraorbital region; at anus; in r. nostril; of thumb.

Electric shock: through head.

Numbness: in bones of skull; in posterior wall of pharynx; in l.


Lame sensation: in all joints of arms; in knee.

Crawls: in r. nostril; along back; in anus.

Coldness: behind palate; in back; in pharynx.

Chilling: orifice of eustachian tube.

Warmth: of urethra; in bladder.

Glowing: on thighs.

Heat: without thirst; in head; with coryza; in pharynx and oesophagus; in flashes in abdomen; in l eyebrow.

Dryness: in mouth; above palate; in throat; of anterior nares; at root of tongue.

All joints ache.


Inflammations and increased secretion of mucous membranes.

Coryza. Pertussis.

Gangraena senilis, woman, age 80 (externally as a salve).

Phlegmasia alba dolens, after instrumental delivery.


Brittle hoofs and falling out of hair, in horses.

Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries
Picking or sucking teeth: (>) toothache.

Touch: eyes sensitive to.

Rubbing: wants to rub eyes.

Pressure: (<) pain in swelling under l. ear.

Must grasp larynx.

Traumatic neuritis, pains violent and continuous, wearing out the patient.

After hurts and lesions, stiffness in back and periodic attacks, trismus and pain in chest.

Hurts do not heal.

Pricking, like from pins or needles, in skin, especially on head, on forehead, in brows, on throat and on r. arm.

Redness and itching of skin.

Nettle rash on thighs.

Measles, with strongly marked catarrhal symptoms.

Scarlatina, with characteristic running from nose and urinary symptoms.

Stages of Life, Constitution
Children. Coryza. Pertussis. Pneumonia.

Woman, aet. 80; senile gangrene.

An Old woman; whitlow.

Antidoted by: Arnic. (toothache), Chamom. (bellyache), Nux-vom. (coryza, recurring yearly in August; unpleasant sensations caused by handling peaches and some blossoming trees and plants; hay fever), Veratr. (colic with despondency), Thuja. (offensive breath and diarrhoea after eating onions).

Roasted coffee will remove onion breath.

Compatible: before Calc.ostr., and Silic. in polypus.

Incompatible: All-sat., Aloes, Scilla.

Complementary: Phosphor., Pulsat., Sarsap., Thuja.

Compare: Acon., Chlorine, Ipec.

