Course Content
ই-বুক চর্চা করে ২৪২ টি হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের পণ্ডিত হতে পারবেন
ভিডিও দেখে ২৪২ টি ঔষধ অতি দ্রুত শিখুন
প্রতিদিন সকালে ১০ টি ও সন্ধ্যায় ১০টি করে ঔষধের ভিডিও শ্রবণ করুণ।
DHMS প্রথম বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS দ্বিতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS তৃতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS চতুর্থ বর্ষের অনুশীলন
হোসাইনী কিনোট- প্রিন্টেড বুক, ই-বুক ও ভিডিও সম্বলিত স্মার্ট মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা।
About Lesson

Agnus Castus [Agn] এগ্নাস কাস্টাস

Agn: ইন্দ্রিয়ের অতিরিক্ত অত্যাচারের ফলে অকাল বার্ধক্য, সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে স্বাস্থ্য ধ্বংস হওয়ার ভয়।

Agn: অতিরিক্ত হস্তমৈথুন করার ফলে ধাতুদৌর্বল্য, অল্প সময় স্থায়ী লিঙ্গ উত্থান।

Agn: সর্বদা বিষণ্ণ, রোগী মনে করে কাজকর্ম করে কোনো লাভ নেই, কারণ শীঘ্রই মৃত্যু হবে, মরে যাব, এ কথা বার বার বলে।

Agn: ঘরের ভিতরের বাতাস ঘন ও ভারী অনুভূত হয়।

Agn: অমনোযোগী, কোনো কাজে, বিষয়ে বা পড়াশোনায় মনোযোগ দিতে পারেনা।

Agn: কোনো বস্তুর দিকে এক দৃষ্টে তাকিয়ে থাকলে মাথাব্যথার উপশম।

বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< অতিরিক্ত যৌন ক্রিয়ায়

< মচকে গেলে বা অতিরিক্ত ভার উত্তলন করলে

< উষ্ণ ঘরে

< স্পর্শে

> খোলা বাতাসে > চাপনে

ডাঃ নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এর “ঔষুধ পরিচয়” বই থেকে

অ্যাগ্লাস ক্যাস্টাস

অতিরিক্ত ইন্দ্রিয়-সেবাজনিত ধাতুদৌর্বল্য ইহার বড় কথা ৷ যুবক বা যুবতী—যাহারা অস্বাভাবিক উপায়ে অতিরিক্ত ইন্দ্রিয়-সেবা করিয়া ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য হইয়া পড়িয়াছে—বিবাহিত জীবন যাহাদের কাছে বিড়ম্বনামাত্র—সুন্দরী স্ত্রীর আলিঙ্গনেও কোনরূপ উত্তেজনা হয় না বা স্বামী-সহবাসে যাহারা সঙ্গমমুখের কোনরূপ আস্বাদন লাভ করে না তাহাদের পক্ষে অ্যাগ্লাস প্রায়ই বেশ উপকারে আসে। যৌন-জীবনের স্পন্দন নাই, কম্পন নাই, উত্তেজনা নাই, অনুভূতি নাই, আছে কেবল অনুশোচনা, আছে কেবল আত্মগ্লানি।

অতিরিক্ত হস্তমৈথুন বা পুনঃপুনঃ গনোরিয়াবশতঃ ধ্বজভঙ্গ দোষ । লিউকোরিয়া। জরায়ুর শিথিলতা।

পেটের মধ্যে অতিরিক্ত বায়ু, স্মৃতিশক্তির দুর্বলতা, আত্মাহুশোচনা, আত্মহত্যার ইচ্ছা।

প্লীহার বিবৃদ্ধি।

বাতকর্মের গন্ধ ঠিক মূত্রের গন্ধের মত বহুক্ষণ কাপড়ে থাকিয়া যায় । কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য। সাইলিসিয়ার মত ।

প্রস্তুতির শুনে দুগ্ধের অভাব ও নিদারুণ বিষণ্ণতা ।

অকাল বার্ধক্য; স্বতিভ্রংশ ।

শীতকাতর । অতিরিক্ত ধূমপানজনিত ট্যাচিকার্ডিয়া বা হৃৎপিণ্ডের দ্রুতগতি ।

এগনাস ক্যাষ্টাস্ (Agnus Castus)


 (চেষ্ট ট্রি)(ভারবেনাসি) শ্লেষ্মপ্রবণতা যে সব লোকের, তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী রোগী অন্যমনস্ক বোধশক্তি কমে যায়, কোন কিছু স্মরণ রাখতে পারে না, একই কথা দু বার পড়তে হয় তবে কিছু বুঝতে পারে (লাইকো; ফস্, সিপিয়া)

“ব্যাভিচারী” তাদের ধ্বজভঙ্গ তৎসহ মোহবরাগগ্রস্ত অবিবাহিত ও স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতায় ভুগছে, তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী

অকালবার্ধক্য, বিষন্ন, উদাসীন, মানসিক বিশৃঙ্খলা, নিজেই নিজেকে ঘৃণা করে,—এইরূপ অবস্থা ইন্দ্রিয়ের অপব্যবহার ও শুক্রক্ষয় থেকে হয়েছে সেইসব যুবকের পক্ষে উপযোগী

সম্পূর্ণ ধ্বজভঙ্গঃ ইন্দ্রিয় শিখিল, ঝুলে পড়ে, ঠান্ডা কোনরকম সঙ্গমশক্তি বা ইচ্ছা থাকে না (ক্যালেডি; সেলেনি)  

বারে বারে গণোরিয়ারোগে ভুগে ধ্বজভঙ্গ গণোরিয়া চাপা পড়ে তার কুফল (মেডো) মেহ রোগ তত্সহ সঙ্গমেচ্ছার অভাব বা লিঙ্গ উত্তেজিত হয় না

লিউকোরিয়া (প্রদর)—স্বচ্ছ কিন্তু কাপড়ে দাগ লাগে ইন্দ্রিয় অত্যন্ত শিথিল অথচ অসাড়ে স্রাব বের হতে থাকে

স্তন্যদাত্রী মায়েদের দুগস্রাব কমে অথবা লোপ পায় (আসাফো; ল্যাক-ক্যা; ল্যাক-ডি); সেই সাথে প্রায়ই অত্যন্ত বিষন্নতা, বলেন তিনি মারা যাবেন

হেরিং মাছ অথবা মৃগনাভির গন্ধ পাচ্ছেন—এইরূপ ভুল কল্পনা হাঁটাচলা করলে উরুর মাঝখানে ছাল ওঠে—এই লক্ষণ এগ্নাসে সারে

সম্বন্ধ-জননেন্দ্রিয়ের দুর্বলতা ও ধ্বজভঙ্গরোগে এগ্লাসের পরে ক্যালাডিয়াম ও সেলিনিয়াম ভাল কাজ করে  

শক্তি  ৩, ২০০

এগনাস ক্যাসটাস


দি চেষ্ট ব্রী

এগনাস শরীরের মধ্যে সর্বাধিক কার্যকরী হয়ে থাকে যৌন যন্ত্রের উপর এটি যৌন ক্ষমতা কমিয়ে দেয় এবং তৎসহ মানসিক হতাশা ভাব তৈরী করে এবং স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতার সৃষ্টি করে থাকে। স্ত্রীপুরুষ উভয়ের যৌন যন্ত্রে সম্বন্ধীয় লক্ষণের উপর ইহার বিশিষ্ট প্রভাব দেখা যায় কিন্তু পুরুষের উপর এই প্রভাব অধিক বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ। যৌন ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহারে, বয়েসের পূর্বেই বৃদ্ধের মত দেখায়। বারে বারে গননারিয়া রােগে আক্রান্ত হয়ে থাকে। টান ধরা বা মােচরিয়ে যাওয়ার একটি উল্লেখলােগ্য ঔষধ। সর্বাঙ্গে এক প্রকার যন্ত্রণাদায়ক চুলকানি, বিশেষতঃ চোখের ভিতর। স্নায়বিক রােগগ্রস্ত যুবকের ধূমপানের পর হৃদপিণ্ডের দ্রুত ক্রিয়া

মনযৌন রােগের জন্য বিষন্নতার মৃত্যু ভয়। দুঃখভাব, তৎসহ খুব তাড়াতাড়ি মৃত্যু হবে এরূপ অনুভূতি। আনমনা, সব কিছু ভুলে যায়, উৎসাহহীনতা। ঘ্রান সম্বন্ধীয় ভ্রান্তি, হেরিং মাছ বা কস্তুরীর গন্ধ পায়। স্নায়বিক অবসন্নতা এবং মানসিক আশঙ্কা

চোখচোখের তারার স্ফীতি।(বেল) চোখের চারিপাশেচুলকানি;আলােকাতঙ্ক

নাকনাকে হেরিং মাছ বা কস্তুরীর গন্ধ পায়। নাকের পিছনের অংশে বেদনা, চাপে উপশম

উদর প্লীহা স্ফীত, ক্ষতের মত বেদনাযুক্ত। মল নরম, ভিতরে ঢুকে যায়, কষ্টকর মলত্যাগ। মলদ্বারে গভীর ফাটল।বমিবমি ভাব তৎসহ মনে হয় অন্ত্র নীচের দিকে ঠেলে বেরিয়ে যাবে; অন্ত্রগুলি হাত ঠেলে রাখতে চায়

