Baryta Carbonica [Bar-C] ব্যারাইটা কার্বনিকা
Bar-c: খর্বাকৃতি, বুদ্ধি অত্যন্ত মোটা, স্মৃতিশক্তি দুর্বল, পড়াশুনায় অমনোযোগী।
Bar-c: অকাল বার্ধক্য, বয়সের অনুপাতে শিশুর দৈহিক পুষ্টি ও মানসিক উন্নতির অভাব।
Bar-c: অপরিচিত লোক দেখে ভয়, সে জন্য লুকিয়ে থাকে, খেলাধূলা পছন্দ করে না।
Bar-c: শিশু রোগী দেরীতে হাঁটতে ও কথা বলতে শেখে, অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গ ও পেশী দুর্বল এবং অস্থি অপুষ্ট বলে দেরীতে হাঁটতে শেখে।
Bar-c: শরীরের নানাস্থানের যথা ঘাড়, বগল, কুঁচকি ও পেটের গ্রন্থি বড় ও শক্ত হয়।
Bar-c: মুখমণ্ডলে যেন ডিমের লালা মাখানো আছে এমন অনুভূতি।
Bar-c: সর্দি প্রবণ, সর্বদা শীত শীত অনুভূতি হয়, ঠাণ্ডা সহ্য হয় না, গায়ে কাপড় জড়িয়ে রাখে।
বৃদ্ধি হয় | উপশম হয় |
< রোগের বিষয়ে চিন্তা করলে < ঠান্ডা বাতাসে < ঠান্ডা পানিতে ধৌত করলে < স্যাঁতস্যাঁতে আবহাওয়ায় < গরম খাবার খেলে < রোদে গেলে < উষ্ণ চুলার কাছে অবস্থান করলে < বাহু উঠালে < মানসিক আবেগে < সাথে কোনো সঙ্গী থাকলে < আক্রান্ত পার্শ্বে বা বাম কাতে শুয়ে থাকলে < খাবার খাওয়ার পর < বসে থাকলে < গন্ধে |
> একাকী থাকলে > ঠান্ডা খাবার খেলে > খোলা বাতাসে হাঁটলে > উষ্ণ পোশাক পরিধান করলে |
প্রথম ও দ্বিতীয় অবস্থার অসুখে অর্থাৎ শৈশবে ও বার্দ্ধক্যের রোগে বিশেষভাবে প্রযোজ্য। সোরা ও টিউবারকুলার ধাতুর লোকেদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী ।
স্মরণশক্তি কমে যায় সবকিছু ভুলে যাওয়া, কোন কিছুতে মন না লাগা এর লক্ষণ। শিশুকে শেখানো যায় না কারণ মনে রাখতে পারে না, ভয় হয় বোকা হাবা হয়ে যাবে ।
গালগলা গ্ল্যান্ডের রোগগ্রস্ত, যারা বেঁটে, শিশু বাড়ে না (যে সব শিশু দ্রুত। বাড়ে = ক্যাল্কে-ফস); গ্লাডের রোগ হতে চোখের প্রদাহ, কর্নিয়া অস্বচ্ছ; পেট ফোলা থাকে, বারে বারে পেটে শূলব্যথা হয়; মুখে ফোলা ফোলা ভাব কিন্তু সারাদেহ শুকিয়ে যায় ।
শিশু মানসিক ও দৈহিকভাবে দুর্বল ।
বেঁটেখাটো, হিষ্টিরিয়াগ্রস্ত স্ত্রীলোক ও বয়স্কা অবিবাহিতা যারা—ঋতুস্রাব খুব অল্প, দেহে জৈবিক তাপ কম, সব সময়ই ঠান্ডা ও শীত-শীতবোধ। বৃদ্ধ যাদের অপুষ্টি ও ক্ষয়কারী রোগে স্বাস্থ্য ভেঙ্গে গেছে, আবার গ্ল্যান্ডসংক্রান্ত রোগে যদি মোটা হয়ে যায় বা গিটবাত রোগগ্রস্ত (এসি-ফ্লু) তাদের উপযোগী ।
বয়স্কদের অসুখ, প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থি বা অন্ডকোষ বেড়ে যায় বা শক্ত হয় সাথে মানসিক ও শারীরিক দুর্বলতা ।
বৃদ্ধদের সন্ন্যাস রোগ হওয়ার প্রবণতা; মদ খাওয়ায় অভ্যস্থ যারা-তাদের অসুখে, যে বৃদ্ধদের ছেলেমানুষীভাব, তাদের মাথা ব্যথায় প্রযোজ্য ।
যাদের প্রায়ই গলায় ঘা হয়, একটুতেই সর্দি লাগে বা একটু ঠান্ডা লাগলেই প্রতিবার টনসিল প্রদাহ হয় তা পেকে গিয়ে পুঁজ হয় তাদের (হিপার, সোরিন) উপযোগী ।
তরদ্রব্য ছাড়া কিছুই গিলতে পারে না (ব্যাপ্টি, সাইলি) ।
অর্শবলি, প্রতিবার প্রস্রাবের সময় বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে (এসি-মি) ।
সোরাধাতুর শিশুদের পুরান কাশি, টনসিন বাড়ে বা আলজিভ বড় হয় বা সামান্য ঠান্ডাতেই বেড়ে যায় (এ্যালুমি) ।
গ্রন্থিগুলো বিশেষতঃ ঘাড়ে ও কুঁচকিতে গ্রন্থি ফোলে ও শক্ত হয়ে যায় বা পুঁজ হবার মত হয় ।
পায়ের ঘামে দুর্গন্ধ-পায়ের আঙুল ও পায়ের তলায় ক্ষতভাব, পায়ের গোড়ালিতে ঘাম হয়, পায়ের ঘাম বন্ধ হয়ে পরবর্তীকালে গলায় বিভিন্ন অসুখ হলে (তুলনীয়—গ্রাফা; সোরিন, স্যানিকি, সাইলি) ব্যবহার্য । ঠাণ্ডা একদম সহ্য হয় না (ক্যাল্কে, কেলি-কা, সোরিন)।
সম্বন্ধ — সোরিনাম, সালফ, টিউবার-এর আগে বা পরে প্রায়ই ব্যবহৃত হয়। ব্যারাইটার পরে সোরিনাম দিলে অনেক ক্ষেত্রে কুইনসি বা গলায় ঘা হবার প্রবণতা নষ্ট হয় ।
সমগুণ — এলুমি, ক্যাল্কে-আয়ড, ডালকা, এসি-ফ্লু, আওডি, সাইলি । গ্ল্যান্ডঘটিত রোগে ক্যাল্কে-কার্বের পর ব্যারাইটার প্রয়োগে ক্ষতি হয় ।
বৃদ্ধি – রোগের কথা চিন্তা করলে (এসি-অক্সা), যেদিকে ব্যথা সে দিকে শুলে, খাওয়ার পর, আক্রান্ত অঙ্গ ধুলে ।
শক্তি – ৩০, ২০০ হতে উচ্চশক্তি ।
বিশেষভাবে শিশুকালে ও বৃদ্ধবয়সে নির্দেশিত হয়ে থাকে। গণ্ডমালা ধাতুদোষগ্রস্ত শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে উপকারে আসে, বিশেষ করে যদি ঐ শিশুরা মানসিক ও শারীরিক উভয় দিক থেকে অনুন্নত হয়, এছাড়াও যদি ঐ শিশুরা খর্বকায়, সঠিকভাবে যদি তাদের বাড়বৃদ্ধি না হয়, চোখে গণ্ডমালা দোষজনিত প্রদাহ দেখা দেয়, পেট দেহের থেকে বড়ো হয়, খুব সহজেই ঠাণ্ডা লেগে যায় এবং পরিশেষে সকল অবস্থাতেই দুইদিকের টনসিলের স্ফীতি থাকে। যেসকল ব্যক্তির গলক্ষত দেখা দেয় এবং তা পেকে যায়, মাড়ী থেকে সহজেই রক্তপাত হয়ে থাকে। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের রোগ, যে বয়সে তাদের শারীরিক ক্ষয় দেখা দেয়, হৃদপিণ্ড এবং মস্তিষ্কের ক্ষয়, যাদের প্রস্টেট গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি দেখা যায় অথবা অণ্ডদ্বয়ের কঠিনতা দেখা দেয়, খুব সহজেই ঠাণ্ডা লাগে, পদতলে দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত ঘাম, যারা অতিরিক্ত দূর্বল ও ক্লান্ত। সর্বদা শুয়ে অথবা বসে থাকতে চায় অথবা কোন কিছুর উপর হেলান দিতে হয় তাদের ক্ষেত্রে উপযুক্ত। অপরিচিত লোকজনের সঙ্গে দেখা-সাক্ষাতে তীব্র বিরক্তি বা ভয়ভাব। নাকের পিছনের অংশের প্রদাহ, তৎসহ বারে বারে নাক থেকে রক্তস্রাব হয়। যুবকদের অজীর্ণ রোগে খুবই ভালো কাজ করে, বিশেষ করে যারা হস্তমৈথুন ও শুক্রক্ষয় রোগে কষ্ট পায় তৎসহ হৃদপিণ্ডের উত্তেজনা ও হৃদকম্পতে কষ্ট পায়। শরীরের গ্রন্থিগুলির উপর এই ঔষধের প্রভাব আছে এবং শরীরের সাবির্বক ধবংস প্রবনতা বিশেষ করে ধমনীগুলির অভ্যন্তরের স্তর, ধমনীরঅকূদ ও বার্ধক্যজনিত অসুস্থতা। ব্যারাইটা, এই ঔষধটি কার্ডিও ভাসাকিউলার পয়জন হিসাবে পরিচিত, সাধারণত ঔষধটি হৃদপিণ্ড ও রক্তবহানলীর পেশী স্তরের উপর কাজ করে। আটারিক্যাল ফাইব্রসিস। রক্তবহানলীর কোমলতা এবং ধবংস, প্রসারণ, এবং রক্তবহানলীর অর্বুদ, রক্তবহানলীর ফেটে যাওয়া। এবং এর ফলে উদ্ভূত সন্ন্যাস রোগ।
মন — স্মৃতিশক্তির লোপ, মানসিক দুর্বলতা। অস্থিরচিত্ত। নিজের উপর আত্মবিশ্বাসের অভাব। বার্ধক্যজনিত কারণে মানসিক শক্তির হ্রাস পাওয়া। বিভ্রান্তি। লাজুক। অপরিচিত ব্যাক্তির সম্পর্কে ভীতি। শিশুর মত কাজকর্ম, সামান্য বিষয়ে দুঃখ পাওয়া।
মাথা — মাথা ঘোরা, রৌদ্রে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলে মাথার ভিতর সূঁচ ফোটার মত বেদনা, বেদনা সমগ্র মাথায় বিস্তৃত হয়ে থাকে। মস্তিষ্কের ভিতর খালি বোধ। মাথার চুল পড়ে যায়। বিভ্রান্তি। মাথার চামড়ার ঘর্মস্রাবী গ্রন্থির অর্বুদ।
চোখ — পর্যায়ক্রমে চোখের তারার প্রসারণ ও সঙ্কোচন। আলোকাতঙ্ক। চোখের সামনে গজের মত কিছু থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। ছানি। (ক্যাল্কেরিয়া কার্ব, ফসফরাস, সাইলিশিয়া)। বো. মে. মে- ৮
কান – কানে কম শোনে, কানের ভিতর তীক্ষ্ণ শব্দ হওয়া। কানের চারপাশের গ্রন্তির স্ফীতি ও যন্ত্রনাদায়ক। নাক দিয়ে শ্বাস নেবার শব্দ। কানের ভিতর প্রতিধ্বনি হয়।
নাক – শুষ্ক, হাঁচি, সর্দি, তৎসহ উপরের ঠোঁট ও নাকের স্ফীতি। নাকের ভিতর ধোঁয়া থাকার মত অনুভূতি। নাক থেকে হলুদ রঙের গাঢ় শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব। মাঝে মাঝে নাক থেকে রক্তস্রাব। নাকের পাতা দুইটির চারপাশে শক্ত মামড়ী।
মুখমণ্ডল – ফ্যাকাশে ফোলা, মুখের উপর মাকড়সার জাল দিয়ে ডাকা এইরূপ অনুভূতি। (এলুমিনা)। উপরের ঠোঁটের স্ফীতি।
মুখগহ্বর – ঘুম থেকে জাগার সময় মুখগহ্বর শুষ্ক বলে মনে হয়। মাড়ী থেকে রক্তপাত ও মাড়ীর স্থানচ্যুতি। ধাতুস্রাবের আগে দাঁতের যন্ত্রণা। মুখের ভিতর প্রদাহিত ফোস্কায় ভর্তি, দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত আস্বাদ। জিহ্বার পক্ষাঘাত, জিহ্বার অগ্রভাগে তীব্র হুল ফোটার মত জ্বালাকর বেদনা। ভোরবেলা মুখ থেকে লালা নিঃসরণ। অন্ননলীর ভিতর খাদ্যবস্ত্ত ঢোকার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে অন্ননলীর আক্ষেপ।
গলা – চোয়ালের নিচের অংশের ও টনসিলের স্ফীতি। খু্ব সহজেই ঠান্ডা লাগে। তৎসহ সূঁচ ফোটার মত হুল ফোটার মত তীব্র বেদনা। গলক্ষত। প্রতিবার ঠান্ডা লাগার পর টনসিলের পঁজোৎপত্তি। টনসিল প্রদাহিত। তৎসহ শিড়া স্ফীতি। ঢোক গেলার সময় হুলফোটার মত বেদনা। খালি ঢোক গেলার সময় বৃদ্ধি।
গলবিলের ভিতর গোঁজ ফুটে থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি। কেবল মাত্র তরল বস্তু গিলতে পারে। খাদ্যবস্তু অন্ননলীর ভিতর ঢোকার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে অন্ননলীর আক্ষেপ। এই কারণে শ্বাস বন্ধ হবার মত অবস্থা দেখা দেয় (মার্ক কর, গ্র্যাফাইটিস)। অতিরিক্ত কথা বলার পর গলার কষ্ট। টনসিলে, গলবিলে অথবা কণ্ঠনলীর ভিতর হুলফোটার মত বেদনা।
পাকস্থলী – মুখে জল উঠে, জিহ্বা, এবং ঢেকুর, এইগুলরি সাহায্যে পেটের ভিতর পাথরের মত কিছু থাকায় অনুভূতির থেকে আরাম হয়। ক্ষুধার্ত, কিন্তু খাবার ফিরিয়ে দেয়।খাবার সঙ্গে পাকস্থলীতে বেদনা ও ভাড়ীবেধ, তৎসহ পেটের উপরের অংশের স্পর্শকাতরতা। (কেলি কার্ব)। গরম খাবারে বৃদ্ধি। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের পাকস্থলীর দূবলর্তা তৎসহ ম্যালিগন্যান্ট জাতীয় কিছু হবার সম্ভাবনা থাকে।
উদর – শক্ত এবং টানভাব,স্ফীতি, শূলবেদনা। ক্ষুদ্রান্তের গ্রন্থিমূলে বিবৃদ্ধি। খাবার গেলার সময় পেটে বেদনা। স্বভাবগত শূলবেদনা, তৎসহ ক্ষুধা কিন্তু খাবার ফিরিয়ে দেয়।
সরলান্ত্র – কোষ্ঠকাঠিণ্য, তৎসহ মলশক্ত,গুটলে প্রকৃতির। প্রস্রাব করার সময় অর্শনলী বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে। গুহ্যদ্বার দিয়ে রস চুঁয়ে চুঁয়ে পড়ে।
প্রস্রাব – রোগী যতবার প্রস্রাব করে ততবার অর্শবলি বাইরে বেরিয়ে আসে। প্রস্রাব করার সময় প্রস্রাব নলীতে জ্বালা।
পুরুষের রোগ – যৌন ইচ্ছা কমে যায় ও অকালে ধবজভঙ্গ। প্রস্টেট গ্রন্থির বিবৃদ্ধি। অণ্ডদ্বয়ে কঠিণতা।
স্ত্রীরোগ – ধাতুস্রাবের আগে, পাকস্থলী ও কোমরে বেদনা। ধাতুস্রাবের পরিমান অল্প।
শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাস – শুষ্ক, দমবন্ধ হবার মত কাশি, বিশেষতঃ বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের, ফুসফুস শ্লেষ্মায় পূর্ণ, তথাপি শ্লেষ্মা তুলে ফেলার ক্ষমতা থাকে না, আবহাওয়ার যে কোন প্রকারের পরিবর্তনে বৃদ্ধি। (সেনেগা)। কণ্ঠনলীতে ধোঁয়া টেনে নেবার মত অনুভূতি। পুরাতন স্বরভঙ্গ। বুকের ভিতর সূঁচ ফোটার মত বেদনা। শ্বাস নেবার সময় বৃদ্ধি। ফুসফুস ধোঁয়ায় পূর্ণ বলে মনে হয়।
হৃদপিণ্ড – হৃদকম্প ও হৃদপিণ্ড স্থানে কষ্ট। ধমনীর অর্বুদ (লাইকোপোডিয়াম)। প্রথমে হৃদস্পন্দনের বৃদ্ধি হয়। এরপর রক্তের চাপ অতিরিক্ত মাত্রায় বৃদ্ধি পায়, রক্তবহা নলীর সঙ্কোচন দেখা দেয়। বামদিক চেপে শুলে হৃদকম্প, বিশেষ করে যখন হৃদকম্পর কথা বিশেষ করে চিন্তা করে তখন হৃদকম্প, নাড়ী পূর্ণ ও শক্ত। পায়ের ঘাম চাপা পড়ার পর হৃদপিণ্ডের লক্ষণসমূহের প্রকাশ।
পিঠ – মাথার পিছনের অংশের গ্রন্থিস্ফীতি। ঘাড়ের চারপাশে চর্বিযুক্ত অর্বুদ। দুই স্কন্ধাস্থির মধ্যবর্তী অংশে থেঁৎলানোবৎ বেদনা। ত্রিকাস্থির আড়ষ্টভাব। মেরুদণ্ডের দুর্বলতা।
অঙ্গ-প্রতঙ্গ – বগলের গ্রন্থিসমূহের বেদনা। ঠান্ডা, চটচটে পায়ের পাতা। (ক্যাল্কেরিয়া)। দুগন্ধযুক্ত পায়ের ঘাম। অঙ্গ-প্রতঙ্গের অসাড়ভাব। হাঁটু থেকে অণ্ডকোষ পর্যন্ত অসাড়ভাবের মত অনুভূতি, বসে পড়লেই এই অনুভূতি চলে যায়। পায়ের আঙ্গুলে ও পায়ের তলায় ক্ষতের মত অনুভূতি, হাটার সময় পায়ের তলায় বেদনা হয়। সন্ধিস্থানের বেদনা, নিম্নাঙ্গে জ্বালাকর যন্ত্রনা।
ঘুম – ঘুমের মধ্যে কথা বলে, মাঝে মাঝে ঘুম থেকে জেগে উঠে, সে সময় গরম বোধ ঘুমের ভিতর পেশী স্পন্দন
কমা-বাড়া – বৃদ্ধি, রোগের কথা যখন চিন্তা করে, ধোয়ার পর, যন্ত্রনার দিকের স্থান চেপে শুলে।
উপশম – মুক্ত বাতাসে হাঁটা-চলা করলে।
সম্বন্ধ – তুলনীয়ঃ ডিজিট্যালিস, রেডিয়াম, এরাগ্যালাস, অক্সিট্রপ, পরিপূরক, গলকামড়া, সিলিকা, সোরিনাম।
প্রতিবন্ধক – ক্যাল্কেরিয়া কার্ব।
বিষাক্ত মাত্রায় যদি এই ঔষধ খাওয়া হয়, সেই ক্ষেত্রে এই ঔষধের কার্যাবলী এপসম সল্ট নষ্ট করে থাকে।
শক্তি – ৩য় থেকে ৩০ শক্তি, শেষোক্ত শক্তি গলক্ষত হবার প্রবণতা নষ্ট করে থাকে। ব্যারাইটা কাজ খুব ধীরে হয়, এই কারণে এই ঔষধের পূনঃপ্রয়োগ প্রয়োজন হয়।
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্বনিকা সম্বন্ধে আলোচনা বেশ চিত্তাকর্ষক কেননা, ইহা সম্পূর্ণভাবে পরীক্ষিত এবং একটি ঋতুদোষ সংশোধক ঔষধ। এইরূপ ঔষধ সব সময়েই স্বল্পক্রিয় অগভীর ঔষধ অপেক্ষা চিত্তাকর্ষক হয়। উহারা গভীরমূল, দীর্ঘকাল স্থায়ী, সোরা – সিফিলিস-সাইকোসিস দোষজাত রোগগুলিকে আয়ত্ত করে। এই ঔষধ শিশুদিগের বর্ধনের দিকে লক্ষ্য দেয়। তোমরা পাঠ্যপুস্তকে এই ঔষধের মধ্যে প্রায়ই “খর্ব্বতা ” কথাটি লেখা আছে দেখিবে। কিন্তু এই ঔষধ সম্বন্ধে বলা হইলেও উহা সৰ্ব্বদা দৈহিক খৰ্ব্বতা জ্ঞাপন করে না। উহার অর্থ দেহ ও মনের। খর্বতা, মানসিক খৰ্ব্বতা এবং অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলির খর্বতা। তোমরা জান “উপযুক্ত সময়ের পূর্বে বিকাশ” বলিতে কি বুঝায়, অস্বাভাবিক বুদ্ধিবিশিষ্ট যুবা পুরুষ, যাহারা মনের দিক হইতে যথেষ্ট অগ্রগতিসম্পন্ন। আমরা বলে তাহারা বয়সের অপেক্ষা বেশী বুদ্ধিমান। ইহাদিগকেই উপযুক্ত সময়ের পূর্বে বিকশিত বলা হয়। প্রথমে এই কথাটি মনে লও, ভাবিয়া দেখ ইহা দ্বারা কি বুঝায়। আর তারপর ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বের ধাতুতে আমরা ইহা ঠিক বিপরীতটি পাই। খৰ্ব্বতা দ্বারা ইহাই বুঝান হইয়াছে। শিশুরা বিলম্বে সাংসারিক বিষয়ে উপযোগী অথবা কাজের হয়, বিলম্বে লেখাপড়া শিখে, বিলম্বে কথা বলিতে শিখে, জীবনে প্রবেশ করিতে যে-সকল সংযোগের প্রয়োজন হয়, তাহা শিখিতে বিলম্ব করে, বিলম্বে মূৰ্ত্তিসমূহ মনে রাখিতে এবং ধারণা করিতে শিখে, বিলম্বে কর্মতৎপর হয় বিলম্বে নিজেদের পক্ষে প্রয়োজনীয় কাজ করিতে শিখে। আমরা বলি যে ক্যাল্ক কাৰ্ব’ বিলম্বে হাঁটিতে শিখে, ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্বও বিলম্বে হাঁটিতে শিখে, কিন্তু তাহার কারণটি সম্পূর্ণ স্বতন্ত্র। চলতি সেকেলে কথায় বলিতে গেলে, ব্যারাইটা কাব্বের হাঁটিতে শিখিতে বিলম্ব হইলেও, তাহার হাত-পাগুলি বেশ সুন্দর থাকে। ক্যাল্ক কাৰ্ব্বে, হাত-পাগুলি রুগ্ন, দুৰ্বল, পেশীগুলি থলথলে, হাড়গুলি অগঠিত এবং সেইজন্যই তাহার হাঁটিতে শিখিতে বিলম্ব হয়। “বিলম্বে হাঁটা” ক্যাল্কেরিয়া জ্ঞাপক। “বিলম্বে হাঁটিতে শিখা” ব্যারাইটা জ্ঞাপক। ইহা ‘বোরাক্স’ ‘নেট্রাম মিউরে’র প্রতিযোগী। এই তিনটি ঔষধের প্রত্যেকটিতেই মস্তিষ্কের বৃদ্ধি সম্বন্ধে বিশেষ প্রকার বিলম্ব আছে, সুতরাং তাহাদের কাজ করিতে শিখিতে বিলম্ব হয়, বৃদ্ধি পাইতে বিলম্ব হয়। কিন্তু কাজ-কৰ্ম্ম আয়ত্ত করা এবং জীবনের উপযোগী হওয়ায় বিলম্ব করা ব্যাপারে ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব উহাদের মধ্যে অগ্রণী।
তুমি চিকিৎসা করিতে কতকগুলি রোগী পাইবে,—ঐসব বালিকার ১৮ হইতে ২৫ বৎসর বয়সেও ধীরে ধীরে বাড়িয়া উঠার স্বরূপ প্রকাশিত রহিয়াছে, তাহারা এখনও সেই সব করে, যাহা তাহারা শিশুকালে করিত এবং সেইভাবে কথা বলে, যেরূপ তাহারা শিশুকালে বলিত। “শিশুর মত কাজের ধরণ, শিশুর মত ব্যবহার; পুতুল লইয়া খেলা, নির্বোধের মত কথা বলা।” তাহারা এখনও স্ত্রীত্বে উপনীত হয় নাই। তাহারা বিলম্বে কাজকর্ম আয়ত্ত করে, বিলম্বে স্ত্রীসুলভ ব্যবহার শিক্ষা করে। তাহাদের স্ত্রীসুলভ বিজ্ঞতার অভাব থাকে। তাহারা এখনও বিচক্ষণ হয় নাই, এবং কোন বালক বা কোন ছোট বালিকা তাহাদের সহিত যেরূপভাবে কথা বলে তাহারাও ঠিক সেইরূপ ভাবেই কথা বলে। ইহাই মানসিক খর্বতা। ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বে এই ধীর গতি বৃদ্ধি, সকল প্রকার লক্ষণ এবং বিশেষত্বের দিক হইতে বুঝিতে হইলে, উহাকে ভালভাবে আয়ত্ত করা প্রয়োজন। ইহার কতকগুলি গ্র্যাফাইটিস’, ‘সালফার এবং ক্যাল্কেরিয়া প্রভৃতিতে দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়, কিন্তু এই ঔষধের সহিত তাহার তুলনা হয় না। যে বৃদ্ধিক্রিয়া শিশুকে পুরুষ ও স্ত্রীলোকে পরিণত করে, মনে হয় যেন ইহা সেই বৃদ্ধিক্রিয়াকেই স্থগিত করিয়া দেয়। একটি খর্বকায় লোক দেখিলেই আমার ব্যারাইটার কথা মনে পড়ে না, কিন্তু উহার খৰ্ব্বতা এরূপ যে, তাহা মানসিক ও অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলি সম্বন্ধীয়। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলি যেন পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত হয় অথবা একটি অঙ্গ বর্ধিত হয় না। ঐ অঙ্গটি থামিয়া থাকে, অপরগুলি বাড়িয়া চলে। এইরূপ দেখিলেই আমার এই ঔষধের কথা মনে পড়ে। একটি অঙ্গ পূর্ণতা লাভ করে না, কিন্তু অঙ্গগুলি বাড়িতে থাকে; একপার্শ্বিকতা, বর্ধনক্রিয়া সম্বন্ধে পক্ষপাতিত্ব।
এই ঔষধের আর একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ, ইহার সহিত দেহের সমুদয় লসিকাগ্রন্থিগুলির সংযোগ। সমস্ত দেহের গ্রন্থিগুলি ফুলিয়া থাকে এবং কঠিন হয়। ঘাড়ের গ্রন্থি, কুঁচকির গ্রন্থি, উদরের লসিকাগ্রন্থিসমূহ আক্রান্ত হয়; ঘাড়ে গ্রন্থির মালার সৃষ্টি হয়। আমি পরে আরও কয়েকটি কথা বলিতেছি, ঐগুলি একত্রিত করিলে দেখিবে যে, ব্যারাইটার রোগী একটি অদ্ভুত চেহারার জীব। ইহাতে শীর্ণতা আছে যাহারা মোটা ছিল, যাহারা বেশ পুষ্ট ছিল তাহাদের ক্রমিক শীর্ণতা। ইহাতে পেটটি বড় হওয়া আছে। ইহা শিশুদিগের পুঁয়ে পাওয়া রোগে উপযোগী হইয়াছে। শিশু গ্রন্থিগুলি বর্ধিত পেটটি বর্ধিত, তন্তুগুলি শীর্ণতা প্রাপ্ত, অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গগুলি শীর্ণ, ও মানসিক খৰ্ব্বতা; ইহা দ্বারাই তুমি ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বের পুঁয়ে পাওয়া রোগের পূর্ণ চিত্র পাইলে।
রোগী নিজে শীতার্ত থাকে। ঠান্ডা সহ্য করিতে পারে না, ভালভাবে আবৃত থাকিতে চায়। দুৰ্বল নাড়ীর সহিত সুস্পষ্ট দুর্বলতা একটি প্রবল লক্ষণ, এবং তাহাকে শুইয়াই থাকিতে হয়, দাঁড়াইলে বা উঠিয়া বসিলে খারাপ বোধ করে। আহারের পর দুর্বলতা আরও বেশী হয়। তাহার বেদনা সঞ্চালনে ও উন্মুক্ত বাতাসে উপশম হয়। তাহার উপসর্গগুলি ঠান্ডায় বাড়ে। বর্ধিত গ্রন্থিগুলি উন্মুক্ত হাওয়ায় স্পর্শকাতর ও রক্তসঞ্চয়যুক্ত হইয়া উঠে। তাহার টনসিলদ্বয় ক্রমশঃ বাড়িতে থাকে। ঘাড়ের গ্রন্থিগুলি প্রত্যেক শীতে এবং প্রত্যেকবার ঠান্ডা লাগিলে আকারে এবং কঠিনতায় বাড়িতে থাকে।
“গ্রন্থিগুলির স্ফীতি ও কঠিনতা।” গ্রন্থিগুলির প্রদাহ ও রসপ্রসেক। এই ঔষধে রসপ্রসেক আছে। গ্রন্থিগুলি ক্রমেই কঠিন হইতে কঠিনতর হইতে থাকে। ক্ষতগুলির তলদেশ কঠিনতা বিশিষ্ট হয়। উন্মুক্ত ক্ষতের কিনারাগুলি কঠিন হয়। শিশু যখন হাম, আরক্ত জ্বর, কর্ণমূলপ্রদাহ, এমনকি বেশী সর্দি লাগা অথবা ম্যালেরিয়ার আক্রমণ প্রভৃতি যে-কোন রোগে ভুগে, তখনই তাহার বৃদ্ধি থামিয়া যায় এবং খৰ্ব্বতা উপস্থিত হয়, কিন্তু সে তা ঐরূপ অবস্থা লইয়া জন্মায় নাই, অবস্থাটি প্রাপ্তি, উহা বৃদ্ধিকে স্থগিত করিয়াছে। ইহাতে সমগ্র দেহের শীর্ণতা এবং ক্রমিক ক্ষয় আছে, কিন্তু পেটটির কথা স্বতন্ত্র, উহা ক্রমেই বড় হইতে থাকে। এই সকল লক্ষণগুলি প্রারম্ভেই উপেক্ষা করা চলে না, কারণ এই লক্ষণগুলির সাহায্যেই ভিত্তি প্রস্তুত হয় এবং তারপর পরিণাম স্বরূপ রোগসমূহ এবং তন্তুসমূহের পরিবর্তন উপস্থিত হয়।
এই ঔষধের আর একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ এই যে, পূর্বোক্ত বিষয়গুলি অধিক বয়স্ক ব্যক্তির পক্ষেও প্রযোজ্য হইতে পারে। আমরা বলি, ইহা বাল্যাবস্থা, ইহা যৌবন-অবস্থা এবং বৃদ্ধির অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থা। এই বৃদ্ধির অবরুদ্ধ অবস্থা যৌবনে আসিল, কি শৈশবে আসিল অথবা পঞ্চাশের ঊর্ধ্বে পরিণত বয়সে আসিল তাহাতে কিছু আসে যায় না। আমাদের পক্ষে অবোধ্য কতকগুলি ব্যাপার দেখিয়া আমরা বলি যে, লোকটি বৃদ্ধ বয়সের আকৃতি প্রাপ্ত হইতেছে। আমরা উহাকে অকাল-বার্ধক্য বিল। ম্যালেরিয়া, শারীরিক বা মানসিক অতিপরিশ্রম দীর্ঘকালস্থায়ী মানসিক-পরিশ্রম হইতে যখন দুরারোগ্য রোগসকল জন্মে, তখন অকালবার্ধক্য লক্ষণটি বলবৎ থাকিলে, ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব উহা আরোগ্য করে। বার্ধক্য তাহার উপরে অকালে আসিয়া পড়ে। বাল্যকাল এবং বার্ধক্যের বিশেষ কোন পার্থক্য নাই এইজন্য বাৰ্ধক্যকে দ্বিতীয় বাল্যাবস্থা বলা হয়, কিন্তু ৭০ বৎসরের কম বয়স্ক লোককে বাল্যভাববিশিষ্ট হইতে দেখিলে আমরা দুঃখিত না হইয়া পারি না, অথচ আমরা দেখিতে পাই যে, এরূপ বয়সের অনেক লোকই সরল ও বাল্যভাববিশিষ্ট হইয়া পড়ে। ইহার অর্থ কেবলমাত্র মানসিক জড়তা নহে, বালকসুলভ আচরণও বটে। তাহারা শিশুর ন্যায় কাজ করিতে ও কথা বলিতে থাকে। সুতরাং এরূপ অকালবার্ধক্যে, এই সব লক্ষণে আমরা ব্যারাইটা কার্ব্বের কথা চিন্তা করি।