Rubrics: 382 All-c
[Complete ] [Mind]ABSENT-MINDEDNESS:Afternoon:Coffee, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ABSENT-MINDEDNESS:Afternoon:Wine, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]ABSENT-MINDEDNESS:Sleepiness, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]CONFUSION OF MIND:Afternoon:Coffee agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]CONFUSION OF MIND:Afternoon:Wine, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DREAMS:Vexatious:Convalescence, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]FULLNESS:Occiput:Coughing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Evening:Agg.:Coryza, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Winking: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Temples:Winking, on: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PERSPIRATION:Pricking, vertex, while eating: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]IRRITATION:Lids:Upper, left: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]LACHRYMATION:Pain, with:Larynx, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Chilliness:After: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Peaches, from odor of: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Singers and public speakers: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Weather:Windy, in:Cold:Wet: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Weather:Windy, in:Damp, wet: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Weather:Windy, in:North east: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]CORYZA:Whooping cough, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Singers and public speakers, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Acrid, corrosive, excoriating:Left:Right, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Acrid, corrosive, excoriating:Lachrymation, with bland: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Profuse:Room, warm, agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]LIGHTNESS, ROOT: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]SNEEZING:Evening:Agg.:Room, on entering warm: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]SNEEZING:Inspiration agg.:Deep: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]NAUSEA:Rising agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mouth]PAIN:Constricting, tongue, low down in region of hyoid bone: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Alternating:Coryza, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Hyoideum, region of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]JERKING:Extending to:Eustachian tube: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Throat]SWALLOWING:Constant disposition:Lump in throat, from:Large: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cucumbers, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Hypogastrium:Coition, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Bladder]URINATION:Frequent:Catarrh, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]PAIN:Splitting: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]PAIN:Splitting:Larynx, during cough: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]INFLUENZA:During:Autumn: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Cough]WHOOPING:Evening:Lying agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]INFLAMMATION:Bronchial tubes, bronchitis:Left:Right, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Below:Right:Sitting:After: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]EXCORIATION:Feet:Heels: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]MILK LEG, PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS, PHLEBITIS:Delivery, parturition, after, puerperal:Forceps delivery, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Scratched off, as if: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Scratched off, as if:Upper limbs: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Onions:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]FOOD AND DRINKS:Peaches:Agg.:Odor of: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Amputation, after, phantom pain: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Neuralgic:Thread, like a: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Stitching:Amputation, after, phantom pain: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]PAIN:Torn:Pieces, to, as if, asunder:Sneezing agg.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]YAWNING:Near objects seem distant, when: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Head]PAIN,HEADACHE IN GENERAL:Winking: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Eye]TEARS:Bland: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Nose]CORYZA:Peaches,from the odor of: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Nose]CORYZA:Wind,caused by :North-east,after: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Excoriating:Left nostril,from: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Nose]DISCHARGE:Excoriating:Bland discharge from eyes,with: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Mouth]PAIN:Constricting tongue,low down in region of hyoid bone: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Throat]CHOKING,CONSTRICTING (SEE LARYNX):Os hyoids,region of: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Aching,dull pain (see Boring,Gnawing,etc.):Hypogastrium:Coition,after: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Aching,dull pain (see Boring,Gnawing,etc.):Umbilicus:Walking:Amel: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cramping,griping:Wet,getting feet: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Bladder]PAIN:Coition,after: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Larynx and Trachea]PULSATING,LARYNX: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Back]PAIN:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Right:Lying,while: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Back]PAIN:Dorsal region:Scapulae:Right:Under:Sitting,after: 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]ABSENTMINDED, (SEE FORGETFUL) :Coffee, after : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL :Alternates, with:Prostration, mental : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Abdomen]PAIN, HYPOGASTRIUM :Sex, after : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Abdomen]PAIN, UMBILICUS :Walking, while :Amel. : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Back]PAIN, SCAPULA, PAIN :Right :Lying, while : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Back]PAIN, SCAPULA, UNDER :Right, under :Sitting, after : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Bladder]PAIN, BLADDER :Sex, after : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Clinical]AMPUTATION, PAIN, PHANTOM PAINS :Neuralgia, of stump :Burning, stinging : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Clinical]GALLSTONE, PAIN, COLIC FROM :Abdomen, spreading, over : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Clinical]GANGRENE, GENERAL :Senile :Women, elderly : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Cough]HANDS, HOLDING ON,:Larynx : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Eyes]READING, INABILITY FROM WEAK EYES, (SEE VISION, CHAPTER) :Letters, on blackboard, cannot see :Smaller, appear :Coryza, in : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Fevers]YELLOW, FEVER :Stomach weak :Craves raw onions : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Gallbladder]GALLSTONE, PAIN, COLIC FROM :Abdomen, spreading, over : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Generals]AMPUTATION, PAIN, PHANTOM PAINS :Neuralgia, of stump :Burning, stinging : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Generals]PAIN, GENERAL :Colic, pain :Spreading, over abdomen : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Headache]WINKING : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Hearing]TINNITUS, HEARING, (SEE NOISES IN EARS, RINGING) :Whooping cough, in : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Limbs]AMPUTATION, PAIN, PHANTOM PAINS :Neuralgia, of stump :Burning, stinging : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Liver]PAIN, LIVER :Abdomen, spreading over : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Nose]CORYZA, GENERAL, (SEE COLDS) :Peaches, from the odor of : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Nose]CORYZA, GENERAL, (SEE COLDS) :Wind, caused by, cold west :North east, after : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Nose]DISCHARGE, NASAL, (SEE CORYZA):Excoriating :Bland, discharge from eyes, with : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Nose]DISCHARGE, NASAL, (SEE CORYZA):Excoriating :Left, nostril, from : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Nose]DISCHARGE, NASAL, (SEE CORYZA):Excoriating :Upper, lip and around nose : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Pregnancy]POSTPARTUM, GENERAL, (SEE CHILDBIRTH, CONFINEMENT):Phlegmasia, alba dolens :Forceps delivery, after, swelling of whole lower limb, painful, worse in thigh : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Throat]CHOKING, GENERAL :Hyoideum, region of : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Throat]CHOKING, GENERAL :Os, hyoides, region of : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Vision]DIM, VISION, (SEE AMBLYOPIA) :Sleepy, when getting : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Vision]READING, INABILITY FROM WEAK EYES :Letters, on blackboard, cannot see :Smaller, appear :Coryza, in : 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [C]COUGH:Hacking:Inspiration:Of cold air: 3 1 / 1

DEMENTIA PRAECOX, CATATONIC TYPE [Dementia Praecox Catatonic Type]


1948 Jan Vol LXIII No 7

Taber Carr V.


Phos / All-c / Nat-m / Influ.

[ Read before Bureau of clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 26, 1947].


Mrs. Nettie G-, age 34, is a white, married and undernourished female. She was committed December 12, 1932 to a State Hospital.

The patients mother was psychotic for four months in 1915. Her diagnosis was Manic Depressive, Manic type. Family history is otherwise essentially negative.

Normally possessed of a very cheerful disposition and quick in her actions, intellectually keen, it was not her good fortune to have educational advantages. She was more sympathetic and affectionate than the average. Her social activities were limited to a few. She was treated with respect as to her standard of morals and right living, and her morals and habits were the very best.