পুরুষের রােগ প্রস্রাবলী দিয়ে হলুদ রঙের স্রাব। লিঙ্গোদ্রেক হয় না। ধ্বজভঙ্গ লিঙ্গশীতল শিথিল। কামইচ্ছা চলে যায়।(সেলেন;কোন সাবাল।) সামান্য বীর্যপাত, কিন্তু আনন্দের সঙ্গে বীর্যপাত হয় না। চাপ দিলে বা কোঁথ দিলে প্রস্টেট গ্রন্থি থেকে স্রাব নির্গত হয়। গনােরিয়া রােগের মত স্রাব। অন্ড দুটি ঠাণ্ডা, স্ফীত, শক্ত বেদনাকর

স্ত্রীরােগধাতুস্রাব স্বল্প। যৌন সঙ্গমে বিতৃষ্ণা, যৌনাঙ্গের শিথিলতা, তৎসহ সাদাস্রাব। প্রসবান্তে দুধের অভাব;তৎসহ বিষন্নতা। বন্ধ্যাত্ব। প্রদর ভাবে কাপড়ে হলুদ দাগ লাগে স্রাব স্বচ্ছ। হিস্টিরিয়া রােগগ্রস্তের ন্যায় হৃদকম্প তৎসহ নাক দিয়ে রক্তস্রাব

সম্বন্ধতুলনীয়ঃ সেলিনিয়াম ফসফোরিকঅ্যাসিড; ক্যাম্ফর; লাইকোপােডিয়াম। মাত্রা১ম থেকে ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি। বিজয়

এগ্নাস ক্যাস্টাস (Agnus Castus) এই আশ্চর্য্য ঔষধটিকে অনেক সময়ে উপেক্ষা করা হয় যে সকল পুরাতন পাপী অতিরিক্ত ইন্দ্রিয়সেবা এবং হস্তমৈথুন করিয়া ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য হইয়া পড়িয়াছে, তাহাদের জন্য এই ঔষধটি মনে করা উচিত সেই সব পান্ডুর, রুগ্ন, বিষন্ন মানুষ, যাহারা তাহাদের অপব্যয়িত জীবনের জন্য দুঃখ করে ইহা স্ত্রীপুরুষ উভয়ের পক্ষেই উপযােগী জননেন্দ্রিয়ের দুর্বলতা, অঙ্গের শিথিলতা সর্বপ্রকার ক্রিয়ার বিপৰ্যয় তা কোন স্ত্রীলােক অতিরিক্ত হস্তমৈথুনে অভ্যস্ত ছিল, সে বিবাহের পর দেখিল যে সঙ্গমকাৰ্য্যে আর জননেন্দ্রিয়ে শিহরণ অনুভব করে না, এই ঔষধ তাহাকে আরােগ্য করিয়াছিল পরে তাহার সন্তান জন্মিল কিন্তু তাহার স্তনে দুধ হইল না আবার তিন সপ্তাহের মধ্যেই এগ্নাস তাহার বিলম্বিত দুগ্ধ উপস্থাপিত করিয়াছিল

দুধ আসিবার পর যদি বন্ধ হইয়া যায়, কিম্বা যদি খুব অল্প দেখা দেয়, যদি উল্লিখিত ইতিহাস

পাওয়া যায় এবং যদি রােগিণী খুব বিষন্ন থাকে, তাহা হইলে বাধা দেওয়া না হইলে, খুব সম্ভবতঃ | এই ঔষধই তাহাকে আরােগ্য করে। ইতিহাস থাকিলে ইহা যুবতীগণের জরায়ু হইতে রক্তস্রাব আরােগ্য করে এবং ঋতুলােপ পাইলে তাহা পুনঃস্থাপিত করে। যােনিটি অত্যন্ত শিথিল হইয়া পড়ে, অনেক সময়ে জরায়ুভ্রংশ দেখা দেয় এবং ডিমের শ্বেতাংশের ন্যায় প্রচুর প্রদরস্রাব হইতে থাকে

| শােচনীয়, দুঃখাভিভূত যুবক, তাহার প্রথম জীবনের পাপের জন্য ভগ্নমনা হইয়া পড়িয়াছে, | এক্ষণে নববিবাহিত হইয়া দেখিল যে, সে পুরুষত্বহীন হইয়া পড়িয়াছে। তাহার গণােরিয়া হইয়াছিল, সে অত্যধিক ইন্দ্রিয়সেবায় জীবন কাটাইয়াছিল আর এখন তাহার জননেন্দ্রিয় শীতল শিথিল হইয়া পড়িয়াছে; মলত্যাগকালে প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থির রস নির্গত হইতেছে। তাহার সুন্দরী যুবতী স্ত্রীও তাহার লিঙ্গোদ্রেক করাইতে পারে না, যদিও মাত্র কয়েকদিন পূৰ্ব্বেও সে গােপন সহবাসে সমর্থ হইয়াছিল এবং ভােরবেলায় লিঙ্গোদ্রেক হইতেছিল, কিন্তু আর লিঙ্গোদ্রেক হয় না।

উপরােক্ত কারণ অবস্থা হইতে বহু কষ্টজনক লক্ষণ উপস্থিত হয়। স্মৃতিশক্তির নাশ, হতাশা, আত্মহত্যার চিন্তা, উৎকণ্ঠা, ভয়, এবং খিটখিটে স্বভাব দেখা দেয়। এইসব রােগীরা শিরঃপীড়া আলােকাতঙ্কে ভােগে এবং স্নায়বিক লক্ষণসমূহ এত বেশী সংখ্যক হয় যে, তাহা বর্ণনা করা চলে না। চর্মের উপর সড়সড়ানি। মস্তক, মুখ দন্তে ছিড়িয়া ফেলার ন্যায় বেদনা। অতি সাধারণ খাদ্য ব্যতীত সব খাদ্যেই তাহার পাকস্থলীর গােলযােগ দেখা দেয় এবং সে বমনােদ্বেগের জন্য অত্যন্ত অভিযােগ করে। তাহার পেশীগুলি শিথিল হয়। সে রক্তহীন হইয়া পড়ে; গ্রন্থিগুলি, বিশেষতঃ প্লীহা বৰ্দ্ধিত হয়। দিনে দিনে তাহার উদরে বায়ুসঞ্চয় বাড়িতে থাকে। উদরাভ্যন্তরস্থ যন্ত্রাদি ভারের ন্যায় ঝুলিয়া পড়ে। সরলান্ত্রের ক্রমিক দুর্বলতা কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা দেখা দেয়। মলত্যাগ করিতে তাহাকে জোরে কোথ দিতে হয়, মলবেগ প্রায়ইসিলিকা, ‘স্যানিকিউলাএবং থুজারন্যায় নিষ্ফল হয় এবং মল একটু বাহির হইয়া আবার ঢুকিয়া যায়

মল বৃহৎ এবং কঠিন। মলদ্বার চুলকানি জ্বালা, মূত্রের ন্যায় গন্ধযুক্ত শব্দকারী অধঃবায়ু। | গুহ্যদ্বারের ছাল উঠিয়া যায়। শীঘ্রই তাহার খখকে কাশি নৈশঘৰ্ম্ম দেখা দেয়। অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গগুলি ক্লান্ত ঠান্ডা থাকে। সে ঠান্ডায় অত্যনুভূতিযুক্ত হয় এবং চুপ করিয়া থাকিতে চায়। পরিশ্রমে চলাফেরা করিলে তাহার উপসর্গগুলি বাড়ে। তাহার উপদেষ্টার অভাব থাকে না এবং তাহারা তাহাকে বুঝায় যে, তাহার স্নায়ুদৌর্বল্য দেখা দিয়াছে। তাহাকে এগ্নাস ক্যাস্টাস অবশ্যই দিতে হইবে 

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
Agn : Agnus Castus
Premature old age from abuse of sexual power.History of repeated gonorrhoea.Male genitalia cold and relaxed with desire gone.


Chaste tree


Tincture of ripe berries.




-Sexual excess -Repeated attacks of gonorrhoea or gleet. -Sprains or over lifting.


< Sexual excess < Sprains or overlifting < Warm room < Touch > Open air > Pressure


-Sexual vitality is lowered, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. Sexual melancholy. -Great sadness, depression, with a fixed idea of approaching death, feels there is no use in doing anything. -Fear of death. -Lack of courage. -Has to read a sentence twice before he can comprehend, forgetful. -Absentmindedness. -Illusions of smell – herring, musk.


-Eyes-Pupils dilated. -Nose-Odours of herring and musk. -G.I.T.-Spleen swollen. -Stools soft, recede, difficult. -Deep fissures in anus. -Nausea, with sensation as if intestines were pressed downwards, wants to support bowels. -Male genitalia-Impotence. -Desire gone [Con, Sabal, Sel]. -Parts cold, relaxed, swollen, hard and painful. -Scanty emission without ejaculation. -Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. -Female genitalia-Agalactia with sadness. -Abhorrence of sexual intercourse. -Sterility. -Extremities-Sprains and strains.


