Course Content
ই-বুক চর্চা করে ২৪২ টি হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের পণ্ডিত হতে পারবেন
ভিডিও দেখে ২৪২ টি ঔষধ অতি দ্রুত শিখুন
প্রতিদিন সকালে ১০ টি ও সন্ধ্যায় ১০টি করে ঔষধের ভিডিও শ্রবণ করুণ।
DHMS প্রথম বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS দ্বিতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS তৃতীয় বর্ষের অনুশীলন
DHMS চতুর্থ বর্ষের অনুশীলন
হোসাইনী কিনোট- প্রিন্টেড বুক, ই-বুক ও ভিডিও সম্বলিত স্মার্ট মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা।
About Lesson

Aloe Socotrina [Aloe] এলো সকোট্রিনা

Aloe: অধোবায়ু নিঃসরণ বা প্রস্রাব করার সময় অসাড়ে মলত্যাগ, গুহ্যদ্বারে ব্যথা ও জ্বালা।

Aloe: আমযুক্ত উদরাময়, সকালে পায়খানার বেগ চেপে রাখা যায় না, বিছানা থেকে ওঠার দেরি সহ্য হয় না।

Aloe: মলত্যাগের পূর্বে পেট ডাকে, পায়খানার সময় অসারে কিছুটা নির্গত হওয়ার পর অত্যন্ত কোঁথানি ও বায়ুনিঃসরন।

Aloe: তলপেটের ডান দিকে অসহ্য বেদনা পায়খানার পূর্বে ও সময়ে সেই ব্যথা বৃদ্ধি ও পায়খানার পরে উপশম।

Aloe: শরীরের ভিতরটা গরম, মল ও পেটের বায়ু গরম।

বৃদ্ধি হয় উপশম হয়
< গ্রীষ্মকালে

< শুষ্ক গরম আবহাওয়ায়

< ভোরবেলায়

< খাওয়া বা পান করার পরে

< হাঁটলে, দাঁড়ালে

> ঠাণ্ডা খোলা বাতাসে

> ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে

ডাঃ নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় এর “ঔষুধ পরিচয়” বই থেকে

এলো সকোট্রিনা 

অ্যালোর প্রথম কথা – মলদ্বারের অক্ষমতা ও অসাড়ে মলত্যাগ । সাধারণতঃ অর্শ, উদরাময় এবং আমাশয় এই তিনটি রোগেই অ্যালোর প্রাধান্য দেখা যায়। কিন্তু বিশেষত্ব এই যে, অ্যালো রোগীর মলদ্বার এত দুর্বল হইয়া পড়ে যে, মলত্যাগের বেগ আসিলেই তাহা বাহির হইয়া পড়ে, সামান্য একটু বিলম্বও সহ্য হয় না— বিছানাপত্র বা কাপড়-চোপড় নষ্ট হইয়া যায়। তরলই হউক বা শক্তই হউক, অ্যালো রোগীর কাছে মলত্যাগের বেগ সহ্য করা প্রায় অসম্ভব। এইজন্য আমরা দেখিতে পাই, শয্যাশায়ী রোগী শয্যাত্যাগ করিতে অবসর পায় না, শয্যাতেই মলত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলে। ছেলেমেয়েরা কাপড়-চোপড় খুলিবার সময় পায় না, তাহা নষ্ট হইয়া যায় । পিতামাতারা অ্যালোর এই অক্ষমতার কথা না জানিয়া অযথা শিশুদিগকে তিরস্কার করিতে থাকেন। কিন্তু যদি তাঁহারাও কখনও অ্যালো রোগী হইয়া পড়েন, তাহা হইলে তাহাদেরও এই অবস্থা হইবে। তখন তাঁহারাও কাপড়-চোপড় নষ্ট করিয়া লজ্জায় মারা যাইতে থাকিবেন ।

“অ্যালো, এল আর গেল অর্থাৎ বেগ এল

অতএব মনে রাখিবেন—

বেরিয়ে গেল।” শুধু যে তরল মল বাহির হইয়া পড়ে তাহা নয়, শক্ত মলও নির্গত হইয়া পড়ে ৷ এই হেতু অ্যালো রোগীকে প্রায় সর্বদা উঠিতে, বসিতে, খাইতে, শুইতে মলদ্বারের দিকে লক্ষ্য রাখিতে হয় । মল নির্গমন ঘটিবে তাহার স্থিরতা নাই ।

কারণ কখন যে তাহার প্রস্রাব করিতে গেলেও তাহার ভয় হইতে থাকে পাছে তাহার মল বাহির হইয়া পড়ে, বায়ু- নিঃসরণ করিতে গেলেও তাহার ভয় হইতে থাকে পাছে তাহার মল বাহির হইয়া পড়ে এবং বাস্তবিকই সময় সময় প্রস্রাব করিতে গেলে বা বায়ুনিঃসরণ করিতে গেলে তাহার কাপড়-চোপড় নষ্ট হইয়া যায় ৷ মল এবং মূত্র উভয়েরই বেগ ধারণে অসমর্থ । প্রাতঃকালে শয্যা হইতে উঠিয়া পাইখানায় ছুটিয়া যাইতে হয় ( সালফার ) । ক্রুদ্ধ হইবার পর উদরাময় ।

অ্যালোর দ্বিতীয় কথা — মলদ্বারে পুর্ণতাবোধ ও অতিরিক্ত বায়ু- নিঃসরণ ।

অ্যালোতে পেটের মধ্যে অতিরিক্ত বায়ুসঞ্চার হয় বলিয়া মলত্যাগ কালে মল অপেক্ষ| বায়ু অধিক নির্গত হইতে থাকে। এজন্য দেখা যায় যে অ্যালো রোগী মলত্যাগ করিতে বসিয়া কেবলমাত্র বায়ুনিঃসরণ করিতেছে কিম্বা যদিও একটু মল নির্গত হয় তাহাও এত যৎসামান্য যেন বহ্বারম্ভে লঘুক্রিয়া। অতএব পূর্বে যে অক্ষমতার কথা বলিয়াছি তাহার সহিত এই বাতকর্মের কথা কখনও ভূলিবেন না এবং এই দুইটি লক্ষণ বর্তমান থাকিলে অর্শ ও আমাশয়ে অ্যালো প্রায় অদ্বিতীয়। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ অবস্থাতেও যদি দেখা যায় বেগ কেবল বায়ুনিঃসরণ করিয়াই ক্ষান্ত হইয়া যাইতেছে তাহা হইলেও অ্যালো সাক্ষাৎ ধম্বস্তরি। বায়ুনিঃসরণ সত্ত্বেও পেট যেন বায়ুতে পূর্ণ এবং মলত্যাগ সত্ত্বেও মলদ্বারে পুর্ণতাবোধ অ্যালোর অন্যতম বৈশিষ্ট্য—অতএব একথাটিও মনে রাখিবেন। মলত্যাগকালে অতিরিক্ত বায়ু নিঃসরণের মত অতিরিক্ত শ্লেষ্মানির্গমনও অ্যালোর আর একটি বৈশিষ্ট্য। ইহা যে কেবল মলদ্বার দিয়াই নির্গত হইতে থাকে, তাহা নহে। তবে সাধারণতঃ কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্ত, উদরাময় বা আমাশয়ে ইহার প্রাচুর্য সর্বদা পরিলক্ষিত হয়। কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যে ৪ দিন বা ৫ দিন পর্যন্ত মলত্যাগের কোন বেগই আসে না। কিম্বা মলত্যাগের বেগ আসিলে কেবল মাত্র একটু বায়ুনিঃসরণ হইয়া বেগ শেষ হুইয়া যায় ।

অ্যালোর তৃতীয় কথা—আহারে বৃদ্ধি, প্রাতঃকালে বৃদ্ধি।

আহার মাত্রেই বৃদ্ধি—উদরাময় বা আমাশয়ের রোগী কিছু আহার করিবামাত্র তাহা বৃদ্ধি পায়, এমন কি সামান্য একটু জলপান মাত্রে বৃদ্ধি । প্রাতঃকালীন উদরাময়, রোগী শয্যত্যাগ মাত্রেই ছুটিয়া পায়খানায় যায় ( সালফার ) ।

অ্যালোতে কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাও আছে, আমাশয়ও আছে, এবং পর্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় ও কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাও আছে। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতার সহিত প্রায়ই পেট- ব্যথা বা অর্শ দেখা দেয় এবং অর্শ হইতে রক্তস্রাব হইতে থাকে । রক্তস্রাব অত্যন্ত গরম বলিয়া মনে হয়। অর্শ বা আমাশয় চাপা পড়িয়া

মাথাব্যথা বা কটিব্যথা । অ্যালোতে রক্তস্রাবও আছে।

গলার মধ্যে

চুলকাইয়া কাশি, কাশির সহিত রক্ত উঠিতে থাকে। দড়ির মত লম্বা শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব ; বুকের মধ্যে ব্যথা। প্রচুর ঋতু, রক্তস্রাব, রক্তবমি। যক্ষ্মা।

অ্যালোর চতুর্থ কথা— শীতল জলে অর্শের উপশম ।

অ্যালোতে মলত্যাগের পর বা অর্শের রক্তস্রাবের পর মলদ্বার অত্যন্ত জ্বালা করিতে থাকে এবং ঠাণ্ডা জল প্রয়োগে জ্বালার নিবৃত্তি হয় । অর্শ দ্রাক্ষাগুচ্ছের মত বহু বলিবিশিষ্ট বা বলিবহুল। ক্রমাগত বেগ, জ্বালা, ব্যথা, রক্তস্রাব; মলদ্বার চুলকাইতে থাকা ।

অ্যালোতে মল, মূত্র এবং অর্শের রক্তস্রাব অত্যন্ত উত্তপ্ত বোধ হইতে থাকে । এমন কি বায়ুনিঃসরণ পর্যন্ত অত্যন্ত উত্তপ্ত বোধ হইতে থাকে এবং এই উত্তাপবশতঃ নির্গমন স্থানটি অত্যন্ত জ্বালা করিতে থাকে। জ্বালা ঠাণ্ডা জলে উপশম হয়। মাথাব্যথাও ঠাণ্ডায় ভাল থাকে। স্বভাবতঃই অ্যালো একটু গরমকাতর ( সালফার ) কিন্তু সালফারের মত মুক্ত বাতাসেও অনিচ্ছা।

অম্ল সহ্য হয় না, মাংসে অরুচি, আপেল বা রসাল ফলমূল খাইবার ইচ্ছা, উদরাময় বা আমাশয়ে রোগী কিছু খাইবামাত্র—এমন কি সামান্য একটু জল খাইলেও তৎক্ষণাৎ মলত্যাগের বেগ বৃদ্ধি পায়। লবণপ্রিয় ।

ভোজনবিলাসীদের কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতার সহিত পেটব্যথা বা অর্শ ; অর্শ হইতে রক্তস্রাব। আঙ্গুরের থোকার মত অর্শের বলি বাহির হইয়া পড়ে । মলদ্বার চুলকাইতে থাকে। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ অবস্থায় মলত্যাগের বেগ আসিলে অনেক সময় কেবলমাত্র বায়ুনিঃসরণ হইয়া বেগ শেষ হইয়া যায় এবং তখন প্রায়ই মাথায় অথবা কোমরে ব্যথা দেখা দেয় । শাদা আমাশয়ও আছে, রক্ত আমাশয়ও আছে । বস্তুতঃ কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা, অর্শ এবং আমাশয়ে অ্যালো প্রায়ই বেশ উপকারে আসে। তবে পেটের মধ্যে অতিরিক্ত বায়ুসঞ্চালন বশতঃ মলত্যাগ কালে যথেষ্ট

বায়ুনিঃসরণ, এবং মলদ্বারের অক্ষমতার পরিচয় পাওয়া চাই। পর্যায়ক্রমে উদরাময় ও কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা বা কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য এত বেশী যে সময় সময় অঙ্গুলীর সাহায্য ব্যতিরেকে মল-নির্গমন হয় না। (কারে ফস, প্যানিকু, সিপিয়া, সেলিনিয়াম, সাইলিসিয়া, থুজা)। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় জোলাপের জন্য অ্যালোপ্যাথিতেও অ্যালো প্রায়ই ব্যবহৃত হয়। শিশুদের কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য ( পড়ো, সালফ ) ।

মলদ্বারের সঙ্কোচ বা সঙ্কীর্ণতা। মলের পরিবর্তে কেবলমাত্র বায়ু বা থোকো থোকো আম বা শ্লেষ্মানির্গমন । মলদ্বারে ক্রমাগত পুর্ণতা- বোধ ও চাপবোধ। নাভিমূলে বেদনা, বেদনার সহিত কুম্বন, মলত্যাগের পর পেটবেদনা কম পড়ে বটে কিন্তু বেগ অনেক সময় থাকিয়া যায় ।

প্রাতে এবং আহারের পর বৃদ্ধি এবং সন্ধ্যায় বা শীতল জলে আরামবোধ । অ্যালোতে শীতকালে চর্মরোগও দেখা দেয়। জরায়ুর শিথিলতাও আছে। পর্যায়ক্রমে কটিবাত ও অর্শ কিম্বা কটিবাত ও মাথাব্যথা। আলস্যপ্রিয় স্বভাব বা যাহারা কেবলমাত্র বসিয়াই কাজ করেন, কায়িক পরিশ্রম করেন না। কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ অবস্থায় ক্রোধ বা ক্রুদ্ধভাব । প্রস্রাবের বেগ ধারণ করিতেও অসমর্থ ।

ঋতুকালে মাথাব্যথা, কটিব্যথা, কর্ণমূলব্যথা। জরায়ূর শিথিলতা বা স্থানচ্যুতি। ওষ্ঠাধর রক্তবর্ণ ( টিউবারকুলিনাম, সালফার ) ।

শয্যাগ্রহণের পর মলদ্বার এত চুলকাইতে থাকে বা জ্বালা করিতে থাকে যে নিদ্রা যাইতে পারে না (টিউক্রিয়াম ) ।

স্বপ্ন দেখে বিছানায় মলত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলিয়াছে (সোরিনাম )। চর্মরোগ চাপা দেবার কুফল। ভগন্দর ( সালফ, সাইলি ) । সদৃশ ঔষধাবলী বা পার্থক্য বিচার—(উদরাময়)— অ্যালো—পেটব্যথা, নাড়ীমূলের চতুর্দিকে ব্যথা, ব্যথা চাপে

উপশম বা সম্মুখভাগে ঝুঁকিয়া বসিলে উপশম ( কলো ) । ব্যথা এত বেশী যে রোগী কাঁদিয়া ফেলে এবং সেই ব্যথার জন্য রোগীকে ক্রমাগত মলত্যাগের জন্য বেগ দিতে হয়। মলত্যাগ হইয়া গেলে ব্যথার নিবৃত্তি ।

ওলিয়েণ্ডার—ইহাতেও মলত্যাগকালে অতিরিক্ত বায়ুনিঃসরণ আছে। মলদ্বারের অক্ষমতাবশতঃ বায়ুনিঃসরণ কালে মলনির্গমন এবং মলদ্বারে জ্বালাও আছে কিন্তু মল উত্তপ্ত নহে। যক্ষ্মাধাতুগ্রস্ত লোকের পুত্রকন্যার পক্ষে বিশেষতঃ যাহাদের মাথার পশ্চাদভাগে একজিমা এবং ঘাড়ে গ্ল্যাণ্ডের বিবৃদ্ধি দেখা দেয়। চায়নার মত অজীর্ণ মল এবং অ্যালোর মত মলদ্বারের অক্ষমতা মনে রাখিবেন ।

আর্জেণ্ট-নাইট—ইহাতেও মলত্যাগ কালে অতিরিক্ত বায়ুনিঃসরণ আছে কিন্তু ইহাতে মলদ্বারের অক্ষমতা নাই । মল প্রায় সবুজবর্ণ হয় অথবা হলদে বর্ণের মল কিছুক্ষণ পরে সবুজ হইয়া যায়। মানসিক উত্তেজনাবশতঃ উদরাময়। শিশুরা স্তন্যপান ছাড়িয়া দিবার পর বা অতিরিক্ত মিষ্ট খাইয়া উদরাময় ।

নেট্রাম সালফ – ইহাতেও মলত্যাগ কালে প্রচুর বায়ুনিঃসরণ আছে। কিন্তু বায়ু উত্তপ্ত নহে। বর্ষাকালে যাহাদের নখের চারিধার পাকিয়া যায়, তাহাদের পক্ষে প্রায় ফলপ্রদ । উদরাময় বর্ষাকালে বৃদ্ধি পায় ।

গ্যাম্বোজিয়া—শিশু দুধ সহ্য করিতে পারে না, দই বা ছানার মত মল ; সবুজ শ্লেষ্মা মিশ্রিত বা হলুদবর্ণ মল, মলের সহিত বায়ুনিঃসরণ পেটের মধ্যে গড়গড় শব্দ, সামান্য একটু বেগ দিবার পর একেবারে সমস্ত মল সবেগে নির্গত হয়। প্রস্রাবের গন্ধ ঠিক পিঁয়াজের মত । মল গন্ধহীন । ( আমাশয় দেখুন ) ।

পডোফাইলাম—ইহাতে বায়ুনিঃসরণ অপেক্ষা প্রচুর পরিমাণে মলনির্গমন হইতে থাকে। মলে অত্যন্ত দুর্গন্ধ। মলনির্গমন কালে প্রায়ই মলদ্বার বাহির হইয়া পড়ে। প্রাতঃকালীন উদরাময় ।

ক্যামেমিলা – দাত উঠিবার সময় উদরাময়, মলের বর্ণ সবুজ, অত্যন্ত দুৰ্গন্ধ। ছেলেমেয়ে ক্রমাগত ঘ্যানঘ্যান করিয়া কাঁদিতে থাকে এবং কোলে উঠিলেই চুপ করে ।

ক্রোটন টিগ—হাসের মলত্যাগের মত সবেগে মলনির্গমন— একেবারে অনেকটা হলুদবর্ণ মল সবেগে নির্গত হয় এবং বহুদূর পর্যন্ত ছুটিয়া যায় । আহার বা জলপান করিবামাত্র মলত্যাগ। খোস-পাচড়ার সহিত উদরাময় বা পর্যায়ক্রমে খোস-পাঁচড়া ও উদরাময় ।

রিউম – [-মল অত্যন্ত টক গন্ধযুক্ত এবং কিছুক্ষণ বাতাসে পড়িয়া থাকিলে সবুজবর্ণ ধারণ করে। পেটের মধ্যে দারুণ যন্ত্রণা। শিশু সারারাত্রি কাঁদিতে থাকে এবং দিবা ভাগেও সে কম বিরক্তিকর নহে। মাথায় প্রচুর ঘর্ম—সর্বাঙ্গ টক গন্ধযুক্ত, মুখের মাংসপেশী থাকিয়া থাকিয়া নাচিয়া উঠিতে থাকে। দস্তোদ্‌গমকালে অসুস্থতা ।

কোলস্ট্রাম—সবুজ বা হলুদবর্ণ মল, অত্যন্ত টক গন্ধযুক্ত । মল টক গন্ধযুক্ত দাত উঠিবার সময় ।

ম্যাগ্নেসিয়া কার্ব—মল অত্যন্ত টক গন্ধযুক্ত এবং সবুজবর্ণের ফেনাযুক্ত, জলের উপর সাদা সাদা দানা ভাসিতে থাকে। পেটের মধ্যে যন্ত্রণা; দুধ সহ্য হয় না। সর্বদা টক গন্ধযুক্ত।

সিনা – সাদা বা সবুজবর্ণের মল, ছেলেমেয়েরা দিবারাত্র খাইবার জন্য ঘ্যানঘ্যান করিতে থাকে। রাক্ষুসে ক্ষুধা। পেটের উপর চাপ দিয়া গুইয়া থাকে। নাক রগড়াইতে থাকে (অ্যাসিড ফস ), কিন্তু অ্যাসিড ফসের মলত্যাগকালে প্রচুর বায়ুনিঃসরণ হইতে থাকে (আর্জেণ্ট-নাইট ) ।

বেনজোয়িক অ্যাসিড – শিশুদের গ্রীষ্মকালীন উদরাময়—মল সাবানের ফেনার মত ; দুর্গন্ধ সাদা মল; প্রস্রাবও দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত এবং শিশুর গায়েও প্রস্রাবের গন্ধ ।

ক্যাল্কে-ফস – দাত উঠিবার সময় উদরাময় । সশব্দে দুর্গন্ধ মল- নিঃসরণ। শিশুর নাভি হইতে রক্তস্রাব বা নাভি শুকাইতে বিলম্ব হয় । মেরুদণ্ড এত দুর্বল যে ঘাড়ের উপর মাথা হেলিয়া পড়ে ।

প্রাতে বৃদ্ধি—বোভিস্টা, ব্রাইওনিয়া, কেলি বাই, ম্যাগ-কার্ব, নেট্রাম সালফ, ফসফরাস, পড়ো, রিউমেক্স, সালফার ।

কেবলমাত্র দিনে বৃদ্ধি—নেট্রাম-মি, পেট্রোলিয়াম, থুজা, সিনা ।

রাত্রে বৃদ্ধি—আর্জেণ্ট-নাইট, আর্সেনিক, চায়না, ডালকামারা, আইরিস, ল্যাকেসিস, মার্ক রিয়াস, পড়ো, সোরিনাম, পালসেটিলা, নাক্স ভম, সালফার ।

শিশুদের স্তন্যপান ছাড়িয়া দিবার পর উদরাময় ——আর্জেন্ট-নাইট, চায়না, সাইক্লামেন।

বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তির উদরাময় – অ্যান্টিম-ক্রুড, আর্সেনিক, গ্যাম্বোজিয়া, নাইট্রিক অ্যাসিড, সালফার ।

খুজা ।

মাদকদ্রব্য সেবনের পর নাক্স ভম ।

শরৎকালীন উদরাময়—কলচিকাম, আইরিস ।

বর্ষাকালীন উদরাময় — রাস টক্স, নেট্রাম সালফ, ডালকামারা,

ক্রুদ্ধ হইয়া উদরাময়—কলোসিন্থ ।

দুঃসংবাদে উদরাময়— জেলসিমিয়াম ।

আনন্দ সংবাদে উদরাময় —কফিয়া, ওপিয়াম ।

মানসিক উত্তেজনাবশতঃ উদরাময়—আর্জেন্টাম নাইট, জেলস । দাত উঠিবার সময় উদরাময় — ক্যাক্টেরিয়া, ক্যামোমিলা, ডালকামারা, ফেরাম, রিউম, সাইলিসিয়া ।

চর্মরোগ চাপা পড়িয়। উদরাময় — সালফার, সোরিনাম, গ্রাফাইটিস, পেট্রোলিয়াম, মেজিরিয়াম ।

গুরুপাক দ্রব্য ভোজনের পর উদরাময় — পালস, ইপিকাক ।


ফল-মূল খাইয়া—আর্স, ব্রাইও, চায়না, কলোসিন্থ, নেট্রাম-স, পালস, ভিরেট্রাম ।

ভয় পাইয়া উদরাময়—জেলাসাময়াম, আর্জেন্টাম নাইট, ওপি ৷ ঋতুকালে উদরাময়—বোভিস্টা, ভিরেট্রাম ।

গর্ভাবস্থায় উদরাময়—ফসফরাস, পালসেটিলা ।

দুধ খাইবার পর—ক্যাক্টেরিয়া, নেট্রাম কার্ব, সিপিয়া, সালফার । টিকা লইবার পর–থুজা, সাইলিসিয়া ।

কিন্তু মনে রাখিবেন এইরূপ নির্ঘণ্ট বিশেষ কোন উপকারে আসে না বরং ইহাতে অপকারই ঘটে । মনে করুন দাত উঠিবার সময় উদরাময় হিসাবে ক্রিয়োজোটের নাম উল্লেখ নাই, অথচ সমস্ত লক্ষণই ক্রিয়োজোটের মত । এক্ষণে আপনি এই নির্ঘণ্ট দেখিয়া ক্রিয়োজোটকে পরিত্যাগ করিবেন, না সদৃশবিধান মতে ক্রিয়োজোটই ব্যবস্থা করিবেন ? অ্যালোর পর প্রায়ই সালফারের প্রয়োজন হয় ।

অ্যালো কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য বা কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা, মলত্যাগকালে কেবলমাত্র উত্তপ্ত বায়ুনিঃসরণ হইতে থাকে, যন্ত্রণা ঠাণ্ডা জলে উপশম ।