She was considered to be delicate as a child. Her first serious sickness was eleven years after her marriage at the age of 23 years. This was a severe attack of the “flu” beginning March, 1932, from which she did not recover. In July of the same year there was a period of two weeks when she had attacks of singing and praying, followed by several months of being retarded in her actions. Appetite was fair. insomnia was present, and she did not wish to leave her home.

On December 4, 1932 her husband, a World War I veteran, had a serious attack of pneumonia. The patient when normal was always much concerned about her husband and two children. Not recovering from the “flu” and caring for her sick husband, she went into a state of apprehension and mutism.

On admission to the Hospital in December of 1932 there was general muscular, rigidity with shyness and seclusiveness. In brief, her hospital course over the period of thirteen years was one of absolute mutism. When relatives visited she became agitated, would cry, wringing her hands. She, however, ate better and gained weight. More cooperative, she proved to be a good worker, kind and helpful to the patients. When not busy working or caring for patients she continued seclusive and uncommunicative.


January 10, 1945. Phosphorus 200th was prescribed,not on any characteristic symptoms, but on the general aspect of the case. Patient was fair-skinned, blonde hair, sensitive nature with lively perceptions. Also she was a person with strong emotions plus psychotic symptoms as previously mentioned.

January 24, 1945. She wrote a letter for the first time while in the hospital. It was addressed to her husband and her sister, stating how much better she felt; that she was afraid to talk because she might say something wrong. She said it was a blessing that she was sent to the hospital because she refused to eat while at home.

On the evening after supper on this same day of her letter writing she was sitting on a cough with two patients, both on one side of her. On her other side a patient was standing near by in the door of her room. The patient was becoming furious because our patient and others were near her door. Nettie, our patient, could not stand for the verbal abuse,so she proceeded to accuse this angered patient of being inconsiderate of the patients and herself who were working to keep the ward clean, while she never did so much as to make her own bed.

The were the first words uttered by our patient during the thirteen years in the hospital. From then on she had attacks of excitement. She worried about her son in the Army. She would shout, sing and pray. During these attacks she gave her son over to Gods care and hoped he would be a good boy.

February 3,1945. she manifested the following symptoms; being so occupied with them she was unable even to care for her personal needs:.

She said electricity came into her room and shocked her. when her husband shaved electricity came to her. She admitted hearing voices when she was home, but could not elaborate on them. Anyone in her room drew blood from her abdomen. She says she is going to die. When she does she wants someone near her. She desired hot food and drinks, craved ice cream. Sensitive to the cold, she required much bed covering or would stand by the not air register.

Phosphorus 1M was given, followed in one week by disappearance of the symptoms and the patient went about her work as usual.

Nothing of note is to be recorded during the following ten months. As the case ceased to improve by return of symptoms, Phosphorus continued to be indicated. At the 50M potency reaction was less conspicuous, so we dropped to the 30th potency.

The last prescription of Phosphorus was December 13, 1945 of the 200th.

January 1, 194. Patient was having an Allium cepa type of rhinitis with lachrymation. The 200th fixed it. But February 4, 1940 the rhinitis returned in a more severe form. Now inflammation of the eyes with redness of the lids and the edges. The patient gave a past history of what appeared to be conjunctivitis (purulent) treated by Argyrol. Natrum mur. 10M was given. It required three ore prescription. After the 50M there was no recurrence of the eye trouble.

Only for minor ailments did the patient require treatment until on April 7, 1947 there appeared a severe attack of the “flu.” Only the symptoms common to this malicious malady were present. Then Influenzin Hispanica 10M was administered.

It is needless to say that this patient, 48 years of age, is now of sound mind after fourteen years. But her future may be a problem. About five years ago her husband took unto himself his housekeeper as common-law wife, illegally so, and he has a son by this woman, age three years. Our patient was told of this disgraceful affair a few months after she began to talk and to improve under the influence of Phosphorus.

It was surprising how sternly, with a minimum degree of emotion, she became reconciled to this event, and is satisfied to enjoy the affection of a son who is in training at West Point and a daughter, married and living in the old home town. ATHENS, OHIO.


[ Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 26, 1947].


Frances P. S., Thirty-five years of age, white married female, was graduated from Ohio University in 1936. She taught Home Economics two years in a High School and has since been active and influential in several organizations.

She married at the age of 25 years and has two children aged seven and four years.

Personality: With a tendency to being quiet and reserved, she is congenial and deeply interested in her home.

History of Present Illness: While she was teaching school, at the age of 24 years, she became restless, more talkative than normal, with complaints of various things wrong with her. It is to be noted that she was afflicted with a severe frontal sinus trouble during this restless period. Following the above experiences and appendectomy was performed. The appendix was found normal.

Five year ago there was intolerance for iodine. It induced stomach acidity, nausea and emesis. During the spring of 1945 there was an attack of sinus trouble with a profuse, yellow, post nasal discharge. This condition was alleviated, but returned the following spring, 1946. Treatment during April proved successful in stopping the discharge. Almost simultaneous with disappearance of the discharge the patient suffered intense pain, shooting in character, in the forehead. With the lessening of the pain the patient began to imagine she had various ailments. The most disturbing was cancer. This prompted her to visit several doctors; naturally she derived no satisfaction.