1. Lack of sexual power and lack of self confidence, with depression and mental apathy. 2. Self contempt from sexual abuse. 3. Women with excessive sexual desire and lasciviousness or sterility and loss of sexual desire. 4. Nervous debility in unmarried person.


– Mental depression, apathy and great sadness with impotency.


-Bad effects (physical as well as mental) due to excessive sexual indulgence. -Impotency with mental depression and sadness, self contempt from sexual abuse. -Premature old age for old sinners -Excessive weakness, debility and loss of vital heat, with coldness of genitals and limbs.


-Agalactia, Depression, Fissures (anus), Gonorrhoea, Impotence, Leucorrhoea, Pupils dilated, Sexual melancholy, Spleen swollen, Sprains, Sterility, Strains, Tachycardia. -Tachycardia caused by tobacco in neurotic young men. -Caladium and Selenium follow well after Agnus in weakness of sexual organs or impotency.


Follows Well : Ars, Bry, Ign, Lyc, Puls, Sel, Sulph. Compare : Agar, Camph, Chel, Con, Hyos, Kreos, Lyc, Mur-ac, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Sel, Sulph. Antidoted By : Camph, Nux-v. Duration Of Action : 8-14 Days.



+ Vitex Agnus Castus. Verbenaceae.



A shrub growing in damp places in Southern Europe. Since Dioscorides one of the most famous medicines.


Proved by Hahnemann and his school, and published in 1841, in the Archives, by Stapf; later proved by Helbig.



Absent-minded, reduced power of insight; cannot recollect things.


He finds reading difficult; has to read several things twice; is unable to fix his attention.


Low-spirited, fears of approaching death.


Despairing sadness; keeps repeating that she will die, that there is no use doing anything.


Cephalalgia. Agalactea.


Melancholy, hypochondriac mood. Cephalalgia.


Anxious, fear and weakness.


Peevish; inclined to get angry; with hiccough.



After dullness in head, a pressing, long-lasting headache, followed by vomiting and spasmodic trembling.


Heaviness of head and pressure in neck, as if head would fall forward.


Inner Head

Tearing, with pressure in temples and forehead, in brain, agg.


during motion.


Tearing pain above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye, attended with soreness to touch, agg. by motion, agg. in evening, lasting several days.


Contractive headache above temples from reading.


Headache in upper part of head, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and dusky atmosphere; looking to one point relieves it.


Pain in temple as from a blow.




Outer Head

Biting itching on scalp, agg. evenings and when falling asleep.


Tearing, tension and chilliness in scalp, which is warm to touch.


Biting pains on upper right side, on bone, from behind forward, agg. evening and in sleep.


Sight and Eyes

Burning in eyes and headache from reading in evening.


Pupils widely dilated.


Dilated pupils.




Looking at a fixed point relieves pain in upper head.


Tearing pains above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon eye. Cephalalgia.


Corrosive itching over and on eyebrows and lids, and below eyes.


Hearing and Ears

Ringing or roaring in ears.


Hardness of hearing.


Drawing pain in left parotid.


Smell and Nose

Illusion of smell: as of herring; musk.


Soreness and pain in left side of nose.


Hard aching pain in dorsum of nose, as if a stone was pressing there, amel. by pressure.


Upper Face

Corrosive itching on either cheek, obliging him to scratch.


Erysipelas on left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head.


A long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching.


Formication of cheeks.


Lower Face

Rending, tearing, under alveoli of right lower jaw.


Deep tearing in right ramus of lower jaw, below socket.


Teeth and Gums

Toothache from warm things.


Teeth painful, when touched by warm food or drink.


Throbbing, tearing toothache in left eye-tooth, small boil near tooth, very painful to touch; in attacks.


Ulcers on gums.


Taste and Tongue

Taste: metallic; coppery ; bitter.


Tongue coated white.


Inner Mouth

Mouth very dry, saliva viscid and tough, drawing out in strings.


Ulcers on gums and in mouth.



Corrosive itching in pit of throat.


Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions



Relishes food, but it does not agree with him.


Lessened appetite.


Thirstlessness; aversion to drink.


Eating and Drinking

Abdomen distended after meals.


Nausea in pit of stomach after eating.


Food makes him feel uneasy and replete.


Warm food and drink cause teeth to ache.


Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting

The wind he brings up smells like old urine allowed to remain on clothes.


Hiccough; inclined to get angry; peevish.


Nausea in pit of stomach when standing; later, qualmishness in abdomen, with a sensation as if intestines were pressing downward; wants to support himself with his hands.


Nausea as from eating fat food. Checked catamenia.



Pinching in scrobiculum when sitting bent over.



Aching in region of liver, agg. from touch.


Soreness in region of spleen.


Swelling and induration of spleen. Intermittent.



Rumbling in abdomen during sleep.


Abdomen sensitive to pressure.


Incarcerated flatus.


Abdomen sore to touch.




Feels as if entrails were sinking down, constantly inclined to support bowels with hands. Uterine complaint.


Violent, contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in morning, with bearing down. Suppressed menses.




Stool and Rectum

Diarrhoea of children, chronic diarrhoea of adults.


Feels as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing; anguish, great weakness.


Difficult expulsion of soft stool.


Hard stools. Constipation.


When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid.


Great accumulation of wind.


Wind expelled by rectum smells like urine remaining long on clothes.




A sore feeling under skin near anus, only when walking.


Corrosive itching of perineum, pruritus podium.


Excoriated anus.


Deep rhagades or fissures of anus.


Urinary Organs

Pains in bladder.


Passes more urine.


Gets up twice at night and even once during siesta.


When urinating, sometimes pain in lower abdomen, sometimes in kidneys.


Red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.


Emission of prostatic fluid.


A yellow discharge from urethra.


Male Sexual Organs

Complete loss of sexual desire, penis is small, flaccid and cold.


Frequent erections, but without voluptuous thoughts.


Usual morning erection with desire, but parts flaccid.


After an embrace involuntary emissions same night, and long- continued erection.


Sexual desire lessened, almost lost.


Penis so relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections.


Testes cold, swollen, hard and painful; penis small, flaccid.


Spermatic fluid thin, watery and deficient.


Impotence, with gleet, especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhea.


Yellow urethral discharge. Gonorrhea.


Gleet, with want of sexual desire or erections.


Induration of testicles. Suppressed gonorrhea.


Drawing along spermatic cords.


Pollution from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea.


Prostatic juice passes with hard stools.


Want of erection and sexual desire. Secondary gonorrhea.


Itching of genitals.


Female Sexual Organs

Hysteria, with maniacal lasciviousness.


Sterility; absence of menses and sexual desire.


Menses lasting from ten to eighteen days.




Suppressed menses, with drawing pain in abdomen.


A transparent leucorrhoeal discharge passes imperceptibly from the very relaxed parts.


Leucorrhoea, not copious, but spotting her linen yellow.


Suppressed menses.


Intumescence of the uterus.


Before menses: vertigo, headache, dim sight.


During menses: pain in pelvis and loins.


Inflammation of uterus.


Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation

Retained placenta.


Milk scanty, or disappears; often with great sadness; says she will die.


Suppression of milk in childbed, or during nursing period.


Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia

Voice as if passing through wool, has no timbre.



Oppression on going up-stairs.


Dyspnoea; agg. in evening.



Cough: in evening, in bed, before falling asleep; with raising of blood, followed by copious mucus; in paroxysms, with palpitation and nosebleed, mostly in morning; when inhaling cold air.


Tough sputa, hanging like a rag in fauces.


Inner Chest and Lungs

Feeling of dryness in chest.


Heart Pulse and Circulation

Palpitation; with cough.


Slow and weak pulse, often imperceptible.


Outer Chest

Pressure in region of sternum, agg. when breathing deeply.


Pressure in xiphoid cartilage, just above pit of stomach.


Neck and Back

A creaking noise in vertebrae.


Acute, sharp stitches in coccyx, and on left side near coccyx and sacrum.


Pain in sacrum from flatus.


Upper Limbs

Hard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, agg. from touch or motion.


Swelling of finger joints, tearing pains, arthritic nodes.


Gouty swelling of finger joints.


Lower Limbs

Pain in left hip.


Thighs feel tired and swollen towards evening.


Lancinating pain in right hip joint, agg. during motion, amel. in rest.


Legs much fatigued and swollen towards evening.


Cold knees.


Ankles swollen after a sprain.


Tearing, rending in feet and toes, agg. on walking.


Stitches in legs and left big toe.


Fine lacerations in bottom of either foot.


Feet easily turn under when walking on a stone pavement.


Rest, Position and Motion

Rest: relieves pain in hip.


Sitting bent over: causes pain in scrobiculum.


Standing: causes nausea and qualmishness in stomach and abdomen; sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.


Motion: aggravates tearing and pressure in head, pressure in axilla and arm; pain in hips.


Walking: soreness near anus; tearing in feet and toes agg.; feet turn under; hands sweat.


Ascending stairs: causes oppressed breathing.



Spasmodic complaints of hypochondriac men.


Great weakness: as from violent anguish; from depression of spirits. Agalactea.