অ্যালো-ভোর বেলায় রোগের বৃদ্ধি, মলত্যাগের বেগ এত অধিক যে রোগী শয্যাত্যাগ করিবার অবসর পায় না বা কাপড় জামা খুলিবার অবসর পায় না, অর্থাৎ মলত্যাগের বেগ আসিবার সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই মল নির্গত হইয়া পড়ে। মলত্যাগকালে অতিরিক্ত বায়ুনিঃসরণ অথবা মলত্যাগের বেগ আসিলে কেবলমাত্র বায়ুনিঃসরণই হয়। কখনও বা প্রস্রাব করিতে বসিলে বা বায়ুনিঃসরণ করিতে গেলেও মলত্যাগ ঘটে; মল এবং বায়ু অত্যন্ত উত্তপ্ত বলিয়া বোধ হয়, মলদ্বারে ঠাণ্ডা জল ঢালিলে বেশ আরাম লাগে। মলত্যাগের পূর্বে পেটের মধ্যে নিদারুণ যন্ত্রণা — মলত্যাগকালে অবিরত কুন্থন ; মল আমরক্তযুক্ত অথবা সাদা আমযুক্ত; মলত্যাগের পর কুন্থন কমিয়া আসে ৷ কিন্তু দুর্বলতায় রোগী প্রায় মূর্ছিত হইয়া পড়ে ৷ 

এলো সকোট্রিনা (Aloe Socotrina)

(ঘৃতকুমারী গাছ)

(লিলিয়েসি) আলসে, “সবসময় ক্লান্তিভাব”, মানসিক ও দৈহিক পরিশ্রম করতে চায় , মানসিক পরিশ্রমে ক্লান্ত, তাদের পক্ষে উপযোগী বৃদ্ধদের, বিশেষতঃ স্ত্রীলোকদের যাদের মাংসপেশী শিথিল ও শ্লেষ্মপ্রধান ধাতু বিশিষ্ট, ঘাম হলে অত্যন্ত অবসাদ, তাদের উপযোগী

শীতের শুরুতে খোস-পাচড়া, চুলকানি (সোরিন)

বিশেষতঃ কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা থাকলে নিজের সম্বন্ধে ও নিজ রোগ সম্বন্ধে রোগী অস্বস্তিবোধ করে শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লীর রোগ–এতে গলা ও রেক্টামে দলাদলা আঠার মত শ্লেষ্ম জমে-রেকটাম আক্রান্ত হয় সামনের কপালে শিরঃপীড়া-প্রতি পদক্ষেপে বাড়ে (বেল, ব্রায়ো), সেই সাথে চোখে ভারবোধ ও গা বমি বমি ভাব

শিরঃপীড়া–গরমে বাড়ে, ঠান্ডা প্রয়োগে কমে (আর্স); কোমরের বাতের সাথে পর্যায়ক্রমে আসে; মলত্যাগ অপর্যাপ্ত হলে হয় উদরাময়—পান ও আহার করা মাত্র পায়খানায় ছুটতে হয় (ক্রোটন টি) মলদ্বারে সঙ্কোচক পেশীতে নিজের আস্থা থাকে না খুব ভোরেই মলত্যাগের জন্য বিছানা ছাড়তে হয় (সোরিন; রুমেকস; সাল) অধঃ বায়ু নিঃসরণকালে মনে হয় মলত্যাগ করে ফেলবে (ওলিয়েন্ডার; মিউ-এসি; নেট-মিউ)

শূলবেদনা-তলপেটে নিচের দিকে ডানদিকে কেটে ফেলা, খামচাননা, মোচড়ানো ব্যথা–মলত্যাগের সময় ও পরে হয়, মলত্যাগে সবরকম ব্যথা কমে যায় কিন্তু রোগী অত্যন্ত ঘামতে থাকে ও দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে। দুর্দম্য কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় শূলবেদনা শুরু হয়

অধঃবায়ু পরিমাণে প্রচুর, ভীষণ দুর্গন্ধ ও মলদ্বার জ্বালা করে; ঐসাথে সামান্য মলত্যাগও থাকতে পারে (এগারি); অধঃবায়ু বের হলে মলদ্বার জ্বালা


মল শক্ত, সেইসাথে দলাদলা আম (Mucous) অসাড়ে বের হয় উদরাময় হলে ভীষণ খিদে পায় মলত্যাগের আগে–পেট গড়গড় করে, হঠাৎ ভীষণ মলত্যাগ বেগ আসে রেকটামে ভারবোধ থাকে মলত্যাগের সময় কোথানি ও প্রচুর বায়ুনিঃসরণ ঐ পরে মূচ্ছভাব আসে

অর্শরোগে-বলি-নীল [venous congestion]; আঙ্গুরের থোকার মত (মিউ-এসি); রেকটামে অবিরত ঠেলামারা ব্যথা; রক্তস্রাবী; ক্ষতভাব; ছোয়া লাগান যায় না, গরমভাব; ঠান্ডা জলে উপশম; ভীষণ চুলকায়

মলদ্বারে চুলকানি ও জ্বালার জন্য ঘুমাতে পারে না (ইন্ডিগো) সম্বন্ধ-উদরে রক্তাধিক্য ও যকৃতের শিরায় রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত বহু পুরানো রোগে সালফের সমকক্ষ; এতে চাপাপড়া উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশ পায়

সমগুণ—এমন-মি; গ্যাম্বো; নাক্স; পড়ো

বাড়ে-খুব ভোরে, অলসভাবে সময় কাটালে, গরম ও শুকনো আবহাওয়ায়, পানাহারের পর, দাড়ালে বা হাঁটলে

কমে-ঠান্ডা, জলে ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায়; অধঃবায়ু ও মলত্যাগ হলে * শক্তি—৬, ৩০, ২০০



সকোটিন এলােজ

দীর্ঘকাল, অতিমাত্রায় ঔষধ ব্যবহারের ফলে যেখানে রােগের ঔষধের লক্ষণ মিশে গিয়ে এক প্রকার খারাপ অবস্থা তৈরী করে, সেই ক্ষেত্রে এই ঔষধটি শরীর বিধানের মধ্যে সামঞ্জস্য তৈরী করতে উৎকৃষ্ট। যকৃৎ শিরায় রক্তসঞ্চয় জনিত লক্ষণ, এই ঔষধের মত অধিক লক্ষণ অপর কোন ঔষধে পাওয়া যায় না এবং এই ঔষধের মত ভালাে যশ অপর কোন ঔষধে পাওয়া যায় না, কি রােগের প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় অথবা রােগের শেষ অবস্থায় শারীরিক পরিশ্রমবিহীন জীবনযাত্রায় কুফল।রসপ্রধান উদ্বেগপ্রবণ রােগীদের ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষভাবে উপযােগী। সরলান্ত্র সম্পর্কিত লক্ষণগুলিই ঔষধ নির্বাচনের মূল সূত্র। পরিশ্রান্ত, বয়স্ক, শ্লেষ্মপ্রবণ পুরাতন মদ্যপ ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষভাবে উপযােগী। নিজের উপর ক্রুদ্ধ বেদনা। শরীরের ভিতরে বাইরে উত্তাপ। এই ঔষধের খাঁটি রস ক্ষয়রােগের চিকিৎসায় খুব ভালাে ব্যবহার করা চলে। | মাথা পর্যায়ক্রমে মাথার যন্ত্র তৎকামরে বেদনা, তৎসহ অন্ত্র জরায়ুর উপসর্গ। মানসিক পরিশ্রমে অনিহা। কপালের উপরের অংশে যন্ত্রণা, তৎসহ চোখে

ভারবােধ, চোখগুলি আংশিকভাবে বন্ধ রাখতে বাধ্য হয়। মলত্যাগের পর মাথায় যন্ত্রণা। | মৃদু, চাপ দেওয়ার ন্যায় বেদনা, গরমে বৃদ্ধি

চোখযতক্ষন কপালে যন্ত্রণা হয়, ততক্ষন রােগী বাধ্য হয় চোখ দুটি ছােট করে রাখতে। চোখের সামনে আলাের ঝলকানি দেখে। চোখ লালচে বর্ণ, তৎসহ যা দেখে তা হলুদ বলে মনে হয়। চক্ষু কোটরের গভার যন্ত্রণা। মুখমণ্ডলঠোট দুটি সুস্পষ্টভাবে লাল

  • কানচিবানাের সময় কানের ভিতর কটকট শব্দ। বাম কানে হঠাৎ ফট করে শব্দ হয়। ধাতু দিয়ে তৈরী কোন গােলাকার বস্তুটুকরাে টুকরাে হয়ে ভেঙ্গে গেলে যে রকম টুং টাং শব্দ, একই রকম শব্দ মাথার ভিতর হয়

নাকনাকের অগ্রভাব শীতল। ঘুম থেকে সকালে উঠার পর নাক থেকে রক্তস্রাব। নাক মামড়ীতে পূর্ণ

মুখগহ্বরস্বাদ তিতাে টক। স্বাদহীন ঢেকুর। ঠোঁট ফাটা শুষ্ক। গলাপুরা, পিণ্ডেরন্যায় আঠালো শ্লেষ্ম। গলবিলের শিরায় স্ফীতি। শুষ্ক, খসখসে। অনুভূতি। এটি

পাকস্থলীমাংসে অনিচ্ছা। রসাল বস্তু খাবার অদম্য ইচ্ছা। খাবার পর, বায়ু জমা হয়, মলদ্বারে দপদপানি যৌনউদর নাভীর চারপাশে বেদনা, চাপে বুদ্ধি যকৃৎ স্থানে পূর্ণ বােধ, ডানদিকের পাঁজরার নীচে বেদনা উদর পূর্ণ, ভারী, উত্তপ্ত ফোলা বলে মনে হয়নাভীর চারপাশে দপ করে বেদনা উদরাময়ের শুরুতে দুর্বলতা বােধ প্রচুর বায়ু জমা হওয়া, বায়ু নীচের দিকে চাপ দেয়, ফলে অন্ত্রের নীচের অংশে অস্বস্তি বােধ হয় সিমফ্যাসিস্ পিউবিস বস্তি কোটরের পেশীর মধ্যবর্ত অংশ ছিপি দ্বারা বন্ধ রয়েছে এই জাতীয় অনুভূতি, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের বেগ মলত্যাগের পূর্বে সময় শূল বেদনা জ্বালাকর, প্রচুর বায়ু নির্গমণ

সরলান্ত্র সর্বদা সরলান্ত্রে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, রক্তস্রাব, ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা উত্তাপ, ঠাণ্ডা জল লাগালে উপশম। মলদ্বার অবরােধক পেশীর দুর্বলতা শক্তিহীনতার অনুভূতি। বায়ু নিঃসরণের সময় মলদ্বারে নিরাপত্তার অভাব বােধ হওয়া। বায়ু না মল কি নির্গমন হবে সেই বিষয়ে অনিশ্চিত। কোন রকম অনুভূতি ছাড়াই বিনা প্রচেষ্টায় মল বেরিয়ে আসে। পিণ্ডের ন্যায়, জলের মত মল। জেলির মত থলথলে মল, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের পর মলদ্বারে ক্ষতের ন্যায় বেদনা। প্রচুর শ্লেষ্ম, তৎসহ মলত্যাগের পর মলদ্বারে টাটানি। আঙুরের থােকারন্যায় অর্শলী বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে, অর্শনলীতে টাটানি হাত দিলে প্রচণ্ড ব্যথা লাগে, ঠাণ্ডা জল প্রলেপে উপশম হয়। সরলান্ত্রে মলদ্বারে জ্বালাকর অনুভূতি। কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য, তৎসহ তলপেটে তীব্র ভারবােধ। বীয়ার পানের পর উদরাময়

প্রস্রাববৃদ্ধ বয়সে অনিচ্ছায় প্রস্রাব, নীচের কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি প্রস্টেট গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি। প্রস্রাব স্বল্প গাঢ় রঙের হয়। | স্ত্রীরােগ মলদ্বারে কিছু ঠেলে বেরিয়ে আসার ন্যায় অনুভূতি, দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলে মাসিক ঋতুস্রাব চলাকালীন অবস্থায় বৃদ্ধি। জরায়ুতে ভারবােধ এবং এই কারণে বেশি হাঁটতে পারে না। কোমরে প্রসব বেদনার ন্যায় বেদনা, বেদনা নীচের দিকে পা পর্যন্ত প্রসারিত হয়। রজনীবৃত্তির পর রক্তস্রাব। ঋতুস্রাব নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের বহু পূর্বে প্রচুর পরিমাণে স্রাব হয়

শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাসশীতকালীন কাশি, তৎসহ চুলকাণি। কষ্টকর শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাস তৎসহ যকৃৎ স্থান থেকে বুক পর্যন্ত সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ বেদনা

পিঠপিঠের ক্ষুদ্র স্থানে বেদনা, চলাফেরায় বৃদ্ধি। সুঁচ ফোটানাের মত বেদনা স্যাক্রাম বা ত্রিকাস্থির ভিতর দিয়ে যায়। পর্যায়ক্রমে কোমরের যন্ত্রণা তৎসহ মাথার যন্ত্রণা অর্শ

অঙ্গপ্রত্যঙ্গ সর্বাঙ্গে খঞ্জবৎ অনুভূতি। সন্ধি স্থানে টেনে ধরার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা। হাঁটার সময় পায়ের তলায় বেদনা

কমা বাড়া বৃদ্ধি, খুব সকালে, গ্রীষ্মকালে, গরমে, শুষ্কউত্তপ্ত আবহাওয়ায়, খাবার বা পান করার পর

উপশম – ঠাণ্ডা,মুক্ত বাতাসে

সম্বন্ধ – সদৃশ ঔষধ, সালফার ।

দোষঘ্ন – ওপিয়াম, সালফ ।

শক্তি – ৬ষ্ঠ শক্তি এবং উচ্চতর । মলদ্বারের ক্ষেত্রে, কয়েক মাত্রা ৩য় শক্তি দেবার পর অপেক্ষা করতে হয়।



 এলাে সমস্ত দেহের আড়ষ্টতা পূর্ণতা উৎপাদন করিয়া অনেকটাইস্কিউলাসসদৃশ, এক বিশেষ প্রকারের শিরাবরােধ ঘটায়, কিন্তু সর্বাপেক্ষা অধিক উপদ্রবের সৃষ্টি হয় যকৃৎ সম্বন্ধীয় শিরাগুলিতে; ফলে, যকৃৎস্থানে অত্যধিক পূর্ণতা দেখা দেয় এবং তৎসহ উদর, সরলান্ত্র এবং অন্ত্রেও পূর্ণতাবােধ থাকে ইহা অর্শরােগের সহিত সম্বন্ধ বিশিষ্ট ইহাতে যে উদরবেদনা আছে, তাহাতেনাক্সভমিকা ন্যায় তাড়াইয়া পায়খানায় লইয়া যায়, বেদনাটি নাভির চারিদিকে কৰ্ত্তনবৎ, খালধরার ন্যায় নাভির চারিদিকে বেদনা, উহা ছুরি দিয়া কাটার ন্যায়, তীর বেগে সরলান্ত্রের দিকে ধাবিত হয় আমাশয় উদরাময় সংক্রান্ত উপদ্রব উদরাময়ের আক্রমণে পাতলা, হলদে দুর্গন্ধ মল বেগে নির্গত হয়, উহাতে আগুনের ন্যায় জ্বালা থাকে এবং গুহ্যদ্বারে ক্ষত জন্মে সে অতিকষ্টে মলবেগ ধারণ করিতে পারে, সে মলদ্বারের সঙ্কোচক পেশী হইতে মলটিকে সরাইয়া লইতে সাহস করে না, কারণ যেই সে ঐরূপ করে, অমনি মল বাহির হইয়া পড়ে সে সামান্য মাত্র অধঃবায়ু নির্গত হইতে দিতে পারে না, কারণ উহার সঙ্গে মল বেগে বাহির হইয়া পড়ে এলাের উদরাময়ে, উদর বায়ুতে স্ফীত হইয়া উঠে, তাহাতে এক প্রকার পূর্ণতা দৃঢ়তার অনুভূতি জন্মে এবং সে বারংবার মলত্যাগ করিতে ছুটে শিশুরা হাঁটিতে আরম্ভ করিবার পর ঘরের মেঝের কার্পেটের উপর সর্বত্র, অনিচ্ছায় অল্প অল্প ফোটা ফোটা হলদে মল আম ত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলে মাতা সময়ে সময়ে এজন্য শিশুকে শাস্তি দিয়া থাকেন, কিন্তু শিশু উহা না করিয়া পারে না, মল অনিচ্ছায় নির্গত হয় বলিয়া সে উহা ধারণ করিতে পারে না তাহার মলদ্বার সঙ্কোচক পেশীর সংযম শক্তির অভাব থাকে এই অবস্থাটি সব সময়ে উদরাময়েই সীমাবদ্ধ থাকে না, কারণ সময়ে সময়ে, শিশুরা ঘােরাফেরা করিতে করিতে ছােট শক্ত গুলির ন্যায় মলও অনিচ্ছায় ত্যাগ করিয়া ফেলে তাহারা বুঝিতেও পারে না যে, মল নির্গত হইয়া গিয়াছে রক্তস্রাবী অর্শের সহিত সরলান্ত্রের শিথিলতা মলদ্বার নির্গমন হইয়া থাকে এক গ্রাস খাবার খাইলেই তাহাকে পায়খানায় ছুটিতে হয়; কখন কখন জল খাইলেও পায়খানায় ছুটিতে হয় অসময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়ার ফলে উদরাময় তােমার হয়তলাইকোপােডিয়ামব্যবস্থা করিতে ইচ্ছা হইবে, কারণ পাঠ্য পুস্তকে ঝিনুক খাইয়া বিষাক্ততা কথাটি লাইকোপােডিয়ামের মধ্যেই দেওয়া আছে তুমি যদি বল, সময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়াজনিত বিষাক্ততায়লাইকোএবং অসময়ে ঝিনুক খাওয়াজনিত বিষাক্ততায় এলাে,—তাহা হইলেও যে তুমি ঠিক বলিলে এমনটি আমার মনে হয় না; কারণ গ্রীষ্মকালে এবং ঝিনুকের প্রজননকালে উহা দ্বারা যেরূপ ভীষণ বিষক্রিয়া হয়, সেরূপ অন্য সময়ে হয় না ঝিনুক খাওয়ার পর বহু লােকের কয়েক দিন যাবৎ বমি বমি ভাব উদরস্ফীতি দেখা দেয়, প্রবল ভেদ হইতে থাকে, এবং সবকিছুই বমিত হইয়া যায় এক্ষণে, যদি এই লক্ষণ সমষ্টি বর্তমান থাকে, তাহা হইলেলাইকোপােডিয়ামউহা আরােগ্য করিবে, এবং ঝিনুক খাইয়া পীড়িত হওয়ার প্রবণতাটিও দূর করিবে কিন্তু গ্রীষ্মকালে ঝিনুক খাইয়া যাহারা পীড়িত হয়, তুমি যদি দেখ যে, তাহাদের কলেরা সদৃশ লক্ষণসমূহ প্রকাশ পাইয়াছে, তাহা হইলে তােমাকে বুঝিতে হইবে যে এরূপ ক্ষেত্রে এলােই ঔষধ

এই ঔষধটি ভালভাবে পরীক্ষিত হয় নাই, এজন্য রােগীদেহে পরীক্ষা হইতে যে বিষয়গুলি জানা গিয়াছে আমি তাহারই উল্লেখ করিলাম। শৈরিক অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে, ইহা অন্য যে কোন ঔষধ

অপেক্ষা সালফারে সহিত অধিক সম্বন্ধযুক্ত তুমি যদি ক্যালি বাই’, ‘সালফার এবং এলােকে পাশাপাশি অধ্যয়ন কর, তাহা হইলে পাকস্থলী উদর বিষয়ক ব্যাপারে উহাদের সাদৃশ্য দেখিয়া বিস্মিত হইবে

ইহার মানসিক লক্ষণ কয়েকটির মধ্যে আমরা দেখিতে পাই, “স্ত্রীরােগী মনে করে যে, সে এক সপ্তাহের মধ্যেই মরিবে।” “জীবন যেন একটি বােঝা।” “নড়াচড়া করিতে অনিচ্ছাইহাতে এমন কিছুই নাই, যাহা দ্বারা আমরা ইহাকে পৃথক করিয়া লইতে পারি। এখানে মাত্র এমন কয়েকটি কথাই দেওয়া হইয়াছে যাহা আরও অনেক ঔষধের মধ্যেই আছে। এলাের রােগী যন্ত্রণার সময় অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত হইয়া উঠে এবং যন্ত্রণাটি থাকে সাধারণতঃ পেটে। উদরে শূলবৎ বেদনা, বায়ুসঞ্চয়জনিত বেদনা, উহাতে সে হতাশ হইয়া পড়ে, বেদনার সময়ে সে অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত ক্রুদ্ধ হইয়া পড়ে। একটি মাত্র ক্ষুদ্র লক্ষণই মনে লাগেসে লােককে ঘৃণা করে, সকলকে তাড়াইয়া দেয়।সিচু, অন্ত্রের গােলযােগের সময় মস্তিষ্কে যে রক্তসঞ্চয় ঘটে তাহা যকৃতে যেরূপ দেখা যায়, তদনুরূপ শৈরিক রক্তাবরােধ।কপালের আড়াআড়ি শিরঃপীড়া।” “শিরঃপীড়া উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়, ঠান্ডা প্রয়ােগে উপশমিত হয়।এলাের মধ্যে সর্বত্রই উত্তাপে বৃদ্ধি এবং ঠান্ডায় উপশম আছে। সে ঠান্ডা ঘরে থাকিতে চায়, উত্তাপ রক্তোচ্ছ্বাস অনুভব করে, তাহার গাত্রচর্ম প্রায়ই শুষ্ক উত্তপ্ত থাকে, সে রাত্রে বিছানায় অনাবৃত থাকিতে চায়, হাতপা প্রভৃতিতে জ্বালা বােধ করে; হাত গরম, পা ঠান্ডা কিম্বা হাত ঠান্ডা, পা গরম এইরূপ পৰ্য্যায়ক্রমে হইতে থাকে। তাহার মস্তক উত্তপ্ত বােধ হয় এবং উহার উপর সে কোন ঠান্ডা জিনিষ চায়। ইহা শরীরের উপরিভাগের উত্তাপের জন্য হয়, জ্বরের জন্য নহে। শরীরের উপরিভাগে উত্তাপের অনুভূতি, শরীরের উপরিভাগে রক্তসঞ্চয় পূর্ণতার অনুভূতি, শরীরের সর্বত্র শিরার পূর্ণতা রক্তসঞ্চয়। এই ঔষধে রক্তপাত একটি সাধারণ জিনিষনাসিকা, অন্ত্র, মূত্রাশয় হইতে শৈরিক রক্তক্ষরণ, সাধারণভাবে রক্তপাত। শিরাগুলি রক্তে স্ফীত হয় এবং এবং গাত্রচর্ম উত্তপ্ত হয়। শরীরের বিভিন্ন দ্বারগুলিতে উত্তাপ বােধ; চক্ষু, মুখ, গলদেশ উত্তপ্ত জ্বালাযুক্ত। গুহ্যদ্বারেশুষ্কতা বােধ, জ্বালা, এবং হাজা

পান এবং ভজনঅনুচ্ছেদ আমরা দেখিতে পাইনৈশভােজনের পরক্ষণেই পেটে গড়গড় করে।উদরাময় না থাকিয়া যদি কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ অবস্থা থাকে, তাহা হইলেও পান এবং ভােজনের পর অন্ত্রে শূলবেদনার ন্যায় যন্ত্রণা থাকে। | এই ঔষধ পুরাতন বিয়ার মদ্যসেবীদের রােগে উপযােগী। বিয়ার পানের ফলে উদরাময়। যেসকল লােকেরা যতবার বিয়ার পান করে, ততবারই উদরাময় হয়, তুমি দেখিবে যে, খুব সম্ভবতঃ তাহাদের লক্ষণের সহিত এলাে মিলিয়া যাইবে, কিন্তু সময়ে সময়ে ক্যালি বাই লাগিতে পারে, কারণ এই দুইটি ঔষধের পাকস্থলী অন্ত্রলক্ষণ খুবই অনুরূপ।পাকস্থলীতে ভার বােধের সহিত ঢেকুর উঠা।এখানে কৈশিকা শিরাসমূহের রক্তাবরােধের আর একটি উদাহরণ পাইলে।রক্তবমন এবং অন্ত্র হইতে রক্তপাত।