She continued her normal activities in her church and Parent- Teachers Organization until she had a fainting attack. Then she said her eyes pained, and she complained of pains all over her body, more so in her hands and arms. Rubbing caused the pains to be bearable. It was then that she began to lose interest in her normal pursuits and wrote many pages on cancer. She in tended to publish this matter in book form.

Her husband, thinking a change would do her good, sent her from their home in Portland, Oregon to Athens, Ohio. She traveled with the two children as far as Omaha, Nebraska. Here she was taken off the train because of disturbing the passengers and the train crew.

A brother soon brought her and the two children to their destination. Admitted to the Hospital, September 20, 1946, the patent for the most part was cooperative but required close supervision. There were times when she was noisy, singing or shouting. One day she spent the day saluting the nurses as they passed by her door and she kept repeating, “1-2-3-4, Heil Hitler.” At first she was manic-like in her expressions and manner, viz., she came to the ward office saying. “Im (speaking her name) of the F.B.I. what can I do for you? What is this worth to you?” She then emptied the contents of her purse. Then she called attention to every piece of clothing she had on and told where it came from. From here on she rambled from one thing to another. However, every sentence indicated a delusion.

These delusions were many, fantastic, unsystematized and utterly illogical, the longer she remained in the hospital, viz., “The Navy took a shot at me once. They can kill my baby for Im the atomic energy. I belong to the F.B.I. My husband is in the Navy. I am full of electricity and atomic energy. I asked Dr. Dixon why he said I was the most brilliant woman who ever came in this office when I got a D in psychology.”.

In mood there was consistently a trend of indifference. On a few occasions she wished to see her children. She had apparently forgotten her husband. She doubted that there was anything wrong with her mind.


Between September 27, 1946 and January 23, 1947 electric shock treatment were given in four short periods with two to five shocks to a period. Only temporary improvement resulted.

The following symptoms were considered on February 12, 1947, after a personal interview with the husband:.

1. She always was sensitive to cold.

2. Craved company. Never like to be alone. This was even manifested during her psychosis.

3. She imagined she was sick with cancer, etc.

4. There was misidentification of persons and things, her husband was someone else, a pencil belonged to the President of the United States.

5. Many grandiose ideas.

6. She is very affectionate.

7. Suppression of nasal discharge.

8. Rubbing alleviated pain.

Phosphorus 1M was given January 13, 1947. Unknowingly, it was given before her menstrual period by two days. Because the flow was so profuse with cramping pains she was obliged to remain in bed. There was also present a foul odor.

During the first ten days she experienced sharp pains in her forehead. Immediately this aggravation she became mentally normal.

Six weeks after receiving the Phosphorus she went to her mothers home, caring for her children. On May 31, 1947 she and her children returned do their home in Oregon.

In a letter dated October 9, 1947 the patient writes. “I am feeling better than I ever did. I weigh now 151 lbs., 15 pounds more than I ever did weigh. My two little children keep me busy.” ATHENS, OHIO.




1949 Jul Vol LXV No 1

Eugene Underhill.

Therapeutics / Cases

Calen / Hyper / All-c / Phos / Arn / Bell-p / Led / Ruta / Rhus-t / Am-m / Staph / Nat-m / Calc / Bry / Carb-an / Dulc / Caust / Psor / Sil / Seneg / Cham / Calc-ars / Bell.

Read before Bureau of Clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 17, 1948.


Neuritis is defined as inflammation of a nerve. Pathological symptoms include pain, tenderness, more or less impairment of function, sensory disturbances and in severe cases areas of anesthesia and even paralysis.

Neuralgia, on the other hand, simply means nerve pain. A typical neuralgic pain is defined as severe, darting or throbbing in character, intermittent, with sensitiveness of the skin. Generally there is relief from warmth and pressure.

Back of both neuritis and neuralgia there is always some form of nerve irritation. Some cases are traumatic in origin, others toxic, still others are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Alcoholism and emotional stress are predisposing factors of considerable importance.

When the cause is traumatic such local treatment must be instituted as the case may require. Fixation and rest of the affected part may be indicated. There is always more or less damage to nerve tissue in any injury but the homoeopathic remedy by matching the symptoms of motor and sensory disturbance will afford the maximum of relief and restore function to the fullest extent possible.

Cases of nerve injury associated with a bone or periosteal bruise or where there are strained or over stretched tendons will respond to Ruta. Direct injury to nerves in which the tactile sense is highly developed will generally require Hypericum. This remedy is nearly always indicated following injury to the coccyx, also for bad effects following chilling of the buttocks and lower part of the back as from sitting for a long time on a cold, damp bench or on the cold ground. This form of chilling in which there is a damp, penetrating cold extending up the spine is one of the important predisposing causes of poliomyelitis. It is regrettable that the “March of Dimes” fails to provide enough pennies to inform the public of this fact and thereby prevent many cases of infantile paralysis. What are they waiting for, a new wonder drug or a polio-antitoxin?.