Lethargy or frenzy.







Awaking often, as if alarmed ; startings.


Anxious dreams.



Night: gets up twice to urinate.


Morning: violent bellyache; cough, with palpitation and nosebleed.


Evening: tearing pains, with pressure above right eye and temple; itching on scalp agg.; eyes burn when reading; dyspnoea agg.; cough in bed; legs tired and swollen; chilliness, followed by heat and sweat; flushes of heat, knees cold.


Temperature and Weather

Bad effects from getting feet wet.


Warm things: teeth pain.


In bed: heat of face, coldness of knees.


Cold Air: coughs when inhaling it.


Open Air: hands sweat when walking.



Internal chilliness, with trembling, skin warm.


Slight chilliness towards evening, followed by heat, with headache, no thirst, slight delirium, tormenting, profuse sweat.


Chill and heat alternate.


Chilly all over, but only hands feel cold to touch.


Flushes of burning heat, mostly in face, with cold knees; evening in bed.


Heat with coryza, thirst. Borborygmus.


Sweat on hands when walking in open air.


Sweats easily.


Attacks and Periodicity

Sudden attacks of bellyache.


Locality and Direction

Right: tearing in lower jaw; aching in liver; pressure in axilla and arm; lancinating in hip joint.


Left: drawing in parotid gland; painful soreness in side of nose; erysipelas on cheek; soreness in spleen ; stitches side of sacrum and coccyx.


Above downward: nausea and qualmishness.



Bruised feeling all over.


As if head would fall forward; as if one had received a blow on eye; headache as from staying in a room with thick atmosphere; pain in temple as from a blow; as if a stone was pressing in dorsum of nose; a long stitch followed by a fine pricking itching in face; as if intestines were pressing downward; voice as if passing through wool; pains as if luxated.


Pain: in left side of nose; in bladder; in testicles; in sacrum; in left hip.


Burning: in eyes; in eyelids; in nose; in throat; in mouth; in urethra; in bladder; in skin.


Lancinating: in right hip joint; in soles of feet.


Stitches: in head; in face; in eyes; in ears; in rectum; in coccyx; near sacrum; in legs; in left big toe; in skin.


Tearing: in head; above right eye and temple; in scalp; under alveoli of right lower jaw; deep in ramus of lower jaw; toothache; in finger joints; in feet and toes.


Gnawing: in different parts.


Rending: under alveoli of right lower jaw; in feet and toes.


Pinching: in scrobiculum.


Aching pain: in dorsum of nose; in region of liver.


Soreness: in left side of nose; in region of spleen; under skin near anus.


Biting pains: in outer head.


Drawing pain: in left parotid; along spermatic cords; in abdomen.


Pressing: headache; in neck; in temples, forehead and brain; in urethra; in region of sternum; in xiphoid cartilage; in right axilla and upper arm.


Throbbing: toothache.


Contractive pain: in head above temples; in abdomen.


Tension: in scalp.


Dullness: in head.


Tired feeling: in thighs; in legs.


Heaviness: of head.


Swollen feeling: in thighs.


Biting itching: on scalp.


Corrosive itching: on eyebrows and lids and beneath eyes; on cheeks; in pit of throat; of perineum.


Itching: of male genitals; on different parts of body; around ulcers.


Formication: of cheeks.


Heat: burning; flushes; with coryza.


Chilliness: in scalp; internal; all over.


Coldness: of knees.


Dryness: of mouth; in chest.


Stitches: head, face, eyes, ears, rectum and skin.



Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of joints.


Gouty nodosities.


Touch Passive motion and Injuries

May be indicated in bruises or wounds.


Sprains and luxation of joints.


Strains from lifting a little too much.


Prevents excoriation from walking.


Pressure: relieves aching on dorsum of nose; abdomen sensitive therefrom.


Touch: aggravates toothache; aching in liver; abdomen sore; pressure in axilla and arm.


Must scratch: in corrosive itching of cheeks.



Pungent odor exhales from him, gives him a dullness and headache, followed by vomiting and trembling.


Gnawing or itching on different parts of body, relieved temporarily by scratching.


Itching around ulcers, in evening.


Yellow tint of the skin.


Stages of Life and Constitution

Lymphatic constitution. Agalactea.


Premature old age, in young persons from abuse of sexual powers, melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid.


Unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility. Cephalalgia.


“Old sinners,” with impotence and gleet.



The only one proved from the large family of Verbenaceae. Helbig calls attention to the nearly related family of Labiatae, from which we have several valuable remedies.


Antidotes to Agn. cast.: Camphor., Nat-m. (the headache), strong solution of table salt.


After Agn are useful: Ars., Bry., Ign., Lyc., Puls., Sulphur, Sel. (impotence).

Agnus Castus [Agn]


+ Common name (Engl), Chaste tree; (Germ) Keuschlamm; (Fr)





Vitex agnus castus, L.


Natural order: Verbenaceae.


Pommes d’apis.


Preparation: Tincture from the ripe berries.



Melancholy, hypochondriac mood the whole day; he feels as if nothing existed around him; he is dissatisfied with himself all the time; he is incapable of attending to any business; the things around him are entirely indifferent to him; while attending to his business, he is apt to fall into a thoughtless mood.


He sometimes feels as if he were nobody, and would rather be dead than have that feeling; when possessed by that feeling, he has no courage to undertake anything; and when free from it he feels exalted, would like to read like an orator, etc.


She is very sad, and keeps repeating that she will soon die (“A.,” in Stapf’s Beitrage).


Gloomy sensation in the head over the eyes (this symptom was observed in a man of twenty-five years, whose genital organs were habitually weak).


Extreme absence of mind; he is unable to recollect things; for instance, in playing cards, which he was fond of and knew well, he did not know what card he was to play, or what he was to do at all.


He finds reading difficult; he has to read several things twice; he is unable to fix his attention.



Vertigo; sensation as if everything were turning in a circle; in a few days.


Confusion of head, like a drawing in the whole head.


The head feels confused.


Heaviness of the head, with pressure in the nape of the neck; sensation as if the head would fall forward.


Contractive headache, when reading.


Tensive tearing in the forehead (about one-half hour).


Tearing, with pressure, in the left frontal eminence.


Tearing, with pressure, in the temples and forehead, in the brain; more violent during motion (about two hours).


Contractive headache above the temples (about twelve hours).


Tearing and sticking in the temples, especially above the right eye, and in the other parts of the brain; more violent during motion (about one hour).


Tearing, with pressure in the right temple, on the outside of and in the interior of the brain; more violent during motion.


Tearing in the left temple.


Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, which is more of a smarting and sticking nature; more externally, in the bone, as it were, and extending from behind forward, terminating in a corner of the forehead; the pain occurs especially in the evening hours, and befalls him even in sleep; for several days.


Pressure in the region of the left parietal bones.


Corrosive itching.


Chilliness in the scalp, with tension; it feels warm, however.


Corrosive itching in the lower part of the forehead, and in the region of the eyebrows.



Burning of the eyes in the evening, when reading.


Pain in the eye towards the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye; increased by contact.


Running of the eyes, in the room.


Corrosive itching in the upper eyelids. Smarting stitches in the right eyeball, going off by rubbing the eye.


Corrosive itching under the eyes.


Dilated pupils, the whole day.



Considerable heat in left external ear, soon after taking the drug.


Hardness of hearing.


Ringing in the ears, or rather roaring.



Hard aching on the dorsum of the nose, the right nasal bone, and between the right eyebrow and the root of the nose, as if a stone were pressing there; going off when pressing upon the parts (about thirty hours).


Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose.


Much sneezing, with dryness of the nose.


Illusion of smell; he sometimes smells herring, and sometimes musk, without either being present (one day).



Stinging itching in various parts of the face, commencing with a long stitch on either side.


Paralytic tearing in the right malar bone.


Formication in the right cheek, obliging him to scratch.


Corrosive itching in either cheek, obliging him to scratch.


Corrosive itching on the right side, near the chin.


Tearing, with pressure, in the right ramus of the lower jaw.


Deep tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, below the sockets.



The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink.


Coppery taste in the mouth, as if the mouth had been galvanized (after six hours).


The mouth is very dry; saliva so tough that it can be drawn out in threads; the velum pendulum palati and the uvula are red; he experiences a scratching in the throat, which obliges him to cough; while coughing, the phlegm which he wants to cough up feels to him very viscid, as if a piece of cloth were hanging in his throat.



Corrosive itching in the pit of the throat.



Hunger and appetite are very strong.


His appetite is good, and his hunger is rather increased.


His stomach is disordered; he relishes his food, but it does not with him.


Aversion to drink.


Want of thirst (six hours).


Increased thirst (after thirty hours).


The food does not agree with him; it makes him feel uneasy and replete.


Frequent hiccough, with disposition to be out of humor.




The wind which he brings up, and that which he passes by the rectum, smells like old urine in clothes.


Feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach.


Nausea in the pit of the stomach when standing, after which he feels a qualmishness in the abdomen, as if all the bowels sank down (at one hour).


Pinching in the pit of the stomach, when sitting bent (after five days).



Loud rumbling in the abdomen during sleep.