যকৃৎপ্রদেশে অত্যন্ত যন্ত্রণা, জ্বালা, উত্তাপ ইত্যাদি। অধিকাংশ ক্ষেত্রেই দক্ষিণ কুক্ষিপ্রদেশে বায়ুস্ফীতি পূর্ণতা দেখিতে পাইবে। ইহা যকৃতের একটি প্রধান ঔষধ। ইহার ক্রিয়াসালফারের ন্যায় এত গভীর নয়। তােমরা প্রায়ই দেখিবে যে এলাে প্রথমতঃ উপশমকর হইবে, তারপর এলাের পরিপূরকসালফার’, ‘সালফ এসিড’, ‘ক্যালি বাইঅথবাসিপিয়ারপ্রয়ােজন হইবে এবং উহারাই আরােগ্যক্রিয়া সম্পূর্ণ করিবে। যকৃৎপ্রদেশে অত্যন্ত পূর্ণতা, স্ফীততা, সূচীবিদ্ধবৎ যন্ত্রণা থাকিলে এবং গাত্রতাপের বৃদ্ধি না হইয়াও শুষ্ক, উত্তপ্ত, জ্বালাকর গাত্রচর্ম থাকিলে এলাে দিয়া চিকিৎসা আরম্ভ করা ভালই হইবে। এলােতে কিছুটা জ্বরও আছে, কিন্তু চৰ্ম্মের এই উত্তাপবােধ শুষ্কতা জ্বরবিহীন এবং সােরাদোষগ্রস্ত রােগীদের মধ্যে যেরূপ দেখা যায় তদনুরূপ। এলাে কোন প্রকারের উদ্ভেদ উৎপন্ন করে কিনা তাহা প্রমাণ করিবার মত যথেষ্ট বিস্তৃতভাবে পরীক্ষা হয় নাই, কিন্তু যদি উহা প্রমাণিত করা যাইত; তাহা হইলে উহা দ্বারা

এলােকে সােরাদোষ নাশক ঔষধগুলির মধ্যে স্থান দেওয়া যাইত ইহা সালফারে ন্যায় গভীর, দীর্ঘক্রিয় ধাতুদোষনাশক ঔষধ নহে, কিন্তু তথাপি ইহাএকোনাইটঅথবাবেলেডােনারন্যায় তত অল্পকালক্রিয় ঔষধও নহে রােগগুলি মাঝামাঝি রকমের দ্রুততার সহিত আবির্ভূত হয় ইহাকে খুব ভালভাবেব্রায়ােনিয়া সহিত সম্বন্ধযুক্ত করা যাইতে পারে ব্রায়ােনিয়া’ ‘সালফারে ন্যায় জীবনােপাদানের তত গভীরে প্রবেশ করিতে পারে না

সম্ভবতঃ উদরের অবস্থা সম্বন্ধে ইহার সর্বাপেক্ষা মূল্যবান লক্ষণপূর্ণতা, বায়ুস্ফীতি গড়গড় শব্দ। মনে হয়, যেন উদরটি ফাটিয়া যাইবে, গড়গড় শব্দ এত বেশী যে, ঘরের মধ্যে সকলেই শুনিতে পাইবে। অবিরত গড়গড় শব্দ চলিতে থাকে। পিপার ছিদ্র দিয়া জল পড়ার ন্যায় মল উচ্চশব্দে গড়গড় করিয়া নির্গত হয়। পূর্বেকার লেখকদিগকে পুস্তকে উহাকে সশব্দে ছিটকাইয়া পড়া বলা হইয়াছে; কারণ যখন মল বাহির হইতে থাকে উহার সহিত যথেষ্ট অধঃবায়ু থাকে এবং সেইজন্য গড়গড় শব্দ হয় এবং ছিটকাইয়া পড়ে। প্রচুর অধঃবায়ু ত্যাগের পরও পেটটি ঠিক আগেকার মতই যথেষ্ট বায়ুস্ফীত থাকে। কোনই উপশম হয় না। বেদনা পেটের আড়াআড়ি নিতম্বদেশের নিকটে অনুভূত হয়। অত্যন্ত বায়ুস্ফীতিতে মনে হয় যেন, উদরটি মধ্যান্ত্র, উর্ধ্বান্ত্র নিম্নান্ত্রের আড়াআড়ি ফাটিয়া যাইবে, তৎসহ বেদনা, গড়গড় শব্দ, কলকল শব্দ, ভারবােধ এবং বাহির দিকে চাপবােধ থাকে। উপর পেটে, নাভির চারিদিকে মােচড়ান কামড়ানর ন্যায় বেদনা, তজ্জন্য রােগীকে অবনত হইয়া বসিয়া থাকিতে হয় এবং তাহাতে উপশম হয়।পেটের মধ্যে দুৰ্বলতা বােধ, যেন এখনই উদরাময় দেখা দিবে।দুর্বলতা সময়ে সময়ে এত অধিক হয় যে, রােগী উদরাময়ের সঙ্গে শয্যাশায়ী হইয়া পড়ে এবং তাহার অত্যধিক অবসন্নতা দেখিয়া তুমি হয়ত তাহাকেপডােফাইলামে রােগী বলিয়া ভুল করিয়া বসিবে।পডােতেও অত্যন্ত পেটফাঁপ, ভীষণ বেগে মল নির্গমন, অত্যন্ত উদরবায়ু, অন্ত্রের মধ্যে অত্যন্ত গড়গড় শব্দ আছে এবং ভাের ৪টার সময় তাহার উপসর্গগুলি উপস্থিত হয়। এলাে এক্ষেত্রেও সালফারের ন্যায়, ইহাতে ভােরবেলা পায়খানার বেগে রােগীকে শয্যা ছাড়িয়া ছুটিতে হয় এবং সময়ে সময়ে আচ্ছাদন বস্ত্র হইতে পায়ের পাতা ঠান্ডা করিবার জন্য বাহির করিয়া রাখিতে হয়; পায়ের তলা দুইটি জ্বালা করে এবং সে উহা অনাবৃত রাখে। উদরে কামড়ান ব্যথা, উদরে দুর্বলতার অনুভূতি।সমস্ত উদর জুড়িয়া ব্যথা,—বিশেষতঃ পার্শ্বে, নাভির উভয় পার্শ্ব বরাবর।উদরটি এতই অনুভূতি বিশিষ্ট যে, সে কোন অবস্থাতেই আরাম পায় না।ঠান্ডা লাগার পর যেরূপ হয় ক্রপ উদরবেদনা, প্রাতে সন্ধ্যায় পুনঃ পুনঃ উরবেদনা।” | তারপর আরও কতকগুলি উদরলক্ষণ আছে, উহারা উদরাময়ের সহিত সংযুক্ত নয়, কিন্তু স্ত্রীলােকদিগের রােগের সহিত সংযুক্ত।মণিপুর পিকচক্ষুবৎ অস্থিমুখের সংযােগস্থলে যেন একটি গোজা পােরা আছে এরূপ অনুভূতি।” “কুঁচকি কোমরে প্রসববেদনার ন্যায় বেদনা, দাঁড়াইলে অধিক খারাপ বােধ হয়।পূর্ণতাবােধ, এবং মণিপুর পিকচক্ষুবৎ অস্থির সংযােগস্থলে গোঁজ থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি লক্ষণ সংযুক্ত দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী জরায়ু নির্গমন এলাে দ্বারা আরােগ্য হইয়াছে। জরায়ুতে বাহির দিকে ঠেলামারা চাপ ঐরূপ অনুভূতির সৃষ্টি করে। বস্তিপ্রদেশের সবকিছুই যন্ত্রই যেন বাহির হইয়া পরিবে এইরূপ আকর্ষণ। বস্তিগহ্বরে যােনিদেশে যেন একটি কুঁদেলের ন্যায় হইয়া গিয়াছে এরূপ অনুভূতি

এইমলবেগ, তাহাতে কেবলমাত্র উত্তপ্ত বায়ু নির্গত হইল, উহাতে উপশম বােধ হইল, কিন্তু পরক্ষণেই আবার মলবেগ দেখা দিল।কথাটা এই যে, সে মলত্যাগ করিতে যাইতে বাধ্য হইল কিন্তু মলত্যাগ পাত্রের উপর বসিলে বায়ু ভিন্ন আর কিছুই বাহির হইল না। যেসকল পুরাতন রােগী এই উপসর্গে ভােগে, যাহাদের কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ স্বভাব, যাহারা অনেকদিন মলত্যাগ না করিয়া থাকে, কিন্তু প্রত্যেক মুহূর্তে কিম্বা দিনের মধ্যে অনেকবার মলত্যাগ করিতে যাইতে হইবে মনে করে এবং মলত্যাগ করিতে গেলে মাত্র সামান্য বায়ু ত্যাগ করে, তাহাদের পক্ষে ইহা উপযােগী। নেট্রাম সালফ খুব সচরাচর অবস্থা আয়ত্ত করিয়া থাকে।ডেলা ডেলা সংযুক্ত জলবৎ মল।ইহা এলাের একটি প্রবল লক্ষণ; জলবৎ মলের সহিত ডেলা ডেলা মিশান

থাকে; ডেলাগুলি জলবৎ অথবা তরল মলের মধ্যে থাকে, ছােট ছােট শক্ত ডেলাগুলি মার্বেলের ন্যায় অথবা ভেড়ার বিষ্ঠার ন্যায় দেখায় কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় মল মার্বেলের ন্যায় ডেলা ডেলা হয় কখন কখন এই ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র ডেলাগুলি মলপ্রবৃত্তিশূন্যতার সহিত সরলান্ত্রের মধ্যে থাকিয়া যায় এবং অবশেষে অজ্ঞাতসারে নির্গত হয়, তখন উহা রােগীর কাপড়ের মধ্যে দেখিতে পাওয়া যায় মলদ্বারে অনুভূতির সম্পূর্ণ অভাব, একপ্রকার অসাড়তা, মল নির্গমনের সময় কোন অনুভূতিই থাকে না কিন্তী

মিনিট , CS > এলাের অনেক উপসর্গ আমাশয়ের প্রকৃতিযুক্তসরলান্ত্র এবং বৃহদন্ত্রের নিম্নাংশের প্রাদাহিক অবস্থা বর্তমান থাকে, রক্তাক্ত মল এবং হলদে জেলির মত আম নির্গত হয়। সময়ে সময়ে এলাের রােগী প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মর মত, জেলির মত আম ব্যতীত আর কিছুই ত্যাগ করে না। এলাের অর্শের কথা ভুলিও না; অর্শবলিটি এক থােলাে আঙ্গুরের ন্যায় দেখায়।গুহ্যদ্বারে চুলকানি জ্বালার জন্য ঘুম হয় না।সে মলদ্বারে আঙ্গুল ঢুকাইয়া দিতে বাধ্য হয়, চুলকানি এতই প্রবল যে রােগী চুপ করিয়া থাকিতে পারে না, মনে হয় যেন, উহাতে সে পাগল হইয়া যাইবে কেবলমাত্র কোন ঠান্ডা জিনিষ লাগাইলে সে উপশম পায়। এলাের একটি সাধারণ প্রকৃতি এই যে, মলম লাগাইলে জ্বালার বৃদ্ধি হয়। মলম লাগাইবার পর ক্ষতের চারিদিকের চৰ্ম্মের জ্বালা বাড়িয়া উঠে। সালফাররােগীও কোনরূপ বাহ্য প্রয়ােগ সহ্য করিতে পারে না, উহা তাহার নিকট বিষাক্তকর হয় এবং উদ্ভেদ প্রকাশিত হইতে থাকে

যেখানে শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী প্রদাহিত হয়, সেই স্থানেই ঘন জেলির মত আমের স্তর জন্মে। যদি কোন স্থানে ক্ষত থাকে, অথবা যদি কোন ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষতযুক্ত তালির মত স্থান থাকে, অথবা যদি শরীরের কোন স্থানে প্রদাহ জন্মে, তাহা হইলে উহা হইতে পুরু জেলির মত শ্লেষ্মর চাপড়া তুলিয়া ফেলা যায়, চাপড়া কখন কখন প্রায় চামড়ার ন্যায় পুরু হয়। সময়ে সময়ে সরলান্ত্রের নিম্নভাগের এইরূপ অবস্থা হয় এবং রােগী বলে যে ডেলার মলগুলিই; জেলির ন্যায় আঠাল বস্তুতে জড়ান হইয়া গিয়াছে। গ্রাফাইটিসের ডেলা ডেলা মল যেন ডিমের জমাট শ্বেতাংশের মধ্যে ডুবান হইয়াছেএরূপ দেখায়। কখন কখন এলাের রােগীর মলত্যাগের পূর্বে এক কাপ ঘন জেলির মত আম নির্গত হয়; উহা তাহার সরলান্ত্রের নিম্নাংশ দখল করিয়াছিল। এই লক্ষণ দ্বারা নির্দিষ্ট হইয়া, এলাে একটি সরলান্ত্রের অবরােধযুক্ত রােগীকে আরােগ্য করিয়াছিল। অত্যধিক আকুঞ্চন সকল মলকেই গুহ্যদ্বারের দিকে নামিয়া আসিতে বাধা দিতেছিল, কিন্তু সরলান্ত্র দিনের মধ্যে তিন চার বার পূর্ণ হইয়া উঠিতে এবং রােগীকে অনেকখানি করিয়া জেলির মত আম ত্যাগ করিতে বাধ্য করিত। যে মল সে জোর করিয়া বাহির করিতে পারিত, তাহা তামাক খাওয়া পাইপের নলের চেয়ে মােটা ছিল না। কথিত হয় যে, আমাদের ঔষধগুলি মলদ্বারের অবরােধ আরােগ্য করিতে সমর্থ নহে। কিন্তু সময়ে সময়ে উহাদিগের দ্বারা অবরােধ আরােগ্য হয়। যদি ঔষধ রােগীকে আরােগ্য করিতে পারে, তাহা হইলে প্রকৃতি কিরূপ ভাবে প্রদাহিত টিসুগুলিকে আয়ত্ত করিয়া দ্বারটিকে স্বাভাবিক অবস্থায় লইয়া আসে, তাহা দেখিলে বিস্মিত হইতে হয়। এই ব্যাপার, মূত্রপথের অবরােধে এবং সরলান্ত্রের অবরােধে বহুবার দেখা গিয়াছে

অ্যালাে সকোট্রিনা

(Aloe Socotrina) 

অপর নামঅ্যালােজ (Aloes)

বাংলায় মুসব্বরঘৃতকুমারী। ইহা লিলিয়েসী জাতীয় অ্যালাে নামক বৃক্ষপত্রের শু নির্যাস। ইহা গন্ধ ভেদালের ন্যায় গন্ধ অত্যন্ত তিক্ত স্বাদের। এই গাছের অধিকাংশ সকোটা দ্বীপে জন্মে। সকোট্টা দ্বীপজাত মুসব্বরকে সকোট্রিনা ; তুরস্ক বা ভারতবর্ষীয় মুসব্বরকে অ্যালােজ বলে; এবং ইহাই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট। অ্যালাের পাতার ঘনীভূত রস থেকে মূল অরিষ্ট তৈরী হয়

অ্যালােরমূলকথা। ১। মলদ্বারের (rectum) শিথিলতা, মলদ্বার ভারী তরল পদার্থে পূর্ণ

উহা বের হয়ে পড়বে এরূপ অনুভব, যদি রােগীর বেগ হওয়া মাত্র মলত্যাগ করতে না যায়, তাহলে বাস্তবিকই উহা বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়ে; উদরাময়

শক্ত (বড় বড় বলের মত) মল, অভ্রাত সারে আপনা আপনি

বাইরে বের হয়ে যায়, (রােগী তা বুঝতে পারে না) মলদ্বারের ভার বােধ আঙ্গুরের থােকার ন্যায় বহিরাগত বলি

সংযুক্ত অর্শ সহকারে সমগ্র উদরে অতিশয় পূর্ণতা ভাববােধ,

শীতল জল প্রয়ােগে উহার উপশম। অ্যালাে সকোটিনাএকটি আলােচনা

এই ঔষধটির আলােচনা পডােফাইলামের পাশেই হওয়া উচিত। কারণ ইহাই পডােফাইলামের মত (তথাকথিত) বিরেচক ঔষধ। যদিও এদের একটি অপরটির মতই প্রবল বিরেচক তথাপি যে চরিত্রগত লক্ষণগুলি দ্বারা ইহা নিৰ্বাচিত হয় তা সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে আলাদা

) উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই গ্রীষ্মকালে বৃদ্ধি পায়, ) উভয় ঔষধেই প্রাতঃকালে রােগের বৃদ্ধি হয়

) উভয় ঔষধেরই পরিপূরক হিসেবে সালফার ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে

কিন্তু অ্যালােব কতকগুলি সুস্পষ্ট চরিত্রগত লক্ষণগুলি হল

মল হলদে,বিষ্ঠাময়, রক্তাক্ত অথবা স্বচ্ছ জেলির মত আমময়। কখন কখন এই আম রাশি রাশি জেলির মত (কেলি বাই) নির্গত হয়, কখন কখন খণ্ড খণ্ড হয়ে বের হয়ে পড়ে। মলদ্বারে মুখের সংকোচক পেশীর (sphincter ani) প্রকৃত দুর্বলতার জন্যই এইরূপ হয় বলে মনে হয়। তবে কেবল যে প্রকৃত দুর্বলতাই থাকে তা নয়, একপ্রকার যন্ত্রণাপ্রদ দুৰ্বলতার অনুভূতিও থাকে। মনে হয় সরলান্ত্র যেন একপ্রকার ভারী তরল পদার্থে পূর্ণ এবং উহা পড়ে যাবে বা বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়বে এবং রােগী সতর্ক না থাকলে সত্যই বাইরে বেরিয়ে পড়ে।এই বায়ু নিঃসরণ (flatus) সহ মল বের হয়ে পড়া অ্যালাের ন্যায় ওলিয়েণ্ডারেও আছে। অন্য কোন ঔষধে এত বেশী সাদৃশ্য নেই; কেবল মাত্র মিউ

অ্যালাের উদরাময়ের একটি খুব প্রকৃতিগত লক্ষণ মলত্যাগের ঠিক আগেই পেটে অতিশয় গড়গড় হড়হড় শব্দ হয় এবং পূর্বোক্ত মলদ্বারের ভারবােধ (feeling of weight) যে সৰ্ব্বদা কেবল মলদ্বারেই নিবদ্ধ থাকে তা নয়; সমস্ত বস্তিশহর উদরের ভিতরেও অনুভূত হয় আবার অ্যালােব লক্ষণে মলদ্বারে আঙ্গুলের থােকার মত অর্শের বলি বের হয়ে থাকে এবং ঠাণ্ডা জলে কষ্টের উপশম হয় মিউরিগ্রেটিক অ্যাসিডে গরম জলে উপকার জন্মে | দুটি ঔষধেরই অর্শের বলি নীলবর্ণের, অ্যালাের বলি অত্যন্ত চুলকায় কিন্তু | মিউরিয়েটিক অ্যাসিডের বলি অত্যন্ত টাটানাে, ব্যথাযুক্ত স্পর্শে এমনকি শয্যা বস্ত্রের স্পর্শেও অতিশয় সচেত্য থাকে বা উহ অসহ্য লাগে

| ইতি পূর্বে যে সকল উপচয়ের কথা বলা হয়েছে তাছাড়া * অ্যালাের উদরাময় চললে অথবা দাঁড়ালে এবং খাওয়ার বা পান করার পর বৃদ্ধি পায়। বক্তামশিয়ে পেটে ভীষণ কুম, সবুলান্ত্রে উত্তাপ বােধ, অবসন্নতা এমনকি মূৰ্ছা পৰ্য্যন্ত দেখা যায় এবং তার সঙ্গে প্রভূত চটচটে ঘাম হয়

* কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতাতেও মলদ্বারে আরণীপেশীর দুর্বলতা দেখা যায়। এর একটি অদ্ভুত লক্ষণ যা চোখে না দেখলে বিশ্বাস করতে পারা যায় না, তা হল রােগীর অনিচ্ছায় বা অজ্ঞাতসারেশক্ত মল নিঃসরণ। | রােগী বিবরণী

আমাকে একটি পাঁচ বছরের ছেলের চিকিৎসার জন্য ডাকা হয়। ছেলেটি | জন্মাবধি দারুন কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতায় ভুগছিল। পায়খানা করার জন্য তাকে জোর করে বসিয়ে রাখা হত, সে তখন কেবল কাঁদত, চীৎকার করত এমনকি এনেমা দেওয়া হলেও মল বের হত না। কয়েকটি ঔষধ দেওয়ার পর ব্যর্থ হয়ে আমি তার সরলান্ত্র

মলদ্বার পরীক্ষা করাৱ জন্য তার মাকে ছেলেটিকে পাশ ফিরিয়ে শুয়িয়ে দিতে | বলি। যেই তার মা তাকে উল্টে দেয় অমনি একটি বড় শক্ত মলের খণ্ড বিছানার উপর দেখতে পাওয়া যায়। তখন তার মা বলেন ঐরকমই হয়ে থাকে। ছেলেটি যখন পায়খানা করার চেষ্টা করে তখন পায়খানা হয় না কিন্তু প্রায়ই

ঐরূপে মলের ঢেলা দেখা যায় কখন যে উহা বের হয় তা সে নিজেও বুঝে না বা আমরা জানতেও পারি না” . তখন আমি কয়েক মাত্রা অ্যালাে ২০০ দিই এবং ছেলেটির উপদ্রব সত্বর স্থায়ী ভাবে সেরে যায়

* অ্যালােতে পড়ােফাইলামের মত জরায়ুর বহিনির্গমন থাকে এবং উদ, বস্তিদেশ, সরলান্ত্রের মল দ্বারের উত্তাপ বােধ, ভার পূর্ণতা বােধই এটি নির্বাচনের লক্ষণ। পডােফাইলামের ন্যায় অ্যালাের অধিকার বিস্তীর্ণ না হলেও উহা নিশ্চিত, নির্ভরযােগ্য সন্তোষজনক

✅ আমাদের সফল চিকিৎসার প্রমাণ দেখতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুণ।

১. টিউমার, ক্যান্সার ও সিস্ট রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
২. চর্ম, নখ ও চুলের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৩. গাইনী, প্রসূতি ও স্তনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৪. নাক, কান, গলা ও শ্বাসতন্ত্রের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৫. মানসিক রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৬. রিউমাটোলজি, হাড় পেশী ও জয়েন্টের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৭. নবজাতক ও শিশু রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৮. ব্রেইন, স্পাইনাল কর্ড ও নার্ভের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
৯. যৌন শক্তি ও যৌন বাহিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১০. কিডনি, মুত্র, প্রোস্টেট গ্ল্যান্ড ও পুরুষ জননাঙ্গের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১১. গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি বা পেটের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১২. মলদ্বার, পায়ুপথ ও কোলনের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৩. লিভার ও পিত্তের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৪. চোখ, দৃষ্টি শক্তি ও চোখের পাতার রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৫. জ্বর, সংক্রামক ও ইমার্জেন্সি রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৬. ডায়াবেটিস ও হরমোন জনিত রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৭. দাঁত ও মুখের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৮. হার্টের রোগ সমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
১৯. রক্ত, বোনম্যারু, প্লিহা ও লিম্ফ নোডের রোগসমূহ হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসায় সফলতার প্রমাণ দেখতে ক্লিক করুণ।
Aloe : Aloe Socotrina
Insecurity of the anus. Relaxation and venous congestion. Hungry during stools.


-Sedentary life -Eating oysters -Old beer drinkers -Summer


< Summer < Dry hot weather < Early morning < After eating or drinking < Walking, standing > Cool open air > Cold applications


– Aversion to mental labour, it fatigues him. – Children very emotional, cheer and laugh, but excitable during pain. Hate people, repel everyone. – Angry and dissatisfied with himself when constipated or with pains. – Feels life is a burden, thinks he will die in a week. – Preoccupied with his disease (stool). – Irritable, discontented, filled with displeasure, has tempers, though appears to be calm, stoic, content; underneath he is indifferent, not involved in life. – Easily excited, alternating with resigned and weak feeling. – Predicts time of death (acute cases). – Alternating states, < during digestion; < after eating. – Irritable before stool, weak after.