Punctured wounds of the extremities are best treated by cleansing the wound with Calendula solution and by giving Ledum internally in the thirtieth or two hundredth centesimal potency. This is a more effective prophylaxis against tetanus than the antitoxin and no risk of an unfavorable serum reaction is incurred. Hypericum may be required in the extremely few cases in which lymphangitis develops with red lines or streaks extending up the arm or leg.

Neuralgic pains in the stump of an amputated limb will generally be relieved by Allium cepa when the pains are fine, thread-like and shooting in character. Ammonium mur. is often indicated after amputation of the foot when there are tearing, stitching pains, worse in bed at night and better from massage. Arnica is the remedy following amputation through the fleshy parts of the arm or leg when there is the sore, bruised feeling and the history of considerable trauma to the muscular structure. Hypericum may be the remedy after amputation of the distal phalanx of any of the fingers following an accident in which the tip of the finger has been chopped or cut off. Sharp, shooting pains will extend up the arm, the pain being almost intolerable and associated, perhaps, with a degree of shock apparently out of proportion to the severity of the injury. Phosphorus is indicated after amputation in nervous, sensitive subjects when there was excessive bleeding during or following the operation and a weak, all-gone feeling with thirst for ice cold drinks. Staphisagria has sometimes been used on a routine basis after amputation but the indications are what might be called “clean cut” cases with little or no contusion and when the sensation as of a knife cutting persists long after the surgery.

A contusion causes local shock to the nerves in the involved area. A temporary paralysis results in an extravasation of blood from the capillaries into the surroundings tissues, then we have ecchymosis, bruise marks or a black nail if the injury is to the end of the finger.

These effects can nearly always be prevented by giving immediate and adequate mechanical support to the contused tissue until the local efferent nerves recover from shock. A severe hammer blow will not cause a black nail if very forceful pressure is instantly applied and maintained until the pain subsides, then ever so gradually relax the pressure.

Arnica is the remedy for bruises of the soft tissues and their nerves of supply. Painful soreness is characteristic with a bruised sensation which often extends beyond the area of trauma. Worse from light touch and better from hard pressure, worse from motion and better lying down. Arnica is often indicated following contusions to the abdomen.

Bellis perennis is especially suited to injuries to the blood vessels and following trauma to the coccyx, as in Hypericum. Often called for in gastralgia from ice cold drinks taken when overheated, also for neuralgia after exposure to cold and wet when overheated. As in Arnica, there is the sensation of bruised soreness. There is aggravation from cold and cold applications, amelioration from continued motion, as in Rhus tox.

Ledum is indicated following contusion of the eye with extensive ecchymosis and when there is marked relief from ice compresses.

Ruta for periosteal and bone bruises and for eye-strain from over-use of the eyes. Other remedies for eye-strain include Apis in which there is aggravation from heat and relief from cold applications; Natrum mur. when there are zigzags in front of the eyes and marked aggravation from sun-light and other bright lights; Senega when a certain object has been held in the field of vision for a long time and the eyeballs feel distended.

In the case of sprains as from over-lifting, over-exertion or trauma the most frequently indicated remedy is probably Rhus tox. with its aching, restlessness, aggravation when quiet and relief from continued motion. Often worse on beginning to move. Better from heat and worse from cold. Neuritis involving the left shoulder and arm after straining the heart from over-lifting or over-exertion. Involvement of the sciatic nerve, especially on the left side. Aggravation in wet weather, from getting wet and from dampness in general.

Calcarea carb., the chronic of Rhus tox. in the traumatic field. Bad effects from over-exertion whether mental or physical. Strained and sprained feeling following hill or mountain climbing. Aggravation from ascending is characteristic. Worse from cold and dampness. Plethoric type with easy sweating tendency.

Bryonia following injury to the chest and ribs with aggravation on the least motion and relief from pressure. Worse taking a deep breath, raising arms or coughing. Suited to cases of both pleurisy and intercostal neuralgia. Amelioration in either case by tightly strapping the chest.

Ruta for strained or over-stretched tendons, also for eye- strain as noted above. Worse from cold and from rest. Better from warmth and motion. Affinity for fibrous tissues, wrists, ankles and lumbar spine.

Ammonium mur. is frequently required for the chronic effects of sprains. Tightness as if the tendons were too short. Tense, sprained sensation in the groin with difficulty in walking erect. Better in open air and from continued motion.

Carbo animalis has the symptom “easily sprained from lifting even small weights”, also “great debility and easy spraining of the joints”. Elderly people who are feeble, subject to colds and when slight causes appear to produce unduly severe effects.