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব মেদময় অর্বুদ, বুক রোগ গুটিকারোগ সদৃশ মাংসবৃদ্ধি, মাংসাৰ্ব্বদ আরোগ্য করিয়াছে, ইহা ক্যান্সার রোগের বেদনা ও যাতনা কমাইয়া রোগীর জীবন দীর্ঘ করিয়াছে।
ইহার মানসিক লক্ষণগুলি সযত্নে পাঠ করা উচিত এবং দেখিতে পাইবে যে, তত্ত্বসমূহের পরিবর্তনের সহিত মিশ্রিত সর্বপ্রকার অবস্থাই ইহার মানসিক লক্ষণের মধ্যে পরিস্ফুট থাকে। ব্যারাইটা কাব্বের শিশু অপরিচিত লোক ঘরে আসিলে আসবাব পত্রের পিছনে লুকায়, যেন কিছু লজ্জার কারণ হইয়াছে অথবা সে ভয় পাইয়াছে—এরূপ ভাবে লুকায়। তাহার সম্বন্ধে কিছু বলা হইলে বা তাহাকে দেখিয়া হাসিলে, সে অদ্ভুত কিছু কল্পনা করিয়া লয়। মনে হয় সে যেন আর বাড়িতেছে না। মনে হয় যেন তাহাকে পড়াইয়া কোনই উপকার হইতেছে না, কারণ সে বার বার একই কাজ করে; এবং কিছুই শিখে না। হয় তাহারা কিছু বুঝিতে পারে না, নচেৎ কিছুই মুখস্ত করিতে পারে না, অথবা তাহারা কোন চিন্তাকে ধরিয়া রাখিতে পারে না, তুমি বার বার তাহাকে একই কথা শিখাও কিন্তু মা বিস্মিত হইয়া দেখিবেন যে, শিশু কিছুই শিখিতেছে না এবং শিক্ষক জানাইবেন যে, তাহার শিখিবার ক্ষমতা নাই। শিক্ষক অবস্থাটি বুঝিতে পারেন না, মাতা উহা বুঝিতে পারেন না, কিন্তু হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকের এক দৃষ্টিতেই সব কিছু বুঝা উচিত। যদি তাহার মেটিরিয়া মেডিকার জ্ঞান থাকে, তাহা হইল তিনি দুর্বল শিশু কিভাবে বাড়ে তাহারা কিভাবে রিকেট অবস্থার দিকে অগ্রসর হয়, তাহারা কিরূপ দুৰ্বল, কিরূপ ভাবে সৰ্ব্বদাই অপরের উপরে নির্ভরশীল হয় এবং কেবল মাত্র চাকর বাকরের কাজের উপযুক্ত হয়, তাহা ভালভাবেই উপলব্ধি করিতে পরিবেন। হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসক ছোট ছোট ছেলেমেয়েদিগকে কোলের উপর বসাইয়া, তাহাদের কর্মক্ষমতা সম্বন্ধে সম্যক অনুসন্ধান করিবেন, দেখিবেন তাহাদের কিসের অভাব, এবং বুঝিয়া লইবেন ঐ অভাব পূরণ করা যায়। তাহারা কি নিজে নিজে কাজ করার উপযুক্ত হইবে না? ধাতুগত দোষের চিকিৎসা করিতে সকল শক্তির ঔষধেরই প্রয়োজন হয়। কাহারও কাহারও মধ্যশক্তির ঔষধ লাগে কাহারও অতি নিম্নশক্তির, কাহারও অতি উচ্চশক্তির ঔষধ প্রয়োজন হয়। শিশুদের যেরূপ শক্তি প্রয়োজন, আমরা যেন তাহাদিগকে তাহা বঞ্চিত না করি। আমরা শুধু দৃষ্টি রাখিব ঔষধের শ্রেষ্ঠ ব্যবহারের দিকে ঔষধের পূর্ণশক্তিতে বিকাশ পাওয়ার দিকে।
পাঠ্যপুস্তকে একটি কথা আছে “পরিষ্কার চৈতন্য-শক্তির অভাব।” আমি বলিয়াছি তাহা হইতে এই ঔষধ সম্বন্ধে উহার অর্থ যে কি, এবং ঐ অর্থ অন্যান্য বহু ঔষধ অপেক্ষা যে কত পৃথক তাহা কি বুঝা যায় না? কিন্তু তবুও তুমি যখন এই কথাটি পড়িবে, তখন প্রথমে উহার অর্থ বুঝিতে পারিবে না। “পরিষ্কার চৈতন্য-শক্তির অভাব।” ইহা বিশেষভাবে বৃদ্ধবয়সের পক্ষেই উপযোগী। ইহা মনের গোলযোগ নয়, যাহাকে আমরা মাথাঘোরা বলি। ব্যাপারটি এই যে, সে পরিষ্কার বুদ্ধিযুক্ত নয়। আমরা দেখি যে, এই ঔষধটি কিরূপ ভাবে বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকে আক্রমণ করে। ইহা প্রথমে তাহার স্মৃতিশক্তিকে অধিকার করে। প্রথম প্রথম উহা দুৰ্বল অবস্থামাত্র কিন্তু ক্রমে উহা জড়বুদ্ধির দিকে অগ্রসর হয়। তুমি উহাকে চরম অবস্থার দিকে লইয়া চল, উহা তখন সম্পূর্ণ জড়ভাব এবং গোড়া হইতে রেখার আকারে উহা ধাপে ধাপে বাড়িয়া আসিয়াছে, সামান্য চিন্তার মেঘাচ্ছন্নতা হইতে জড়বুদ্ধিতে পরিণত হইয়াছে।”
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বের শিশুকে ঔষধালয়ে লইয়া গেলে, সে হাত দিয়া মুখ ঢাকিবে এবং আঙ্গুলের ফাক দিয়া উঁকি মারিবে। সলজ্জ। ভীরু। সহজেই ভয় পায়। অচেনা লোককে ভয় করে। অন্য ঔষধেও এরূপ লক্ষণ আছে কিন্তু ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্বে ইহা একটি প্রবল লক্ষণই। শুষ্ক মুখ। রুগ্ন চেহারা। ইহা তাহার লুকাইবার চিন্তা, তাহার ভীরুতার চিন্তা। শিশু খেলা করে না এবং এক কোণে বসিয়া থাকে। বালক হইলে তাহার খেলার হাতুড়ির দিকে, বালিকা হইলে তাহার খেলার পুতুলের দিকে মনোযোগ দেয় না। ক্রমাগত বসিয়া থাকে। মনে হয় না যে, সে কোন চিন্তা করিতেছে, চিন্তা করিবার ক্ষমতার অভাব। শিশু বড় হইতে থাকে, কিন্তু কোন বিশেষত্ব থাকে না, বুঝিবার ক্ষমতা থাকে না এবং সেইজন্য তাহার মনেরও বৃদ্ধি হয় না। সৰ্ব্বদাই মনে মনে উৎপাত ডাকিয়া আনে। কষ্টিকামে’র ন্যায় ভয় করে, যেন কিছু ঘটিতে চলিয়াছে। কল্পনায় পূর্ণ থাকে, দুঃখকষ্টের কল্পনা করে। সম্ভাব্য সকল প্রকার দুঃখকষ্টের চিন্তায় ডুবিয়া থাকে। ইহা অনেকটা আর্স’ সদৃশ। শিশুর ঘ্যানঘ্যানে স্বভাব, সৰ্ব্বদাই ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে। এই অবস্থার মধ্যে তাহার কোন দেহাংশের যাতনা অথবা মানসিক লক্ষণ থাকে। “যতই সে তাহার যাতনার কথা ভাবে, ততই উহা বাড়িতে থাকে।” যদি সে তাহার কষ্টের কথা, তাহার যাতনার কথা ভাবে তৎক্ষণাৎ উহা বৃদ্ধিপ্রাপ্ত হয়। দীর্ঘকালব্যাপী মানসিক কার্যের পর অকালবার্ধক্য এবং মস্তিষ্কের ক্লান্তি।
কষ্টদায়ক শিরঃপীড়া। “মস্তিষ্কে চাপবোধ।” মস্তিষ্কটি শিথিল হইয়া গিয়াছে— এরূপ অনুভূতি, মস্তিষ্ক যেন একপাশ হইতে আর এক পার্শ্বে ঢলিয়া পড়িতেছে, একবার উঠিতেছে, একবার পড়িতেছে। মাথা নাড়িলে অথবা অকস্মাৎ ধাক্কা লাগিলে মনে হয়, যেন মস্তিষ্কটি নড়িয়া উঠিল। মাথা এক দিক হইতে আর একদিকে ঘুরাইলে মনে হয়, যেন মস্তিষ্কটিও ইতস্ততঃ নড়িয়া মাথার গতির সহিত সমতা রক্ষা করিতেছে। “চাপনবৎ শিরঃপীড়া।” শিরঃপীড়া মুক্ত বায়ুতে, নির্মল বায়ুতে উপশমিত হয়, উত্তাপে বর্ধিত হয়। ইহা উহার সাধারণ অবস্থার বিপরীত। ব্যারাইটা কার্ব্বের সাধারণ অবস্থা ঠান্ডায় বাড়ে, সে ঠান্ডা সহ্য করিতে পারে না, ঠান্ডা লাগিলেই তাহার রোগগুলি দেখা দেয়, কিন্তু তাহার শিরঃপীড়া ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায় উপশমিত হয়। ব্যারাইটা কার্ব্বের রোগী উত্তাপ ও শীতের আতিশয্যে অত্যনুভূতিযুক্ত হয়। গরম আবহাওয়ায় তাহার রোগ উপস্থিত হয়। গরম আবহাওয়ায় তাহার মাথায় রক্ত উঠে, এবং সন্ন্যাসরোগের পক্ষে অনুকূল অবস্থার সৃষ্টি করে। ইহাতে অনেক মানসিক রোগ আছে, সন্ন্যাসরোগ পর্যন্ত। পুরাতন সন্ন্যাসরোগগ্রস্তদিগের সদৃশ কতকগুলি পক্ষাঘাতিক লক্ষণ এই ঔষধে আছে এবং ইহা পেশীগুলির উপর পেশীশক্তির পুনঃস্থাপন ও যোগান দেওয়ার ব্যাপারে বিশেষ উপযোগী হইয়াছে। ইহা ফসফরাস সদৃশ এবং পুরাতন পক্ষাঘাতিক অবস্থার একটি উৎকৃষ্ট ঔষধ, যেরূপ অবস্থা রক্তবহা নাড়ী ফাটিয়া যাওয়ার ফলে হয় এবং সেইজন্য স্নায়ুতে রক্তসঞ্চালনের উপর চাপ পড়ার ফলে উপস্থিত হয়। ইহার শিরঃপীড়া রক্তসঞ্চয় প্রকৃতির, চাপনবৎ ও মস্তিষ্কে চাপ পড়ার ন্যায় অনুভূতিযুক্ত।
আমরা যেরূপ বর্ণনা করিয়াছি, সেই ক্ষুদ্রকায় শিশুদের মস্তকে উদ্ভেদ দেখা দেয়। মাথার উপর, একজিমা এবং যাহারা সংসারে সুখসম্পদে থাকার জন্য জন্মিয়াছে, তাহারা ঐ একজিমা মলম ও বাহ্যিক প্রয়োগ দ্বারা তাড়াইয়া দিয়া থাকে। “মস্তকত্বকের উপর ভিজা মামড়ী” “মস্তক ত্বকের উপর শুষ্ক উদ্ভেদ, কেশ পতন। টাকপড়া। উদ্ভেদ চাপা পড়ার ফলে মস্তকরোগ, মানসিক খৰ্ব্বতা এবং বুদ্ধির অভাব।
ইহাতে বহু চক্ষু-লক্ষণ আছে। “দানাময় চক্ষুর পাতা, চক্ষুর পাতা পুরু হওয়া, চক্ষুর চারিদিকের ঝিল্লী ও তন্তুগুলি পুরু হওয়া, কনীনিকার অস্বচ্ছতা।” চক্ষুর বিবিধ আচ্ছাদনে রসসঞ্চয়। ইহা ছানিরোগ আরোগ্য করিয়াছে, ইহা নানাপ্রকার অস্পষ্ট দৃষ্টি রোগ আরোগ্য করিয়াছে, বিশেষভাবে যাহারা ঘোলা দেখে তাহাদের অস্পষ্ট দৃষ্টি।“সে যেন কুয়াশার মধ্য দিয়া দেখে, ধোয়ার মধ্য দিয়া দেখে | কনীনিকার ক্ষত। ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র সাদা দাগ, উহাতে দৃষ্টিশক্তির বিকৃতি ঘটায়। প্রাতঃকালে পাতা দুইটি জুড়িয়া যায়। অঞ্জনী। “উপর পাতা ভারি বোধ হয়।” কপালের উপর ভার চাপান আছে— এরূপ অনুভূতি, তৎসহ শিরঃপীড়া, যেন কপালটি চাপ দিয়া ভ্রূর দিকে ঠেলিয়া দিতেছে। কাৰ্ব্ব ভেজ’, ‘কাৰ্ব্ব এনি’ ও ‘নেট্রাম মিউর’ সদৃশ লক্ষণ। রোগী সময়ে সময়ে হাত দিয়া সমস্ত কপালটি চাপিয়া ধরিবে এবং বলিবে, “মনে হইতেছে, যেন কপালটি চক্ষুর দিকে চাপিয়া আসিতেছে।”