Shifting pressure and cutting in the upper abdomen.


Transient cutting in the lower abdomen, directly above the left os ilium.


Itching stinging in the inguinal region, obliging him to scratch.


Sharp prickings in the superior and anterior spinous process of the left os ilium (after half hour).


Stool and Anus

Loose stool, some days in succession.


The stools are more loose than usual, with dull pain in the abdomen.


Several diarrhoeic stools.


Difficulty in passing the stools, which were not hard; they had to be pressed out, and seemed inclined to re-enter the rectum.


Discharge of prostatic juice when straining at stool.


Constipation (after seventy-two hours).


Twitching in the sphincters.


Corrosive itching of the perineum.


A spot near the anus, in the flesh, which is painful when walking, as of subcutaneous suppuration; not when sitting.


Urinary Organs

Disagreeable sensation in the back part of the urethra, after micturition.


He has to urinate frequently, and a good deal, the whole time of proving; the urine has a somewhat darker color.


The urine, increased in amount, seems to pass with a stronger stream.


A kind of yellow discharge from urethra.


When fondling females he discharges a little mucus from the urethra.


Sexual Organs

Itching of the genital organs, obliging him to scratch.


Drawing along the spermatic cords.


The testes feel cold in the night to others, not subjectively (in a healthy man).


Crawling sensation in the testes.


Corrosive itching in the membranes of the penis.


Feeble erection without the sexual desire being irritated (after five to six hours).


The penis is so relaxed that not even voluptuous fancies excite it.


Diminution and slowness of the sexual powers, which are usually very easily and powerfully excited; the penis is small and flaccid (in a very healthy man).


He has not the usual morning erection, with desire for an embrace; the parts were without irritation, flaccid, and not disposed for an embrace (after sixteen hours), (in a healthy man).


To prevent getting children, a man took for three months, morning and evening, twelve grains of the Agnus castus, by which the parts were weakened to such an extent that not only did the erections become deficient, but he lost his semen as he intended, and never got children.


(Lindron, Venus-Spiegel, p.119).


Diminished sexual instinct; after an embrace the body feels easy and light (second night).


Want of sexual desire for two days; the erections and the sexual desire returned on the third day (in a healthy man).


Painful erections, early in the morning (after fourteen hours).


Frequent erection.


Frequent erections, during which the penis becomes more enlarged than usual (fourth, fifth, and sixth evenings), (secondary effect).


After an embrace he has an involuntary emission the same night, and a long-continued erection (seventh night), (secondary effect).


Increased sexual desire, constant erections, and voluptuous feeling in the genital organs (after third day), (curative effect).


Unusually violent erections without cause and without any amorous thoughts; the erection was accompanied with a kind of amorous rage, without any desire for emission; he gnashed his teeth from an excess of voluptuous sensation for half an hour in the morning, when rising (after twenty hours), (curative effect ).


Excites the sexual desire in some. (S. Paulli. Quad. Bot., p. 189).


The semen runs out in a stream, without ejaculation; it has but little smell, and is scanty (fourth day).


Respiratory Apparatus

Sensation as if tenacious mucus were lodged in his throat; he is unable to bring it up.


His voice sounds as if it passed through wool; it has no characteristic tone.


Cough before falling asleep, in the evening, in bed.



Pressure in the region of the sternum, externally, especially during a deep inspiration.


Dull pain in the chest.


Hard pressure above the right nipple, more violent during an expiration and when touching the parts.- Hard pressure in the region of the last true and the first rib of the right side; more violent when touching it.


Pressure in the xiphoid cartilage, directly above the pit of the stomach.


Heart and Pulse

The pulse is slower and less perceptible; 60 beats.


Neck and Back

Corrosive itching of the nape of the neck and of various other parts.


Excessive, deep, sharp stitches in the coccyx.


Deep stitches, going and coming, on the left side, near the os sacrum and the coccyx (after three hours).


Upper Extremities

Dull tearing stitches on the top of the left shoulder.


Tearing, with pressure, in the right shoulder-joint, a sort of dislocation pain, more violent during motion and inspiration (after three hours).


Hard pressure in the right axilla, more violent by touch (after half an hour).


Corrosive itching behind the axilla.


Hard pressure in the upper arm, superiorly, externally, more violent by touch (after three quarters of an hour).


Sharp prickings directly above the elbow-joint, in the external surface of the left upper arm.


Pressure in the right elbow-joint, more violent during motion (after thirteen hours).


Jerking in the region of the right elbow, disappearing by moving the arm.


Dull stitch in the outer side of the right olecranon process, a few inches above the wrist-joint (after one hour and a half).


Paralytic pain in the left wrist-joint, perceptible only when turning the hand.


Paralytic jerking-drawing in the metacarpal bones of the left index-finger, more violent during contact.


Long, sharp stitch in the eminence of the lower joint of the index-finger.


Swelling of a finger-joint, with arthritic tearing pain.


Buzzing and humming in the right index-finger.


Sticking in the fingers of the right hand; in the evening of the fifth day.


Pressure in the muscles of the left thumb.


Dull sticking in the upper; joint of the right thumb.


Lower Extremities

Lancinating pain in the right hip-joint, sometimes extending above and below the hip-joint, more violent during motion, abating in rest, when it resembles more a tearing with pressure, accompanied with debility and weariness, which oblige him to sit down; a sort of luxation pain (after thirty-six hours).


Sharp pricking in the right side of the right thigh, high up.


Cramp pain the left thigh, externally and superiorly, near the hip, only when walking.


Shooting in the bends of the right knee when standing.


Sticking, drawing pains in the bends of both knees, extending into the thigh and leg, with debility, more violent during motion; in rest it is changed to a sort of drawing with pressure, as if the parts were dislocated.


Tearing in the inner side of the left leg, from the knee down to the foot (immediately).


Sensation in the upper part of the left calf as if the skin were pulled at with a string.


Sharp Stitch in the external side of the left fibula, a little above the foot, disappearing on pressure.


Paralytic jerking-drawing in the muscles of the left leg, extending from the knee to the foot, the same when walking or when touching the parts (after six hours).


Corrosive itching causes scratching on the anterior surface of the left calf; one hand’s breadth below the knee.


Corrosive itching in the anterior surface of the tibia.


Pressive pain in the right tibia, when standing.


Intermittent sharp stitches in the region where the fibula and tibia join the tarsus anteriorly (after seven hours).


Sticking in one part of the outer side of the foot, when standing still.


Heaviness in the right foot; sensation as if a heavy load were attached to the tarsal bones, drawing the foot down, in every position of the foot.


Pricking in the left big toe.


Violent stitches in the left big toe, causing the whole limb to jerk.


Tearing in the anterior joints of the left toes; more violent when walking.


Dull, intermittent sticking in the bottom of the foot near the heel, independent of contact or walking (after half an hour).


Tearing in the lower limbs for half an hour.


When walking on the pavement the feet easily become turned (fifth day); early in the morning.


Fine lancinations at the bottom of either foot.



Great weakness, as results from violent anguish, with sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, when standing.


Feels bruised all over.



Itching-stinging in different parts of the body, obliging him to scratch (after twenty-eight hours).


Itching around the ulcer in the evening.


The corrosive itching yields to scratching, but returns as speedily.


Creeping under the skin of the hands and itching of the body, especially up the back, as from fleas.



Chilliness, without thirst or subsequent heat.


Constant trembling of the whole body from internal chilliness, the body feeling warm to the hands.


Chilliness of the whole body, without thirst; the hands, however, are the only portions of the body which feel cold to the touch.


Chilliness and shuddering, and then heat (after a quarter of an hour); these alternate frequently, without thirst (after fifty hours).


Frequent alternations of chilliness and heat without thirst; the hands, however, being the only parts of the body which feel cold to the touch.


Heat in the face and dryness of the mouth, for an hour; the thirst appears only when the heat is over.


Heat of the whole body, with cold knees, in the evening, in bed; he feels as if fire was creeping over him.


Sweat of the left hand, especially the interior sides of the fingers, in the open air, previous to the heat.


Sleep and Dreams

Makes drowsy and intoxicates (Zwinger, Herbar, 227).


Makes the head confused, and causes drowsiness (Diosc).


Restless sleep he pushes off the cover of the bed, and dreams constantly, without recollecting what.


She sometimes starts in her sleep, as if in affright, and wakes.


Anxious dreams, which he does not recollect.


Voluptuous dreams.


Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), Early, painful erections; early, feet turn easily when walking.


(Evening), Pain in right side of head, when reading; burning in eyes; in bed, before falling asleep, cough; sticking in right fingers; itching around the ulcer; in bed, heat of whole body.


(Sitting bent), Pain in pit of stomach.


(Contact), Pain in eye; jerking drawing in bone of left index finger.


(During expiration), Pressure above right nipple.


(During inspiration), Pressure in region of sternum.


(After micturition), Disagreeable sensation in urethra.


(Motion), Tearing in temples, etc.; tearing, etc., in temples, etc.; tearing, etc., in right temple, etc.; tearing, etc., in right shoulder-joint; pressure in right elbow- joint; pain in right hip joint; pains in bends of knees.