Sudden chilling when overheated or sudden suppression of sweat from a cold wind or in an air conditioned room when the outside temperature is in the nineties will often cause neuralgia or even a neuritis. In such cases Dulcamara may be the remedy when there is a sudden, severe drop in temperature from hot and dry to cold and wet in patients with a strong catarrhal predisposition. Causticum following exposure to dry, cold winds. Bells palsy, affecting especially the right side of the face. Paralysis of single muscles. Weakness of bladder with inability to control the urine.

Psorinum has an affinity for the nerve of supply to the deltoid muscle and has cleared many cases in psoric constitutions when the chronicity and recurrence are conspicuous features. Silicea following exposure to a draft, especially when perspiring, also for cases of neuritis following a suppressed foot sweat. Silicea patients are better from warmth and from wrapping up the affected part.

Anemia predisposes to many cases of neuritis. Toxic causes include many of the acute infections also malaria, gout, syphilis, lead poisoning and organic disease involving the cerebro-spinal axis. Dental caries and badly infected tonsils are responsible for some cases.

Remove the cause of the neuritis in so far as possible. Stop causing disease and then prescribe the indicated remedy. To neglect diet in patients with gout is to invite recurrence. Chronic lead poisoning or aluminum poisoning must be stopped at the source or the homoeopathic remedy will fail, or more correctly the physician will fail to cure the case.

Trifacial neuralgia (tic douloureux) cannot respond to proper treatment if there has been over-exposure to either the infra-red heat lamp or the ultra-violet, so called sun lump. Alcoholic injections and the x-ray have spoiled more cases than they have ever alleviated.

How foolish to prescribe “the apparently indicated remedy” in a case of beriberi without first removing the cause which is usually an obvious nutritional deficiency. Correct the diet and then prescribe the remedy. Either a food toxemia or a nutritional deficiency is the underlying cause of most cases of either neuralgia or neuritis. Much acute illness is due to a toxic over- load in the body. Much chronic illness is due to mild but multiple and therefore complex nutritional deficiencies, starvation in the midst of an apparent abundance of food.

As soon as an individual arrives at the age of personal responsibility, as soon as he is on his own, in other words, he then proceeds to cause disease through one or more avenues of unhygienic living:

1. Emotional stresses and conflicts.

2. Excesses and depletions.

3. Nutritional deficiencies.

4. Food toxemia.

The kind or type of disease from which he will suffer depends upon the direction of susceptibility in his own constitution. Disease attacks the weakest structures in the constitutional chain. The strong parts of the body are disease resistant.



DR. WILLIAM GUTMAN: I will never forget a case of acute neuritis because it was the most extreme expression of pain I have ever seen in my life and because it gives us such a good example of the importance of exact case taking.

A patient came to me with an acute neuralgia of both brachial plexi. He was rolling on the floor and crying out from pain. It was a terrific and terrifying picture. I was not able at first to establish a diagnosis, to get even words out of this man, but I found out, to make it short, that it was acute neuralgia of both brachial plexi due etiologically to suppression of sweat. He was standing in a draft in winter, sweating in his armpits just shortly before entrance to a house. I gave this man one dose of Belladonna 200. and the pain subsided in no time.

A couple of weeks later he was brought by car to my office in exactly the same condition, not the slightest difference, a terrific recurrence, maybe more terrific than the first one. Naturally, I gave a dose of Belladonna 200. No result. My office was full of people waiting, so this was one of the very few cases where I finally gave a hypodermic because the patient just begged me to do something in this terrific attack of pain. I did it with a very bad conscience, feeling I could make a chronic out of such a case, or a suicidal case out of such a condition. After fifteen to twenty minutes the pain subsided and he was brought home; but as I expected, in the late evening I was called again urgently to see the man. Naturally, I had given the man only a hypodermic, no curative remedy, so, seeing the patient again, I established that he was exposed to a situation which had caused a fit of anger which he had suppressed.

I gave him one dose of Chamomile. Within three minutes the pain was gone and never recurred. What the morphine could not do before fifteen or twenty minutes, being only a palliative, Chamomile in high potency did in three minutes and cured him.

It shows it is an example for teaching students how exact case-taking is in homoeopathy, even if you have a perfectly clear picture, and shows the extreme importance which Dr. Underhill stressed of the emotional influence in neuralgia.

DR. J. W. WAFFENSMITH: In reference to neuritis, very often we get typical Rhus toxicodendron symptoms and especially in sciatica, and there is a temporary favorable reaction to the Rhus toxicodendron but it doesnt hold.

I want to call your attention to Calcarea arsenicosa. It has been very beneficial to me in studying these cases. I had one case particularly through the winter, an aged gentleman whom I had treated constitutionally for several years, and he had this terrible case of sciatica, with characteristic Rhus symptoms, and the Calcarea arsenicosa fitted in nicely.