ইহাতে নানাপ্রকার কানের শব্দ আছে, বিশেষতঃ শ্বাস লওয়ার, গিলিবার এবং চিবাইবার সময় কটকট ও পতপত্ শব্দ, শয়ন করিলে উপশম। ইহা ডান কানকেই অধিক আক্রমণ করে। নিঃশ্বাস গ্রহণকালে কানে শোঁ শোঁ শব্দ। “কানের চারিদিকে উদ্ভেদ, কানের চারিদিকে গ্রন্থিস্ফীতি এবং উদ্ভেদ।” কর্ণমূলগ্রন্থির প্রদাহ ও কঠিনতা। প্রথম প্রথম উহাকে স্ফীতি বলা হয়, কিন্তু অবশেষে উহা স্থায়ী বৃদ্ধি ও কঠিনতায় পরিণত হয়, কখন কখন উহার অর্থ খুব বড় রকম অতিবৃদ্ধি। ঘাড়ের দিকের অপর গ্রন্থিগুলিও কর্ণরোগের সহিত আক্রান্ত হয়। ঘাড়ের দিকে কানের নীচে লসিকাগ্রন্থিগুলির গাঁট গাঁট অবস্থা (ব্যারা মিউর, ‘টিউবার’)। কখন কখন নিম্ন চোয়ালের গ্রন্থিগুলি আক্রান্ত হইয়া বৰ্দ্ধিত ও কঠিন হইয়া উঠে। কখন কখন টনসিলদ্বয় বৰ্দ্ধিত ও কঠিন হইয়া উঠে। এইসকল গ্রন্থি প্রদাহিত ও স্পর্শকাতর হয়, একবার ঠান্ডা লাগিলে অথবা অকস্মাৎ আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে আর একটু বড় হইয়া উঠে। বৰ্দ্ধিত গ্রন্থিগুলির সম্বন্ধে ইহা একটি আশ্চর্য্য ঔষধ। রোগীদেহে পরীক্ষার পর, পুস্তকে ইহাকে এইসকল গ্রন্থিতে পুঁজোৎপত্তির ঔষধ বলিয়া বর্ণনা করা হইয়াছে, কিন্তু আমি আমার সারা জীবনে ইহাকে পুঁজোৎপত্তির উক্তৃষ্ট ঔষধরূপে দেখিতে পাই নাই। ইহার প্রদাহ প্রায়ই বর্ধিত রসসঞ্চয়ে পরিণত হয়। ইহাকে পুস্তকে টনসিল পাকার ঔষধ বলিয়া বর্ণনা করা হইয়াছে, কিন্তু আমি আমার দীর্ঘ অভিজ্ঞতার ফলে, ইহাকে বড় জোর টনসিল পাকার শেষ ঔষধগুলির মধ্যে একটি বলিয়া মনে করিতে পারি। হয়ত উহা ঐরূপ করিয়া থাকিবে, কিন্তু আমি কখনও উহাকে ঐরূপ করিতে দেখি নাই, সুতরাং পুস্তকে ঐ উক্তিকে যে উচ্চ মূল্য দেওয়া হইয়াছে এবং ঐভাবে চিহ্নিত করা হইয়াছে, তাহাতে আমার যথেষ্ট সন্দেহ রহিয়াছে। কিন্তু উহাতে নিশ্চয়ই ঠান্ডা লাগিলেই ক্রমশঃ বাড়িতে থাকে—এরূপ রসপ্রসেক আছে। বৰ্দ্ধিত টনসিল লাল হইয়া উঠে এবং প্রদাহিত হয়, ক্রমে ঐ তরুণ প্রদাহ ও বেদনা চলিয়া যায়, কিন্তু টনসিলদ্বয় পূৰ্ব্ববারে ঠান্ডা লাগার সময় যেরূপ ছিল তাহা হইতে আর একটু বড় হইয়া থাকে। এইভাবে টনসিলদ্বয় বর্ধিত হইতে থাকে। শিশুদিগের ক্ষেত্রে উহা প্রায়ই কাটিয়া ফেলা হয়। বিশেষ বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে উহা যে কাটিয়া ফেলার প্রয়োজন হইতে পারে একথা আমি স্বীকার করি। কিন্তু ঐরূপ ক্ষেত্রে টনসিলদ্বয় অদ্ভুতভাবে বৰ্দ্ধিত হইয়া গিলিতে ও কথা বলিতে যথেষ্ট অসুবিধার সৃষ্টি করে। দুই তিন বার আমার যথাসাধ্য ঔষধ আরোগ্য করিতে ব্যর্থ হইয়াছি, কিন্তু আমার মনে হয় ঐগুলিও আরোগ্য হওয়া উচিত ছিল। হ্যানিম্যানের অর্গানন গ্রন্থে হোমিওপ্যাথি সম্বন্ধে একটি জিনিষ শেখান হইয়াছে, যে, ঔষধটি নির্বাচনের মত সদৃশ লক্ষণ না থাকিলে, ঐ ঔষধ প্রয়োগে বড় কিছু করা চলে না। কেবলমাত্র টনসিলের বৃদ্ধি এমন একটি লক্ষণ নহে, যাহার উপরে ঔষধ নিৰ্বাচন চলিতে পারে এবং এইজন্য অনুমানের উপর নির্ভর করিয়াই বার বার ঔষধ প্রয়োগ করা হয় এবং সম্ভবতঃ উহার কোনটিই কাজে লাগে না। এইরূপ অনুমানের উপর ঔষধ নির্বাচন অত্যন্ত নিকৃষ্ট ধরণের চিকিৎসা। অথচ বর্ধিত টনসিল লইয়া অনেক শিশুই আমাদের কাছে আসে, যাহাদের ঔষধ নির্বাচনের উপযুক্ত কোন লক্ষণই পাওয়া যায় না। লক্ষণ বলিতে বৰ্দ্ধিত টনসিল অথবা পরিবর্ধিত টিসুসমূহ বুঝায় না, বুঝায় এমন কিছু যাহা দ্বারা রোগীটির প্রকৃত স্বরূপ বুঝিতে পারা যায়। আমাদের পক্ষে অত্যন্ত দুঃখের বিষয় যে, অস্ত্রচিকিৎসক আসিয়া এমন কিছু কাটিয়া ফেলিতে বাধ্য হন, যাহাদ্বারা রোগীর ধাতুগত অপকার হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা। তথাপি এমন কতকগুলি ব্যাপার আছে, যাহা আমরা করিতে বাধ্য, যদিও আমরা জানি যে, উহা দ্বারা রোগীর ধাতুগত অপকার হয়। আমাদিগকেও অস্ত্রচিকিৎসকদিগের জীবিকা অর্জনের সুবিধা করিয়া দিতে হয় এবং রোগীদিগের উপর অস্ত্রোপচার করিতে দিতে হয়, কারণ রোগীরা ত আর এক বা দুই বৎসর ধরিয়া আরোগ্যের আশায় পড়িয়া থাকিতে পারে না। অস্ত্রচিকিৎসকগণের সর্বদাই আমাদের পার্শ্বে স্থানে আছে, কিন্তু প্রথমে চিকিৎসক হিসাবে আমাদিগকে চেষ্টা করিতে হইবে।
মুখের উপর উদ্ভেদ। মুখখানি রুগ্ন, সচরাচর বেগুনি, লালবর্ণ, এবং ফুলা ফুলা অথবা রোগা ও শীর্ণ, দেখিতে বৃদ্ধের মত বিশুষ্ক। শিশুকে দেখিতে ক্ষুদ্রকায় বৃদ্ধের মত, যেমনটি ‘নেট্রাম মিউর’ ও ‘ক্যাল্কেরিয়ায় দেখা যায়। তাহার মুখের রোগ, দাঁতের রোগ বিশেষভাবে গলার রোগ, চোয়ালের নিম্নের ও ঘাড়ের গ্রন্থির স্ফীতি। আরক্ত জ্বরের পরবর্তী কানের রোগ। আরক্ত জ্বরের কর্ণমূলগ্রন্থি এবং নিম্ন চোয়ালের গ্রন্থির বৃদ্ধি ও কঠিনতা। আরক্ত জ্বর অনেক সময়েই শারীরবিধানে নানা রোগের সৃষ্টি করে, বিশেষতঃ যদি উহা ভালভাবে চিকিৎসিত না হয় অথবা যদি এলোপ্যাথ অথবা ভীরুপ্রকৃতির হোমিওপ্যাথ দ্বারা চিকিৎসত হয়। ভীরুপ্রকৃতি হোমিওপ্যাথ বলিতে এরূপ একটি লোক, যিনি নিজের দৃঢ় বিশ্বাসেরও শেষ পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা করিতে পারেন না, একটি ঔষধ দিয়া তাহার ক্রিয়া হওয়া পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা করেন না, একটির পর একটি ঔষধ দেন, ইতিমধ্যে আরক্ত জ্বর নির্দিষ্ট পথে অগ্রসর হইতে থাকে, রোগী অত্যন্ত অসুস্থ হইয়া পড়ে, শেষে তাহার কর্ণরোগ, বৰ্দ্ধিত গ্রন্থি এবং সময়ে সময়ে মূত্রপিন্ডের রোগ দেখা দেয়। যখন আরক্ত জ্বরের ফলে কর্ণরোগ এবং বর্ধিত গ্রন্থিসমূহের সৃষ্টি হয়, তখন যে কয়েকটি ঔষধ চিন্তা করিতে হয়, তাহাদের মধ্যে ব্যারাইটা কার্ব অন্যতম।
“বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের জিহ্বার পক্ষাঘাত। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের জিহ্বার দুর্বলতা। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের জিহ্বার কঠিনতা।” অকালবার্ধক্য এবং পেশীসমূহের অক্ষমতা।
এই ঔষধে সর্দিজ অবস্থা দেখা যায়। নাসিকা, গলা কণ্ঠনলী ও শ্বাসনলীতে শ্লেষ্মা সঞ্চয় হয়। যে-সকল বৃদ্ধলোকের শ্বাসনলীতে শ্লেষ্মা ঘড়ঘড় করে, ইহা তাহাদের পক্ষে বিশেষ উপযোগী। প্রত্যেকবার আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে ঠান্ডা পড়িলে, অথবা প্রত্যেকবার ঠান্ডা লাগিলে, তাহার এই ঘড়ঘড়ি আরও বাড়িয়া যায়। শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাসের সহিত ঘড়ঘড়ি। এরূপ কম ঔষধই আছে, যাহাতে বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের বুকে এরূপ মোটা ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ এত বেশী পরিমাণে দেখা যায়, সুতরাং এই কথাটি জোর দিয়া বলা হইতেছে। ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব ঐরূপ ঔষধগুলির মধ্যে একটিই। সেনেগা’, ‘এমোনিয়েকাম’ এবং ব্যারাইটা মিউরে’র সহিত ইহার তুলনা করিতে হইবে। যখন একজন অশীতিপর বৃদ্ধের বুকে সর্বক্ষণই মোটা ঘড়ঘড়ি থাকে, আর তিনি যদি গ্রীষ্মকালে বেশ ভাল থাকেন, কিন্তু সারা শীতকাল ধরিয়া এই বুকের ঘড়ঘড়িতে কষ্ট পান, আর যদি অন্য কোন বিশেষ লক্ষণ না থাকে, তাহা হইলে এমোনিয়েকাম’ তাহাকে স্বচ্ছন্দে রাখিবে।
এই ঔষধে গলক্ষতের বহু লক্ষণ আছে। “কণ্ঠদেশের ও টনসিলদ্বয়ের কৌষিক তন্তুসমূহের প্রদাহ।” এই ঔষধটি গলার সাধারণ সর্দির একটি ঔষধ। গলার মধ্যে দানাদানা মাংসাঙ্কুর জন্মে, সেইজন্য প্রত্যেকের ঠান্ডা পড়িলে অথবা ঠান্ডা লাগাইলে, দানাদানা মাংসাঙ্কুরগুলি প্রদাহিত হইয়া উঠে এবং গলকোষটি চকচকে ও বড় বড় দানায় ভর্তি দেখায়। প্রতিবার ঠান্ডা পড়িলে টনসিলদ্বয় প্রদাহিত হয় এবং শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে উহা শীঘ্রই বাড়িয়া উঠে। যে-সকল শিশুর টনসিল বর্ধিত, এবং অন্যান্য স্থানের গ্রন্থিগুলি বৰ্দ্ধিত, যাহারা বুদ্ধির দিক হইতে কিছুটা খৰ্ব্ব, লেখাপড়া শিখিতে দেরী হয়, তাহাদের বর্ধিত টনসিল ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব আরোগ্য করিবে। তুমি দেখিতেছ: যে, এগুলি সবই ধাতুগত লক্ষণ। সুতরাং এখানে তুমি কেবলমাত্র বৰ্দ্ধিত টনসিল দেখিয়াই ঔষধ নির্বাচন করিতেছ না।
“টনসিলদ্বয়ের প্রদাহ।” কিন্তু এই প্রদাহ ‘বেলেডোনায়’ যেরূপ প্রবল প্রদাহ নহে, ইহা একরাত্রেই উপস্থিত হয় নাই, ইহা দ্রুত পুঁজোৎপত্তির দিকে যাইতেছে না, কিন্তু ইহা অত্যধিক গলবেদনা, ধীরে ধীরে অনেকদিন ধরিয়া ঠান্ডা লাগার ফলে দেখা দিয়াছে এবং ইহার উৎপত্তি ধীর, বৃদ্ধি ধীর। ব্যারাইটা কাব্বের টনসিলপ্রদাহ রোগের প্রকৃতি এইরূপ, কিন্তু বেলেডোনায়’ উহা অত্যন্ত দ্রুততার সহিত উপস্থিত হয়। ‘হিপারের ক্রিয়াও দ্রুত এবং পুঁজোৎপত্তি ঘটায়। টনসিল-প্রদাহের আর একটি ঔষধ ক্যামোমিলা’ উহাতে কর্ণও আদ্রান্ত হয় এবং উত্তাপে উপশমিত হয়, কিন্তু যথেষ্ট উপযোগী হইলেও উহার ব্যবহার অল্পই হইয়া থাকে। রোগী অত্যন্ত ক্রোধপ্রবণ হইলে ইহা বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী হয়। বেদনা অত্যন্ত তীব্রভাবে উপস্থিত হয় এবং উত্তাপে উপশমপ্রাপ্ত হয়। ইহাকে ‘বেলেডোনার’ প্রদাহ বলিয়া ভুল হইতে পারে, কিন্তু ক্যামোমিলা উহাকে স্থায়ীভাবে আরোগ্য করে। “গলায় একটা গোঁজা থাকার ন্যায় অনুভূতি।” অর্থাৎ টনসিল দুইটি এত বড় হয় যে, উহাদিগকে গলায় মধ্যে দুইটি বল বা বড় ঢেলা বলিয়া মনে হয়। তাহারা স্বরের প্রকৃতি বদলাইয়া দেয় এবং কষ্ট উৎপাদন করে। “গলার মধ্যে অত্যন্ত জ্বালা। তরল পদার্থ ভিন্ন অন্য কিছু গিলিতে অক্ষমতা।” এই উত্তেজনায় গলা সৰ্ব্বদা অবরুদ্ধ বোধ হয় এবং গলার মধ্যে আক্ষেপিক সঙ্কোচন দেখা দেয়। গলার সঙ্কোচন, আকর্ষণ এবং খালধরা। ইহাতে গেলার সময় অন্ননলীতে আক্ষেপ আছে, বিশেষতঃ বৃদ্ধ, স্নায়বিক প্রকৃতি অথবা অকালে ভগ্নস্বাস্থ্য ব্যক্তিদিগের। “অন্ননলীতে আক্ষেপ, গিলিতে কষ্ট।” খাদ্যের ঢেলা কিছু দূর যায় এবং তারপর আক্ষেপ সৃষ্টি করে। তাহার গলা বন্ধ হইয়া যায় এবং শ্বাসরোধ হয়। সামান্য খাদ্যে এইরূপ গলার অবরোধ এবং শ্বাসরোধ ক্যালি কাৰ্ব্ব, গ্র্যাফাইটিস’ এবং মার্ক করে’র একটি বিশেষ লক্ষণ। ইহা ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বের একটি প্রবল লক্ষণ, কিন্তু মার্ক করে আরও প্রবল।
খাওয়ার ও পান করিবার কষ্ট এবং ক্ষুধা ও পাকস্থলীর গোলযোগ একসঙ্গে মিলিয়া থাকিতে পারে। হজমের দুর্বলতা থাকে। আহারের পর নানাপ্রকার গোলযোগ এবং অস্বচ্ছতার অনুভূতি। সময়ে সময়ে পাকাশয়শূল, সময়ে সময়ে পাকাশয়-স্ফীতি। “আহারের পর পাকস্থলীতে বেদনা করে।” আহারের পর অত্যন্ত দুর্বলতা। উদর কঠিন এবং টানটান। “মধ্যান্ত্রক গ্রন্থিগুলি স্ফীত ও কঠিন; পেটটি বড়, পেটের পেশীগুলি স্পর্শকাতর।” মধ্যান্ত্রিক ক্ষয়রোগের প্রথম অবস্থায় ঐ রোগ ইহা দ্বারা আরোগ্য হইয়াছে। ইহা দ্বারা শিশুদের স্কুলোদরতা আরোগ্য হইয়াছে, তখন হাত-পায়ের শীর্ণতা, সর্বাঙ্গের শীর্ণতা, গাঁট গাঁট বর্ধিত গ্রন্থি এবং বুদ্ধিবৃত্তির খর্বতা লক্ষণ ছিল।
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্বে বদ্ধমূল কোষ্ঠবদ্ধতা আছে। “কষ্টদায়ক গ্রন্থিল মল। মল কঠিন এবং অপ্রচুর।” সরলান্ত্রের ক্রিয়ার অভাব। মল ও মূত্রত্যাগকালে অর্শবলি বাহির হইয়া আসে।
পুরুষের জননেন্দ্রিয় সম্বন্ধে কতকগুলি অদ্ভুত লক্ষণ আছে। এই ঔষধ সমুদয় সঙ্গমপ্রবৃত্তি এবং ক্ষমতা হরণ করে, জননেন্দ্রিয়কে শিথিল করে এবং ধ্বজভঙ্গ অবস্থার সৃষ্টি করে। লিঙ্গ শিথিল, ধ্বজভঙ্গ সঙ্গমপ্রবৃত্তির হ্রাস। প্রষ্টেট গ্রন্থিদ্বয়ের অতিবৃদ্ধি। অন্ডদ্বয়ের শুষ্কতা।” ইহা মূত্রনালীর পুরাতন লালামেহ আরোগ্য করে। বহুদিনস্থায়ী পুরাতন যন্ত্রণাহীন সাদাটে লালামেহস্রাব, যাহা বহুদিন হইতে চলিয়া আসিতেছে। উহা দুর্গন্ধস্রাব এবং উহাতে কোন প্রদাহ থাকে না। “জননেন্দ্রিয়ের অসাড়তা।”