-Adapted to persons having aversion to mental or physical exertion. -Complaints come on slowly. -Extreme prostration and perspiration. -Weakness of sphincter ani, causing insecurity of rectum. -Discharges gelatinous, eg. stool, post nasal discharge, etc. – < Heat (but can be chilly). – > COLD APPLICATIONS. -Congestion, fullness on surface of body. -Lump sensation. -Sensitive to noise, especially music, causes trembling. -Head -Headache <-> lumbago -Heaviness in head. Aches above forehead, must partially close eye. -Head pain > COLD APPLICATIONS. -Complaints of head alternate with other ailments; abdominal, uterine symptoms, lumbago, haemorrhoids. – < Heat, < constipation, > cold application. -Desire juicy things, fruits, especially apples, salty food. -G.I.T.-Extreme hunger after stools, especially during diarrhoea. -Pulsation in rectum after eating. -Indigestion after beer, sour things. -SPASTIC COLITIS. -Complaints < from suppressed anger. -Fullness, distention, gurgling before stool. -Pain before stool. Pains extend to different parts. -Abdomen feels full heavy, bloated, hot. -Weakness as if diarrhoea would come on, soreness of abdominal wall on touch or pressing at stool. Pain in abdomen > discharging of burning flatus. -Insecurity of rectum, weakness of anal splinter. Does not pass flatus or urine out of fear of passing stool. -Diarrhoea from oysters, in summer, from beer < immediately after eating -Rumbling and gurgling, heaviness in rectum before stools. -Tenesmus during stools. -Faintness and prostration after stools, with hunger. -Rumbling, gurgling in bowels, sudden urging, sense of insecurity, then hurriedly passes a gushing, watery stool. -Urge for stools wakes him up early in morning with insecurity of rectum. Urge drives him out of bed. -Anus weak, oozes mucus. -Solid stool passes unnoticed. -Piles prolapsing like a bunch of grapes, > cold bathing. -A plug seems wedged in pelvis. -Head alternating with lumbago or abdominal symptoms. -Rectum-Annoying, tormenting, insecure feelings in rectum. WEAKNESS, intense, deep itching, plug sensation, full sensation, paralyzed feeling, etc. -INVOLUNTARY OR UNNOTICED STOOL ON PASSING FLATUS, during conversation, sleep, etc.; irritability, shame because of this. -DIARRHOEA:5 or 6 a.m., driving them out of bed (Podo, Sulph), from unripe fruit, beer, oysters, being overheated, before menses, from vexation, < standing, > lying on abdomen, sputtering, cream colored, burning stool, mucus in stool, jelly-like. -HAEMORRHOIDS like bunch of grapes, purple, > cold bathing. -Constipation. -Genitalia- Impotent. -Cough-> Lying on abdomen, < rising from sitting.


1. Transparent jelly like lumps, mucus in stools. 2. Want of confidence over sphincter ani, especially early in morning. 3. Colicky, cutting, griping pain. 4. More of flatus and less of stool. 5. Lumbago <-> haemorrhoids or with headache. 6. Itch appears every year as winter approaches and diarrhoea in summer.


-Venous congestion – fullness (heaviness) in rectum. -Rectum -Prolapse recti, piles, sensation of heavy dragging. -Weakness of sphincter-driving out of bed for stools. -Lumpishness – Lumpy watery stools, jelly like mucus -Alternation of Lumbago <-> piles and headache.


1. Sense of insecurity -soils the clothes with stools. 2. Heaviness, gurgling in abdomen before stools. 3. Hungry during diarrhoea. 4. Prostration after stools. 5. Jelly like mucus. 6. Haemorrhoids <-> with lumbago, > cold applications.


Aloes 6th dilution is reported to have cured falling of the hair -Dr. Ruddock


Complementary : Sulph. Follows Well : Kali-bi, Sep, Sul-ac, Sulph. Inimical : All-s. Compare : Aesc, Ail, Am-m, Gamb, Merc, Nux-v, Podo, Sulph. Similar : Ail, Am-m, Gamb, Nux-v, Sulph. Antidoted By : Camph, Lyc, Nux-v, Sulph. Duration Of Action : 30-40 Days.



+ Socotrine Aloes. Liliaceae.



One of the oldest and most famous drugs, largely cultivated, and in use as a horse-medicine, hence rarely to be obtained pure from the shops. From the collection of the College of Pharmacy some of the genuine socotrine aloes was obtained. It was brought from the Sultan of Muscat, by a physician, in the service of the U.S. Navy, who made the Sultan’s acquaintance while on an expedition from the United States. This was made the basis of all of Boericke and Tafel’s preparations.


Aloe was most proved by Helbig in 1833, and several under his lead. The first publication of provings was made by Buchner, 1821. A complete monography, adding to all the former provings made in this country with the genuine Socotrina, was given by C.Hg. in his American provings, 1856, pp.764 to 862.



Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity.


She knew she would die in a week. Hysteria.


Life is a burden. Colic.


Great disposition for desultory thinking.


Children chat and laugh.


Aversion to labor; disinclination to mental labor; it fatigues him; general languor.


Disinclined to move.


Anxiety and ebullitions.


Restlessness and fear; fear of men.


Ill-humored; hypochondriacal, agg. in cloudy weather.


Dissatisfied and angry about himself, more so when he is constipated or suffers from pain.


An easily excited, angry, revengeful state of mind, could not brook opposition, wanted to destroy object of wrath, relief from tea or mild stimulants; agg. in middle of day.


Attacks make her frantic, often loses consciousness. Colic.


Hates people, repels everyone.


When sitting in a chair or lying in bed, complains of persons stepping hard or quickly. Hysteria.


Restlessness with ebullitions of blood.


Fright at slight noises, after a nocturnal emission.



Giddiness and starts.


Giddiness, with anxiety when moving; he feels as if he was sitting too high (after dinner).


Dullness in forehead, with chilliness.


Vertigo: as if everything whirled with her, agg. on going upstairs or turning quickly; everything seems insecure; amel. after nasal catarrh sets in.


Loses consciousness, with frantic spells.


Inner Head

Congestion to head, compelling one to sit up.


Headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes and nausea.


Weight on vertex; pressure in forehead and occiput.


Dull pressive pain: in supraorbital region; in sinciput.


Pressing outward to temples, with periodic heat of face and flickering before eyes.


Stitches in temples aggravated by every footstep.


Headache after insufficient stool; with abdominal pains.


Headaches agg. from heat, amel. from cold applications.


A pain in forehead which compels patient to close eyes, or, if he wishes to look at anything, he must make aperture of lids very small.


Headache alternating with lumbago.


Outer Head

Sensitiveness of scalp in spots.


Dryness of hair.


Sight and Eyes

Yellow rings moving before eyes.


Unsteady, anxious look.


Dimness before eyes while writing.




Pain deep in orbits, as if in muscles, agg. on right side.


Congestion to eyes; pressure in orbits.




Occasional attacks of twitching of left eyelids during day, and a spasmodic jerk of whole body just when falling asleep at night.


Heaviness of eyes, with frontal headache.


Has to close eyes, with pain in forehead.


Hearing and Ears

Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a tremor.




Cracking in ears when moving jaw.


Sticking pain in left ear, later in right Internal and external heat of ears.


Smell and Nose

Nosebleed, in bed after waking.


Coryza, with burning and pain in nose; on sneezing, stitches in umbilical region.


Redness of nose in open cold air.


Coldness of point of nose.


Dryness of nose in morning, in bed.


Upper Face

Heat of face with headache or when excited.


Face pale, during cloudy weather.


Face sickly, sunken.


Lower Face

Lips: redder than usual; dry, cracked; moist, soreness of borders; white, scaly.


Pain when yawning or masticating solid food; agg. in evening and in morning, when waking.


Teeth and Gums

Sensitiveness in a hollow molar; agg. when eating; later a pustule appears on gum, near diseased tooth.


Concave edges of teeth seem sharp, they hurt the tongue.


Taste and Tongue

Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking.


Taste: bitter, sour, like ink or iron.


Tongue: coated yellowish-white; stiff; dry, red.


Severe fine stitches, from behind forward, in under part of tongue when moving it.


Yellow ulcers on tongue.


Dry tongue and mouth, with increased thirst and greater redness of lips.


Inner Mouth

Inflamed, sore spots in the mouth, on tongue, inside of cheeks; yellow ulcers on tongue.


Sickening smell from mouth.


Increase of saliva.



Fauces raw, hot, as if burnt.


Palate swollen; arches of velum palata painful on chewing hard food, or on yawning, agg. in evening and in morning on awaking; agg. on empty swallowing.


Hawking of thick jelly-like mucus, in lumps, from fauces and posterior nares; rawness and swollen feeling in pharynx.


Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions

Appetite for salt food.


No appetite. Hysteria.


Thirst: with dryness of mouth; awakens at night.


Longing for juicy articles; fruits, especially apples.


Aversion to meat.


Eating and Drinking

Soon after supper, growling in abdomen, as if griping of bowels would take place.


As soon as he eats anything, he must go to stool.


He has to hurry to closet immediately after eating and drinking. Colic.


After eating: flatulency, pulsations in rectum and sexual irritation.


After meals: distension of abdomen.


Hungry during diarrhoea; hungry after morning stool.


Sour food does not agree.


Beer relieves pains in anus; drinking vinegar, colic.


Water causes pains in stomach.


Thirst while eating, after eating, and during night.


Sweats after drinking.


Hiccough, belching, nausea and vomiting

Belching, with oppression of stomach.


Eructations: bitter; acrid; sour or tasteless.


Rising of flatulence towards throat, with sensation as if vomiting were coming on.


Nausea: with frontal headache; with empty feeling in stomach; with pain at umbilicus.


Vomiting of blood.


Scrobiculum and Stomach

Painful pressure under sternum; pressure through pit of stomach to back.


Pain in scrobiculum on making a false step.


Fullness in stomach, followed by distension of epigastrium.


Pain and fullness in stomach after drinking water.



Painfulness in hypochondria, with chilliness and diarrhoea; painful weakness of legs.


Hepatic region: burning; uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension; dull pain, agg. on standing, so that he bends forward.


Stitches from liver into chest, obstructing respiration.


Stitches in liver, when drawing a long breath.


Distension of hypochondria, amel. after passing flatus.


Increases the flow of bile.


Stitches from spleen into chest, or drawing into loins.



Pulsation in region of navel.


Distension of abdomen, especially epigastrium, with flatus moving about; agg. after meals; during menstruation; on motion.


Congestion to abdomen (portal system); burning sensation.


Sensation of fullness, heaviness; heat and inflammation.


Pelvis feels if filled with hot water.


Pain around navel, agg. from pressure.


Stitches in umbilical region from sneezing.


Rumbling in abdomen.


Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling offensive, relieving pain in abdomen; after each meal, in evening and morning, before stool.


Cutting across abdomen; with ill humor, anthropophobia; not disposed to go into open air, although it relieves.


Abdominal walls painful when rising, pressing to stool, when touched, and when standing erect.


Heaviness, fullness, and pressing downward in pelvis.


Left side of abdomen bloated, with gurgling in descending colon; agg. after eating.


A twisting and griping pain in upper abdomen and around navel, forcing him to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only offensive burning flatus passes, with short relief of pain.


Griping in abdomen, before, with and after stool.


Feeling of weakness in abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; but evacuation did not ensue for eight hours.


Shooting and boring in region of navel, agg. from pressure.


Painfulness in whole abdomen, especially in sides and along both sides of navel, which cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavements it hurts very much in pit of stomach.


Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without inclination to stool.


Great and cutting-griping pain in right and lower portion of abdomen, which was excruciating before and during stool; after stool all pains ceased, leaving profuse sweating and extreme weakness.




Fullness, heat and heaviness in epigastrium; labor like pains in groins and loins. agg. when standing.


Prolapsus uteri.


Feeling as if a plug was wedged in between symphysis pubis and os coccyges.


Dragging down in abdomen.


Stool and Rectum

Urging to stool continuously; agg. immediately after eating; feeling of fullness and weight in pelvis; only flatus passes.


Urging to stool with passage of urine; every time on passing urine, feeling as if stool would pass.


Urging to stool, only hot flatus passes, giving relief; but urging soon returns, with a sensation as of a plug wedged between symphysis pubis and os coccyges.


Flatus offensive, burning, copious; much flatus with small stool; burning in anus after passage of flatus.


Stools quite profuse with jelly-like lumps, and accompanied with wind. Colic.


Watery stools, aggravated by standing or walking.


Bloody water. Dysentery.


Lumpy watery stool.


Profuse watery diarrhoea, accompanied by wind, containing lumps “looking like frog-spawn.”




Diarrhoea yellow fecal, bright yellow, bilious; great rumbling in bowels, escape of large quantities of wind; agg. morning; evening; in damp weather; from overheating; after cold taken in a damp room; after chagrin.


Diarrhoea driving out of bed very early in morning.


Stools yellow fecal, agg. after eating; before stool violent urging; during stool tenesmus and discharge of much flatus; after stool faintness.


Hospital diarrhoea.


Small stools.


Dysenteric diarrhoea.


Frequent stools of bloody water, violent tenesmus; fainting; passage of mucus in jelly-like lumps, much flatus. Dysentery.


When passing wind, feeling as if stool would escape.


Want of confidence in sphincter ani; rectum seems full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out. Diarrhoea.


Stool passes without exertion, when walking or standing, after eating.


Solid stool passes involuntarily; dropping away unnoticed by the sick, even children at night in bed.


During stool: congestion to head and face; hunger; cutting about navel extorting cries; chilliness; fainting; heat in rectum; much flatus; tenesmus.


Pains disappear after stool, when she appeared very weak and covered by a cold sweat.


Stools leaving him with a feeling of extreme weakness and prostration.


Sensation of heat and burning in rectum.


Heaviness in rectum.


Stricture of rectum.


Itching, pulsating in rectum as from fissures, agg. sitting.


After stool: burning weight and itching in anus; protruding piles; cutting; feeling as if still more would come.


The not too hard feces cause a pricking in anus, later continuous pain in anus compelling him to draw it together frequently, whereby it becomes tense and achy.


Fullness and pressing out in anus.


Hemorrhoids: protrude like a bunch of grapes; constant bearing down in rectum; bleeding; sore, tender, hot; relieved by cold water.


Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep.


Urinary Organs

Pain in left side down along ureter. Hysteria.


Every time on passing urine, feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.


Burning when urinating.


Frequent urging to urinate; amel. at night; or in afternoon.


Urine copious; especially after stool.


Urine saffron-yellow, becoming cloudy; scanty, hot.


Sediment yellowish, like bran, or slimy.


Incontinence of urine. In an old man with enlarged prostate ( diarrhoea and urinary symptoms are present).


So urgent a desire that he can hardly retain urine.


Erections after urinating.


Male Sexual Organs

Semen comes too soon.


All the semen is not ejected.


Sexual desire increased: after awaking; after eating; in evening.


Seminal emissions; strong desire afterwards.


Involuntary emissions during siesta.


Testicles cold; penis small; scrotum relaxed; epididymis sensitive, especially to touch or while walking.


Offensive sweat on genitals.


Erections in morning and after passing water.




Itching of prepuce.


Female Sexual Organs

Pain in hypogastrium as if menses were coming on.


Fullness, heaviness in uterine region, with labor like pains in loins and groin; agg. standing.


Labor like pains extending down legs. Prolapsus uteri.


Uterine hemorrhage about climaxis. Prolapsus uteri.


Menses too early and too profuse; with dragging down in rectum and fullness in pelvis. Prolapsus uteri.


Menses too early and last too long. Prolapsus uteri.


During menses: earache; headache relieved by cold water; distension of abdomen; backache.


Leucorrhoea of bloody mucus preceded by colic.




Pregnancy, Parturition and Lactation

Lameness, which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure into pelvis.


After confinement, dysentery with faint feeling after each effort at stool.


Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia

Voice husky. Hawking.


Scraping in larynx.



Whistling in throat, as if something had fallen into trachea.


Difficult respiration.


Respiration impeded: by stitches through left side of chest; by stitches from liver into chest.


When drawing a long breath; stitches in liver.



Cough with stitches in right side of larynx; sputa of yellow, tenacious mucus.


Cough with scratching in throat.


When she would sit down after standing, or stand up after sitting down, she would cough and tears would flow. Hysteria.


Spitting blood.


Inner Chest and Lungs

Congestion to chest; dry cough; bloody expectoration.


Front of chest feels sore on deep inspiration.


Weakness of chest.


Stitches into chest from spleen.


Heart, Pulse and Circulation

Strong beat of heart occasionally; pain through to left scapula.


Pulse: accelerated; weak, suppressed, after vomiting; slow in afternoon.


Ebullitions, with anxiety; restlessness.


Neck and Back

Dull, steady pain on either side, just above innominate, running into rectum, later becomes a throbbing, itching sensation of fullness, always with a feeling as if prostate was swollen and sensitive; agg. in wet weather. Sometimes there was twitching in perineum, at one time feeling as if “asleep,” all ending with a slight pain and lameness in left thigh of short duration.


Backache. Prolapsus uteri.


Lumbago, alternating with headache.


Stitches through sacrum to loins.


Pressure and heaviness in sacral region while sitting; amel.


from motion.


Creeping beginning in sacrum, in bone, extending to coccyx, until it was a creeping in bones over whole body.


Upper Limbs

Heaviness of right arm; weakness of wrist joint.


Lower Limbs

Extending down legs: labor like pains. Prolapsus uteri.


Painful weakness of legs.


Painful weariness in calves.


Weakness of ankle joints.


Soles of feet pain when walking on pavement.


Great toe feels as if sprained.


Limbs in General

Lameness, weariness in limbs; weakness of joints; often with abdominal disturbances.


Pains of short duration, as if bruised or dislocated (l.


forearm, right scapula, left ribs).


Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pains in joints (fingers, knees, elbows).


Cold hands with warm feet.


Rest, Position and Motion

Standing: dull pain in hepatic region, watery stools agg.; causes involuntary stools; labor like pains agg.


Sitting bent: relieves griping in abdomen.


Sitting: pulsating pains in rectum agg.; backache; congestion amel.


Motion: causes giddiness, with anxiety; nausea and pain in distended abdomen.


Walking: watery stools agg.; causes involuntary stools; epididymis sensitive.


False step: causes pain in scrobiculum.


Stepping: aggravates stitches in temples.


Rising: abdominal walls painful.


Turning quickly: vertigo.


Ascending stairs: vertigo.



Debility. Prolapsus uteri.


General weakness, weariness.


Weakness inconsiderable, even when skin was golden color.


Lassitude alternating with mental activity.


Extreme prostration, with perspiration.


Paralytic drawing in muscles.


Faint feeling after stool. Dysentery.


Trembling from musical sounds or noises. Hysteria.


Hysteria from poisoning of blood with uric acid.



Sleeps soundly for 8 hours, awakes very lazy and refreshed; feels amel. in A.M.


Drowsy, dozing in morning.


Awakened: by thirst; urgency to urinate; pollutions and sexual desire; pains in back; chill.


Oppressive dreams of danger, could not cry out; dreams of soiling himself.


Spasmodic jerks when falling asleep.


Cannot sleep: heat and a crowd of thoughts busy him; itching and burning in anus; cold hands and feet.


During siesta: seminal emission.



Middle of day: angry, revengeful disposition.


Afternoon: frequent urging to urinate.


Night: urging to urinate agg.; sweat.


Temperature and Weather

Relieved by cold water: headache; prolapsus uteri.


Heat: aggravates headache.


In cloudy weather: out of humor; face pale.


Damp weather: causes diarrhoea; flatulency agg..


Wet weather: pain in back.


Worse in hot, damp weather.


Cold applications: relieve headache and piles.


In open air: nose red; raw voice; averse to walk in wind; not disposed to go into air although it relieves.


Amel. in cold weather; but cannot take a cold-water bath as it acts as stimulus to genitals.



Chilly: with coryza, in cold open air; at stool, shivering.


Cold hands and feet in bed, preventing sleep.


Cold hands, warm feet.


Heat in spots, on scalp or in face.


Ebullitions, with anxiety and restlessness.


Sweat: smells strong; offensive on genitals; at night, after drinking.


Attacks and Periodicity

Twitching of eyelids.


Periodic heat of face, with headache.


Attacks preceded by obstinate constipation. Colic.


Sudden, quickly passing urging to stool.


Pains of short duration.


As winter approaches each year itch manifests itself.


Alternate: headache and lumbago.


Locality and Direction

Right: eyes, nose, stitches in larynx; scapula bruised; arm heavy; wrist joint weak.


Left: wind in descending colon; stitches in chest; pain through to left scapula; ribs bruised; pain along ureter; pain and lameness in thigh.


Left to right: earache.


From behind forward: stitches in tongue.


In stops: sensitiveness of scalp.



Feeling of vermin running over body. Hysteria.


Giddiness, feels as if he was sitting too high; as if everything whirled with her; musical sounds and noises set her in a tremor; fauces as if burnt; as if griping of bowels would take place; as if vomiting was coming on; empty feeling in stomach; pelvis as if filled with hot water; as if diarrhoea would result; as if a plug was wedged between symphysis pubis and os coccyges; as if stool would pass; as if stool would escape with flatus; as if rectum was full of fluid which feels heavy, as if it would fall out; feeling as from fissures in rectum; is compelled to contract anus, which makes it tense and achy; as if stool would escape when passing urine; can hardly retain urine; faint feeling after effort at stool; as if something had fallen into trachea causing whistling; as if prostate was swollen and sensitive; feeling as if asleep in perineum; female organs feel as if torn; as of hairs on back of hand and fingers.


Pain: in forehead; deep in orbits; at umbilicus; in sacro- ilicum; in stomach; in hypochondria; in left side along ureter; in hypogastrium.


Boring: in region of navel; in rectum.


Stitches: in temples; in umbilical region; in under part of tongue; from liver into chest; from spleen into chest; through left chest; in right side of larynx; through sacrum to loins.


Pricking: caused by feces in anus; in joints; in fingers, knees, elbows.


Sticking: in ears.


Shooting: in region of navel.


Cutting: across abdomen; in right and lower portion of abdomen; in anus.


Griping: in upper abdomen; around navel; in right and lower portion of abdomen.


Burning: in nose; in hepatic region; in abdomen; in anus; when urinating.


Scraping: in larynx.


Soreness: of borders of lips; in mouth; in front of chest.


Rawness: in pharynx.



Congestion to head and chest, but especially to portal system.


Mucous membranes; especially causes production of mucus in jelly-like lumps or cakes.


Acts mainly on rectal mucous lining.


Touch, Passive motion and Injuries

Touch: muscles (especially of abdomen) sensitive; scalp tender; epididymis sensitive.


Pressure: aggravates pains in head; abdominal pains.



Itching, especially of legs.


Pimples on abdomen.


Spots which, when scratched, pain and become sensitive.


Stages of Life and Constitution

Old people. Colic and diarrhoea.


Man aged 45 taken with dysentery confining him to his bed a month at a time.


Old men with enlarged prostate.


Women age 55; and 65; colic.


Climacteric years.


Phlegmatic, indolent.


Women of relaxed phlegmatic habit. Prolapsus uteri.



Aloe has many symptoms like Sulphur, and is equally important in chronic diseases, with abdominal plethora, etc.


Similar to Ail. (dull frontal headache); Gum. gutt. (diarrhoea); Am-m. (abdominal and diarrhoeic symptoms); Nux-v. (gastric abdominal and uterine troubles; bad effects of sedentary habits).


Antidotes to Aloe: Sulphur, mustard.


Camphor relieves for a while.


Nux-v. and Lyc. relieve the ear ache.




Aloe socotrina, Lam.


Natural order: Liliaceae.


Preparation. The fiery red gum is to be triturated .



Amorous thoughts present themselves, which are very annoying (first day).


Before taking it, the disposition is apprehensive, speculative, amorous; after taking it, quite, immovable, contented, joyful, reflective; mind is more self-sufficient, more inclined to labor; no sleepiness after a meal (first to third day).


Contented, happy humor in the evening, as well as all the following day (fifth day).


Towards evening, uncommonly aroused by inspiring, joyful news (fifth day).


Merry self-contented; fraternized with the whole world (fifth day).


At evening, in a happy mood, he feels completely happy and contented.


Great serenity and good humor (in a patient).


The child is very much enlivened and vivacious, it plays and prattles uncommonly, with much mischievousness and laughter (from sucking Aloes).


Contented with his station in life; it involuntarily occurs to him, that he is really much better off than many other people (seventh day)(10).


Quiet and serene humor (curative effect).


In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not otherwise have been so (second day).


Despondent, with flatulent distension.


Anxiety, anguish, and ebullition of the blood.


A certain anxiety (after one scruple).


Anxiety produced by vertigo.


Anxious startings up.


Great anxiety, timorousness, restlessness, dread of death, and great anguish, so that she cannot stay anywhere.


Oppression and apprehensiveness.


After a nocturnal emission of semen, fright at the rattling of the windows by the wind (fourth day).


Little inclination to labor; discouraged, apprehensive about his success (fourth day).


Irritable, he cannot endure the visit of many people, they are repugnant to him (twenty-fourth day).




(Immediately, strong exhibition of will; he quarrels with everyone who contradicts him; it seems as if he would permit himself to be torn in pieces, sooner than give up his will).


The weather is cloudy, cold, rainy (in December), and his humor morose, thoughtful, discontented (fifth day).