(When reading), Contractive headache; in the evening, burning of the eyes.


(In room), Running of the eyes.


(When standing), Nausea; shooting in bend of knee; pain in right tibia; great weakness.


(Touching hand), Pain in left wrist-joint.


(Touch), Pressure above nipple; pressure in right rib region; pressure in right axilla; pressure in upper arm.


(When touched be warm food or drink), Teeth painful.


(Walking), Cramp pain in left thigh; tearing in left toe-joint.



(Motion), Jerking in region of right elbow.


(Pressure), Aching on dorsum of nose, etc.


(Rubbing), Itching in right eyeball.


(Scratching), Itching on hairy scalp.

Rubrics: 98 Agn [252/98] Total
[Complete ] [Mind]IRRITABILITY:Hiccough, in: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]MOROSE, SULKY:Eructations, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Atmosphere is thick and heavy, as if, vertex: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Contracting:Reading agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]LOOKING:Amel.:Point, at one: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]ITCHING, TICKLING:Corrosive, gnawing: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Nose]PAIN:Pressing:Pressure amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]ITCHING:Corrosive, gnawing: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Face]REDNESS:Septicaemia, in: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Pulsating, throbbing:Canines, eye-teeth:Left: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]NAUSEA:Pressing down sensation, with, wants to support bowels: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]FLATUS:Offensive:Urine, like stale: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Urethra]DISCHARGE:Gonorrheal:Impotency, with: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Urethra]DISCHARGE:Mucous:Flirting with women, when: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Urethra]RESTLESSNESS:Urination, after: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]EXCITABILITY OF GENITALS:Lost: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]HARDNESS:Gonorrhea, in suppressed: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]WITHERED: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]LEUCORRHEA:Running down limbs:Imperceptibly: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Knees:Fever heat, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]INFLAMMATION:Upper limbs:Joints: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Paralytic:Wrists:Turning hand agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Skin]ULCERS:Itching:Around:Evening: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]OLD AGE, PREMATURE:Sexual excesses, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Generalities]WEAKNESS:Sexual:Unmarried people, in: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Mind]DEATH:Presentiment of:Believes that she will die soon and that she cannot be helped: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Mind]FEAR (SEE ANXIETY):Death, of:Soon, that she will die: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Chest]PAIN:Pressing:Axilla,in:Right: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities]HEAVINESS,TIRED LIMBS:Foot:Right: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Tearing:Toes:Left: 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]DEATH, GENERAL:Presentiment, of death :Believes that she will die soon, and that she cannot be helped : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Clinical]DEATH, GENERAL:Presentiment, of death :Believes that she will die soon, and that she cannot be helped : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Constitutions]YOUNG, CONSTITUTIONS :Melancholy, from abuse of sexual powers, apathy, self-contempt, debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Feet]HEAVINESS, SENSATION :Right : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Head]ROOM, SENSATION, AS IF IN A CLOSED : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Male]EXCITABILITY, OF GENITALS :Loss, of excitability : 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ARM:Upper:Upper portion:Pressure, right:Externally, agg. touch: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]AXILLA:Pressure, right:Aggravated touch, right: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [F]FOREHEAD:Brain, as if in:Pressure, agg. during motion: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [P]PENIS:Erection:Incomplete:Sexual desire, without: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [T]TEMPLES:Tearing:Aggravated:Motion, during: 2 1 / 1
[Boenning ] [Head]INTERNAL:Room, as if in a close: 3 1 / 1
[Boenning ] [Genitalia male]MALE ORGANS:Excitability, loss of: 3 1 / 1
[Boericke ] [Nose]PAIN IN:Aching in dorsum, better from pressure: 2 1 / 1
[Boericke ] [Stomach]NAUSEA (QUALMISHNESS):Pressure downward, in intestines,with: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Clinical]ANUS:Excoriation and chaps of.: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Clinical]GONORRHOEA:Secondary: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Clinical]GOUTY CONCRETIONS:Joints: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Clinical]KNEE:Coldness of: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Clinical]RHEUMATIC NODES: 2 1 / 1
[Clarke ] [Causation]GLEET REPEATED ATTACKS OF: 2 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Male Genitals]EJACULATIONS, SEMINAL DISCHARGE:Odor:Little odor: 2 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Male Genitals]ERECTION:Troublesome:Strong:Thirstless: 2 1 / 1
[Miasms ] [Male Genitals]PENIS:Sore,laxed that voluptuous fancies excite no reaction: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]CONTEMPT:Herself, for: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]DEATH:Conviction of:Headache, in (agalactia): 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]HYPOCHONDRIASIS:Head: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Mind and Disposition]READING:Difficult, has to read twice: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Inner Head]HEADACHE (UNDEFINED):Room:Staying, as from, in a close room, better looking at one point: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Teeth and Gums]TOOTHACHE(UNDEFINED):Throbbing (beating, pulsating):Eye tooth, in left: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting]NAUSEA:Standing, when: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Hypochondria]SPLEEN:Enlarged:Indurated: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Hypochondria]SPLEEN:Soreness: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Abdomen]BAG, FELT AS IF A BAG NOT QUITE FILLED WITH FLUID LAY ON RIGHT SIDE:Bearing down:Entrails, as if, were sinking down (uterine complaint): 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Abdomen]COLIC (ENTERALGIA) UNDEFINED:Contracting:Sudden, in morning, with bearing down (suppressed menses): 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Abdomen]FLATULENCE:Rumbling:During sleep: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Stool and Rectum]ANUS:Soreness:Feeling under skin near anus, when walking: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]GONORRHOEA:Gleet:Impotence, with: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]GONORRHOEA:Gleet:Sexual desire, with want of: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]GONORRHOEA:Suppressed:Testicles indurated: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]PENIS:Erections:Thoughts, without voluptuous: 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]PENIS:Relaxed (flaccid):Erections, voluptuous fancies excite no: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]PENIS:Small:Flaccid, cold: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]SEMINAL EMISSIONS (INVOLUNTARY, NOCTURNAL, SPERMATORRHOEA):Sexual excitement:Irritable weakness, from: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]SEXUAL POWER:Loss of (impotence):Gleet, with: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]SEXUAL POWER:Loss of (impotence):Gonorrhoea, after frequent: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Male Sexual Organs]TESTICLES:Induration:Gonorrhoea, after suppressed: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Female Sexual Organs]LEUCORRHOEA:Yellow:Spotting linen (suppressed menses): 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Lower Limbs]FEET:Swelling:Hard, painful: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Lower Limbs]THIGHS:Tired feeling:Swollen, towards evening: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Nerves]HYSTERIA:Mental condition:Lasciviousness, maniacal: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Nerves]WEAKNESS (DEBILITY, EXHAUSTION, FEEBLENESS, PROSTRATION, LOSS OF STRENGTH, VITAL POWER DIMINISHED, ETC.):Mental condition:Anguish, as from violent (agalactia): 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Nerves]WEAKNESS (DEBILITY, EXHAUSTION, FEEBLENESS, PROSTRATION, LOSS OF STRENGTH, VITAL POWER DIMINISHED, ETC.):Mental condition:Depression, from, of spirits, in agalactia: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Sleep]AWAKING:Mental condition:Alarmed, as if: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Fever]CHILLINESS:Coldness, with:Hands: 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Fever]HEAT (IN GENERAL):Thirst:Borborygmus, with: 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries]INJURIES:Sprains:Lifting, from: 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries]INJURIES:Straining:Lifting, from: 2 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Stages of Life and Constitution]AGE:Old people:Impotence and gleet, men, “old sinners”, with: 4 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Stages of Life and Constitution]AGE:Old people:Premature old age, from abuse of sexual powers: 3 1 / 1
[Knerr ] [Stages of Life and Constitution]AGE:Young people:Melancholy, from abuse of sexual powers, apathy, mental distraction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of spermatic fluid: 3 1 / 1
[Lippe ] [Head Interior, Headache, Congestion Of Blood, Heaviness]DAMPISH ROOM, HEADACHE AS IF IN: 2 1 / 1
[Phatak ] [Phatak A-Z]JADED RAKES: 2 1 / 1
[Special ] [Balbir]POLYURIA, HYPERTENSION WITH:Sleeplessness and heaviness of head, with: 2 1 / 1
[Special ] [Prabhakar]CIRCULATORY SYSTEM:Tachycardia, neurotic young person in, tobacco, due to: 2 1 / 1
[Special ] [Prabhakar]MIND:Nervous:Debility, unmarried persons in: 2 1 / 1
[Special ] [Prabhakar]MIND:Sensation:Death, sure but slow is, there is no use doing anything: 2 1 / 1

5.0 Agn : Agnus Castus



HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.


1936 May Vol LXXI No 845


Sudhir Kumar.




Ars / Agn / Verat / Arn / Merc / Led / Lyc / Puls / Phos.

BY DR. SUDHIR KUMAR BOSU ROY CHOUDHURY, B.Sc. (Cal.), M.D. (Orient), Khulna.

(From The Hahnemannian Gleanings, August, 1935).