স্ত্রীলোকদিগের অনেক রোগ আছে। বন্ধ্যাত্ব। ডিম্বকোষের ক্ষীণতা, স্তন গ্রন্থিসমূহের ক্ষীণতা, কিন্তু লসিকা গ্রন্থিগুলি বর্ধিত এবং রসসঞ্চয়যুক্ত নয়। অসাড়ে প্রদরস্রাব, সাদাটে, ঘন, অবিরত, সচরাচর প্রচুর, উহা ঋতুকালের প্রায় এক সপ্তাহ পূৰ্বে আরম্ভ হয়।
ইহা বিশেষ প্রকার ধাতুগত দুৰ্বলতার সহিত কণ্ঠনলীকে আক্রমণ করে; একপ্রকার পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা। সম্পূর্ণ স্বরনাশ হয় অথবা “স্বরভঙ্গ ও কর্কশ স্বর।” মৃদু চাপা স্বর। ধাতুগত্ দুৰ্বলতা এবং পক্ষাঘাত হইতে স্বরনাশ। সৰ্ব্বদা স্বরনলীতে অনুভূতি, যেন ধোঁয়া বা পিচ, গন্ধকের ধোঁয়া বা ধূলার ঘ্রাণ লইতেছে। স্বরভঙ্গের সহিত পুরাতন, শুষ্ক, কর্কশ, কুকুর ডাকের ন্যায় শব্দ বিশিষ্ট কাশি থাকে, তত কঠিন নহে, কিন্তু উহা প্রতি রাতেই দেখা দেয়। বৃদ্ধ ব্যক্তিদের শ্বাসরোধকর কাশি। বলা হয় যেন “ফুসফুসের পক্ষাঘাত আসন্ন হইয়া পড়িয়াছে।” ইহা ঔষধটির সাধারণ প্রকৃতির সহিত বেশ মিলিয়া যায়। বক্ষ শ্লেষ্মায় পূর্ণ, কিন্তু সে উহা তুলিয়া ফেলিতে পারে না। কাশির সময় যে চেষ্টা করা হয়, তুমি দেখিবে যে, তাহাতে কোন স্থানে দুৰ্ব্বলতা আছে, শক্তির অভাব আছে। উহা প্রবল চেষ্টা নয়। রাত্রিকালীন কাশির সহিত হাঁপানির ন্যায় শ্বাসক্রিয়া।” কণ্ঠনালীতে ও গলনলীতে উপদাহ হইতে উদ্ৰিক্ত কাশি। ব্যারাইটী কাৰ্বে আর এক প্রকার কাশি আছে, উহাতে রোগী ক্রমাগত কাশিতে থাকে এবং যতক্ষণ না সে উপুড় হইয়া শোয়, ততক্ষণ পর্যন্ত কোন উপশম পায় না; যতক্ষণ উপুড় হইয়া শুইয়া থাকে, ততক্ষণ সে কাশি মুক্ত থাকে। বাম পার্শ্বে শুইলে বা হৃৎস্পন্দনের কথা ভাবিলে, সামান্য পরিশ্রমেই হৃৎস্পন্দন আরম্ভ হয়, তৎসহ উদ্বেগ ও রক্তোচ্ছ্বাস থাকে এবং মাথায় প্রবল দপদপানি এবং দ্রুত নাড়ী দেখিতে পাওয়া যায়। হরিৎপান্ডুরোগগ্ৰস্তা বালিকাদের হৃৎস্পন্দন।
“পৃষ্ঠের পেশীগুলিতে টানভাব। ঘাড়ের পশ্চাদ্দিকের গ্রন্থিগুলির স্ফীতি।” গ্রীবা গ্রন্থিগুলির স্ফীতি। পৃষ্ঠের উপর মেদময় অর্বুদ। একটি রোগী অনেকবার বলিয়াছিলেন—“ডাক্তার, আপনি কি আমার পৃষ্ঠের মেদময় অর্বুদ সারাইয়া দিতে ইচ্ছা করিয়াছিলেন?” কিন্তু সংসারে আকস্মিক ঘটনা ঘটে; আমি জানিতাম না যে, তাহার একটি অর্বুদ ছিল। হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসাকালে এইভাবেই ব্যাপারগুলি উপস্থিত হয়। চিকিৎসক অৰ্ব্বুদটির জন্য ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করেন নাই, কিন্তু সুযোগটি ছিল। তিনি ব্যবস্থাপত্রে অর্ব্বদটির সম্বন্ধে কিছুই চিন্তা করেন নাই, কিন্তু ধাতুদোষ সংশোধক ঔষধটি দিয়াছিলেন এবং কিছুদিন পরে অর্বুদটিও অদৃশ্য হইয়াছিল। তখন রোগীর মনে হয় যে ডাক্তার একটা আশ্চৰ্য্য কাৰ্য্য করিলেন। তিনি রোগীকে আরোগ্য করিয়া যে যশ এবং সুখ্যাতি পাইলেন, ঐ অর্বুদটি আরোগ্য করিয়া তাহা অপেক্ষা বেশী যশ ও সুখ্যাতি পাইলেন। যে ডাক্তার ঠিকমত ঔষধ ব্যবস্থা করেন, তিনি সমগ্র জীবনীশক্তিকে সুভাবে ফিরাইয়া আনেন। তিনি রোগীকে আরোগ্য করেন এবং রোগী প্রতিষ্ঠিত হইলে, তাহার শরীরও পুষ্ট হইতে থাকে, টিসুগুলি বাড়ী মেরামতের ন্যায় মেরামত হইতে থাকে, এবং অকেজো জিনিষগুলি পরিত্যক্ত হয়; তখন লোকে ভাবে যে, চিকিৎসক, একটা আশ্চর্য্য কিছু করিলেন। এইভাবে এই ঔষধটি অর্বুদ ও আঁচিল আরোগ্য করে। অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গের উপর আঁচিল, পিঠের উপর, হাতের উপর আঁচিল।
ইহার বেদনা গেঁটেবাত ও বাতপ্রকৃতির; ঠান্ডা লাগিলে বাড়ে, ঠান্ডা আবহাওয়ায় বাড়ে। পদদ্বয় পক্ষাঘাতিক দুর্বলতা; কম্পন ও অসাড়তা। দুর্গন্ধ পদ-ঘৰ্ম্ম, উহাতে পদতল ক্ষয়িয়া যায়, পায়ের পাতায় ক্ষত, অবরুদ্ধ পদ-ঘর্ম। দাড়াইলে পায়ের পাতা কাঁপিতে থাকে, চলিতে গেলে টলমল করে। নিম্নাঙ্গে ছিন্নকর, আকর্ষণবৎ বেদনা। হাঁটুতে হঠাৎ তীব্র বেদনা।
অপর নাম – কার্বনেট অফ ব্যারাইটা [(Carbonate of Baryta) (BaCo2)]
ঔষধার্থে ব্যারাইটার বিচূর্ণ প্রস্তুত হয়।
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্বের — মূলকথা
১। মানসিক ও শারীরিক দুর্বলতা, এই দুৰ্বলতা প্রধানতঃ জীবনের দুই প্রান্ত সীমায় (বাল্য ও বার্দ্ধক্যে) পরিলক্ষিত হয়। শিশু বাড়ে না; শিশুর প্রায়ই জড়তা, ক্ষীণতা ও অত্যধিক দুৰ্বলতা থাকে। বৃদ্ধদের শিশুর মত আচরণ ও চিন্তা, ফলে কাজ করবার ক্ষমতা হীনতা, চিন্তাশক্তিশূন্য ও স্মৃতিশক্তির বিলোপ।
২। ঠাণ্ডা লাগলেই টনসিল প্রদাহিত হয়, ফোলে ও পুঁজ হয়। পরিশেষে উহা পুরাতন বিবৃদ্ধিতে (hypertrophy) পরিণত হয়ে থাকে। গ্রন্থিগুলির স্ফীততা, উহাতে কোনও তরল পদার্থের প্রবেশ বা রস প্রসেস হয় ও উহার বিবৃদ্ধি, গ্রীবাগ্রন্থি, কর্ণমূল গ্রন্থি (parotids), সাবম্যাক্সিলারী গ্রন্থি (submaxiliary), কুঁচকি ও পেটের ভিতরে গ্রন্থিগুলি (lymphatic glands) বর্ধিত হয় ও কখনও কখনও পুঁজোৎপত্তি হয়।
৪। পায়ের পাতায় দুর্গন্ধ ঘাম, ওতে পায়ের আঙ্গুল ও পায়ের তলায় ঘা হয়; পায়ের ঘাম অবরুদ্ধ হয়ে গলায় রোগের উৎপত্তি।
৫। ঠাণ্ডা একেবারেই সহ্য হয় না।
ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব – একটি আলোচনা
১। ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব তথাকথিত গণ্ডমাল দোষনাশক (antisercrofulous) ঔষধগুলির মধ্যে একটি প্রধান ঔষধ। আমি (ডাঃ ন্যাশ) সালফার বিষয়ে গণ্ডমালা (scrofula) লিখবার সময় যা বলেছি, তা একবার দেখে নিতে হবে। ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব ও একটি ঔষধ, যার প্রধান লক্ষণ ক্যালকেরিয়া অষ্টের মত রোগীর ধাতু প্রকৃতিতেই থাকে।
বেঁটে শিশুদের রোগ, মন ও দেহদুৰ্বল, বাড়ে না, গ্রন্থিবৃদ্ধির প্রবণতা, মন ও দেহের উভয়েরই অসম্পূর্ণ পরিপুষ্টি। মনের দুর্বলতার ফলে জড়বুদ্ধি দেখা দিতে পারে। তারপর ঔষধটি আবার সমভাবে উপযোগী হয় শারীরিক ও মানসিক • দুৰ্বলতাযুক্ত বার্ধক্যে। রোগী দুৰ্বল ও কম্পমান, শিশুভাবাপন্ন নির্বোধ আচরণ। ইহা বিশেষভাবে উপযোগী হয় বৃদ্ধদের সন্ন্যাসরোগে বা উহার প্রবণতায়। এইসব রোগীর স্মৃতি বিলোপে ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব, এনাকার্ডিয়ামেব সমকক্ষ। এখন বাস্তবিক যদি এই সকল সত্য হয়, তবে জীবনের উভয়প্রান্তেই অর্থাৎ বাল্যকালে ও বার্ধক্যে ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব একটি পরমোপকারী ঔষধ। শিশুর বা বৃদ্ধের পুঁয়ে পাওয়া বা ম্যারাসমাস রোগেও এটি ব্যবহৃত হয়। এই রোগে সাইলিসিয়া, এব্রোটেনাম, নেট্রাম মিউরিয়েটিকাম, সালফার, ক্যালকেরিয়া ও আয়োডিন প্রযুক্ত হয়ে থাকে। এইসব ঔষধগুলিতে পেটের দিক অতিশয় বড় হয় এবং শরীরের অবশিষ্টাংশ শীর্ণ। তাছাড়া এগুলির প্রত্যেকটিতেই শিশুর রাক্ষুসে ক্ষুধা থাকে, সে পৰ্য্যাপ্ত পরিমাণে আহার করে অথচ তার শরীর শুকনো হয়ে যায়; সমীকরণ ক্রিয়া বা অ্যাসিমিলেশান (assimilation) ক্রিয়ার অসম্ভাব হেতু এরূপ ঘটে।
সাইলিসিয়া ও ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব কোন কোন বিষয়ে প্রবল সাদৃশ্য আছে। পায়ের দুর্গন্ধ ঘৰ্ম্ম, শরীরের অনুপাতে মাথা বড়, আর্দ্রকালে অসুখের উৎপত্তি ও মাথায় ঠাণ্ডার অতিরিক্ত অনুভূতি বা মাথায় ঠাণ্ডা সহ্য না করতে পারা -এই তিনটি লক্ষণ দু’টি ঔষধেই আছে। কিন্তু সাইলিসিয়া ক্যালকেরিয়া অষ্টের ন্যায় মাথায় প্রভূত ঘৰ্ম্ম জন্মে, ব্যারাইটায় মাথায় ঘাম থাকে না এবং সাইলিসিয়ায় ব্যারাইটার মত মনের দুর্বলতাও থাকে না, বরং বালকের স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা ও বিরুদ্ধচারিতা বা একগুঁয়েমি থাকে।
ব্যারাইটার সঙ্গে উল্লিখিত ঔষধগুলি ছাড়া অন্যান্য ঔষধের সাদৃশ্য এত বেশী যে, আমরা এখানে তাদের তুলনা করার চেষ্টা করলাম না; বরং এখানে ব্যারাইটার অন্যান্য বিশেষ ব্যবহারগুলি উল্লেখ করলাম।
২। গ্রন্থিমণ্ডলে ব্যারাইটার সাধারণ ক্রিয়া ও টনসিলে বিশেষ ক্রিয়া দর্শে। অল্পমাত্র সর্দি লাগলেই টনসিলের অতিশয় প্রদাহ, স্ফীততা ও পুঁজ জন্মে। সুতরাং পুরাতন টনসিল প্রদাহের রোগীদের পক্ষে এই ঔষধটি অত্যন্ত ফলপ্রদ। টনসিল আক্রমণে একমাত্রা এই ঔষধ ব্যবহারেই অনেক সময় প্রথম আক্রমণের উপক্রমেই উহা নিবারিত হয়ে যায় এবং দীর্ঘকাল পরে উচ্চক্রমে উহা ব্যবহার করলে উহার প্রবণতাও দূর হয়।
কিন্তু ল্যাকেসিস, লাইকোপোডিয়াম, ফাইটোলাক্কা ও অন্যান্য ঔষধের ন্যায় ইহাও সমস্ত লক্ষণানুসারেই নির্বাচিত হওয়া আবশ্যক। বাস্তবিক ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব যেমন টনসিল প্রদাহের তরুণ আক্রমণ নিবারণ করে, তেমনি উহা রোগীর ধাতুগত প্রবণতাও সংশোধন করতে পারে।
এর দ্বারা আমরা বৰ্দ্ধিত টনসিলযুক্ত শিশুদের পুরাতন কাশি আরোগ্য হওয়ার কথা বিভিন্ন পত্র পত্রিকায় পড়ি। এইক্ষেত্রে কাশির আরোগ্যপ্রাপ্তি স্পষ্টত নির্ভর করে সেই শক্তির উপর, যা পরীক্ষাকালে টনসিলের বৃদ্ধি উৎপন্ন করেছিল; কারণ এছাড়া অন্যক্ষেত্রে আমি একে কাশিতে উপযোগী ঔষধ হিসেবে কাজ করতে দেখিনি।
পায়ের পাতায় ঘৰ্ম্ম অবরুদ্ধ হওয়ার ফলে তরুণ বা পুরাতন যে কোনপ্রকার টনসিলাইটিসে ব্যারাইটা কাৰ্ব্ব ব্যবস্থয়ে, সাইলিসিয়া নহে। যদিও পায়ের ঘাম বিলুপ্তিজনিত অধিকাংশ রোগেই অন্যান্য ঔষধাপেক্ষা সাইলিসিয়াই বেশী প্রযুক্ত হয়, তথাপি গমধ্যের সহিত ব্যারাইটার যেরূপ ঘনিষ্ট সম্পর্ক সাইলিসিয়ায় সেরূপ নহে।
আমরা এখানেই ব্যারাইটার প্রসঙ্গ শেষ করব। কারণ যদিও ইহা একটি মহামূল্যবান ঔষধ, কিন্তু ইহার ক্রিয়াক্ষেত্র বিস্তৃত নয়। তবে এর সঙ্কীর্ণ অধিকারের মধ্যে ইহা বড়ই ফলপ্রদ ও নিশ্চিত ক্রিয়া দান করে।
+ Barium Carbonate, Ba Co 3
In 1824 Stapf published in his Archives, vol. ii No. 3, p. 183, the Baryta acetica, proved by himself and his friends Gross, Hartman, Hartlaub, Sen., Adams, and Ruckert, Sen. There were two hundred and fifty-four symptoms, and some additional observations and collections of Hahnemann on Baryta muriatica. Very few cures have since been published, notwithstanding the masterly analysis of Stapf in his preface.