Ill-humor; peevish about himself, so that he insults and blasphemes; worse afternoons, (third day).


Very discontented and unhappy mood, since the forenoon, with confused head and lack of inclination to labor; better in the evening (twenty-fourth day).


Moroseness (first day).


Peevish towards himself without reason (second day).


Peevish and morose (second day).


Ill-humor and incapacity for labor, with peevish restlessness (third day).


The child is hard to please, and cries on the least provocation.


A condition of mind that is intolerable, and without stool (ninth day).


Ill-humor, peevishness, and anthropophobia, with cuttings in abdomen.


During pain, everything disgusts him.


Indifference and sleepiness evenings.


After meal, no sleepiness, but a forbidding and unconcerned humor; about half-past three, he is better and much inclined to joke, continually mocking the remarks of others; in the evenings is inclined to work (twelfth day).


Lassitude, alternating with great mental activity; eighth day.


Immediately after a meal, he sat down by himself, without speaking, without any desire for mental or physical exertion; meditating, wrapped up in himself, as after a sickness or a fit of anger, which still gnaws internally, which one cannot express.


Nothing can engage his attention, he is averse to and disgusted with everything.


From one till after four in the evening, already an opposite condition sets in; he is not at all angered about an accident which otherwise probably would have angered him.


Great restlessness and excitement (second day).


Inner restlessness and excitement (third day).


Excitement of mind and body, afternoons (third day).


At an early hour, quick, complete awakening, with inclination for mental labor, good appetite (second day).


He believes on awaking that it must be later.


In the afternoon, he works with a will, without a midday nap (fourth day).


In the morning, good appetite and inclination to work (fifth day).


Much inclination for continued labor (first day).


Especially inclined to mechanical labor (first day).


In the forenoon, he is much excited, works hastily and yet well (fifth day).


Inclined to work, with pain in the forehead.


Excited, nights, with warmth and redness of the face.


Head confused, and indisposition for every employment.


Labor already begins to be tedious to him (third day).


Great laziness in the middle of the day (second day).


Much exhaustion and laziness (seventh day).


Disinclined to move (second day).


An anxious restlessness deters him from mental labor (first day).


Great disinclination to mental labor (second day).


Speedy fatigue from mental labor (second day).


Disinclination for much mechanical or intellectual labor; instead of this, great disposition for desultory thinking (fourth day).


Exhaustion, alternation with activity.


Smelling camphor relieves the troubles quickly and considerably.


There even follows for awhile inclination and ability for mental labor, which requires clear thinking.


After an hour, however, all the troubles return (eighth day).



Painful confusion of the head every morning. Confusion of the head; the first day; the second day.


Confusion of the head and discontent.


Confusion and heaviness.


Murky pain in the head and forehead.




Paroxysms of vertigo.


Vertigo, as if everything whirled about with her, worse on going upstairs and turning quickly.


Very peculiar vertigo each day, after taking the third trituration; during motion, he feels as if he ought to lie down; while standing and waling, an inner sensation which makes everything seem insecure, and which makes him very anxious; then nasal catarrh, first on the left side, then on the right, with copious secretion of mucus, which soon becomes thick; afterwards, no more vertigo.


While sitting, after meal, he feels as if he sat upon a high chair; a kind of vertigo (the fifteenth and subsequent days).




Headache, after griping of the bowels, and after stool.


Headache in the morning, following an incomplete evacuation of the bowels, lasting until a second stool follows, a few hours after.


The whole head feels affected.


Periodic headache, alternation with pains in the loins; with sacral pain.


Headache relieved by cold applications.


Headache, worse in warm, better in cool (air).


(Headache from the heat of the sum).


After eating, the headache is better for awhile.


Headache worse in the dark, ameliorated in the light.


Headache aggravated by motion, especially by stooping (the first day).


Pains on contact.


Attack in the head, with nausea, as from indigestion.


On rising before five in the morning, the head feels completely aroused; an excited condition of the whole brain (sixth day).


The brain is again somewhat excited on the eleventh day.


On rising, the brain is aroused and excited (twenty-first day).


Tension in the head.


Continued and severe congestion of the occiput and sinciput, whereby the eyes are pressed out.


Congestion of the head.


Disposition to congestion of the head, in lunatics, (Trousseau).


It often produces congestion of the head, if administered with existing hemorrhoids.


Tearing in the head, here and there.


After 11 o’clock A.M., sense of dull pressure throughout the whole head when walking, a shaking as if the brain lay loose therein, considerably aggravated in fresh, cold air, also on laying the head down, then and awhile after rising up, a beating, thumping pain, like pulsating, especially in the occiput; better awhile after eating (the first day, after having taken the medicine five times, less the second day; disappearing the third day).


Sensation as if the head were widened, being pressed out on all sides (after four hours).


Sluggish, drawing, sensitive pain in the head, more externally (the first day).


Throbbing headache, 1/100.


Throbbing in the middle of the brain.


She received a shock from the arm up into the head; thereupon the sensation of a wind form the head into abdomen (Kerner).


Pressive pain in the forehead, from the third to the fifth day, thereafter relief.


Confusion of the sinciput, especially with chilliness.


Downward and inward pressing pain (down towards the nose), in the middle of the forehead (in a mesmerized person).


Dull headache across above the forehead, with heaviness in the eyes, and nausea.


A dull, pressive pain in the forehead, in the afternoon.


Headache in the forehead and on the vertex, as from a weight (fourth day).


Headache in the forehead, with abdominal symptoms.


Pressure in the forehead, immediately after licking Aloes (in a girl nine years of age).


Painfulness of half the face, arising from the forehead.


Pressive pain in the forehead, involving the orbits (the third day).


Dull drawing and sticking over the right side of the forehead; the head feels murky; it compels one to make the eyes small; at the same time, the desire for labor continues longer (fourth day).


Pain on right side of forehead.


Pain in the forehead, pressing outward towards the temples; appears soon after taking Aloes, and continues.


Dull, pressive pain in the supraorbital region (first day).


Pullings every evening, from above the right eyebrow to the bottom of the right side of the forehead.


Dull stitches in the supraorbital region (the first and fifth day).


Stitches over the brows and in the frontal prominences.


A single darting drawing over the left eye and outward through the same (after four hours).


Pressive tension, sometimes pulsating, in the sinciput.


Dull pressive pain in the sinciput (second day).


Pressing outward to the temples, with periodic heat of the face, and flickering before the eyes (the first day). (Slight pressive pain in the right temple; sour food produces an inclination to vomit and lassitude).


Pressive pain in the left temple especially, appearing now and then.


Pressive boring in the left temple, soon thereafter a sticking, drawing outwards to the left eye, from above, out of the brow downwards, afternoon and evening (second day).


Drawing stitches over the right temple, not deep (the third day).


First transient, then severe stitches in the left temporal region, aggravated by every footstep.


Dull stitches through the left temple into the brain.


Pressive sensation at the crown.


Sense of weight on the vertex.


At midday, a pain, as of subcutaneous suppuration, on a spot as large as a half-dollar, on the right side of the top of the head (between organs 16 and 12, according to Combe), so that even touching the hair is very painful (afternoons); also in the evening, in another spot of the same size (the second day).


On the left side in the scalp, near the vertex, a feeling as if it had been beaten, so that pressure thereon is painful, but yet feels good (the fifth day).


Painfulness behind the top of the head, as of subcutaneous ulceration; the hair stands up more on this spot, continuing form midday, the seventh day; tenth and eleventh days, again a sensitive spot behind on the vertex.


Headache on the left side.


Pressure on the left side at the top of the parietal bone (after one hour).


Beating in the left wall of the head, at first painless.


Stitches in the right side between the forehead and vertex, from the top inward (the first day).


Leaping pain in the right parietal bone toward the vertex.


On the right side of the head, sudden blunt shootings form below upwards, in the evening and on the following morning, after trituration.


Pressure in the middle of the right half of the brain, after trituration.


Severe pressure in the occiput, after a pressing asunder.


Pressive ache in the angle of the right occiput (evening).


Dull drawing in the left side of the occiput.


In the occiput (and abdomen), beating at night, when lying down; stitches after stooping; external soreness.


An ache, like a pressure in the scalp of the occiput.


On combing the hair in the morning, a sensitive spot on the left side on upper part of the occiput; towards evening, on the right side of the head, on the top (twelfth day).


Frequent feeling of head in the scalp.


A sensation of numbness moving over the scalp, with warmth.


Dry hair (ninth and tenth days).



The eyes are glittering, somewhat reddened, prominent.


An unsteady, anxious look.


One is compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in the forehead.


Determination of blood to the eyes, pressing them outward.


Pain in the forehead, involving the orbits.


Pain deep in the orbits, as if in the muscles, worse on the right side.


A sensitive pressure in the orbits (first and second days).


Burning pain in the right eye, as if a fine current of hot air passed through, along the axis of vision (first and second days).


Over the left eye and through it outward drawing pain.


An outward drawing pain in the brow, extending to the left eye.


Heaviness of the eyes, with headache.


Tearing pain for some minutes, at the bottom of the right eye.


An increased congestive condition of the ordinarily somewhat reddened conjunctiva of the lids (the first day).


Pustules in the right external angle of the eye, surrounded externally and internally by many red vessels.


Pressure in the right eyeball, severe, but passing away, evenings, from light (fifth day).


Dim, cloudy vision, as if from want of sleep, for several nights.


It becomes dim before the eyes on writing (second day).


Flickering before the eyes, with heat of the face (after a few hours).


Scotoma; it flickered and turned before the eyes.


Yellow rings, moving before the eyes.


Shining bodies shoot across the eyes.



Heat in the inner and outer ear.


Throbbing and sense of heat in the back part of the ear.


Drawing, sticking pain in the left inner ear, which is after awhile also felt in the right.


A slight twinging kind of pain in the right ear (evening of third day).


A twinging earache and cramping pain in the right ear (fourth day).


Transient stitches from the left temporal region toward the ear.


On pressing the teeth together, a sensation of numbness behind the ear; it draws in the lower jaw, down through a back tooth (fourth day).


Towards midday, a drawing pain, from before backward, below the right external meatus auditorius, behind the lobules, in the mastoid process, and in the ear-passage itself (fourth day).


At times, a transient pain in the left external ear-passage, especially on pressing the teeth together (fifth day).


Frequent ringing and buzzing in the ears.


At nine o’clock in the evening, when reading aloud, frequent fine crackings in the right maxillary joint (first day).


Rustling in the right ear, which almost amount to cracklings, on moving the maxillary joint (after two hours).


Just after getting into bed, sudden explosion and clashing in the left ear, as from the breaking of glass; the clink of the bits of glass was heard at the bottom of the head, and extended thence toward the right ear.



The nose is very red without redness of the face, in the cold open air (the first day).


In the evening, coldness of the tip of the nose, sensible only to the finger touching it.


Early in the morning, in bed, great dryness in the nose (third day).


Nose-bleed early in the morning, a few drops (second day).


Some blood is blown out in the afternoon (fifth day).


After waking, while yet in bed, the right nostril bleeds a dessert spoonful (eighteenth day).


Nose-bleed, now and then.


It stops bleeding of the nose (Schroeder).


Ineffectual inclination to sneeze (after ten minutes).


Fruitless attempts to sneeze (morning of second day).


On sneezing, stitches in the umbilical region.


Sneezing, and watery mucus, like fluent coryza, lasting till toward evening (third day).


Coryza, the whole of the fourth day; worse in the afternoon.


Sensation of coryza and husky voice.


Coryza, with pains in the nose.


Coryza, with burning in the nose.


Coryza and soreness in the right nostril (fifth and sixth days).


Inclination to coryza at times (thirteenth day); thin nasal mucus (fourteenth day).


Fluent coryza, with sneezing (fifteenth day).


Coryza; whereupon the distressing vertigo disappears.


Dry coryza (second day).


Pain in the forehead pressing down into the nose.


Pain in the nose, especially early in the morning, and never except on motion (thirteenth and fourteenth day).


Sensation of burning, like fire, in the left nostril.


A sensation in the nose, as if it would commence bleeding (the first day).


The right wing of the nose is scurfy and sensitive on its inner surface, fourth and eighth days; and again somewhat on the twenty-first and twenty-second days.



Pale over night (as if up all night), sickly look (sixth day).


He is very sensitive to the coldness of the weather, has a very pale look, sunken, and sickly (thirteenth day).


Pale, wretched color of the face (first to third day).


The countenance is sickly, suffering, and pale (tenth day).


Increased warmth and redness of the face; wide-awake, excited (after half an hour).


Turgescence of the skin, especially of the face; it is very red, and its temperature is increased.


Periodic heat of the face, with pressure in the temples.


Burning heat, especially in the face.


Confusedness and painfulness of the whole left half of the face, proceeding from an inflamed spot in the mouth, and from the forehead (fourth day).


Redder lips than usual.


Dry and cracked lips.


Dry lips; the dried epidermis has a white appearance if it is not frequently moistened by the tongue (second and third days).


Dry lips; the epidermis is white, scaly; he continually licks them with the tongue (from the sixth to the eighth day, and on the day).


Dry lips, an hour after dinner, together with dryness in the mouth; the lips are parched and white, without thirst; better in the evening (fifteenth day).


Dry lips, scurfy, swollen, and painful (ninth day).


Dryness of the lips; they are very red and hot, sometimes trembling.


The under lip is swollen, with a thick-skinned long vesicle, in the red part of the lip where it turns inward, of the size of a flaxseed, smooth, yellowish, covered with hard skin; it makes the whole part of the lip thick (sixth and seventh days).


Spongy scurf upon; the lips, which exudes moisture, looks ugly (tenth day); on the eleventh day the lips are very dry, the spongy scruffiness is moist.


Superficial cracking on the inner side of the upper lip, when laughing.


A painful little crack on the under lip, near the angle of the mouth (second day).


A blackish point (maggot), on the edge of the upper lip, on the left side, becomes inflamed; it is the next day a yellow pustule; goes away the eighth to the eleventh day.


Breaking out around the mouth.


Red, round spot on the left border of the lower jaw, between the lower border, the angle of the jaw, and the chin.


Pimples under the lower jaw.



The teeth have looked bad for many days, have a yellowish cast (seventeenth day).


The concave edges of the teeth seem sharp, they hurt the tongue (seventeenth day).


The teeth are affected as after eating sugar (first and second days) (N. N).


A drawing from the ear into the lower jaw through a back tooth.


Drawing in the lower front teeth.


Stitches in the third, hollow back tooth.


Gnawing pain in a hollow tooth on the left side of the lower jaw, in the evening, recurring periodically throughout the whole night, worse by eating.


A lower, hollow back tooth becomes sensitive, especially when eating (second day); on the afternoon of the third day it is still sensitive; on the fifth day he cannot bite them; on the sixth day, it is still more sensitive, it even pains without touching it; it is no more sensitive on the ninth day; on the tenth day, a pustule appears on the front part of the gum, under this same tooth.


Pale gums (sixth day).


Tongue coated yellowish-white (second day).


Red and dry tongue.


Dry, stiff tongue.


Evenings, dryness on the tongue and in the mouth, with increased thirst, and redder lips than usual (after the 100th).


Large yellow ulcers arise on the tongue after the use of Aloes in weaned children.


Cold feeling of the left side of the tongue, after a few minutes.


After dinner, a sensitive painfulness on the right side of the tongue at the back part, especially if it bites against the teeth, as if they were sharp and impinged upon a sore spot (the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth days).


In the morning after waking, suddenly, an extremely fine but severe stitch on the under part of the tongue, from behind forwards, which is twice repeated on moving the tongue (neuralgia sublingualis).


Inflamed spots in the mouth.


Sickening smell from the mouth, noticeable to himself, as if he had been without food a long time, on a warm day (the third day).


Sore feeling of the inner side of the left cheek (afternoons).


Inflammation and sore pain of the left cavity of the mouth (fourth day).


Dryness in the mouth; the mucus in the mouth seems dry (third day).


Dryness in the mouth, (evenings); with thirst.


Dryness in the mouth, with much thirst, dry heat in the mouth; the tongue is very red and somewhat dry.


Water accumulates in the mouth, with a sensation of hunger after breakfast.


Saliva accumulates in the mouth when taking it (Aloes).


Increased secretion of saliva.


The taste of the aloes exceedingly nauseous, which rather increased after fifteen minutes; after one hour it still continued, and remains for a long time as a nauseous bitterness in the mouth.


Nauseous, bitter taste in the mouth (early on the second day).


Bitter taste, with loss of appetite.


A few complained of bitter taste; many had sour eructations.


Bitter, sour taste.


Taste, between the root of the tongue and the soft palate, like that soon after a decoction of Senna leaves, from early in the morning till one o’clock (second day).


Taste in the mouth like ink or iron, with irritation to cough.


Metallic taste, with dry, irritative hacking.


Clayey taste.


Pappy taste.



Scraping sensation in the throat, provoking cough.


Sense of swelling or pressure in the throat, at eight or nine o’clock in the morning of the fifth day.


Throat affections after skating; again in the evening, in the middle of the soft palate posteriorly (the eleventh and thirteenth days).


Dryness in the throat.


Dryness and inflammation in the throat with cough and expectoration.


On rising in the morning, some rawness of the fauces, chiefly in the upper part, in the soft palate and uvula, with a somewhat raw voice, which disappears at breakfast, returning on going into the open and cold air (afternoons), (second day).


Sensation as if the palate were swollen (three o’clock in the morning); when rising and during the forenoon in the fauces, increasing in the afternoon, continuing in the evening.


On empty swallowing and yawning the arches of the palate are painful (the fourth and following days).


The sensation in the fauces only on forced empty swallowing; but it increases a few hours after rising, and is noticeable even without swallowing, but not on swallowing food.


On chewing, the sides of the soft palate pain, as if sore, or as if burnt with hot food, aggravated in the evening (fifth and sixth days).


The arches of the velum palati pain on chewing hard food; the hard palate and the region around the hinder most back teeth feel as if burnt and inflamed; not on swallowing food.


Especially painful is the stretching of the soft palate on yawning (sixth to eighth day).


Soreness of the left arch of the palate, on opening wide the mouth (ninth and tenth days).


Pain in the throat as if the soft palate and uvula were swollen; evenings, worse on awaking in the morning; first disappears at midday (twenty-first and twenty-second days).


Hoarseness in the back part of the fauces.


Thick mucus in the mouth and fauces on waking at three o’clock.


Hawking thick mucus out of the fauces for a few days (the fourth day), (morning of fifteenth day).


The pain in the fauces in accompanied by expectoration of thick, lumpy mucus from the fauces and choanae (twenty-second and twenty-third days).


Pressure from the stomach up into the pharynx.


Sense of fullness in the pharynx, with empty pain in the pharynx, sensation of rawness and swelling, especially on swallowing; hawking up of thick mucus on awaking (morning at three o’clock), going away on rising (fourth day).


Hawking up thick, tough, lumpy mucus, like jelly, easily loosened, early after rising fifth day).


No expectoration of mucus.


Pain in the back of the throat on swallowing.


The throat feels as if it were constricted.



Increased appetite.


Great appetite the second day.


Appetite not diminished, in many cases, rather increase.


Feeling of hunger in the stomach, after a few minutes, from olfaction (second day).


Frequent appetite; ate apples out of regular meal times (third day).


Great appetite for bread (ninth day).


Appetite more for fruit and bread (fourth day).


Longing for juicy food, fruit, but not for water (tenth day).


Meat diet was (to jaundiced persons) welcome after the use of Aloes (W).


At noon he ate well and much (first, second, eleventh, and twelfth days).


At noon, good appetite, then it seemed to him as if he was not yet satisfied, as the first day; still he did not eat again, and on working it went away; it seemed again as if something ailed him, he knew not what; this took place many times before long-en during hunger (fourth day).


Appetite good; in the afternoon again hunger, continued eating, as after long abstinence (tenth day).


Appetite good in the morning.


Frequent appetite, but not great (thirteenth day).


Great appetite for stimulating food, with fullness in the stomach.


The child preserves a good appetite during the diarrhoea.


After that he had had for many days only a very small appetite; on one afternoon he had a very great longing; he ate a double supper; that night he had pain in the back.


Warmth and sensation of hunger in the stomach (after one hour).


Canine hunger, forenoon (second day).


He awoke at 7 A.M. with feeling of hunger, and urgent inclinations to urinate (third day).


Soon after breakfast feeling of hunger in the stomach, so that water accumulates in his mouth (fifth day).


Canine hunger, soon after morning stool (eleventh day).


Hunger with yawning (evenings).


Some hunger in the evening and long wakefulness (ninth day).


Feeling of hunger, with weak and changeable pulse.


A very urgent need to eat.


Generally a few eructations tasting of Aloes, and immediately increased feeling of hunger; after taking one to three grains, lasting.


Increased desire to feed, otherwise no change (after three ounces of the resinous extract, in oxen), (Viborg).


Diminished appetite, etc.


No appetite, and febrile sensation.


At noon, very little appetite, and a feeling as if one does not oneself know what is the matter, whether one has appetite or not, so that two hours later he again ate more apples; a kind of torpidity of the stomach; he did not know when he was satisfied; the stomach showed no decoded will; after one to three hours.


Little appetite in the morning (twelfth day).


Loss of appetite and dyspepsia, with coexisting constipation (N. N).


No appetite for meat (sixth day; fourth and fifth days).


Thirst, with dryness of the mouth (evenings).


He drinks while eating, as he is not accustomed to do (nineteenth day).


In the afternoon uncommon thirst for water (twelfth day; not the thirteenth day).


Thirst awakens at night; sweat after drinking. Much thirst immediately after dinner and supper (fourteenth day).


Severe thirst, with fever.


Thirst, especially for beer, which seems to alleviate the pains in the anus.


Aversion to drinks, especially to cold drinks (second day).


Eructations, tasting of aloes, lasting two hours, frequently recurring (after four grains).


Bitter eructations (first day), bitter eructations, many days.


Bitter eructations after drinking water.


Empty, tasteless eructation, with sense of fullness in the pharynx (second day); again (seventh day).


Eructations form time to time, part of the time without any taste (morning of eleventh day).


Easy eructation of wind without taste (after ten minutes), (after thirty minutes).


Much eructation of wind, with oppression of the stomach (second day).


Eructation of Flatulent gases.


Empty eructation, empty or tasting of food.


Eructation relieves the oppression of the stomach.


Acrid eructation, after dinner.


Sour eructation (W).


Rising of flatulence towards the throat, with sensations as if vomiting were coming on.




Inclination to vomit, after sour things.


Nausea, with empty feeling in the stomach.


Nausea rising into the stomach, with inability to vomit.


Neither nausea nor a change in condition is observed there from.


Nausea, immediately after taking it; must sit completely still in order not to vomit; also, other days.


With the nausea, pains extend from the stomach towards both sides of the chest.


Nausea with headache.


Some nausea, with pain in the umbilical region increased by pressure, and diarrhoea.


Once, after half a drachm for headache form heat of the sun, vomiting a quantity of thick mucus on going to stool, which returns a half hour after a glass of water.


The pulse and strength were thereby sunken till the next day.


In a city where one had begun to adulterate beer with Aloes, hematemesis was almost endemic.


The use of alum-whey gave almost sure relief (Neumann).


Soon after taking it, troublesome sense of fullness in the region of the stomach, followed by distension of the epigastrium and both hypochondria; with a pain in the first hypochondrium, which goes away after a passage of flatus, but returns with stimulant (second day).


Fullness of the stomach after drinking water, and bilious eructation.


Crawlings in the stomach and abdomen.


Immediately, pain in the stomach on the right side.


Slight pressure in the stomach.


Pressure in the stomach with a feeling of warmth therein (first day).


The pit of the stomach pains very much on making a false step.


Pressure in the epigastrium and up into the pharynx (fourth day).


Painful pressure under the sternum (fourth day).


Some pressure in the pit of the stomach after breakfast, relieved by eructations.


Pressure in the pit of the stomach through to the back, like a weight, with sore pain; sometimes this pain rises higher up into the chest and then sinks down again; accompanied by copious eructations.


Feeling of weakness in the pit of the stomach, like a weight and burning there.


With the nausea, pains which draw form the stomach up into both sides of the chest, worse on motion (third day); still the same pins drawing form the pit of the stomach to both sides of the chest.


Snatching under the pit of the stomach (in a mesmerized person).


Jerks in the epigastrium.



Painfulness across below the ribs, with painful weakness in the legs; therewith, an evacuation somewhat diarrhoeic, with chilliness, so that he feels very cold as often as he goes away from the stove.


Stitches under the left ribs, in the hepatic region.


Dull pain under the ribs with distension.


Aching in the hypochondria, cutting.


Distension of both hypochondria.


Distension as if it were too narrow around under the ribs.


Occasional stitches in both hypochondria, extending around the navel, and then passing into the rectum.