S.N.B., aged about 40, was attacked with Gonorrhoea a few years ago. The discharge was suppressed by injections. After a year or so he complained of a burning pain in his stomach. This pain was almost constant and was temporarily ameliorated by cold drinks and cold applications. He took various medicines but no improvement was marked. I gave him Arsenic 30, three doses (a dose every fifteen minutes). After two doses this pain disappeared for the time but after twenty-four hours the pain reappeared. I gave him Ars. alb. 1m, one dose; he felt well for a few days and then again the pain reappeared. I gave him no other medicine except a few occasional doses of Placebo for I thought that would re-establish the flow and ameliorate the pain. After full two months a gleety discharge broke out. He complained of burning in the urethra while urinating. The interest of the case lies in the fact that the gastric pain disappeared as soon as the discharge made its appearance. The pain and the character of the discharge was exactly the same as they were at the time of suppression. The patient was melancholy and rather flatulent. He was absent-minded and lost a considerable portion of retentive power. He had a gleety discharge all along. I gave him a dose of Agnus castus 200. The burning and the pain disappeared in no time. He was also cured of hankering after sexual gratification.

Babu L.M.C. went to Calcutta where he was severely bitten by mosquitoes. He came back after a couple of days with a slight fever and sore bruised sensation all over the body. I was called in to see the case. I attended the case and found the above symptoms. I gave him a dose of Arnica mont. 1m. Scarcely had I returned to my room, than I was again called in to see him. I went there and saw that he was sweating profusely all over his body. There was cold perspiration on his forehead. His tongue was fast becoming paralysed. There was incoordination of the muscles of extremities. His hands and feet trembled and his words came out in jerks. His face was blue, cold and pinched. Finger nails blue. Tips of fingers pinched. Pulse was absolutely imperceptible at the wrist. Genuine collapse. Temperature 95 F. He was given Veratrum alb. 30 (a dose every five minutes). After three doses all these symptoms disappeared. he then complained of a severe and deep seated pain as if in the bone in the right shoulder. This pain was felt most acutely in the evening and at night. He was given Mercurius 30 thrice a day and was cured. He did not take Arnica I gave him at first.

A boy of about eight years of age was bitten by a rat somewhere below his left knee joint. There was a small deep punctured wound at the site. There was absolutely no bleeding. This was followed by high fever and severe pain all over his body and specially in the vicinity of the wound. He was given an injection to prevent lock-jaw. Pain, fever, etc., subsided. But after a month his left knee joint began to swell. He experienced a pain which was ameliorated by ice cold application. He was given allopathic ointment. Pain and swelling subsided but his knee joint became stiff. He could neither flex nor extend his knee. He had to walk on crutches. A big Calcutta doctor was consulted who opined that there was actual shortening of tendons. He received medicine for about a year from Allopaths. No improvement was marked. I was called in to see the patient. I gave him a dose of Ledum pal. 200. This cured him in a week. No other medicine was needed.

Chhedu Shaikh lives in our village. He is extremely poor. He was attacked with pneumonia some two years ago. He received quack medicines and recovered. From that time every cold settled in the chest. Towards the close of the winter in 1933 he was attacked with a similar cold. He complained of pressing, bursting pain in the upper third of the right lung. He had a dry hacking cough caused by tickling in the suprasternal fossa and in the stomach. He felt worse in the evening. The cough and the pain was worse lying on the left side. He had burning all over his body. He was given Phosphorus 200 and was cured. Towards the close of the last winter he was a gain attacked with pain in the chest. He had slight fever which was at its highest between 4 to 8 p.m. He had loose cough with mouthfuls of expectoration of greenish yellow colour. This profuse expectoration gave no relief. Fever and pain went on unabated. When he coughed it seemed as if the entire parenchyma of the lungs were softened. He had diarrhoea and excessive thirst and restlessness. Burning pain in the stomach and excoriating stools, etc., were also present. He was extremely debilitated. I gave him Ars. alb. 200. This controlled the thirst, the diarrhoea, gastric pain, etc. I waited for two days but there was no improvement of the chest symptoms. I gave him Lycopodium 1m, one dose. This cured him and he has been well since then. (For a similar case see E. Carletons Medicine and Surgery, p. 103, Case No. II).

A police officer – a debauchee in early life, was attacked with syphilis a few years ago. He had buboes in both sides. He was treated by allopathic medicine. He came to me with the following symptoms:.

(1) Headache from sundown to sunrise; from slightest mental exertion; while working in sun or artificial light.

(2) Eyesight almost lost; sees black flies before his eyes. Pain in his eyes. Syphilitic iritis.

(3) Sensation of a cobweb or a gauze before the eye.

(4) Extremely painful ulcers on his body.

(5) Blood examination for syphilis positive.

He was given Asafoetida 1m. He can now read without glasses. No headache for about six months. The ulcers have all disappeared. He is now one of my staunch supporters.

A robust young man engaged in athletic sports was attacked with intermittent fever. He took lumps of quinine and indigenous drugs. This suppressed the paroxysms for the time being. When he came to me he gave me the symptom that he would feel feverish during the full and new moons. He was greatly reduced in health and in spite of all sorts of exercises his measurements did not increase. He was given Silicea 1m and cured. His measurement increased rapidly.

A robust young man of 25 was the subject. He worked very laboriously in an Electric Supply Corporation. During the Pous Parban he ate plenty of fat food and cakes. He was suddenly attacked with a violent form of dysentery. The allopaths told that it was a case of Bacillary Dysentery and their medicines and injections were of no avail. When I was called in (gratis) to see him I came across the following symptoms:.

(1) Great pain in the stomach and abdomen.

(2) Stool: pure blood in large quantities with tenesmus before, during and after stool.

(3) Tongue coated, thickly white.

(4) Very little thirst.

(5) High fever.

(6) Chilliness. The more the pain, the greater the chill.

(7) Nausea: great and persistent.

He was given Pulsatilla 200, three doses (a dose after each stool). Improvement began after the second dose. The third dose was not used. No more medicine was given. He was cured in twenty-four hours.

A severe case of acute Rhinitis. A lady aged about 25 years was the subject. She was thin, scrawny and black and was rather of dry, irritable temperament. she suffered from late but profuse menstruation. She was extremely careless about her health. She caught cold which settled in her head. On close examination I came across the following symptoms:

(1) Severe chill in the evening. Chilliness persisting throughout the attack.

(2) High fever, temperature rose as high as 104 F.

(3) Nausea and vomiting of food and bile. Bitter vomiting.

Nausea continued throughout the attack. Great thirst.

(4) Tongue coated, thickly white.

(5) Great restlessness.

(6) Thin, nasal discharge in the beginning. This soon changed into thick greenish yellow discharge which was bland.

(7) Severe pain in the forehead showing that the frontal sinuses were attacked. This was relieved by cold application and cold air.

(8) Nausea temporarily ameliorated by placing a cup of cold water on the epigastric and abdominal regions.

(9) No stool for several days.

(10) Pain all over her body as if beaten.

She was given Pulsatilla 1m, one dose, and was cured. (See “HEAL THYSELF” for a similar case cured by Nux vom).



The Homoeopathic Herald By Das N C.


1955 Sept Vol XVI No 6




Therapeutics / Cases


Agn / Calad / Calc / Camph / Cann-i / Con / Hyos / Mag-p-a / Nux-v / Plat / Sel / Sep / Verat.

  1. Agnus castus

The symptoms indicate that this remedy has a diminished primary action, which in the hands of a homoeopathic physician becomes a valuable remedy in certain cases of impotency, as I have experienced is several patients. (Staf.).

  1. Caladium seguinum
  2. This remedy is used very much by (American) negroes to produce impotence, either in revenge, or from jealousy. In the latter case they think that if they smear Caladium juice on the wifes coral girdle (which they always wear) it makes them more chaste, and produces impotence in men who come near the wife while the husband is away. (Hering).
  3. A traveler of 26 suffered from gleet with impotence. which has lasted for longer than a year. Patient was normal otherwise. Caladium helped. (Rosenberg.)
  4. Calcarea carbonica
  5. Voluptuous thoughts; lack of sexual impulse; weak sexual potency; no pollutions; too brief erection during sexual intercourse; stitches and burning when semen passes at intercourse. (Hahnemann).
  6. As little as this remedy can be dispensed with in treating the results of onanism, yet it alone is hardly ever sufficient; still, it sufficed in one of my cases. Man of 20, bloated, of spongy stature, had practiced onanism frequently since he was 16. Symptoms: His florid complexion had vanished; digestion disturbed; constantly thirsty for cold drinks; muscles weak; stitches in chest when lifting weight; dead tired when walking; bathed in perspiration from least excertion. Conscientious scruples. Calcarea carbonica was given. In a week his symptoms were worse, but gradual improvement soon followed. After six months patient felt better than ever. (B, in D.)
  7. Woman of 21, generally well; though married for 22 years has not conceived; inclined to obesity; was given Calcarea carbonica 30c, which reporter had found valuable in similar cases. After two months she became pregnant, and was confined at full term. (Schreter).
  8. Lady of 32 had last been confined 9 years previously, was now troubled with copper – colored facial eruption for which Calcarea carbonica was given; soon after she became pregnant. (Gerner.)
  9. Camphora
  10. Man of 28 became totally impotent; no erections even after zealous external stimulation, in spite of active inclination. Camphora 3c, one drop, decreased the inclination, but gradually new life returned to the genitals. One drop of Acidum muriaticum, and later China 6c strengthened patient completely (Schuler)
  11. Cannabis
  12. Man complains that he could not fulfil his conjugal duties during his 19 years of married life because when he gets of his wife she is “as hot as fire” and then his erection ceases. Cannabis 30c was given him twice daily, but his wife received Platina 6c, also twice daily, and she soon became pregnant. (Hartung.)
  13. Mrs. F.24, strong, her husband 30, also normal, had lived together for 6 years without children. Both were given Cannabis 1c, a drop every night for two weeks. This produced in the man bloody nocturnal pollutions, in the woman vaginitis with corroding leucorrhea. In the third week both were given Mercurius solubilis 9c, repeated after a few weeks, Pregnancy occurred. (Pleyel).
  14. China
  15. Man 30, strictly moral and of strong character, has suffered for a few days with the following symptoms: Intolerable craving for various dainty tid – bits for which he previously did not care; day and night tormenting libido. Peculiar heavy physical sensation; laziness; weakness of entire body, especially in knees. He was given China 9c, one dose, which produced undisturbed sleep and cured everything. (Bethmann).
  16. Conium.