In 1828, in the first edition of “Chronic Diseases”, vol. ii, p. 32, appeared proving of Baryta carbonica, the symptoms numbering one hundred and eight, which were united with the former of acetica, making in all two hundred and eighty-six. In the second edition in 1835, with the addition of the second proving of Hartlaub and the numerous provings made on a house full of girls, by Nenning and one proving of Rummel, the number of symptoms increased to six hundred and eighteen. Neither Gross nor Ruckert made a proving of the carbonica, the symptoms got in by mistake of those who made the arrangement; also Dr. Neumann’s valuable observations, which were made after prescribing large doses of Baryta muriatica for two school boys, and corroborated by repetition. They found their way even into Jahr’s manuals, and all the repertories, from where they have to be stricken.
As we have to deal here principally with the cured symptoms, and only very few with Baryta acetica have been mentioned, Hahnemann’s example is followed, and both acetica and carbonica united, the former marked-.
This united collection will show that great as the difference is from muriatica there is hardly any between the two others, and certainly none in the symptoms cured.
Want of clear consciousness. Old age.
Feels stupefied; as if benumbed; brain seems to move to and fro as if loose, when moving body.
Weak memory.
Memory deficient; child cannot be taught, for it cannot remember; is inattentive.
Forgets what was just said, just done, or what he was going to do or get.
Forgetful; in middle of a speech the most familiar words fail him.
As if absent; absentmindedness. Apoplexy.
Has no clear perception. Apoplexy.
Great mental and bodily weakness; childishness. Old people.
Imagines he walks on his knees.
Walking in street she imagines men are laughing at her, criticizing to disadvantage; this makes her so timid that she dare not look up or at anybody, and she perspires over whole body.
Delirium, with frightful figures and images before eyes.
Talkative mania; agg. during catamenia; yellow complexion; white- coated tongue, with red edges, little ulcers on tongue; nausea without being able to vomit; fine skin becoming easily denuded.
Young girls.
Mania; talks much and confusedly; wants to go out of house.
During pregnancy.
Inclined to make fruitless exertions of memory; tries to recollect past events.
Groaning and murmuring. Old age.
Childish and thoughtless behavior. Old people. Apoplexy.
Averse to strangers and company.
Laziness, averse to bodily or mental labor.
Child does not want to play, but sits in corner doing nothing.
Weeping mood.
Sadness, dejection of spirits; grief over trifles.
Hopelessness; distrust.
Anxious about most trivial affairs.
She is suddenly overwhelmed with an evil apprehension; she imagines, for instance, that a beloved friend has suddenly fallen sick and is dying.
Solicitude: about his future; about domestic affairs.
A peculiar dread of men.
Fearful, easily startled.
Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape.
Irresolute, constantly changing his mind.
The highest degree of irresoluteness; she proposes a little journey, but as soon as she makes preparation she changes her mind; she wavers between opposite resolutions; all self- confidence has disappeared; great timidity and cowardice.
Loss of self-confidence; desponding; pusillanimous.
Whining mood.
Sudden ebullitions of anger, but coupled with cowardice.
Very easily frightened; a little noise in street seems to her like cries of fire; it frightened her so that all her limbs trembled.
Dull pain in bumps of firmness and concentrativeness, with corresponding symptoms of mind.
Thinking of one’s complaints makes them agg.
Worse in company; amel. when alone.
Oversensitiveness of all the senses.
At night, in bed, everything rocks within him, as in a ship.
When she raises herself it seems as if her head would be turned inside out.
Sensation as if brain was loose; seems to move to and fro on motion of body; feels stupefied, as if benumbed.
He has not his full consciousness; is childish and stupid.
Vertigo: with nausea; from stooping; when lifting arms up; old people.
Inner Head
Headache in evening; every noise, especially male voices affect brain painfully.
Headache just above eyes.
Pressure on forehead and over eyes; after Bismuth failed.
Pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput, on waking, with stiffness of neck.
Pressive sticking in vertex, which extends through whole head, whenever he stands in sun.
Pricking headache near warm stove.
Headache, as if head were compressed in a vise.
Pressive pain, as if skull would split.
Headache oppressive, close above eyes and root of nose.
Distending pain in head and nose.
Pulsation in temples.
Headache agg. in open air.
Pain in head, with heat of skin. Quinsy.
The pain from head extends to nape of neck.
Headache, tension in occiput, towards nape of neck.
Heaviness in occiput, with drowsiness and rheumatic pains.
Rush of blood to head; blood seems as if it could not circulate.
Apoplexy; with old people.
Headache of aged people, who are childish; sensorium not clear; loss of speech; trembling of limbs, of drunkards.
Apoplexia serosa.
Stitches in sides of head, after dinner; in head, in a warm room; pressure in vertex walking in sun.
Headache in persons who are mentally and physically dwarfish.
Outer Head
Hairy scalp, and especially temples and forehead, feel as if something was very lightly drawn over parts, with a sensation of coldness in face.
Numbness in skin of forehead to root of nose.
Right side of head feels burning hot, but is really cold to touch.
Head sensitive to cold; disposed to catch cold when washing head.
The scalp is very sensitive to touch, especially on side on which he lies, with sensation of suggillation, agg. from scratching.
Crawling over scalp, as from ants, in spots.
Very disagreeable formication and pricking under skin of head and face.
Crusta lactea, dry scurf; moist crusts ; itching; burning; causes hair to fall out; cervical glands hard, swollen.
Dry or humid scurf on head.
From whole head a copious discharge, with swelling of cervical glands; girl, age 11. Tinea capitis.
Dry tinea, after scarlatina.
Eruptions on head.
Impetigo larvalis.
Encysted tumors on scalp.
Sensation as if hair stood on end, with chilliness.
Falling off of hair; baldness, especially on crown.
Baldness with young people.
Sight and Eyes
Light dazzles and hurts eyes; fiery sparks before eyes in dark.
Better in the dark: sensitiveness of head.
Optical illusions, generally in bright colors.
Double vision.
Cannot bear to look at one object for any length of time.
Sees everything as in a fog when closing eyes and pressing balls.
Weakness of eyes; agg. evening in candlelight: during day a cloud before left eye; by candlelight a glimmer.
Sensation of a gauze before eyes in morning after a meal.
Flying webs and black spots before eyes.
Dim sighted, cannot read.
Weakness of sight with old age.
Morbus Basedowii.
Burning and pressing in eyes, if he looks attentively at anything.
Pressure deep in eyes; agg. looking fixedly, or upward and sideways; amel. looking downward.
Quick succession of dilatation and contraction of pupils; pupil irregular.
Immovable pupils. Apoplexy. Old age.
Opaque cornea; inflammation of eyes, with sensation of dryness; shuns light.
Ulceration of cornea. Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Eyes look sleepy all day.
Eyes dull, somewhat reddened. Old age. Apoplexy.
Redness in white of eye and a white pimple near cornea.
Inflammation of eyes, with sensation of dryness.
Redness of conjunctiva, with swollen lids.
Subacute ophthalmia, with feeling of sand in eyes.
Scrofulous inflammation, with phlyctenulae and ulcers on cornea; glands swollen.
Eyeballs and lids inflamed, with photophobia.
Lids agglutinated.
Itching in eyes.
Styes in inner corner of left eye.
Tarsal tumors.
Weight over eyes. Typhus.
Hearing and Ears
Buzzing and ringing in ears.
Sounds in ear, echoes, cracklings, reports, reverberations.
Roaring in right ear like the sea, at each inspiration.
Cracking in ear when sneezing, swallowing, or walking fast.
Difficult hearing.
Drawing pain in ears; a kind of twinging earache.
Violent throbbing in left ear. Toothache.
Tearing, with boring and drawing in bones in front of right ear.
Itching in ears.
Eruption on and behind ears.
Scrofulous ear diseases.
Knotty swellings behind ears.
Small flat tubercles behind ears.
Glandular swelling and eruption behind ear.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Scabs behind ears.
Eruption on lobes.
Parotitis after scarlatina.
Smell and Nose
Smell extremely sensitive.
She smells pine smoke. After pneumonia.
Frequent nosebleed, especially with scrofulous, florid people.
Nosebleed before catamenia.
Tormenting dryness in nose.
Sneezing causing concussive pain in brain.
Fluent coryza.
Secretion of thick, yellow mucus from nose.
Blood and mucus are blown from nose.
Coryza agg. mornings; nose and upper lip swollen, nostrils reddened, sore, crusty; secretion of an unpleasant odor; (like Calcar. and Graphit.).
Coryza: nose and upper lip swollen; children with large abdomen.
Catarrh affecting posterior nares, especially if patient be troubled with frequent epistaxis.
Formation of scabs in posterior nares and behind base of uvula.
Complaints on external nose.
Inflammation of edges.
Tip and edges of nose are painful; pimples on alae nasi.
Scurfs under nose.
Upper Face
Tension as from a cobweb over face, temples and scalp.
Sense of tension of whole face, as if white of egg had dried on it, with loathing and diarrhoea.
Cadaverous pallor.
Pale face; drawn features; eyebrows rather drooping.
Pale, puffy face.
Emaciation, with bloated face; swelled abdomen.
Sensation as if face were swollen.
Left cheek swollen, also behind ear, with pain in temple.
Redness of face. Quinsy.
Dark redness of face, with congestion.
Circumscribed dark redness of cheeks. Apoplexy. Old age.
Face red in evening.
Face very red; lips purple.
Inflammatory prosopalgia.
Rough, dry place on right cheek.
Herpes faciei.
Eruptions on face.
Lower Face
After eating so tired she cannot raise the hands; too weak to masticate.
Pain in articulation when closing jaw. Sore throat.
Jaw could not be depressed sufficiently to examine throat.
Mouth drawn to one side. Apoplexy.
Tension in lower jaw extends as far as os hyoides.
Lips dark red.
Swelling of upper lip, with burning pain; coryza.
Lips and gums dry, not relieved by drinking.
Painful swelling of submaxillary glands, with induration. After scarlatina.
Teeth and Gums
Involuntary chattering of teeth.
Drawing, jerking, throbbing toothache; right teeth feel tense.
Single jerks in teeth.
Crumbling in a decayed tooth during day.
Toothache: agg. thinking about it; disappearing when mind is diverted.
Burning stitches in a hollow tooth when touched by warm food; left side.
Burning stitches in carious teeth if touched by something warm.
Toothache in decayed teeth before menses.
Toothache, with great disposition to take cold.
Pain in carious teeth always after taking cold, with a pale swelling of gums, swollen cheek, pain extending to nose, eyes and temple; violent throbbing in ears; agg. at night.
Gums swollen around a hollow tooth.
Gums bleed, are swollen, pale red, with a dark red border.
Gums hurt when touched.
Fistula dentalis; abscesses at the roots.
Taste and Tongue
Taste: delicate; bitter; detestable; styptic.
Utterance imperfect.
Paralysis of tongue. Old people.
Speechless; tongue paralyzed. Apoplexy.
Tongue paralyzed, cannot talk, but seems to be conscious.
Dryness of tongue early in morning, with sensation of swelling of throat.
Cold tongue, somewhat black.
Tongue coated, as if fuzzy.
Hardness on middle of tongue, burning when touched; burning sense of excoriation at tip; fissure on left border, feeling excoriated.
Acuminated vesicles on middle of tongue.
Tongue cracked, feels very sore.
Vesicles on middle, tip, or under tongue.
Burning blisters on tip of tongue of long duration.
Pain on side of tongue, as from blisters.
Inner Mouth
The buccal cavity feels numb.
Dryness of mouth early after rising.
Hawking mucus; water runs from mouth all day; sleeps but an hour, then lies awake until an hour before morning. Hypochondriasis.
Much troubled with tough phlegm; mouth becomes dry, with a kind of thirst.
Saliva runs out of mouth while asleep, at daybreak.
Profuse salivation. Quinsy.
Salivation; inability to swallow; suffocation; throat suppurating; fever. Angina tonsillaris.
Intolerable stench from mouth, unnoticed by himself.
Whole mouth filled with vesicles, especially inside of cheeks.
Scabs behind uvula and posterior nares.
Sensation in pharynx as if a fine leaf lay before posterior nares; morning, after waking.
Morning: viscid phlegm in fauces. Tonsillitis.
Inflammation of cellular membranes of fauces and tonsils, with fever; difficult swallowing and speaking. Quinsy.
Throat is pale instead of having bright redness of Bell; submaxillary parotid glands are swollen and tender; breath is putrid; child scrofulous and dwarfish. Scarlatina. Diphtheritis.
Stitches in right tonsil.
Inflamed and enlarged tonsils.
Tonsils inflamed, with smallpox or scarlatina, especially if Mercur. and Bell. prove insufficient.
Acute tonsillitis.
Suppurating tonsils.
Sore throat and swollen tonsils, with ptyalism; gave speedy relief when symptoms went from right to left.
Angina tonsillaris.
Swelling of parotids, tonsils and submaxillary glands, with much saliva. Disease in throat. Skin diseases.
Liability to tonsillitis; after every slight cold, or suppressed foot sweat.
Disposition to acute tonsillitis, with suppuration.
Chronic angina, with great disposition to return.
Chronic induration of tonsils; sensation as of a plug in throat; agg. after swallowing solids.