DR. A. H. GRIMMER: Dr. Underhill mentioned the effects of coffee, and it is true that excessive coffee predisposes not only to nerve conditions but extreme sensitivity. Here is a little remedy Clark mentioned, to add to what we know about Nux and Chamomilla and others, Guarana, a South American plant. Clark mentioned it as being a wonderful remedy for those who are prostrated or aggravated nervously or otherwise, from excessive coffee.


MY EXPERIENCE OF HOMOEOPATHY [Experience Of Homoeopathy]

THE HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD ( A Popular Journal of Medical, Social, and Sanitary Science). By Ellis Barker J.

1932 Feb Vol LXVII No 794

Hospital Secretary.




“THOSE tonsils must come out.” This was the unanimous verdict of several doctors on seeing a child who was ever pale, listless, constantly catching colds and entirely lacking in joyous well- being. Gargles and paintings were tried, but resulted in no improvement. So eventually those tonsils were taken out.

In the years following, the same symptoms and complaints continued and increased in intensity. all varieties of gargles, inhalants, pills, etc., were tried. they gave but little relief, neither did constant doses of tonic bring increased vitality. Aperients became an increasing necessity as well. Finally, throat specialists were consulted and their decision was another operation, which was to bring about as complete cure. The money on a second operation was spend in vain. Improvement was eagerly awaited, but did not come.

Then as a last hope-homoeopathy. Faith in matters medical has well disappeared, but the thorough form of questioning of a homoeopath quickly restored confidence. Nothing at all abnormal seemed too small or too insignificant to be disregarded. That sinking feeling at eleven oclock, the nose running in windy weather, those cold feet and white spots on the nails, the lack of perspiration, as well as the fact that sighing when upset was a habit, were all carefully taken into account. Habits of mind and body were not forgotten. Finally a thorough physical examination revealed that the general bodily condition stood in even greater need of attention than the throat.

Medicines in pilule form, which could be taken so easily and pleasantly began the treatment, together with an entire alteration in diet. It was delightfully astonishing to find that the medicines really did their intended work. The daily violent attacks of sneezing could be checked by just a single dose of three pilules. Abdominal pain, which had steadily been growing in intensity as months went by, vanished in a few days after taking just three drops. The breasts which contained small, hard lumps gradually became normal. A life-long flabbiness of the body as a whole was no longer obvious. It was also possible to question the easily excitable organs of sex, which had often been the source of much trouble and perplexity. The throat condition became better than it had ever been.

It is not difficult to pass judgment on the two methods. By the allopathic method, only one abnormality was found and attention was concentrated upon that, without further seeking. When medicines failed, orthodox medical men were content of perform operations before even a complete physical examination had been made or an alteration in diet suggested.

On the contrary, homoeopathy took into consideration the whole mind and body. Many defects were found and all these were eliminated by gentle medicines. Further-more, my diet was completely changed to my great-benefit.

Allopathy was given years in which to achieve good results and failed completely, while homoeopathy created an infinitely better state of health in but a few months.

Daily work in a large hospital, where orthodox methods are in use, gives one ample opportunities for knowing that ones own disastrous experience does not this reason, I would plead with great intensity the cause of homoeopathy.

The above account is absolutely genuine. The lady received Allium Cepa 1x for her violent sneezing fits, colocynthis 1x for abdominal pains, improved by doubling up, phytolacca 1x for her throat condition and swollen breast glands. For very obvious reasons she has chosen not to append her name. EDITOR, Homoeo. World.



1913 Vol 12

John McLachlan

General Topics / Cases / Therapeutics

Ars / Alum / Onos / Syph / All-c / Caps / Ox-ac / Bufo / Bry / Apis / Spig / Vesp / Staph / Camp / Aur / Stram / Tarent / Lach / Camph / Ant-t / Cact / Crot-h / Laur / Rhus-t / Bell / Sang / Sep / Carb-v / Mag-p / Thuj

A neuralgic patient

Case 1

The patient in question was a man of middle age, resident some twenty Miles from Oxford. His occupation was that of a road maker and mender. He came to me rather more than two years ago. The neuralgia had lasted for five years before I saw him. The pain was of sudden onset,

Violent and paroxysmal in character;

Periods of remission were growing shorter and shorter, so that the pain was nearly constant, with exacerbations;

In a line from before backward, on the right side of the brow and scalp;

Like a red-hot iron along a zigzag line;

When pain at its height the eye becomes red and waters much.

Usually begins at the inner angle of the right eye.

Touching the lip or moustache brings on the pain.

agg. cold air and draughts,

Warmth relieves.

It will be noticed that, as so often happens in long-standing cases, the pain had “overflowed” and involved the second division as well as the first, no doubt via the gasserian ganglion. The least touch on the forehead, over the course of the supra-orbital or supra-trochlear nerves, would start the pain at once. In fact, any form of external stimulus, such as a draught of air (first because it is cold, and second, because it moves the hairs of the moustache), movement of the facial muscles, especially of those round the mouth, because, to a certain extent these pull on the circum-orbital muscles; movement of the tongue in speaking or eating, etc., as all these movements tend to pull on the muscles in the painful area. When the pain was severe it was almost impossible to “wink” without starting the stabbing pains.