An inner pressure at the short ribs, after three hours.


Pinching at both sides of the hypochondria, first day.


Pain in the left hypochondrium, better after passage of flatus.


Stitches in the left hypochondrium, as if in the left ligaments of the womb, and in the ovaries.


Dull pain in the left hypochondrium (third day); pressive pain (fourth day).


A jerking pain in the region of the left lower rib, internally, going from above downwards, and from the outside inwards on walking, morning (sixth day).


Crampy pain in the region of the spleen.


Dull stitches in the splenic region through the left breast (in the supraorbital region, in the frontal prominences, in the finger-joints), (sixth day).


Awaked by dull stitches in the splenic region, drawing into the loins (first night).


Transient stitches in the spleen (seventh day).


Stitches now left, now right.


Uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension in the region of the liver.


Uneasiness in the hepatic region (W).


Only seldom is a heating and uneasiness in the hepatic region noticed when the purgative action is near at hand.


Pressure and tension in the right hypochondrium; in the right epigastrium.


Side ache, right (Hong).


Pressure under the right ribs.


Dull, pressive pain in the region of the liver (fourth and fifth day).


Hard, pressive pains in the region of the right lower ribs, alternation with just such pains in the upper part of the chest, as if it were seated under the sternum; i. e., they are found now here, now there.


The former are more transitory, but more frequent; the latter more enduring, but less frequent.


Dull pain on the right side under the ribs, the same in all positions, worse on standing, so that he bends himself forwards.


Pain in the region of the liver; at times it pains by the last ribs internally, as if strained, as after great exertion (first day).


Transient stitches in the hepatic region (second day).


Blunt stitches, now in the left, now in the right hypochondrium (second day).


Periodic blunt stitches in the hepatic region, sometimes moving into the chest and obstruction respiration (first day, less the second day).


Single blunt stitches in the hepatic region (first day).


On deep inspiration, it sticks in the precordium.


Stitches moving from the hepatic region into the chest.


Pain in the liver (Aloe perfoliata, herb), (Hong).


Aloes increases the secretion of bile, and irritates the liver.


The purgative action of Aloes is secondary; the primary action is increased irritation of the liver, and consequent augmented secretion of bile, whose quantity and irritation induce purgation.


After passage of flatus, the distension in the hypochondria, and the pains in the left hypochondrium disappear.


Abdomen painful, especially in the umbilical region.


Severe pressing in the left side of the chest, across over to the umbilicus.


Throbbing, boring, sticking, in the umbilical region.


A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, and around the umbilicus, compelling to sit bent up, which relieves; therewith, repeated urging to stool, but only flatus passes off, which is very offensive, and produces burning in the anus, with short relief from the pain (second day).


Pinching and twisting pains around the umbilicus.


Digging around the navel.


Pinching in the umbilical region.


It gripes sometimes in the umbilical region, with shivering through the whole body (first day).


Frequent cutting and twisting about the umbilicus, so that she lies upon the abdomen, but she cannot remain lying quietly, because the pains do not decrease in severity.


Cutting about the umbilicus after going to stool (second day).


In the morning, on rising, severe raking in a small circle about the navel, just as if he had received a blow from a fist upon the abdomen.


But he felt the pain plainly in the intestinal canal, and a pressure upon the umbilical region increased it very much.


Therewith, yellowish pappy diarrhoea, and occasionally some nausea (third day).


Boring pain in the umbilical region.


Dull stitches in the umbilical region; sneezing.


At 6 A.M., moving about in the umbilical region, with urgency to stool and hunger; second stool, with flatulence, and a kind of tenesmus (fourth day).


Itching at the umbilicus.


Drawing in of the navel.


Distension of the abdomen, especially of the whole epigastric region, with flatus moving about in the abdomen (third day).


Distension of the abdomen, moving about along the intestinal canal (fourth day).


Distension of the bowels; of the upper part of the bowels (second day).


After a meal, flatulence distends the abdomen (fifth day).


Mornings, flatulent distension of the bowels, especially in the hypochondrium (third day).


Flatulent distension during menstruation.


Some flatulent distension, with predominating ill-humor (second and third days).


Flatulent distension along the colon, with a pain which presses outward, is increased by motion, and suddenly disappears on passage of hot flatus (morning of second day).


Periodic movements and distension in the abdomen, chiefly after eating (third day).


There is moving about in the bowels frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling (twelfth day).


Severe pains in the abdomen.


Increased heat in the abdomen.


Unpleasant warmth in the abdomen, as well as also a throbbing.


Sense of fullness, distension, and heat in the whole abdomen.


Burning throughout the whole abdomen.


Enteritis from its long-continued use (Green how).


Inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal mucous membrane.


Chilliness of abdomen.


Cuttings in the abdomen, after a powerful dose (Schreger).


Excessively painful cuttings in the intestines during a meal, preventing further eating.


Copious cutting in the abdomen, with watery, long-continued diarrhoea; not seldom, also, with passage of flatus; tenesmus and inflammation chiefly of the lower part of the intestinal canal (Vogt).


Cuttings in the abdomen, as from taking cold (by a mesmeric woman).


Drawing, cutting pains, through the abdomen, the whole day; with ill-humor, fretfulness, anthropophobia, not disposed to go into the open air, although it is even made better thereby.


Cutting in the abdomen is very severe, after eating food containing some vinegar.


In the afternoon, slight cutting in the upper abdomen which, by means of motion, especially by stretching the body outwardly, is increased; it is relieved by sitting bent (first day).


Fine cutting in the upper abdomen.


Cutting pains in the small intestines (second day); (first day); (second day); (first and second days).


Cutting and gurgling in the small intestines (second day), cutting pains (third day).


Sense of fullness in the bowels; in the abdomen (second and fourth day).


Congestion of the abdomen.


It causes ebullition of the blood in the organs of the abdomen (Gesenius).


Anxious feeling in the abdomen (Richter).


Griping, and three soft stools through the day, before the menses.


Griping of the bowels, with diarrhoea, after midnight.


Griping of the bowels, as after taking cold.


Griping in the abdomen, as after taking cold, from 10 to 12 o’clock A.M., after a thin stool (first and second days).


Griping before going to stool.


Griping in the abdomen before, with, and after the stool; with the stool loud flatus (sixteenth day).


In large doses, Aloes produces small stools, but very troublesome abdominal gripings (Hahnemann).


A twisting and griping pain in the upper abdomen, soon after dinner and supper (first day).


In the morning, after waking, aching in a large spot in the middle of the abdomen; thereby is compelled to lie bent, and to press upon the abdomen, which relieves it.


After rising, the pain passed into mild cuttings, and he had two naturally colored pappy evacuations. (On the morning succeeding, an afternoon dose of five grains).


Aching in the bowels, partly across the upper part, partly in the middle, going downward.


If she lies upon the abdomen there seems to be a stone therein, and it hurts.


On lying on the side, the stone seems to be in the side.


She sweated very much through the night, and on the next day was taken with dry coryza and diarrhoea. (From rubbing the tincture on the abdomen).


Painful sensation in the abdomen; yellowish diarrhoea towards morning; dull pain across under the ribs, with distension, as if it were too narrow; therewith, some headache in the forehead (from two grains, immediately).


Painfulness in the whole abdomen, especially in the sides and in front, down along both sides of the navel, which parts also cannot endure being touched; on making a false step on stone pavement, it hurts very much in the pit of the stomach (many days).


The abdomen is painful to pressure (first day).


Abdomen very sensitive to touch.


On lying on the abdomen, feeling of a stone in the abdomen; on lying on the side, in the side. (Slight throbbing, like palpitation, in the abdomen, during rest, especially nights, lying down; sometimes, also, in the occiput) (after four weeks).


Crawlings in the abdomen.


Pleasant crawlings in the bowels, and diarrhoeic stools.


Pricking in the intestines before stool.


Sensation as if he had taken cold in the bowels, after the morning stool (third day).


Dull abdominal pain, as after taking cold, morning and evening repeatedly, still without inclination to stool (twenty- third day).


A feeling of weakness in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would result; not till after eight hours, a copious evacuation, amid the passage of much flatus.


The pain in the abdomen compels one to bend the body, which nevertheless aggravates the sticking pain through the left breast (third day).


The abdominal muscles pain, when rising from a recumbent posture, with pressing to stool.


Blotches on the abdomen.


Transient moving about and writhing in the intestines (second and third days).


Moving about in the bowels, with continued urging to stool.


Moving about in the bowels towards the lower part, especially the lowermost parts.


Soon after supper, growling moving about in the abdomen, as if griping of the bowels would take place (sixth day).


There is moving about in the bowels, frequently audible to him; swashing and gurgling (twelfth day).


Sometimes growling, moving about in the bowels (tenth day).


Moving about of flatulence in the abdomen (second day).


Rattling in the abdomen, mostly in the hypogastrium, as form movements of the uterus.


Flatulence moving about in the abdomen, which is distended (first day).


In the evening, copious passage of flatus, every time after distension, moving along the colon (seventh day).


Gurgling in the bowels, and rumbling or blustering.


Growling in the bowels, with constipation.


Growling in the abdomen before a thin stool.


Gurgling in the abdomen; in the small intestines, with cuttings.


Growling of flatulence (first and second days).


Growling here and there in the abdomen (fourth day).


It drives away flatulence.


Passage of much flatus.


Frequent loud flatus without smell (during the tenth day), (morning of eleventh day).


Discharge of a good deal of flatulence.


Passage of flatus after every meal (third day).


In the midday repose, flatus with little smell (first day).


In the evening, copious passage of flatus (third day).


Frequent and loud flatus (evening and morning of third day).


Offensive flatus with the stool.


Very offensive burning flatus.


Throughout the whole day passage of much offensive flatus.


In the evening, much offensive flatus, loud and still.


In the evening much offensive flatus, with relief (first day).


After the midday nap, much offensive flatus, just the same toward evening (ninth day).


In the evening, loathsome-smelling flatus (third day).


After dinner, much offensive flatus (sixth day).


Copious offensive, or inodorous flatus (third day).


Offensive-smelling flatus after eating (fifteenth and eighteenth days).


After the stool, much loud, long, lazy flatus, with an uncommonly strong, loathsome, offensive smell, which diffuses itself very rapidly (nineteenth day).


The whole day very much offensive flatus, mostly in the morning.


The harder and more delayed the stool, the more copious; the more copious and easy the stool, the; more seldom (twenty- third day).


Passage of hot flatus (first day); burning in the anus.


Relieved by the passage of hot flatus upward and downwards (third day).


Copious passage of hot flatus (eighth day).


Only wind from an attempt to go to stool.


Much flatus and little faeces.


Much wind with evening stool; between the stools.


Easy passage of flatus, with inclination as for an soft stool (5 P.M).


Vigorous passage of flatus, evenings.


Very copious passage of flatus, during the whole night.


Inflammation of the lower portion of the intestinal canal (Vogt).


Pains in the hypogastrium as if the menses were coming on (in a nursing woman, delivered two months before).


Cramps in the hypogastrium and right groin, passing beyond the right thigh, and beyond the knee.


Rumbling and pinching in lower abdomen.


Great tension and peculiar sensitiveness of the lower abdomen.


Unendurable tearing and tension deep in the bowels, sometimes single, transient stitches through the abdomen.


Heaviness in the hypogastrium; in the rectum.


Dragging down in the abdomen.


It produces local plethora in the hypogastric region (Hahnemann).


Sharp pain drawing down through the flank into the middle of the thigh (after three to four hours).


Determination of blood to the large intestines and uterus (Arnemann).


Stitches form the rectum up into the abdomen.


Affection of the lower end of the intestinal canal and of the pelvic organs (in very many cases, after its continued use for a longer or shorter time).


Periodic drawing in the right inguinal region.


Shocks from the hips towards the inguinal region, preceded by chilliness.


Pain in the loins, involving the pelvis.


Pain, as if tired, in the inguinal region.


Pains in the groins and abdomen (Hong).


Pain in the groin, and heaviness in the uterine region.


Sticking pain over the arch of the pubis (fourth day).


Stool and Anus

Severe burning in the rectum.


Sensation of heat and burning in the rectum.


Heat, soreness, sense of heaviness in the rectum.


Heat in the rectum and anus when the faeces pass.


During slight distension of the abdomen and pleasant crawling of the bowels, three diarrhoeic stools; the last with burning in the rectum, hemorrhoidal pains, and much flatus (after seventeen hours).


In most cases, troublesome heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen, and active irritation at the end of the intestine; sometimes copious evacuations of blood, as if they were really hemorrhoids, when they had not previously existed (Trousseau and Pidoux).


Cutting pains in the rectum, with the passage of the solid stool (ten o’clock, evening of twentieth day).


Stinging in the rectum.


Dragging in the rectum, near the anus.


In the rectum sensation as if loose.


Pains in the loins, producing an annoying sensation in the rectum.


If furthers the circulation of blood towards the pelvic region, it excites the vessels of the rectum and sexual organs (Richter).


Burning in the anus.


Burning at the anus after stool.


Itching and burning in the anus, painful in the highest degree, prevents his sleeping for a long time.


Burning in the anus; a kind of sore feeling, with increased itching around the anus, and an increased evacuation the third day (in two brothers, form fifty to sixty years old, after repeated doses).


The evacuations which Aloes produced are of a bilious character; the diarrhoea which it causes is (with the exception of the debility) similar to a bilious diarrhoea, combined with burning in the anus.


Burning pain in the anus after a hard evacuation.


Burning in the anus continuing a long time, after the passage of hot flatus (first and third days).


Tenesmus and burning heat in the anus.


Sticking, cutting pains in anus following stool.


Stitches form the anus up into the loins.


Drawing, sticking, or tensive tearing form the anus into the loins, and into the abdomen.


On walking, after the morning stool, many drawing stitches in the anus, more on the left side and forward to the region of the prostate gland and vesiculae seminales (eleventh day).


Fullness and pressing out in the anus.


The not too hard faeces prick quite severely in the anus, as if it would tear it forwards; afterwards, a continued pain in the anus, which compelled him to draw it together frequently, whereby it becomes tense and aches (third day).


The tenesmus is peculiar; an unpleasant sensation in the anus, as if more stool would follow, which must be held back on account of the soreness; yet, on account of this pain, he does not dare to draw the anus together as usual.


Pain in the anus; relieved by beer.


Strong pulsating in the anus, while sitting, after dinner.


Ulcers on the edge of the anus (a. a).


Weakness, or loss of power of sphincter ani, which is incompletely closed after a stool, so that keeping the anus clean was difficult.


Evacuation of blood from the anus.


Copious discharge of blood form the anus, though without hemorrhoidal tumors (Trousseau).


Blood passes after the stool Some loss of blood at stool, as if hemorrhoids were coming on.


Passage of very much blood with the stool, with severe pain in the loins.


Passage of blood from the anus (Fallopius).


Sense of fullness, like congestion, of the protruded strangulated hemorrhoids; later, an indefinite urgency to stool, and a second small stool, which was entirely unusual, whereby the hemorrhoids protrude very much, and pain, as if sore and chapped in the anus (after three hours, forenoon).


Swelling of the hemorrhoids; they pain as if raw.


Soft piles at the anus itch evening and morning (eighteenth day).


After rising, a hard, small, tough stool, with sore pains in the hemorrhoids, some of which are still protruded (nineteenth day).


Continual smarting of the hemorrhoids, even during rest, on sitting and lying, as if rubbed raw (twenty-second day).


Hemorrhoids very sensitive, on wiping after the stool (twenty-third day).


In the morning, the piles in the anus are small and little sensitive; through the day more swollen and sensitive; sometimes stitches therein and itching (twenty-fourth day).


In late afternoon, much itching in the piles and anus generally (twenty-second day).


Towards evening, on rising from sitting, many fine, sensitive stitches in the hemorrhoids, so also later in the evening, when sitting (twentieth day).


Twenty-four hours’ relief with the hemorrhoids; on that day, for the first time, much blood with the stool.


If cold water applications afford relief from the hemorrhoids, an indication for Aloes Soft, painless, varicose tumors on the perineum (fourteenth day).


On a walk of two miles, the perineum became very sore, which otherwise seldom happened in five or six miles (fourteenth day).


Urgency to stool on passing water at night (tenth and eleventh days).


Urgency to stool at times in the evening, which he can overcome (sixth day).


Unusual urgency and haste to an evacuation.


He feels continually as if he ought to go to stool.


A feeling like urgency to stool in the rectum, near the anus, more toward the perineum (after triturating it).


Frequent urgings (the first hours).


Urgings, without evacuation (Sundelin).


Frequent urgings.


Frequent urgings, without stool (third day).


Frequent inclination for a stool.


Copious urgings (soon after taking two grains, with sugar of milk).


Urging; wakes at night many times; driving out of bed at six o’clock.


A frequent transient urging (second day).


Sometimes there is sudden urging, which passes off just as suddenly.


At eight o’clock in the evening, sudden urging, passing away just as rapidly; at nine o’clock, diarrhoea.


Sudden urgency in the morning, on rising.


Urging and straining, yet only flatus passes off.


Compelled to stool, and only passage of flatus.


Urging to stool, and hunger, in the morning.


Urgency, with a feeling of softness, without stool (first day).


Urgency, with moving about in the abdomen.


At night, frequent, sudden urging, with gurgling in the lower abdomen, passing off again just as suddenly (first day).


Urgency to stool, with passage of urine.


Urgency to stool immediately after eating (fifteenth day).


Many times a day, urgency, as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes with great relief; but it soon returns, with a sensation as of a plug wedged in between the symphysis pubis and the os coccyges (second day).


Frequent urgency to stool, with as sensation of heaviness in the pelvis (first day).


Ineffectual efforts for stool, with feeling of debility.


Fruitless straining, and severe, tenesmus in the rectum, and passage of vigorous, easily escaping flatus.


Tenesmus (Honigberger).


Ineffectual tenesmus. Very frequent tenesmus.


Straining, with cessation of stool.


Straining and burning in the rectum.


Urgency and straining; then, after a few minutes, a liquid evacuation, with some blood and bloody mucus.


Urging the whole day; stool at evening.


Every time, on passing urine, the feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it (third day).


With the stool there is always as if still more were at hand (sixth day).


A troublesome feeling as if still more would come, after a thin, pappy stool (sixteenth day).


Usually wakes in the morning with severe urging to stool, which still persists after a copious evacuation.


On rising, hasty urging to stool, with continued rumbling in the abdomen; sputtering with the stool (second day).


Urging, as for a solid stool, which was soft.


Sudden urgency, with a liquid stool.


Urgency to stool in the afternoon and evening; at nine in the evening, a second indolent passage (fifth day).


Pressing, with a soft stool.


After much straining, with flatus, a small stool, with much pressing, small and soft (evening of third day).


Griping before the diarrhoea; tenesmus therewith.


Frequent griping before the stool; therewith, for the most part, flatulence, sometimes also straining at stool.


Fear lest a stool should escape with flatus.


While passing urine, a feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it.


Every time, on passing wind, the feeling as if some thin stool would escape with it (third day).


Must take care that he does not have an involuntary stool when passing flatus (twelfth day).


The stool passes without his needing to make any exertion, it falls, as it were, out of the intestines (third day).


An inert stool, “the stool falls out”.


Some faeces pass contrary to will, with passage of flatus.


Thin, almost involuntary stool.


The feces escape almost without being notices.


Involuntary stool, with passage of flatus.


Faeces and urine will pass together; they escape together.


It always colors the stool yellow (Boerhaave).


The stool on the following mornings is golden-yellow (after the fourth).


Green stools (in an infant).


Undigested stools, with traces of blood.


Bilious evacuations.


Evacuation of very large, conglomerate pieces of intestinal mucus.


After loud grumbling and moving about in the abdomen, a thin evacuation, passing almost involuntarily, consisting in part of thin, yellow faeces, partly of bilious-streaked pieces of mucus mixed with the faeces; thereafter crawling in the anus, which compels one to rub it.


Passage of a membranous-looking mucus through the anus.


Inclinations to soft stool.


After three hours, a second soft stool; after eight hours, a third (one-half grain taken in the forenoon).


Two pappy passages (second and third days).


The stool, after twelve hours, was thin and pappy; repeated in three hours (first day); three pappy stools (third day).


Thin, pappy stool, in the morning.


Five stools, tenth and twelfth days; he could have gone still oftener.


Soft, pasty stool.


Soft, very abundant stool.


Thin, pappy, dark-colored, scanty stools.


Looseness of the bowels, with soft stools, for several days.


Small stool of yellow mucus.


Small, brownish, slimy, half-fluid stool.


Two liquid stools (after fifteen grains); (second day).


Copious evacuations of the rectum, with severe purging (Schoeppe).


Watery stool (after large doses).


Watery, long-continued diarrhoea (Vogt).


(Evacuations are not watery).


Copious watery evacuations form the bowels mixed with blood.


Yellow, pappy diarrhoea, and pain in the umbilical region, increased by pressure.


Fluid stool, with griping (Cullen).


She is wakened after midnight, with gripings in the bowels; diarrhoea yellowish-green, with pains before and after.


Pappy stools, after abdominal cuttings.


Diarrhoea the next day, and dry coryza.


Diarrhoeic evacuations, with pain in the hypochondria, and chilliness.


Diarrhoeic stools, with burning in the rectum.


Passage of blood, with diarrhoea (Vogt).


Blood, with watery stools.


Thin or soft stools mixed with blood entirely ceased the first two days; they then return less often, and after four to six days are of a natural consistency.


Stool at an unusual time, ten hours later, and pappy (first day).


Stool twice (entirely unusual), more pappy (second day).


Urging to stool at nine o’clock in the morning; after half an hour, a small, thin stool, then griping in the bowels for a few hours, as after taking cold, and subsequent headache; the next day, without repetition of the dose, stool repeated at the same hour, pappy, and less then the urging seemed to indicate, with subsequent pain in the bowels; the third day, slight urging to stool the whole day, until the ordinary urging to stool follows at evening (after the 1/10th taken five times).


Yellow diarrhoea, towards morning.


Copious, pappy evacuations, mornings (second days).


Diarrhoeic stools (on the morning of the seventh day, after daily doses of a small quantity).


Easy and copious stools in the morning.


At nine and ten in the evening, a diarrhoeic stool, then again the next day, more frequent in the forenoon, very thin, very yellow; everything that the child had eaten could be seen therein (from sucking Aloes).


Two pappy, yellowish stools, with much passage of flatus (the same evening after taking the 1/10th, at ten o’clock in the forenoon).


In the evening, a diarrhoeic stool (second day).


Eight hours after taking it (at five in the evening), again, indeed, a small, thin stool, something entirely unusual, followed by more fullness and pressure in the anus.


After the morning stool, the feeling many times as if he ought to go again; at four in the afternoon, a thick, pappy, natural stool, with sensation as if it were solid (second day).


In the morning, before eight, after breakfast, a disconnected, soft stool, with pressing, passing flatus and eructations; at ten o’clock in the evening, another stool, soft, disconnected, and copious (sixth day).


A stool at 3 P.M., and nine in the evening (eighth day).


A stool at six and eleven o’clock in the evening (ninth day).


A stool at six o’clock in the morning, after getting up, small, thin, pappy, easy; the same again at noon, and at three in the afternoon, with sputtering, that is with gushing flatus and thin faeces; just the same in the evening at six and before ten o’clock; could have gone still oftener (tenth day).


At nine o’clock in the forenoon, a second stool, small, yellowish, shining, with much sputtering flatus, with some tenesmus; he dreaded lest he should let faeces and urine both go together; while he would force out, yet at the same time he held back; at eleven in the forenoon again (eleventh day).


A stool at three and six o’clock in the afternoon, and nine and eleven in the evening; with the last much loud flatus, with very little cases (eleventh day).


At seven in the morning, immediately after rising, another stool as yesterday; five times through the day; sometimes only flatus with little faces, also many passages of flatus besides; could have gone oftener (twelfth day).


Stool five times up to three o’clock in the afternoon, then again five times; continual passage of much flatus, wherewith he must fear that a stool will escape with it; in the evening, he could pass flatus, loud and strong, without being obliged to fear this (thirteenth day).


A stool at eight in the morning, the same at noon; then, indeed, twice just as liquid, though less flatulence (fourteenth day).


On passing water in the morning, a second at eleven in the forenoon, a third stool, with flatulence (third day).


On rising, he must immediately go to stool, thin, and so, indeed, three times; much flatus besides, wherewith some stool easily escapes involuntarily (fifteenth day).


Four copious stools, sometimes appear undigested (sixteenth and seventeenth days); in the forenoon, copious, fluid stools within three hours, after hasty urging, grayish-yellow, undigested, with much growling about in the abdomen (eighteenth day).