Tonsils tend to suppurate, especially right; palate swollen; dark brown urine; sleeplessness.
Tonsils both hypertrophic and indurated, livid and full of varicose veins.
Angina after taking cold, even phlegmonous.
Worse when swallowing food or saliva.
On swallowing, sensation as if food had to force itself over a sore spot.
Sensation in oesophagus as if a morsel of food had lodged there.
Smarting in throat when swallowing; agg. from empty swallowing; throat sore to touch.
Stinging when swallowing saliva and during empty deglutition.
Pressing, stinging pain on swallowing; Skin disease.
Attacks of choking in throat after dinner, when sitting and writing, with a sensation as if thyroid was pressed in; impeding breathing.
Unable to swallow; liquids taken in mouth were ejected through nostrils. Quinsy.
Inability to swallow anything but liquids. Spasmodic stricture of oesophagus.
Constant difficulty in swallowing; agg. after much talking.
Oesophageal spasm, in old people; can only swallow liquids.
Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions
Hungry, but cannot eat; or feels as though she needed food, but did not want it.
Generally loss of appetite.
Aversion to: fruit, especially plums; sweets.
Sudden disgust for food while at meals.
Constant thirst. Quinsy.
Thirst, with dryness of mouth, not relieved by drink.
Thirst, particularly during chill.
Eating and Drinking
Is hungry and cannot eat, is sleepy and cannot sleep.
Too weak to chew, too lazy to eat.
After eating so tired that she cannot raise hands; she is too weak to masticate.
While eating: sudden nausea; painful writhing while food descends, as if it was passing sore places.
Sweat increased while eating.
Weakness in stomach disappears.
Pressure like a stone in stomach after eating bread: repletion after a little food.
Worse after meals, particularly after a satisfying meal.
Stomach aches also after eating.
Weakness of digestion after eating, pressing in stomach; and pain in hard, swollen abdomen.
After meals: indolence; heat and uneasiness; faintishness; belching; urging to stool; pressure on bladder; anxiety in lumbar region; pain in hard, swollen abdomen.
Cough from eating warm food.
Better from cold diet.
Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting
Sudden nausea while at meals.
Long-lasting nausea.
Nausea, palpitation and anxiety in early morning.
Morning sickness and vomiting.
Eructations after meals.
Eructations: as if air was forcing its way through stomach, causing a feeling of soreness.
Sour eructations.
Eructations; a lump moving up and down.
Water brash.
Water suddenly runs together in mouth.
Nausea followed by sudden and very copious vomiting of bile and a brownish substance (consisting no doubt of chocolate taken that morning), after ten hours.
Vomiting almost regularly every hour for twenty-four hours.
Severe attacks of very copious vomiting.
Vomiting fluid, water and chalk, followed by prostration.
Scrobiculum and Stomach
Sensitiveness of pit of stomach; on stepping hard, he feels every step painfully in it.
Stomach aches when touching epigastrium.
Sensation of soreness in stomach; even when at rest.
Stomach painful when fasting and after eating.
Pressing in stomach, also after eating.
Pressure as from a stone; amel. from eructations.
Cramp in stomach, spreading up into throat, followed by eructations which relieve. Cardialgia.
Sensation of soreness of stomach; while eating, it feels as if food had to force itself through.
Pain in stomach as if it were too full and tense.
Sense of tension and heaviness in pit of stomach; as from flatulence and palpitation.
Marked hardness in region of stomach.
It seems as if stomach were hanging relaxed.
Dyspepsia with soreness in stomach.
Softening of stomach in scrofulosis.
Aching at a small spot in right hypochondria when drawing a deep breath, or from pressure.
Sensation as of a ball in liver.
Swollen feeling and coldness in region of liver.
Feeling of soreness around belly, commencing in back.
Pains in abdomen, about and below navel, which extends downward into thigh, with violent pain on left side, extending forward from point of hip; pain in region of right groin; after three days.
On turning in bed, it seems as if intestines fell from one side to the other.
Rumbling in bowels; borborygmus.
Throbbing here and there in abdomen.
Abdomen hard, tense. Scrofulous children.
Mesenteric glands could be felt swollen and hard, with a big belly; abdominal muscles sore to touch.
Tabes mesenterica.
Distension and fullness above pubes, as if parts would burst, when lying on back.
Abdomen sensitive to touch.
Pain in hard, swollen abdomen.
Weakness of digestion after eating; pressing in stomach.
Tension and sensitiveness of abdominal walls.
Stool and Rectum
Ineffectual urging to stool.
Sudden irresistible urging to stool, with painful soreness in lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhoeic stools.
Frequent small stools, with feeling of great relief.
Diarrhoea: with pains in small of back; at night, with hemorrhoidal pains; towards morning, preceded by pain in abdomen; later in day suddenly yellow stool, with mucus and blood.
Involuntary stools.
Semi liquid stool after two hours, followed by constipation.
Stool hard and insufficient.
Difficult, knotty stool.
Scanty, hard or lumpy stool, expelled with difficulty.
Constipation. Cardialgia. Old age.
Frequent passage of blood, with distended abdomen.
Light-colored stools, sometimes mixed with blood.
Before stool: colic.
During stool: burning in anus and rectum.
After stool: burning in anus; moisture exuding from piles; eructations.
Passage of round worms.
Small pain-worms pass with the stool; in an adult.
Crawling in rectum. Ascarides.
Inflammation of subcutaneous cellular tissue on left side of anus, extending 2, 3 inches over left buttock and forward along perineum, having a softening, surrounded by a hard, burning, tender and painful area.
Burning and soreness around anus, as if excoriated.
Anus sore and humid.
Hemorrhoids protrude, not only with stools, but also with urination.
Hemorrhoidal affections.
Urinary Organs
Irritation of bladder, greatest at night when in bed.
Great desire to urinate; cannot retain urine.
Constant urging, and frequent emissions of urine; every other day.
Urging to make water, and frequent urination.
Frequent micturition. Old age.
Urine frequent and copious.
Makes water frequently; no stool. Apoplexy.
When appetite improved and thirst lessened, urinary secretions became very considerable.
Passes much urine at night.
Clear and abundant urine.
Urine clear on passing, soon becomes cloudy.
Dark brown urine. Tonsillitis.
On urinating, burning in urethra.
Before urination: urgent desire to urinate.
During urination: burning in urethra.
After urination: renewed staining, with dribbling of urine.
Urine scanty.
Almost complete incontinence of urine and feces.
Male Sexual Organs
Diminished sexual desire and ability.
Relaxed penis and premature emission.
Emission in an old man, followed by feeling of dryness in whole body.
Excessive nightly emissions.
Emission in a man, age 30, who never had the like.
Insufficient discharge of semen.
Erections only in morning before rising.
Erections while riding. Impotence.
Hypertrophied prostate.
Increased purulent gleet.
Gleet, yellowish before urination; pain in fossa navicularis when pressing it and when beginning to urinate.
Small retracted testicles, with pulsation between shoulders.
Chronic induration of testicles.
Jerking in glans.
Numbness of genitals for several minutes.
Soreness and moist excoriation between scrotum and thighs.
Sweat about the scrotum.
Female Sexual Organs
Catamenia scanty and of long duration.
Menses scanty, last only day.
Before menses: toothache; swelling of cheeks and gums; pain in abdomen and back; leucorrhoea; swelling of glands; heaviness of feet.
Toothache; swelling of limbs.
During menses: toothache; weight over pubes; bruised pain in small of back; colic in every position.
Amenorrhoea; menostasia and chlorosis, especially of scrofulous girls.
Tearing in vulva, or in affected parts, so violent at intervals that she would like to scream.
Bloody, mucous leucorrhoea, with anxious palpitation of heart, pain in back; uneasiness and weakness even unto fainting.
Leucorrhoea immediately before menses.
Voice and Larynx, Trachea and Bronchia
Feeling in larynx as if inspiring smoke or pitch.
Hoarseness and loss of voice from tough mucus in larynx and trachea.
Voice imperfect, aphonia; from tough mucus in fauces and larynx.
Old people.
Voice husky, rough. Tonsillitis.
Voice extinct.
Hoarseness, with night cough.
Catarrh of trachea.
Spasmodic cough (like whooping cough) from roughness and tickling in throat and pit of stomach.
Putrid breath. Skin disease.
Short breath from fullness in chest, when ascending a height; stitches in chest on inspiring.
Respiration gradually more and more embarrassed.
Respiration imperfect and very frequent; respiratory sound almost inaudible.
Sensation as if lungs were full of smoke. After pneumonia.
Oppression: with anguish: in evening, must loosen her dress; with backache; with dry cough.
Inability to cough, to expectorate, to articulate words of more than two syllables (owing to failure in expiration) or to lift head from pillow.
Asthma senile (after Ant. tart).
Suffocative breathing, especially on lying down. Chronic enlargement of tonsils; with a boy age.6 Suffocative catarrh of old people, with impending paralysis of lungs.
Spasmodic cough, excited by tickling and roughness in throat and epigastrium; agg. evening until midnight, lying on left side, active motion, ascending, stooping, in cold air; from thinking of it ; eating after getting feet cold.
Cough in presence of strangers.
Night-cough, with asthmatic breathing.
Cough excited by irritation, felt in cardiac region.
Cough, particularly in evening, till midnight.
Nightly cough, chest full of phlegm.
Cough and coryza.
Cough, with purulent expectoration.
Expectoration predominant, particularly in evening.
Chronic cough in scrofulous children, with swollen glands and enlarged tonsils ; agg. after slight cold.
Mucous catarrh.
Cough and shortness of breath, with old, phlegmatic persons; feel a tightness in throat and on chest, phlegm loose and tight by turns; amel. in morning, when rising, but as soon as he comes into the room down-stairs he gets a severe attack, and has to go into open air; agg. after breakfast; cough and rattling agg. when lying, except when lying on belly, which relieves; has to sit up frequently in night; agg. in damp weather, and after drinking cold water.
Inner Chest and Lungs
Sensation as if lungs were full of smoke; she smells pine smoke.
After pneumonia.
Sensation of soreness in chest, when coughing.
Vomiting from coughing.
Chest full of phlegm.
Heaviness of chest; agg. when lying. Cardialgia.
Sensation, as if something had dropped down in chest.
Pneumonia, with most violent pains in chest, and flushed cheeks; in two cases, right side, in one, left.
Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of lungs in old people.
Heart Pulse and Circulation
Palpitation; feels heart beat.
Dull, deep sounds of the heart.
Violent, long-lasting palpitation.
Palpitation when lying on left side, with soreness in region of heart; great anxiety, renewed by thinking about it.
Orgasm of blood, with anxiety; congestion to face, with dark redness.
Palpitation felt in head, with throbbing pain in temples, when getting up and walking.
Palpitation of chlorotic or hysteric girls.
Pulse firm and hard.
Pulse generally accelerated, but weak. Apoplexy.
Old age.
Pulse 125-130, very small and frequent.
Full, accelerated pulse, with heat of skin.
Pulse remained pretty regular, but notably slackened, 56 instead of 70; in similar cases has been observed to fall to 25.
Marked, but very short-lasting, irregularity of pulse, on one occasion.
Outer Chest
Chest sensitive to pressure. Cardialgia.
Burning stinging and itching in moist, pustular eruption on chest.
Nodes in the breast, painful to pressure, sometimes stitches; with a fat old man.
Eruption of acne pimples on chest, which disappear in a few days.
Neck and Back
Stinging pains in neck.
Fine stitches in neck, followed by suppurating pimples.
Tension in neck and scapulae; pains in loins in cold air.
Cramp in neck and left side of throat.
Stiffness in nape of neck.
Swelling on nape of neck, which, little by little, spreads over whole head; with redness and pain of skin, as from ulceration; accompanied by considerable swelling of glands in this region.
Swelling of cellular tissue of neck; glands swollen; much pain in ears and head. Scarlatina.
Swelling of glands in nape of neck and occiput.
Chronic inflammation of cervical glands, right side; had been very obstinate and resisted other treatment.
Swelling and induration of glands, especially cervical, even after suppuration had commenced.
Fatty tumors, especially about neck.
Sarcoma in neck, with burning.
Throbbing in back, when at rest and from emotions.
Burning in back.
Rheumatic irritation of spine.
In morning on rising, pain between shoulders, so that he is quite stiff therefrom and cannot turn; afterwards they extend into nape of neck and left shoulder, where they are very violent, thence into vertex and across pectoral muscles into left nipple.
Beating and pulsation in back.
Want of mobility in dorsal spine; when sitting long it feels as if it would fall in.
Stiffness in back, can hardly rise from a chair. Chronic gout.
Spine disease with tinea capitis.
Painful soreness in lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhoeic stools.
Pain in lumbar region of spine, followed by apoplexy and paralysis.
Pain in lower vertebrae, with pain in chest.
Pain in small of back. Diarrhoea.
Painful drawing in small of back, as if a heavy body was moving downward.
Tensive pain in small of back; agg. in evening; he can neither rise nor bend backward.
Stiffness in small of back, in evening, especially while sitting, which allows neither to rise nor to bend backward.
Itching on small of back and between nates; must scratch it raw.
Upper Limbs
A large glandular swelling in right axilla; lately very tender, painful, hard and red.
Encysted tumor in arm pit.
Pains in arms, with hard, swollen axillary glands.
Pain in deltoid muscle when raising arm.
When lying on arm it goes to sleep.
Right arm cannot be moved. Apoplexy.
Heaviness of left arm, it is moved with difficult, shoulder alone seems to act; hand and forearm are paralyzed; after seven hours.
Tension in small places of arms.
Blood boils on upper arm.
Veins and hands distended.
Hot hands; frequently dips them into cold water.
Skin of hands dry and rough.
Cold hands with blue spots. Old age.
Fingers numb, as if asleep.
Skin of tips of fingers chapped, peels off.
Panaritium, with nightly throbbing and ulceration, from a splinter.
Lower Limbs
From left foot, internal stitches through whole thigh into testes, hinders walking.
Said she had pains in thigh during sleep.
Tearing from above downward in right buttock, periodically increasing and decreasing.
Dragging thighs, particularly when going up-stairs, on account of paralyzed in middle of thighs.
Excessive bruised feeling in thighs.
Severe itching on thighs.
Sudden attacks of momentary pain of right knee, as if parts were being ripped with a knife, making leg feel lame.
Sudden sharp pains running through knee force them to sit down, laming knee; after hard work; most with girls; In kneeling down, violent shooting in knee, and soon after a peculiar tension in right patella, could not walk well.
Knees totter. Apoplexy.
Burning soreness in bend of knees.
Pain in knees and legs.
Cramps in calves.
Coldness of right foot and tension in calf during a walk in open air.
Drawing and tearing pain in legs.
Drawing pain down entire left leg.
Pains in legs at night, as after excessive walking or dancing.
Tension as if tendons were too short; amel. lying down; agg. when standing.
Tremor of feet while standing, must hold on to something to steady himself. Apoplexy. Scleritis.
Giving way of right leg, then of l.; after eight hours.
Paralysis of flexors of feet, with tension in tendons.
Lameness of spavined horses.
Ulcers on feet.
Pimples on feet, which spread.
Soles feel bruised, at night, keeping one awake; agg. after rising and walking.
Tearing and stitching in left big toe, with vexation.
Painful lymphatic swelling on ball of big toe.
Corns, burning and stinging.
Fetid foot sweat.
Foot sweat, toes and soles get sore; odor offensive; (after Silic.).
Checked foot seat.
After suppression of a fetid foot sweat by a cold foots bath, angina tonsillaris; (after Bell. and Mercur. had no effect).
Limbs in General
Stitches in joints, they feel relaxed.
Tearing in limbs, with chilliness.
Rest Position Motion
Rest: throbbing in back.
Sitting: pain in small of back.
Standing: cough agg.; tension, as if tendons were too short agg.; tremor of feet.
Lying: heaviness in chest agg.; tension, as if tendons were too short, amel.
Lying on left side: cough agg.; palpitation agg.
Lying on belly; cough amel.