(a) Impotence and lacking erections; insufficient and short – lasting erections; weak coitus followed by exhaustion, (Hahnemann).

(b) It is a grand remedy in excessive pollutions in young men, and in partial impotence from such pollutions. (Lobeth.)

(c) Man of 26, onanist, not married, has been treated for a long time by many allopathic physicians, and finally hydropathically on account of chest and stomach troubles, great irritability and hypochondriasis, with some improvement; but still has pollutions minus erections and libido. He was now engaged to marry. Conium 30c. Nine doses wee given during four weeks; pollutions less and without following weakness. Libido and erections not lasting till ejaculation. Sepia 1500c was given every two days for several weeks. During 5 weeks he has only two pollutions. Coitus now normal. this was followed by Lycopodium 30c. One dose completed the cure. (Ehrhart.)

(d) Man, 30, of irritable, sanguine temper, has previously much indulged in venery, but for six year had abstained. Has now been married for two years, but, on account of weak and quickly passing erections and ejaculations, his hopes has been frustrated. Sulphur spirit gtt. 12, was given twice, followed by bladder tenesmus, after which Conium 30c was given once weekly for about two months with complete result as to procreation. (Marschall).

  1. Hyoscyamus

Girl of 14, has not yet menstruated; after long sleep in sun became almost insane, lascivious, will touch sexual organs of others. Is angry, hits everybody. She has attacks of fright and fear; fears imagined wolf, or that she will be burned. Belladonna 60c and Hyoscyamus 30c, later Sulphur cured in 6 weeks. After Hyoscyamus followed itching over entire body, especially of sexual organs. (Hahnemann.)

  1. Lycopodium

(a) Weak erections; excessive pollutions; lack of sexual impulse; impotent for years; aversion to intercourse. Easily inclined to intercourse even when thinking of it. Intractable desire for intercourse every night. Ejaculation too soon. (Hahnemann.)

(b) Von Boenninghausen recommends Lycopodium generally for impotence.

  1. Magnetis polus arcticus

Helped in two cases of sexual where erections was present, but organ became relaxed at moment of climax minus ejaculation. (Hartmann.)

  1. Natrum muriaticum

(a) Excessive irritability of sexual organs, and excessive imagination toward copulation. (Hahnemann).

(b) Natrum muriaticum in brandy, a tablespoonful evenings is said to produce conception from intercourse the following night. Several surprising examples of this have been related to me. (Hering).

Hahnemanns remarks concerning female aversion toward intercourse and Herings report put together deserve attention.

  1. Nux vomica.

Obstinate pollutions (not caused by onanism) as often found in robust men, were at times cured by Nux vomica.

Fervent sexual impulses with frequent painful erections in the morning hours, are quickly cured by Nux vomica, if there is not gonorrhea present. (Hartmann).

  1. Phosphorus

(a) Too strong erections evenings; impotent and too quick ejaculations at intercourse; too frequent pollutions. (Hahnemann).

(b) Repeatedly I have observed that after Phosphorus had been taken (which has exact relations to the male and female sexual organs) pregnancy occurred, hence this remedy should be remembered in sterility, if the other conditions are in the realm of this remedy. However, during homoeopathic treatment, as soon as the general conditions is improved, women who had not conceived for a longer time, often became pregnant. This undoubtedly is due to the return of normal uterine function. One must avoid laying improved inclination to conception to a single remedy. Aside from Phosphorus also Mercurius, Ferrum, and perhaps Cannabis seem to have this characteristic in large degree. (Rummel.)

(c) Mrs. F., married for 2 years, of tender, irritable body; is in fair health between menses, but during menstruation (which was not abundant) suffers from severe cutting abdominal pains, as if a knife were cutting around, with backache and vomiting of bile, mucus and food, preceded by leucorrhoea and frequent urination; weepy mood. Phosphorus 30c was given. The next menstruation was less painful and without vomiting. At the next menstrual time there was no discharge; patient was pregnant for the first time. (Rummel.)

14 Phosphoric acid

(a) Before I became acquainted with Homoeopathy, I had cured several patients suffering from pollutions (usually the result of onanism or frequent coitus) with Phosphoric acid, 5, 10 to 15 drops in 2 cup of water, given before retiring, continued for months. I do not recollect that this caused any proving symptoms. I also dispensed smaller doses and frequent repetition with favorable results. (Wolf.)

(b) For frequent and weakening pollutions, especially in patients who had been onanists, the longer continued use of Phosphoric acid 6c and 9c was most helpful. (Lobeth.)

(c) Phosphoric acid, one drop in a tablespoonful of water, taken morning and night is recommended in this strong dose for impotence from excessive venery with exhausting diarrhea and nightsweats. (Rosenberg).

(d) For a man weakened by dissolute living I prescribed (aside from other homoeopathic remedies) Phosphoric acid in Hahnemannian doses. The action was minimal. Then I prescribed the same remedy unpotentized 12 drops in water, several times. The result was excellent, general well – feeling and happiness enlivened the patient; the former long – lasting night – sweats disappeared, and coitus was again normal. (Kopp.)

  1. Platina

(a) Mrs. M. 40, phlegmatic temperament, and lacking sexual desire, mother of several children, generally well and strong; without apparent cause suddenly developed excessive sexual desire which was unknown before; now constantly craving over – powering satisfaction, throttling all other feeling. In spite of best conjugal efforts her pathological craving was insatiable. Her dreams were full of voluptuous pictures, and when awake that was the topic of her talk. Voluptuous tickling in uterine location. Platina 3c, 1 grain, cured in thirty hours. (Stapf).

(b) Girl of 25, very irritable and sensitive, due to frequent sexual excitement developed insatiable sexual desire; voluptuous tickling in uterine region; sleepless excitement; alternatingly sad or merry; weeps easily, Menstruates every 14 to 16 days, copiously, lasting 6 to 9 days. Platina 3c, one grain, was given every morning. Fifteen minutes later wept excessively without apparent cause for 2 hours, Restless sleep that evening, repulses all sexual approaches; the next day quieter; sexual desire much less. A few later she menstruated properly. (staf.)

(c) Nymphomania was cured in a case by Platina 6c. (Stapf.)

  1. Selenium

Recommended by Von Boenninghausen for impotency.

  1. Sepia

(a) H. 23, weakened by masturbation for a few years, but liberated himself two years ago, and since has these symptoms: Pollutions almost every night. followed by stitches in left side of forehead; practically always disagreeably sweetish taste; mouth always dry, but he is not thirsty; hard stools preceded by “bellyache” as soon as urging begins. Goes to sleep very late in evening on account of sensation of tiredness and restlessness in legs, especially in calves. Sepia 1500c relieved all in a week, and after that no more pollutions. Two weeks later complained of stitching earache, which was cured by Pulsatilla 30c. the next day Sepia was repeated once. In two weeks patient was completely cured. (B. in D.)

(b) Man past 30 has complete falling of hair, redness and chronic inflammation of eyelids which feel heavy; has frequent weakening pollutions; congestion of head. Sulphur 60c was given, and after a week Sepia 1500c relieved much and cured the pollutions Later he was given Silicea 30c which completed the cure. (Von Boenninghausen).

  1. Veratrum

(a) In nymphomania following suppression of lochia, Veratrum was valuable. (Gross.)

(b) Mrs. D. married six years, childless, has suffered from severe congestion of head on the day before her regular but scanty menstruation, pain lasted for three days. Aconitum 30c, Crocus 12c and Secale cornutum 12c produced normal menstruation and cured her congestion, which was followed by pregnancy. (Fragm).

(c) Impotence in a man of about 30 was cured by a course of treatment with Sulphur, Conium, Lycopodium, then Agnus 3c and Selenium 3c in alternation. (Gross.)

(d) A very complicated condition following onanism, was cured by Nux vomica, Sulphur, Lycopodium, Calcarea carbonica and Phosphorus. (Glaser.).

0% Complete