At seven o’clock, a third stool, with straining, when he thought he had finished still more came; at eleven, in the forenoon, a fourth stool (fourth day).


Two movements of the bowels (eighth day).


After dinner, small stool followed by an aching in the lower abdomen for several hours, as if another stool would follow.


Cold feeling, with a soft stool (eleventh day).


Straining as for a solid stool, which was then soft or liquid (fourteenth day).


Thin stools, mornings, till the twentieth day.


At three in the morning, he awakes with hasty urgency to stool, dull gripings; moving about in the abdomen; thin, pappy evacuation; afterwards a feeling as if more ought to come (second day).


After waking, at three o’clock, a regular stool, with passage of urine (fifth day).


Only one stool in the morning; urine normal (fourth day).


After a remission, from two o’clock at night until the next day, after dinner (thirty-six hours), a stool, and better humor (evening of eleventh day).


At three o’clock in the afternoon, a thin, pappy stool, with dull pains in the abdomen (twenty-third day).


Stool after breakfast.


He must go to stool soon after a meal.


Two hours after a meal, an unusual stool.


On standing, sensation as if a stool would pass.


Immediately on rising, a thin stool.


The afternoon stool small, little, soft pieces, with flatulence (third day).


Stool in the morning after rising (sixteenth day).


A stool at two o’clock in the night, solid, toward the end pappy, diarrhoeic (tenth day).


At first hard, then fluid stool, which seems to be very hot.


The first part of the stool is hard, the latter part thin, pappy; very often for many weeks.


At first hard, then, towards the end, diarrhoeic.


Late in the evening, a copious evacuation of the bowels, though more solid, occurring in addition to the usual forenoon one (first, and the same on the third day).


Copious evacuations difficult, and after long and repeated exertion.


Scanty, crumbling evacuation, with a feeling as if more ought to come (after one hour).


Feeling with the stool as if the bowels were indolent.


With a pappy stool, feeling as if it were solid.


At two o’clock in the afternoon (an unusual time), a stool too small, in disconnected small pieces, with much offensive flatus, two hours after dinner, during a disturbed state of mind, which was still increased after the stool (after three hours).


A stool at ten o’clock in the evening, thirty hours after the previous one, less than usual, with the feeling again as if it came indolently; it does not present itself in a right way (fourth day).


There is a daily stool, indeed, but yet it is difficult to pass; it distends the rectum at first.


The stool ceases after a small quantity (1/30th).


Hard stool (fifth and subsequent days).


No stool (fourth day).


No stool (thirteenth day); solid and indolent stool (fourteenth day).


Two days’ constipation follows a pappy, diarrhoeic stool.


Hard, lumpy stool, then obstinate constipation.


Constipation, with indolence, and loss of irritability of the abdominal organs (Fechner).


The stool is wanting; and an unendurable condition of mind.


Cessation of stool (eleventh day).


Constipation, and straining at stool (Honigberger).




Urinary Organs

Passage of blood from the urethra.


Discharge of blood from the urethra (Borichius).


At times, painful burning in the neck of the bladder on urinating.


Burning on urinating (Richter), (Wickard), (Schreger, Fechner).


Burning and urging on urinating, and general agitation (Wickard).


Rising to urinate (seventh day).


Wakened to urinate at 2 o’clock (fifteenth, sixteenth, and following days).


Wakened many times by urgency to urinate.


Urgency to urinate on waking.


Frequent urging to urinate.


More urgency, less urine (first day).


Increased urgency through the day, with no increase of quantity (fifth day).


One is driven to urinate so quickly that he can scarcely retain it (forenoon at 11 o’clock, third day).


More frequent, quicker urgency in the afternoon, with smaller quantity than in the morning (third day).


Increased quicker urgency, and more copious discharge (seventh day).


Must run quickly urgency, on rising at 5 o’clock, then at 8 and 9.30, with no increase of quantity (third day).


On rising, quicker urgency to urinate (fourth, sixth, and eighth days, evening of twenty-third day).


Bloody urine (Bartolinus).


Deep-colored yellow urine.


It passes only sparingly; is deeply reddened.


Transparent, dark, not increased (first day).


Highly colored urine, of strong odor, remaining clear (third day).


Urine scanty, dark, with a slimy sediment (sixteenth day).


In the afternoon, frequent copious discharge of light-yellow urine (third day).


Urine, for the first time again, clear as water (eighteenth day).


Secretion of a greater quantity of urine (Green how).


Copious urination (after 15 grains).


Urine increased and more deeply colored (fourth day); much at one time (sixth day).


Urine copious and cloudy (form 8 to 10 grains).


Copious urination and burning therewith.


Increase pale urine after the stool.


Passage of urine increased after the stool.


Urinating in children increased in quantity and frequency.


The urine passes more easily; formerly he had always to wit awhile before it came.


Urine passed with some difficulty (Richter).


Urine passes with difficulty (Richter).


With the last stool, at 10 in the evening, the passage of urine is somewhat impeded; it passes out from the bladder a few seconds before it appeared; then with interruptions, and every time with some urgency, which the urine does not immediately follow (tenth day).


Urine in small quantity and hot.


Scanty urination.


Urination at 3 o’clock (fourth day).


Urination with the stool (second day).


Urgency to stool on urinating.


The afternoon urine becomes cloudy on standing, with a whitish coat at the bottom of the vessel, a fine granular cloudiness in the urine; smell putrid, ammoniacal (first day).


The urine deposits a yellow sediment, like bran.


Sexual Organs



Ill-looking blisters on the genitals (Galen).


The member is fallen away small; scrotum drawn up (seventh day).


Itching of the prepuce after a stool (second day).


Tickling, crawling, and spotty redness of the prepuce.


Erections without occasion (first day).


Erections waken at 2 A.M.


Drawing forward in the urethra on sitting, midday (fourth day).


The right testicle feels cold in the night (third day).


The left epididymis is very painful on walking and handling, the whole forenoon (1/100).


With a lax scrotum, he wakes with urgency to urinate; an erection at 2 o’clock in the morning (third day).


Increased desire.


Sexual excitement, with erection after urinating (2 o’clock at night).


He awakes at 4 o’clock with great sexual desire (thirteenth day).


Desire more active after eating.


Rather an inner sensuality than irritation of the parts compels him to satisfy himself (at evening, on going to bed, fifth day).


Active desire at evening, and uncommon thirst for water (eleventh day).


He awoke at 1 o’clock at night with active desire; without being wide awake, he seized hold of the parts until the emission of semen; he had to make water, and on fully awaking it seemed as if the time must be much later (fourth day).


The increased desire relieved; the amorous mood removed (fifth day).


Probably one of the best remedies to repress a too lively desire, especially in children which only a few remedies do.


Small quantities cause frequent erections, and increase the sexual desire (Rust’s Mag).


Pollution during the midday nap (second day).


Pollution at 3 o’clock at night; then strong sexual desire.


Towards morning, pollutions with amorous dreams, which had been the case for a long time (twelfth and seventeenth day).


After the seminal emission, he had to go to stool immediately, the first time at night (thirteenth day).


After the seminal emission, urinating.


After the seminal emission, restless sleep.


Heaviness in the uterine region, with pains in the loins and groin.


Heaviness in the uterus and pains in the back (Trousseau).


Determination of blood to the uterus (Arnemann).


Cramps in the uterus, with loss of a little white mucus.


Irritative action on the uterus and pelvic organs, from the determination of blood to these organs; repletion of the blood vessels, especially the veins; hence it is in a condition to augment existing irritated conditions or bleeding, and to act as an emmenagogue in amenorrhoea and chlorosis (Pereira).


Pressing and drawing in the uterus.


Painful sensation in the female genitals, as if they were.


Increase of the flour-albus.


Menstruation comes on too early, too copious.


Menstruation appears, very copious, though it had occurred not long before.


The menses appear six days too early with sensation of coldness.


The blood shows as in menstruation, in the case of a woman nursing a child two months old.


A young girl, suffering from amenorrhoea, took daily three grains of the watery extract; thereupon, pappy taste, loss of the previous good appetite, congestion to the head, headache, relieved by cold applications, alternating with pains in the loins, gripings; three soft stools a day;;the periods, which had stayed away three months, came on at night, with severe pain in the loins.


It often produces a large evacuation of the monthly purification (Hahnemann).


Given for too copious menstruation, it increased it.


Increase, with colic.


Profuse menses.


Flow deep-red and clotted.


Long-lasting menses.


With the menses, earache.


With the courses, flatulent distension of the intestines. During the monthlies, dragging down in the rectum, with sense of fullness in the pelvis.


With the monthlies, pain in the loins.


Abortion; thereupon, copious discharge of bloody slime, often with pressing and drawing in the uterus.


Respiratory Apparatus

Scraping in the larynx.


Trembling and shocks in the larynx and tongue for some minutes.


Scraping in the larynx, with tickling in the fold of the neck.


Raw pain in the larynx when spitting.


Stitching in the right side of the larynx with each paroxysm of cough.


In a dream at night he was in danger; he would have screamed out, but could not, from hoarseness; in the morning he awoke with hoarseness low down in the fauces, which disappeared after breakfast (third day).


Voice husky; hawking; coryza-feeling in the nose, with chilliness (twenty-fourth day).


Raw voice, morning.


Scraping in the throat, producing cough.


A scraping feeling in the throat shows itself sometimes in the morning hours, and forces a not entirely dry hacking many times.


A tickling irritation to cough in the fauces, without expectoration, but with the taste in the mouth of ink or iron (evening of fourteenth and morning of fifteenth and sixteenth days).


Dry cough, especially troublesome towards evening.


Hoarse, crepitant, deep-sounding cough, as if the whole trachea was raw, dry, and full of mucus.


Dry cough, sometimes provoked by determination of blood to the chest (second day).


Cough, followed by expectoration of a substance the size of a bean; it is composed of mucus, yellow tenacious, and difficult to break up.


Constant expectoration, caused by tickling and scraping in larynx.




Whistling in the throat, as if something had fallen into the trachea and embarrassed respiration.


Whistling and labored respiration.


Five drops of the tincture were given for pressure in the abdomen, with pain in the loins and weakness in the legs; then followed apprehension, the breath will stay away on going up stairs; could not work, became anxious, with paralysis in all the limbs; the cutaneous veins disappeared; must sit and sleep; at first, he felt better waling than sitting; after a few hours these symptoms and those of the disease were much relieved.


Difficult respiration.


Restricted respiration and hemoptysis.


Wheezing, panting inspiration; evenings, after smoking tobacco.


Asthma and wheezing (Dioscorides).


Free respiration.


Heart and Pulse

Pain in the precordial region, which extends through to the left scapula.


In bed, the heart beats quicker, and frequently it gives a very strong beat, which shakes the whole body; for the most part, after midnight, after 2 o’clock.


Palpitation, with stitches in the chest.


Strong beat of the heart (a. a).


Sufficient doses frequently accelerate the pulse.


Pulse fuller, much accelerated.


Pulse more accelerated than usual.


Pulses 104, with sensation of internal fever and want of appetite.


Pulse diminished form 4 to 8 beats a minute (after three hours, from 8 to 10 grains).


Pulse sunken.


Pulse very slow, 55 beats, weak and suppressed, with coldness, especially through the legs; half an hour later, the pulse is still irregular in force and frequency; the sensation of hunger increases; an hour later, more frequent, 60, weak, sometimes intermitting a beat (soon after taking).


Pulse before eating, 60; after the midday rest, 70, sluggish and weak; at half-past three in the afternoon, scarcely 60; at nine in the evening, regular (first day).


In the morning, after rising, pulse only 60, weak, and suppressed; in the afternoon, over 60 beats (second day).


In the morning, the pulses scarcely 70; at 3 P.M., 62 (third day); at 2 1/2 P.M., 62; at 10 P.M., 70 (fourth day); at 9 A.M., 75 (fifth day).



Constriction, with periodic pressure and squeezing in the chest, especially in the right half (second day).


Jerking stitches through the chest, also in rest, in lying, impeding respiration, with some palpitation (eighteenth day).


Cutting, tearing, sticking jerks in the chest, which suddenly stop the breath, especially if he would recover himself from a stooping or twisted posture; many days (fifteenth day); in the epigastric region, also.


Dyspnoea and dull stitches in the lower part of the chest.


Every stitch is scarcely an inch long and very severe.


After a few minutes, its place is changes, it seems more in front and higher up; twenty to thirty minutes later, similar stitches in the right chest in the same place, though less severe (after three to four hours).


Pressure on the chest as if she would choke.


The anterior portions of the chest and the sides up into the axilla are painful to the touch, as if beaten, as if the pains were seated between the bones and the flesh.


The forepart of the chest is also painful on deep inspiration.


The abdomen is also painful in the same manner, especially the umbilical region, painful of itself, and worse on touch, still more in the deeper tissues, or in the intestines themselves, and, for the most part, in the morning.


The abdominal muscles are painful for many days on rising up from lying.


On moving the arms, the muscles which go from the chest to the arms are painful at their costal attachments (continuing eight days).


Weakness of the whole chest, now and then (second, third, and following days).


Weakness of the chest on bodily exertions (fifth and eighth days).


Weakness of the chest.


Severely pressing pains behind the upper part of the sternum, alternating with the same pains under the right ribs.


Immediately on rising, sensitive, pressive pains, as if sprained, behind the middle of the sternum, only on moving the arms, on stooping and crouching together, relieved by stretching the chest out straight and throwing it forward (whole of thirteenth day ).


Pressure behind the sternum.


On bending to the left side, short pinching stitches, deep within at the back part of the left chest and under the left nipple; at one time impeding respiration, at another permitting deep respiration.


Severe stitches in the forepart of the middle of the left chest, in the region of the sixth rib, so that, on attempting a deep respiration, he must give it up (evenings at nine; fourth day).


Stitches in the right side of the chest, under the mamma.


Stitches through the left chest.


Stitches from the liver into the chest, interrupting the respiration.


Pains from the epigastric region into both sides of the chest.


Sticking pains through the left chest when crouching on account of pains in the abdomen.


On stretching in the morning a sticking-drawing in the left chest, from the region of the sixth and seventh ribs, only superficial but preventing respiration (fifth day).


Pressive pain in the right ribs, under the axilla, extending into the region of the right shoulder, towards the back.


Neck and Back

Goitre (a. a).


On the right side of the neck, it feels sore on motion, as if one of the muscles were drawn and painfully stretched (sixteenth day).


Cracking of the cervical vertebrae on moving them, morning at eight o’clock (second day).


On sitting, in the forenoon, drawing, tensive, burning on the right side of the nape, as if in the muscles; it disappears on motion (second day).


On sitting, in the afternoon the same tensive drawing; on stooping, burning (morning of third, and afternoon of fourth days).


Tension and compression in nape of neck, behind both ears.


Drawing pain in the right side of the nape, only on moving the neck, after rising from the midday rest (first day); the same pain on motion tensive, almost burning (eleventh to nineteenth day).


Pain under left shoulder-blade, coming form precordial region.


Dull, sticking pains under the shoulder-blade (second day), and outward pressing pains (third day).


Dull, sticking pain and squeezing between the shoulders, more on the right side, continuing through the night and following day.


Bruised pain in the whole back, between and on the shoulder blades, as after long stooping (second day).


Very little appetite for many days; on one afternoon a very great one, ate two large portions at evening.


In the following night, pain in the region of the last dorsal vertebra, as if seated in the spinal cord; could not lie on the back, only on the sides; now stretched out straight, now with the thighs flexed on the body.


On rising, it disappeared (twenty-first day).


Pressure and drawing in the right kidney region (second day).


Severe pains in the kidneys.


Pains in the back and heaviness in the uterus (Trousseau).


Shooting pain in the small of the back, toward the anus, hips, and lower abdomen.


Lumbago, alternating with headache.


Stitches in the spleen drawing into the loins, at night.


Stitches into the loins.


Pains in the loins on awaking with lassitude.


Pains in the loins with the appearance of the menses; with ill-humor; alternating with headache; and discharge of blood form the anus.


Drawing and burning in the sacral region (Richter).


Sacral pains (sandelin).


The sacral troubles are increased.


Morose and ill-humored for several days; on the fourth day, severe drawing sacral pains, which spread over the whole pelvis; they filled him with ill-humor; they were aggravated, evenings, and continued for eight days, (two grains triturated with sugar of milk).


Sacral pains, on rest and motion (second day).


Sacral pain on rising in the morning; during the day it is drawing about in the sacrum, with the feeling of heaviness therein, especially on sitting (second day).


A heaviness in the sacral region which involves the pelvis and acts on the rectum, loading it (third and fourth days).


A dull, heavy sensation in the sacral region (first and following days).


Pressing and heaviness in the sacral region, especially on sitting, relieved by motion (continues over eight days).


Completely stiff in the sacrum after sitting, the rising up is difficult for him; then it feels like a load in the sacrum and pelvis (third to fifth day).


Burning, biting, and sticking on the sacrum, between the skin and flesh, as of a mustard plaster (afternoon of third day, after the nausea had disappeared).


Stitches in the right sacral region.


Clucking in the region of the coccyx, periodic, lasting several minutes (first and second days).


Pain in the coccyx, as if he had fallen on it.


Upper Extremities

Outward pressing pain in the shoulder (first day); in the left shoulder (second day).


Dull, sticking pains from the shoulder into the ulna (second day).


Cracking in the left shoulder-joint on moving it (morning of fourth day).


Sweat in the axilla.


Heaviness of the right arm (second day).


Pressive or paralytic drawing in the right upper arm, near the shoulder-joint, in rest and motion (third day).


Furuncle on the upper arm.


Pains in the elbow.


At night, in bed, pressive pain in the right forearm; it began in the middle of the forearm, and ended in the wrist-joint, where it seemed as if it would press the bones of the wrist asunder (ninth day).


Paralytic drawing in the anterior part of the forearm (third day).


Sensitive, jerking-drawing, as in the flesh, from the left forearm into the palm of the hand, six to eight times, in quick succession, on sitting still and writing (3 to 4 o’clock P.M., third day).


Pains in the forearm ending in the wrist-joint.


Pain pressing asunder the wrist-bones.


Weakness of the wrist-joint.


Drawing into the palm of the hand.


On stretching out the left hand it feels as if the nerves were too short, and were dragged like an electric shock.


In the left hand and forearm, the sensation as if internally asleep; now and then an internal jerking and twitching without pains (third day).


The left hand falls asleep, forenoons, on sitting in a wagon (third day).


Cold hands.


Cold hands, warm feet;; evenings.


Swollen hands in the evening, eight to ten o’clock, with hear and tickling-itching, especially in the balls of the thumb, compelling vigorous rubbing, feels as if frozen (thirteenth day).


Sensation as if a hair lay on the back of the hand, also on the back of the fingers; many times.


A peculiar sensation on the last phalanges of the left hand, particularly, as if the hairs there slowly rose up; it seems to him as if a hair lay on the fingers (seventh day).


Transient stitches in the metacarpal joint (second day).


Habitual, sensitive drawing in the metacarpal bones and joints of the right middle finger (3 P.M., first day).


In the; metacarpal joint of the fourth finger, a frequently recurring sticking and drawing pain (first day).


Painful drawing and stiffness of the left middle finger, seated especially at the metacarpal joint (first day); jerking- drawing pain in the metacarpal joint of the left fourth finger (second day); pains and stiffness in the right (third day).


Extremely painful tearing stitches in the second joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day).


Pain as if sprained or taken cold in the last joint of the left fourth finger (ninth day).


Aching in the lower condyles of the first phalanges of the right hand, evenings.


Fine stitches in the finger-joints (seventh day).


Stitches in the finger-joints.


Drawing in the joint of the left thumb (soon after taking it); then in the forenoon and the midday rest (first day).


Habitual drawing pain, as if sprained, in the left last joint of the thumb (had been sprained three months before), (fourth day).


Red, inflamed ulcerous spot, with sensation of tearing, on third finger of right hand.


Pain under the nail of the left forefinger.


Lower Extremities

Weariness and heaviness of the lower extremities (second, third, and eighth days).


On lying down after eating, the limbs fall asleep, without provocation (after one hour).


Heaviness of the legs, the second day.


Painful weakness in the legs, with pain in the hypochondrium.


Painful weakness on walking, especially in the calf, ankle- joint, and inguinal region.


Cracking in the right hip-joint, on rising in the morning and on walking (second day).


Drawing in the left buttock, soon passing away, but frequent recurring.


Stitches in the middle of the buttock, when stooping.


Heaviness and pain from prostration in the right at upper thigh (fourth day).


Heaviness of both thighs (sixth day).


Outward pressing pain in the thigh (first day).


Pain drawing downward from the flank into the middle of the thigh.


Pain in the inside of the left thigh (after one hour).


Coldness of the lower thigh to over the knee.


Tearing in right thigh, above the knee-joint.


Tearing in the right thigh.


Itching on the inner side of the left thigh.


Crawling, itching, biting, on knee-caps, calves and inner surface of thigh.


Pains in the knee.


Stitches, while walking, in right knee-joint.


Stitch in right knee, nearly causing her to fall down.


Itching in the popliteal space.


(Painful weariness in the calf).


Weakness of the ankle-joint.


Pains, as if from a sprain, in the outer left ankle-bone when walking.


Evening, on lying in bed, and in the morning, the sensation as if the ankle-joint were sprained, or the left great toe, or in a finger or thumb which had been sprained a few months before (third day).


Pains in the foot (Hong).


Painful pullings in the whole right foot.


At evening, severe pain, as if sprained and bruised, in;the Tendo Achilles, especially of the left foot (after nine hours).


In the middle of the right sole, internally, as in the bone, a habitual sensitive drawing in a circumscribed spot (first day).


The sole of the foot pains in rest.


The soles pain on walking on pavement, as though he had performed a long journey.


Cold feet; after eating, without sleepiness; at evening; evening in bed; preventing sleep at night; mostly in the forepart of the toes only.


Pain on the inner margin of the metatarsal bone of the left great toe, on walking and in rest; first there is a pressure, then follows a slight drawing, as if the pressure extended itself (after fifteen hours).


He wakes many times in the night, with some chilliness and sensitive pain in the great toe on every motion, as if it were sprained, sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left, whether in the first or last joint could not be distinguished (first day, again sixth day).


In the afternoon, on walking in boots, pain in the right third toe, as if frozen (fourteenth day).


For several days, pain in the right little toe, as from chilblains (twenty-fifth day).



Anxious starting-up.


Paralytic drawings in various muscles (eighteenth day).


Paralysis in all the limbs, with anxiety.


General prostration (after 15 grains).


Great weakness, phlegmatic temperament (second day); weariness (first and third days).


Weakness and inclination to vomit, after sour food.


Weariness, weakness, and creeping coldness, when he comes from bed into a hot room.


The strength and pulse sunken, after vomiting.


Lassitude and prostration, as from extreme nervous weakness.


Lassitude and pain in the loins on waking.


Indolent; if he sits, he deliberates about standing up.


Makes a pedestrian tour of five miles very quickly, without fatigue or difficulty (third day).


Stronger than usual for bodily exercise, and not so weak and used up the next day as usual (afternoon of first day).


The whole body very sensitive.


Transient pains, as if bruised or sprained, in various places; on the left forearm, right shoulder-blade, left side of the ribs, etc. (fifteenth day).


Frequently, a sensitive drawing in different places in the body, as if it involved the bones; for example, in the right knee, as if in the joint, on sitting still; sooner fatigued on motion (fourth day).


Jerking, drawing, dull, sticking pains in the finger, knee and elbow joints (fifth day).


Dull sticking pains in the joints (eighth day).


Pains from weakness in the ankle-bones and the joints of the hands.



Weakness inconsiderable, even when the skin was very golden- colored.


The cutaneous veins disappeared, with anxiety of the chest.


Great distension of the veins.


Numerous pimples on various places (fifth day).


On the abdomen, small pimples as large; as the; point; of a pin, elevated, raw, with circumscribed redness, which itch, and compel one to scratch (from rubbing in the tincture).


A furuncle on the upper arm (fifth day).


Painful pimples, like nodules, in the skin; under the chin, behind the jaw on the right side (third day).


The epidermis cracks, and thick matter discharges (a. a).


After he had torn some hard skin from the foot too deeply, a sore resulted, suppurated slowly, and did not heal (third to seventeenth day).


Places scratched sore, pain very sensitively.


Pains in various places, with swelling.


Biting itching at the navel in the evening, compelling rubbing.


Severe itching in a small spot on the inside of the left thigh, above the knee (first day).


Crawling, itching, biting, on various places.


Itching in the left popliteal space; later, in the right, and worse.


Itching, heat, and swelling of the hands as if frozen.


Symptoms of the hands, as from chilblains.



Seldom chilliness or sensation of coldness.




He feels cold as often as he goes away from the stove.


Shivering through the whole body, with griping in the abdomen.