The pain was so severe and so persistent that he was fearful lest he might commit suicide. For. this reason he was pressed by “his own doctor” to go into the hospital and have the gasserian ganglion removed as the only possible chance of cure.

Medicines that have linear pains are not, so far as I know, very numerous, or at least the pains are not recorded as such.

Onos. has linear pains in left scapular region;

Syph. linear pain from or near one eye backward;

All-cepa and Caps. have pains like a long thread in prosopalgia;

Oxal-ac. pains in linear spots;

Persica, pains in vertical lines in abdomen heart and limbs.

Bufo has streaks of pain up arm;

Bryon. has drawing pains in bones as from a thread, through shafts.

There may be others, but these are all I remember at the present moment. Yet one would think that this form of pain ought to be very frequent, inasmuch as the nerve trunks and branches are all more or less linear. The explanation probably is that pain is so rarely felt in sensory nerve trunks, but only at the termination of the nerve where it reaches the skin and breaks up into its minute twigs.

Of the various medicines mentioned as having linear pains, Syph. seemed to fit my case best of all, so far as location was concerned; but my patient liked to be warm, and was relieved thereby, whereas Syph. prays to be kept cool, though at times it is sensitive to both extremes of temperature. Besides this, its characteristic aggravation was wanting-from sunset to sunrise, it prays for daylight as well as to be kept cool.

The list of medicines with burning pains are legion:

Arsen., of course, comes first to one’s mind, and its burning is relieved by heat (Lyco., Alum., Carbo-v.).

Apis has burning relieved by cold; Caps. burning is not relieved by heat.

Arsen. has further a sensation as if hot wire were thrust through or along the nerve, or as if pierced with red-hot needles (Apis, Spig., Vespa.),

Aggravation from touching the lip with anything (fork, spoon or any metallic substance), makes one think of Staph.

ARSEN. ALB. 200. I gave him three powders of the medicine to take home with him, with strict injunction to take one at a dose, and if he could discern the least improvement in the course of the next twenty-four hours, to take no more till the pain increased again; and even if the pain got immediately worse, not to take another powder.

In other words:

Distinctly better or distinctly worse, stop the medicine. To this rule, so far as I know, there are no exceptions.

I also told him how to know whether he was really getting better, viz.,

If the attacks conic less frequently,

Or are less severe when they do conic, in either case, cure is progressing, and should not be interfered with; for:

This is exactly the opposite of the natural course of a chronic disease.

I saw him a month later, when he said he was “much better.” He had taken two powders altogether. During the course of the treatment he had ARSEN. on various occasions, and in various denominations, from the two hundredth up to the millionth potency.

The case did riot go straight on to complete recovery; I do not think that such cases ever do. There are always ebbs and flows in the recovery just as there are in the natural course of the untreated disease.

Though the pain did not quite cease for something like a year and a half, yet after the first prescription the patient never again had that “terrible steady hanging pain,” which he dreaded so much.

That is the patient’s own description; whit it means exactly I do not know; but that it was something very bad there can be no doubt.

In four months from the first dose of Arsen. he said he was better than he had been for five years.

He had various other medicines course of treatment during his long a but it would be wearisome to go into all the details. On various occasions he complained of a sensation as if the heart turned over, for which he had Cactus (somersault sensation).

For this sensation other remedies should be compared such as Aur., Stram., Tarent., Lach. (and ceased beating), Camph. (as if it turned forwards).

For the sensations as if heart tumbled over, turned and twisted round, revolving sensation, somersault sensation, compare Ant-t Cactus, Crot-h., Lach., Lauro Tarent.

Magn-ph., very early in the case forced itself upon one’s attention I used it once in the 12x trit., but could not say that I noticed an special benefit from its use. The same applies to Thuja 200, am Staph. 30, though they may all haw done something towards the cure But I returned again and again to ARSEN.

On account of his exposed mode of life and frequent wettings, he had RHUS TOX. on various occasions, with, I believe, great benefit.

Sepia was also used on the idea that smoking night have something to do with the obstinacy of the pain.

Spig. was used once, chiefly because of the injected conjunctiva (Bell., Sang., Spig.); the tendency for the eye to “close down” with the pain (Kali., Spig.); the burning stabs (Sang., Spig., Staph.); the aggravation from chewing (Spig.).

But no medicine seemed to serve me so well as ARSEN., and I believe most, if not all, the credit of the cure is due to it.


October. 1913.

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখুন।

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার ভিডিও প্রমাণ দেখতে ডান পার্শের মেনুতে রোগের নাম লিখে সার্চ করুন।


About The Author

D.H.M.S (Dhaka), M.M (BMEB) Consultant Homoeopathic physician Researcher, books author and speaker Owner of HD Homeo Sadan  CEO of HD Health Lecturer: Ashulia Homeopathic Medical College

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