Cold feeling with the stool.


Cold feeling of the occiput, with throbbing of the arteries.


Chill, then distension and shocks over the hips.


Chill on waking at night, with pain of the great toe.


Chilliness, with sensation of coryza.


Chilly in the open air and in the room.


Cold creeping; through the skin; down the back.


Creeping chills, with weariness and weakness, when he comes from bed into a hot room.


Coldness through the body, with weak pulse.


Coldness of hands and feet.


Cold hands and feet after eating, without sleepiness.


Wakes many times at night with chill (second day).


Coldness of the hands and feet (fourth and fifth days).


Cold feet on going to bed at 9 o’clock (fifth day).


Coldness of the feet up into the calves, at evening, in bed occurring after a seminal emission, preventing sleep for two or three hours (fifth day).


Cold hands and feet in the morning; the feet are cold the whole afternoon; toward evening they become suddenly warm, so also the hands (sixth day).


Cold feet the whole night; little sleep (eighth day).


He feels very cold in the night (ninth to tenth day).


Warm feet and icy-cold hands the whole evening; they alternated often through the day; now the feet and hands, now only the hands, cold (tenth day).


The night from the tenth to the eleventh day, chilliness, mostly from 1 to 2 o’clock, decreasing toward morning.


As he, in the forenoon, came from a cold room into one much heated, weariness, weakness, and creeping chills through the hole body (eleventh day).


Shivering through the whole body; it creeps through all his bones like cold, on slowly swallowing in the Aloes, becoming, after minutes, like a cold shivering creeping; it goes especially down the back, also in the limbs; on sitting, it makes his body erect; not changed by moving about; lasts forty minutes.


After eating, coldness and chilliness of the hands and feet; after walking, the feet become warm, the hands less so; in the evening, both warm (first day).


At midday, the thighs down to the knees are cold, the forepart of the feet, around the toes especially, particularly in he midday nap; at 3 o’clock the feet become warm the hands at 4 o’clock (first day).


At evening the feet become cold, on account of which he cannot get to sleep (third day).


Chill at 3 o’clock, on rising; throughout the day, very sensitive to the cold; chilly in the open air and in the room; more severe in the afternoon; the cold runs through the skin of the whole body, with some confusion, especially of the forehead; at evening, the chills disappeared, except the cold feet (fourth day).


Afternoon and evening, cold legs as far as the knees, inspite of lying on the sofa in a warm room (ninth day).


Chilly; it often creeps down his back (tenth day).


Could not get to sleep before 1 o’clock on account of coldness of the legs, which at first became cold in bed twentieth day).


Chilly and sensitive to the air (twenty-third day).


At evening, cold feet, as far as the calves, on account of which he could not get to sleep (twenty-third day).


It frequently creeps down the back, with very cold legs as far as the knee (twenty-fourth day).


The night from the fourteenth to the fifteenth day, without chill, and with a good sleep; the weather had become warmer.


Cold is better endured, though he had slept in a warm room.


Fever, with most violent thirst. Burning heat in various parts of the body, especially in the face and on the scalp.


Sensation of warmth on the scalp.




Very red, especially in the face.


General turgescence of the skin; it is very red, especially in the face, and the temperature is raised.


Heat, followed by sweat.


Sweat under the axilla (after 2 P.M., first day).


All his perspiration smells very strong; it taints the air, especially at night, in the bedroom (nineteenth day).


Nauseous-smelling sweat on the genitals.


Sweat in the night, after drinking.


Sleep and Dreams

At evening, in the open air, violent frequent yawning, without sleepiness.


Frequent, deep, loud yawning, after the midday sleep.


Much yawning (evening at 8 O’clock).


Yawning with hunger (at evening).


Frequent violent yawning with stretching, in the forenoon; it pulls the mouth wide open (eleventh and twelfth days).


Tired early at evening; much yawning, even at 8 o’clock (first day).


It also produces sleep, not only because it eliminated disturbing cause, but because it possesses volatile properties (Schroeder).


Completely quiet sleep at night (after fifteen grains, morning and evening).


After a meal very sleepy, he lay two hours in a dozy, half senseless condition from which he must make an effort to arouse.


During this sleep he was conscious of hearing many things, without being able rightly to recollect or arouse himself (second day).


After a meal no sleep; could immediately labor well without sleepiness (fifth day).


After a meal sleepy (eleventh day), midday sleep (fifteenth and sixteenth days).


In the morning, he lay longer in a dozy sleep (fourth day).


Long, dozy, morning sleep; sexual desire before rising (twentieth day).


In the morning, he lay till toward 8 o’clock (fifteenth day).


Long, dozy midday sleep, cannot arouse himself; after getting up, frequent deep, loud yawning (third day).


Dozy sleep, only at midday, not morning nor evening (third day).


Dozy lying, after waking (second day).


After dinner, dozy napping; it closes his eyes (fourth day).


No sleep (fifth day).


Midday sleep, with chasing versions; a crowd of dreamy thoughts (fourteenth day).


Tired early in the evening (first day); he even sleeps on the sofa (fifth day).


Very sleepy, indifferent in the evening (thirteenth and thirty first days).


No sleepiness while reading, after a meal, with cold hands and feet (first day).


Wakeful a long time at evening (first day).


Itching in the arms preventing sleep.


Cannot get to sleep for a long time, because the evening fatigue vanished; a crowd of thoughts busy him; in the morning he lies in a doze till it is day; tired and prostrated; sexual desire frequently aroused (nineteenth day).


Cannot get to sleep till one o’clock on account of cold legs.


Falling asleep hindered by cold feet.


Restless sleep, with waking up and feeling cold (fifth day).


After an emission of semen, restless sleep, with repeated waking, at 8 o’clock in the morning, when he must go immediately to stool; a copious passage, with vigor, some hours after the previous one (fifth day).


He felt very cold at night, passing urine at 2 o’clock; he thought it must be later than two (ninth day).


Restless sleep (tenth and eleventh days), with repeated waking; at half-past one he had to urinate, shortly thereafter, sexual excitement, with erection.


The nights from the eleventh to the twelfth, and from the twelfth to the thirteenth days, little chilliness, better sleep; at half past two he waked up and began to urinate; had thick mucus in the mouth and fauces.


After evening sleepiness, poor night sleep, constantly half awake, coldness of the feet in bed, much chilliness, excited brain (thirteenth and fourteenth days).


Wide awake for a long time, many evenings, on account of coldness, and activity in the head, dozy sleep, first towards four or five in the morning (eleventh to fourteenth days).


Awaked at night with thirst, drinks a glass of cold water and breaks out into sweat, several nights.


Woke up frequently, with urgency to stool and urinating, but went to sleep again until 4 o’clock, when the urgency compelled him to get up, then a slight passage (fourteenth day).


Slept badly; excited (mentally); dozy; great urgency to urinate; sleeplessness before midnight.




Sleeplessness from midnight until 5 A.M.


Very restless sleep; she throws off the bed-clothes.


Restless the night from the first till the second day; awake many times; pollution towards 3 o’clock, which he had not had for a long time, and, immediately thereafter, irresistible sexual excitement; on rubbing, it immediately went away.


Twitching of the left arm and bead, at night (in a weaned baby).


Chilliness, with restless sleep and excited brain.


Feels cold at night; at 3 o’clock, on getting up.


Chilliness waking one up at night.


The infant moans in its sleep, and perspires profusely all over.


At times, complete awakening.


After getting up at 3 o’clock, he remained wide awake (fourth day).


He awoke at 3 o’clock, with urgency to urinate (fourth day); without stool and urgency to urinate (fifth day).


Urgency to stool and urinate drives him out of bed at 6 o’clock (fifteenth day), early on waking (twenty-first and twenty-second days).


Late rising, with great urgency to stool and urinate (eleventh day).


Wakes in good health, at 5 o’clock (fifth day).


Dozy sleep, towards morning, with less coldness than in the night (fourteenth day).


In the morning, he lay till toward 8 o’clock (fifteenth day).


He wakes at 5 o’clock, cannot rouse himself on account of dreamy thoughts; feels agreeably tired; lying seems very comfortable (fifteenth day).


Dry cough at night.


Pains in the forearm in bed.


Pain in the back at night.


Pains in the loins on waking.


Pains in the loins on rising in the morning; cracking of the hip joint.


Heavy dreams at night.


At night in a dream he was in danger, and would cry out, but could not from hoarseness.


Visions chase one another in the midday sleep.


Dream about huge monsters and all sorts of animals.


Dreams that he is crazy, and that everybody is watching him.


Awaking, completely active, before seven, with many indistinct dreams; otherwise he wakes at nine (second day).


No sound sleep; coldness; awakes at 3 o’clock from a mass of confused dreams, the lasts was remembered, but on rising was also forgotten (fourth day).


Dreams towards morning that he has defecated in his breeches (twenty-fourth day).


Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), Usually awakes in the morning with severe urging to stool, etc.; before 5 o’clock, aroused and excited in the head; stool; 5 A.M., swelling in the throat; 6 o’clock, thin stool; tormina in the umbilical region; 7 o’clock, hunger on waking; after waking, pain in the bowels, and pappy stool, etc.; after rising, a stool; on rising, urgency to urinate; 8 to 9 o’clock, swelling in the throat; a crowd of thoughts busy him and prevent his falling asleep again; stool and headache; nasal pains; dryness in the nose;;fruitless inclination o sneeze; nose-bled; stitch in the tongue; rawness in the fauces; mucous expectoration; bitter taste; little appetite; abdomen pains; pain in bowels (also evenings); flatulent troubles; passage of flatus; offensive flatus; thin stool; diarrhoea; yellow diarrhoea, etc.; itching near the anus; hoarseness; dry hacking; drawings in the chest; cracking of the cervical vertebrae; cold hands and feet; weak pulse. (Forenoon), Unhappy mood since the forenoon; much excite; pressure in head, after 11 o’clock; earache; bad taste at the root of the tongue; canine hunger; griping in bowels, from 10 to 12 o’clock; burning in the nape; epididymis sensitive; the hand asleep; chilliness, etc. (Afternoon), (Afternoon), Afternoon generally the time of aggravation, especially of the symptoms of the mucous membranes; ill-humor worse; excited; pain in forehead; suppurative pain in the upper part of the head; sudden fluent coryza; coryza; blood blown from the nose; hunger; thirst; cutting abdominal; pains; offensive flatus; diarrhoea; four stools; stool; at 3 P.M., itching of the hemorrhoids; drawing in the urethra at midnight; increased urgency to urinate; pain in the neck; burning in the sacrum; drawings in the finger-joints; pain in the toes; the legs and hands cold at midday; at 3 o’clock, the feet warm; at 4, the hands; cold feet; cold legs; at noon, sluggish; also in the afternoon, without sleep; chilliness; pulse slower.


(Evening), The symptoms appear in the evening, particularly; towards evening, dry cough; increased ill-humor and pain in the loins; indifferent and sleepy; shootings in the head (and the following morning); pressure in the eyes; coldness of the tip of the nose; earache; twinging in the ear; cracking in the maxillary joint; dryness in the mouth with thirst; swelling of the throat; little appetite; itching of the navel; copious passage of flatus; offensive; urgency to stool; stool; stool at 10 P.M.; stool late;; diarrhoea; crawlings in the anus; itching of hemorrhoids (and in the morning); stitches in the hemorrhoids; urgency to urinate; sexual desire; tickling in the throat, forcing cough (and mornings); stitches in the chest; pain in the phalanges; hands swollen and hot; attacks of distress, and heating over the hips, into the loins; pain in Tendo Achilles; cold feet; into the calves; wrenching pains (and in the morning); yawning and hunger. Aggravation, (Night), Toothache; stitches in spleen, awaking one; throbbing in the abdomen on lying; pains over the loins waking one; passage of flatus through the whole night; urgency to stool; urgency with urinating; shocks that force him to rise upright out of be d; waking with chill; waking with chill and pain of the great toe; offensive perspiration; excessive perspiration.


(Before midnight), Sleeplessness.


(After midnight), Bellyache and diarrhoea; sexual desire at 1 A.M.; chill at 1 to 2 A.M., disappearing toward morning; at 2 A.M., stool, awake, with a urgency to urinate; after 2 A.M., palpitation, in bed; at 3 o’clock, swelling in the throat; awake at 3 A.M.; with dreams; for a thin stool; stool, with chilliness; at 4 A.M., stool; sexual desire; sleepiness, from midnight until 5 A.M.


(Open air), Pain in the soft palate, after skating; red nose in the open air; averse to walking in the wind.


(Just after getting into bed), sudden explosion and cracking in left ear, etc.


(Bending body forward), Stooping aggravates the headache; stooping forward increases pain in liver; pain in breast-bone; burning in the neck; stitches in the middle of the “croup,” when stooping.


(Cold), Cloudy weather causes ill-humor; very sensitive to cold weather; less endurance of cold; fresh cold air increases the headache; raw voice returning in the open and cold air; pain in abdomen as from taking cold.


(On chewing), The palate painful, etc.


(Contact), Pains in head; pullings, etc.


(Darkness), Headache.


(After dinner), Small stool, etc.


(Lying), Lying on the abdomen, with cuttings around the navel, but not relieved; on account of pain in back, cannot lie on back, only on side; on lying in a warm room, cold legs; on lying down (and awhile afterward), a throbbing in the head, (Motion). Exercise increases the headache; pain in the nose, only on motion; nausea; the cutting abdominal pains; pain from flatulence; the pains from the stomach to the chest; on motion, particularly of the arms, pain in the breast-bone; cracking of the cervical vertebrae; pain in the neck; the great toe feels as if sprained.


(Morning the arm), The arches from the arm to the chest pain.


(Pressure), The abdominal pains; abdomen sensitive to touch; seems to aggravate the symptoms.


(Pressing the teeth together), Sensation of numbness behind the ears; pain.


(Raising the body), On rising up from lying, the abdominal muscles pain; on rising up from stooping, jerks in the chest; on rising in the morning, pain in chest as if sprained.


(Rest), Beating in the abdomen and palpitation; pains across the loins; in the midday rest, cold feet.


(Sitting), While sitting, pulsating in the anus; while sitting, more pressing in the loins; heaviness in the loins; after sitting, stiffness in the loins.


(Spitting), Raw pain in larynx.


(Standing), Pain in liver.


(After stool), Pain in anus.


(Stretching the body), Pains in the abdomen; sticking, drawing in chest.


(Stretching out the hand), Pain therein, as if too short.


(Walking), On walking, it shakes in the head; jerks in the left hypochondrium; stitches in the anus; cracking of the hip- joint stitches in right knee-joint; pain in left ankle-bone; shivering; vertigo on going upstairs and turning quickly; at every step, the stitches in the temple are much worse; on making a misstep, pain at the pit of the stomach; on bodily exertion, pain in chest.


(Warmth), Headache.


(Writing), Drawings in the left forearm.



(Afternoon), Easy passage of flatus.


(Evening), Unhappy mood better; conciliatory mood; inclination to work; not vexed; aroused; happy mood; dryness of lips; chilliness; hands and feet again warm.


(In cool air), Headache.


(Open air), Feels better; especially the headache and ill-humor abate; exercise in open air relieves; all the symptoms disappear or are ameliorated on exercise in the open air; walking in open air relieves pain in bowels.


(Bending body forward), Pains in a abdomen compel him to sit crouched together; crouching relieves cuttings in abdomen.


(Light), Headache.


(Motion), Drawings; burnings in the neck; sacral pains.


(Pressure), Beaten feeling in head; he is compelled to press on the abdomen, which relieves him; relieves.


(Rest), Must sit still, else he would have to vomit.


(Sitting), Must sit down and sleep, with anxiety of the chest.


(Stretching out straight), Pain in breast-bone.


(Walking), Better than when sitting; pain in loins; cold feet become warm; hands less so; relieved by going about.


(Warm weather), Chilliness .

Rubrics: 232 Aloe [627/232] Total
[Complete ] [Mind]ANXIETY:Trifles, about:Scruple, one: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPANY:Aversion to:Pain, with:Abdomen, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPULSIVE DISORDERS:Fixations, cycles of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]DISCONTENTED:Oneself, with:Constipation agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]EXCITEMENT, EXCITABLE:Tea:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]HATRED:Repels everyone: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]RAGE, FURY:Colic, from paroxysms of: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Mind]THINKING:Desire for:Desultory: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Stitching:Temples:Stepping agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Eyes]LACHRYMATION:Sitting after standing or vice versa: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]YELLOW:Halo:Moving: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Vision]YELLOW:Rings before the eyes: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Hearing]EXPLOSION, LIKE AN:Left: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stomach]DISTENSION:Pit of stomach:Flatulence, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]GRUMBLING, GROWLING SOUND:Supper, after: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Extending:Crosswise:Air, open, amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Muscles:Rising from a seat: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sides:Extending:Umbilicus, to: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cold, as from taking a:Morning: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cold, as from taking a:Evening: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Cutting:Extending:Crosswise:Air, open, amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Drawing:Extending to:Crosswise:Through, amel. by open air: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Front, anterior, on touch: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]PLUG SENSATION:Symphysis pubis and coccyx, between, with urging to stool: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Abdomen]RESTLESSNESS:Liver region:Stool, during: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]CONSTIPATION:Weather:Cloudy, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]DIARRHEA:Old people, in:Colic, in: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]DRAGGING, HEAVINESS, WEIGHT:Menses:During: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Bathing, washing, cold:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Painful:Bathing, washing:Cold:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]HEMORRHOIDS:Protruding, prolapsed:Applications, cold, amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]LOOSE, AS IF, RECTUM: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]PAIN:Dragging:Menses, during: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]SWASHING NOISE: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE:Nine am.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE:Heaviness in pelvis, with: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Rectum]WEAKNESS, WEARINESS:Flatus, on passing: 4 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Stool]PASTY, PAPESCENT:Hard, feels: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]PAIN:Stitching:Larynx:Right: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Dull:Ribs, under, right, standing agg., bending forward amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Blood]UREMIA:Hysterical: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]HEAVINESS, WEIGHT:Sacral region:Motion:Amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Alternating with:Hemorrhoids: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Lumbar region, lumbago:Alternating with:Hemorrhoids: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Back]PAIN:Pressing:Sacral region:Motion amel.: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]COLDNESS, CHILLINESS:Feet:Walking:Amel.: 2 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Extremities]ERUPTIONS:Desquamating:Hands:Diarrhea, in: 3 1 / 1
[Complete ] [Perspiration]NIGHT:Drinks, cold, agg.: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Mind]MEMORY :Active (see Ideas):Alternating with :Lassitude: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Vision]COLORS BEFORE THE EYES (SEE SPOTS):Yellow:Circle :Moving: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Abdomen]WEAKNESS,SENSE OF:Diarrhoea,as if,would come on: 3 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Rectum]DRAGGING,HEAVINESS,WEIGHT:Menses:During: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Rectum]HAEMORRHOIDS:Alternating with :Lumbago: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Rectum]PAIN:Pressing (pressure):Menses:During: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Rectum]URGING,DESIRE (SEE TENESMUS):Rising,on: 2 1 / 1
[Kent ] [Stool]FALLING OUT: 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]ACTIVITY, MENTAL :Alternating, with:Laziness : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Mind]MEMORY, GENERAL, (SEE MEMORY, WEAKNESS):Active :Alternating, with:Lassitude : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Abdomen]SORE, PAIN :Forepart, of abdomen, on touch : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Constitutions]ELDERLY, CONSTITUTIONS :Colic, and diarrhea : 3 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Rectum]DRAGGING, SENSATION, HEAVINESS, WEIGHT :Menses, during : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Rectum]LOOSE SENSATION OF RECTUM : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Rectum]PRESSING, PAIN :Menses, during : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Rising, from :Rising, on : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Stool]URGING, DESIRE TO STOOL :Rising, from :On rising : 2 1 / 1
[Murphy ] [Vision]YELLOW, COLORS BEFORE THE VISION :Circle, around light :Moving : 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Cutting:Extending:Across transversely:Sitting bent, on:Ameliorated open air: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Cutting:Extending:Transversely through:Ameliorated open air: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Drawing:Extending:Through, amel. open air: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Forepart of:Pain: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Forepart of:Soreness on touch: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ABDOMEN:Sides:Soreness:Touch, on: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Alternating with exhaustion: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Mental:Alternating:Exhaustion, with: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ACTION (SEE MOTION):Mental:Alternating:Lassitude, with: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Burning:Flatus, after emission of: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Closure of:Incomplete, after stool: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Pressure:Outward: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Stitches:Faeces, from: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [A]ANUS:Stool:More must follow, sensation as if: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [F]FLATUS:Hot:Stool, during urging to: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [F]FOREHEAD:Aching:Murky: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [H]HAEMORRHOIDS:Soreness:Wiping, on, after stool: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [I]INTESTINES:Large:Blood, determination of, to: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [O]OCCIPUT:Angle, pressive, aching, right: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [P]PELVIS:Fullness, during menses: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Dragging:Downward:Menses, during: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Heat:Stool, during: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [R]RECTUM:Loose sensation: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [R]RIBS:Beneath:Aching:Aggravated on standing, right: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]SACRUM:Region of:Heaviness:Aggravated while sitting, amel. by motion: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]SACRUM:Region of:Pressure:Aggravated on sitting: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOMACH:Pit:Soreness:Step, after false: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Breakfast, after: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Falling out: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Unnoticed:Almost: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Micturition, during: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Rising, on: 2 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Diarrhoeic:Sensation as before:Micturition, during: 3 1 / 1
[Allen ] [S]STOOL, DEFECATION:Urging:Yellow:Morning, towards: 2 1 / 1

9.0 Aloe : Aloe Socotrina CASES FROM NOTE BOOK   Book The Bureau Of Homoeopathics By Clarence Willard Butler. Volume 1924 Author Whitling L. Subject Cases Remedy Sep / Aloe / Plb.

  1. WHITING, M. D.

CASE I. Mrs. -, age 40, short in stature, very obese, has rheumatic fever,and from remembrance of previous attacks of long duration she was not of an amiable disposition. The following is my method of analysis of cases, using Boenninghausen for guide and numbers instead of abbreviations:

  1. Irritable-2, 45, 53, 69, 88, 169, 199, 254.
  2. Sensitive to touch-30, 45, 53, 69, 89, 139, 150, 154, 177. 245.
  3. Pain < from motion-30, 45, 53, 69, 89, 139, 150, 154, 177, 245.
  4. Pain throbbing-2, 30, 45, 69, 88, 154, 224, 244.
  5. Sweat , on upper body-2, 30, 45, 53, 69, 139, 143, 150, 154, 170, 177.
  6. Sweat < on upper body-69, 72, 78, 112, 154, 244.
  7. Thirst for small quantities of drink-2, 31, 69.

We find that remedy 69 has all the symptoms and one dose of the same in 50m. (F.) potency was all that was given her, its effects being instantaneous and improvement constant. She was discharged in one week. CASE II. Sepia.-Mrs-,age sixty-nine, for sixty years past has been subject to severe paroxysms of hemicrania, the attacks coming on at irregular intervals, but always continuing nine days to the hour. The pain being “as if from a severe blow with the palm of the hand, upon the left parietal portion of the head, which then grasped the hair and pulled it out by the roots;” this pain being repeated at intervals of thirty seconds for the whole period of nine days and nights. Gave her three powders of Sepia 55m. (F.) potency; one to be taken at the time (5 P.M.) and if she noticed any effects from it, either for better or for worse, not to take second one; but that if she should not notice any effect, to take a second one the next morning, and the third one at bed-time the next night. Called on her again on the morning of the third day, when she reported, that within minutes after having taken the first powder, the pain had ceased entirely, that she passed a very pleasant evening, slept all night, and are her breakfast next morning with no recurrence of pain. A family council was now held, and it was agreed that the effect of the one powder was wonderful, as nothing that she had ever taken during the sixty years had ever had any effect, and all agreed that as one powder had so much effect, she should take the others and thus make a permanent cure of her headache. Upon this reasoning, she took the conditioned morning powder and almost immediately the shocks commenced in the right side of the head; this was new experience to her, for till now, she had never had the pain in the right parietal region, it had from the first always effected the left side only. At five in the afternoon she took the third powder and the pain changed from the right parietal to the occiput. But during the night, the shocks of pain resumed their former location, in the left side of the head, when it continued its nine days’ term, minus the fifteen hours’ remission given by the first powder. Three years later; I am informed that she has since died from cancer of the stomach, having had several attacks of the hemicrania, which were instantly relieved by one dose of the Sepia. CASE III. Aloe.-Mrs.-, age forty. Morning diarrhoea for many years past, comes on every morning after arising and continuing till 10 A.M. Stools yellowish, thin, fecal, accompanied by much flatus, and an immediate irrepressible desire for stool; can not delay one