Stooping: cough agg.; vertigo.
Raising arm: pain in deltoid.
Moving body: brain seems to move to and fro.
Active motion; cough agg.; chill agg.
Walking: palpitation felt in head.
Ascending: short breath.
Nervousness; excessive irritation of all nerves.
Twitches and jerks of body during day.
At 8 a.m. sudden attack, as if circulation had stopped, and tingling in whole body, extending to tongue and finger tips, with anxiety; lasted fifteen minutes, followed by prostration.
Indescribable malaise; after 3, 4 hours.
Weary, with sleepy eyes during whole day.
Heaviness of whole body.
Upper half of body feels numb and stiff.
General weakness of nerves and body.
Increased weakness, could scarcely put out his left arm to ring bell.
Loss of strength.
Alarming debility; after 2 hours.
General debility; after 3 or 4 hours.
After first vomiting, muscular relaxation affected posterior muscles of trunk; too prostrated to remain in his arm-chair, had to go to bed.
Muscular relaxation lasted 24 hours, then gradually but quite rapidly diminished, following same course as when it came on; in less then 20 hours after first slight movements of feet and hands, he was able to hold himself in a chair and sit up in bed, and could soon take a few steps on the floor of his room; Constantly weak and weary, wishes to lean on something, to sit or lie down, and still feels weak and weary.
Too weak even to chew her food.
Great weakness, can hardly sit up in bed; if attempted, pulse immediately becomes quick and somewhat hard, after a while imperceptible.
Great weakness of mind and body of old men.
The general system remained feeble for more than a month; the discoloration of tissues and emaciation lasted still longer, and sleep did not become sound and refreshing until eight or ten weeks had elapsed.
Lameness after rheumatism.
Lameness after suppressing foot sweat.
Prostration, cannot stand, knees give way.
Lies on his back in bed; deprived of voluntary motion.
General paralysis of old people; loss of memory; Childishness; trembling of limbs. After apoplexy.
Paralysis and palsy of aged persons.
Paralysis after apoplexy.
The paralysis extends rapidly from above downward.
Paralysis affecting first abdominal muscles, next those which have their insertions in chest, then those of neck, and lastly sphincters of bladder and rectum.
Death in about twelve hours after taking poison, with undisturbed intellect and without having stirred from his supine posture.
Great drowsiness during day.
Sleepiness day and night.
Sleepy and cannot sleep hungry and cannot eat. Coma. Apoplexy.
Sopor. Old age.
Sleeplessness. Tonsillitis. Old people. Hypochondriasis.
Awakens often at night; feels too hot; soles feel bruised.
Sleep full of internal uneasiness.
Wants to sleep all the time, but in his sleep an inward restlessness; moaning and muttering. Apoplexy.
Talking in sleep old men.
Delirious and flighty when asleep.
Ravings of fancy at night and stupefaction.
Faint feeling at night, she had to vomit.
Twitching of muscles of whole body during sleep.
Restless whole night on account of internal heat; a child.
Night sweat.
Complains of pain in thigh during sleep.
During sleep lies on side.
On awaking, pressure in limbs; tired, weary limbs.
Feels heavy, bruised, stupid after a siesta.
Daybreak: saliva runs out of mouth, while asleep., Morning: erections before rising; coryza agg.; dryness of tongue; sensation in pharynx as if a fine leaf lay before posterior nares after waking; viscid phlegm in fauces; nausea, palpitation and anxiety agg.; sickness; cough agg. on arising; pain between scapulae; cough amel.
8 a.m. sudden attack, as if circulation had stopped.
All day: eyes look sleepy; weariness; water runs from mouth.
During day: crumbling in decayed tooth; twitches and jerks of body; great drowsiness; sleepiness; flushes of heat.
Evening: headache; face red; oppression, must loosen dress; expectoration prominent; pain in small of back agg.; chill alternately with heat.
Evening until midnight: spasmodic cough.
Night: in bed everything rocks within him as in a ship: toothache agg.; diarrhoea; irritation of bladder; passing much urine; seminal emissions; cough agg.; throbbing in panaritium; pain in legs; sleepiness; awakens often; fanciful ravings and stupefaction; faint feeling, she had to vomit; restlessness; sweats; chill alternating with heat; flushes of heat; intolerable tingling over body.
Temperature and Weather
Cold air: cough agg.; pain in loins; head sensitive.
Cold food: generally amel.
Cold water: cough agg.
Cold washing: disposed to catch cold.
Open air: headache agg.; tension in calf.
Damp air: headache agg.; tension in calf.
Damp weather: cough agg.
In sun: pain on vertex.
Near warm stove: headache agg.
Warm food: cough agg.
Tearing in limbs, with chilliness.
Local chill on upper part of body.
Chill from face or pit of stomach down body; or beginning in feet.
Often as if cold water was poured over one; agg. from external warmth; thirst during chill.
Chill generally one (left) sided.
Chilliness relieved by external heat.
Chill increased by exercise; agg. in warm room.
First chill, then heat.
Chill alternating with heat; evening and night.
Cold hands and feet, with hot cheeks.
Flushes of heat, more at night, with great restlessness.
Frequent flushes during day; nightly attacks, with great anxiety and restlessness.
Heat towards evening, with little thirst; violent pulsation externally into head; on rising, vertigo, even to falling; heat the whole night, with disturbed sleep; next day violent thirst; pours down whole glasses of water; has a very thick white coating on tongue.
Hot hands, often plunges them into cold water.
Sweat increased in presence of strangers.
Heat of single outer parts.
Anxious sweat.
Offensive sweat of one (mostly left) side.
Sweat increased by eating.
Sweat returned every other evening.
Consumptive fever.
Attacks Periodicity
Returning at 4 p.m.: pressure in bones of occiput.
Every other evening: sweat.
Increasing and decreasing periodically.
Locality and Direction
Right: head hot; roaring in ear; rough, dry place on cheek; teeth feel tense; stitches in tonsil; tonsil tends to suppurate; pain in groin; pneumonia; chronic inflammation of cervical glands; glandular swelling in axilla; arm cannot be moved; tearing in buttock; pain in knee; tension in patella; coldness of foot; leg gives way.
Left: cloud before eye; styes on eyelid; throbbing in ear; inflammation of subcutaneous tissue over buttock; lying on side, cough agg.; pneumonia; cramp in side of throat; pain in shoulder; pain in nipple; heaviness of arm; stitches in foot; pain in down leg; leg gives way; stitching in great toe; offensive sweat of side.
Right to l.: sore throat symptoms move.
Above downward: tearing in right buttock; pain in leg.
Below upward: stitches in left foot.
As if head would be turned inside out; as if brain was loose; as if head were compressed in a vise; as if skull would split; as if blood could not circulate; as if something was drawn over scalp lightly; as if hair stood on end; as if white of egg had dried on face; as if face were swollen; tongue as if fuzzy; as if throat were swelling; as from blisters on side of tongue; as if a fine leaf lay before posterior nares; as of a plug in throat; as if food had to force itself over sore spot in oesophagus; as of a stone in stomach; as if thyroid was pressed in; as if air was forcing through stomach; as if intestines fell from one side to other, in turning in bed; as if inspiring smoke or pitch; as if a heavy body was moving downward in back; as if lungs were full of smoke; as of a ball in liver; as if something had dropped down in chest; as if pubes would burst; as if spine would fall in; as if ripped with a knife, right knee; as if cold water was poured over one.
Boring: in front of right ear.
Stitches: in side of head; burning in hollow tooth; in right tonsil; in nodes in breast; in neck; through thigh into testes; in left big toe; in joints; in chest.
Stinging: in throat; eruption on chest; in neck; in corns.
Pricking: headache; head and face; in skin.
Pressive sticking: in vertex.
Shooting: in knee.
Jerking: toothache; in glans penis.
Tearing: in front of right ear; in right buttock; in legs; in left big toe; in limbs; in long bones; in vulva.
Drawing: in ears, and twinging toothache; in small of back; in legs.
Burning: of right side of head; in eyes; in upper lip; stitches in hollow teeth; of tongue and tip; in anus; in urethra; eruption on chest; in back; in bend of knees; in corns; in rectum.
Smarting: in throat.
Distending pain: in head and nose.
Crumbling: in decayed tooth.
Pressure: on forehead; over eyes; in brain; under vertex; in vertex; in eyes; in throat; in stomach; on bladder; in limbs.
Aching: in right hypochondrium; in stomach.
Concussive pain: in brain.
Soreness: in stomach; around belly in lumber region; around anus; in chest; bend of knees; in region of heart.
Throbbing: toothache; in ears; in temples; in back; in panaritium; in abdomen.
Beating and pulsating: in back.
Bruised pain: in small of back; in thighs; in soles.
Dull pain: in bumps of firmness and concentrativeness.
Oppressive headache: above eyes and root of nose.
Cramp: in stomach; in neck and throat; in calves.
Tension: in occiput; over face, temple and scalp; in lower jaw; in teeth; in stomach; of abdomen; in neck and scapula; in small of back; in small places in arms; in right patella; in right calf; in legs; in long bones; in skin.
Undefined pain: in head; in articulation; on tongue; in abdomen; in small of back; between shoulders; in lower vertebrae and chest; in arms; in deltoid muscle; in thigh; in knees and legs; in right groin; in fossa navicularis; in loins.
Heaviness: in occiput; of feet; in chest; of left arm; of whole body.
Weight: over eyes; over pubes.
Tingling: over whole body.
Crawling: over scalp; on face, in rectum.
Paralyzed feeling: in thigh Numbness: in skin of forehead to root of nose; of genitals; of fingers; of upper half of body.
Tickling: in throat.
Itching: in eyes; in ears; eruption on chest; on small of back; between nates; on thighs.
Dryness: of eyes; in nose; of lips and gums; of tongue; in whole body.
Coldness: in face; of tongue; of right foot; in region of liver.
Dwarfish, defective mental and physical growth.
Many of symptoms suggest sclerosis of brain and spine, especially in children and the aged. Compare Baryt. mur.
Swelling on nape of neck, which, little by little, spreads over the whole, with redness and pain of skin, as from ulceration, accompanied with considerable swelling of glands in this region for several days.
Swelling and induration of glands.
Fistulous ulcers in glands; mostly glands of neck; feeling of tension.
Glandular sequelae of scarlatina.
Tension and shortening of muscles.
Tearing and tension in long bones; boring in bones.
Tubular bones.
Dropsy after scarlatina.
Emaciation, with bloated face, swelled abdomen, and difficult comprehension in children.
Great emaciation in scrofulosis and skin diseases.
trophy, great weakness; face red and abdomen bloated; glands swollen; difficult in learning to walk.
Atrophia scrofulosis (next to Calc. Ostr.).
Marasmus senilis.
Induration of tissues.
Sarcoma, with burning.
Fatty tumors.
Encysted tumors.
Lupoid (tuberculoid) and cystic tumors.
Cystic growths, particularly on skull.
Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries
Touch: scalp sensitive; gums hurt; tongue burns; throat sore; abdomen sore.
Touching epigastrium: stomach aches.
Pressure: chest sensitive; nodes in breast sensitive.
Small wounds ulcerate and get very sore.
Skin diseases.
Tension in skin.
Skin hot and dry.
Skin cool and rather moist; or covered with profuse sweat.
Itching, pricking, burning, here and there; not relieved by scratching causes pricking; pimples.
Scratching causes pricking; pimples.
Intolerable tingling over whole body, especially in back, hips, legs, malleoli, dorsa of feet and fingers, waking him at night, and forcing him to scratch continually.
Itching, aggravated by scratching.
Itching of skin, eruption invisible.
Dry exanthemata.
Scarlatina miliaris.
Soreness and humid skin.
A small wound, as from a splinter, throbs and ulcerates.
Pimples on feet suppurate and spread like ulcers.
Red, excoriated, moist, burning places between scrotum and thigh.
Skin does not heal readily.
Ulcers, with scanty discharge.
Soreness and moistening between scrotum and thighs.
Panaritia., Warts.
Stages of Life and Constitution
Hysteric persons, and such as incline to taking cold.
Suitable for affections of first childhood, but more particularly for old age, with mental or physical weakness.
Is especially suitable for dwarfish women.
Complaints of dwarfish children, those who do not grow.
Girl age 13, little developed, scrofulous, frequent tonsillitis, each time suppurating.
Scrofulous children; dwarfish; mind and body weak; scurfs on head, ears, nose; eyes inflamed, opaque cornea; colic; abdomen swollen; face puffed; general emaciation.
Persons subject to quinsy; especially those who suffer from inflammation of throat and swelling of tonsils after the least cold.
Women in climacteric years, menses always scanty. Cardialgia.
Especially adapted to diseases of old men.
Drunkards’ complaint from taking cold after overheating, distorted mouth; tongue paralyzed; aphonia; clear consciousness; motion of arms impaired.
An old drunkard, after a cold. Apoplectic.
Old people weakened from bleeding. Apoplexy.
Man, age 84. Apoplexy.
Old people, after having been feeble and tottering for a long while. Apoplexy. Paralysis.
Old cachectic people of scrofulous habit, especially when they suffer with gouty complaints.
Old people, especially when fat.
The symptoms marked – are from Bar. ac.
Antidotes: Ant-tart., Bell., Camphor., Dulcam., Mercur., Zincum.
Useful after: Scilla (pneumonia notha); after Ars. (scrofula).
Frequently useful before or after Sulphur.
Incompatible: Calc. ostr. (scrofulosis).
Similar to: Alum., Ant-tart. (paralysis of lungs); Bell., Calc. ostr.(scrofulosis, coryza, etc.); Calc-i.(large tonsils); Caustic.(paretic symptoms); Chamom., Cinchon., Conium, (old people); Dulcam.(tendency to catch cold); Fl-ac.(old people); Iodium (glands); Laches., Lycop.(tonsils); Mag-carb., Mercur.(colds, glands, diarrhoea); Nat-carb., Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia (ringworms); Silic.(glands, foot sweat, etc.); Sulphur., Tellur.
Barium Carbonate, BaCo3.
Preparation: Triturations.
Slight delirium and stupefaction at night, as in fever.
He imagines he walks on his knees (Rust).
Children do not desire to play.
Lachrymose at night.
Sad and fearful; he has all kinds of sad thoughts about his future state, and thinks that he is lost entirely; in the evening (after thirty-five days).
Dejected; he does not wish to speak.
Suddenly becomes dejected in the evening.
Dejection and dread of men.
(In scrofulous children treated by Baryta.) Extremely despondent and depressed; she believes that she must die; cries (seventh to tenth day).
Despondent and anxious.
Anxious; evenings in bed; she feels obliged to open her clothes.
Great fear and cowardice.
Great ennui and ill-humor.
Peevish and quarrelsome.
Good humor becomes mischievousness.
Great irresolution about small things; he wants to drink the cup of coffee, then again not; does not know what he shall do.
In the morning, on waking he feels stupid.
Children are inattentive when studying.
Want of memory (after sixteen hours).
Great forgetfulness, so that he does not know what he has just spoken (after twenty-seven days).
Confusion and Vertigo.
Confusion in the head when sitting; passes off in the open air (after twenty days).
Confusion and heaviness in the head in the evening, with sleepiness; the head constantly falls forward; at the same time he is fretful and tired (after forty six days).
Dullness in the head; confusion in the head, in the morning on waking, and in the whole forenoon (after twenty-seven days).
Vertigo on rising up from stooping.
Vertigo, so that he does not know where he is when walking along a little path.
Vertigo, with headache on stooping (after twenty five days).
Vertigo, with nausea on stooping.
Vertigo, so that everything seems to turn around suddenly on raising the arm (after twelve days).
Vertigo in the morning after rising, everything turns around, with a faint, nauseous sensation in the stomach (eighth to eleventh day).
Dizziness in the head, so that he must sit and hold it still, with nausea.
General Sensations.
Humming in the head, as of boiling water (after twenty seven days).
When she raises herself, if seems as if her head would tumble about.
Feeling as if the brain were loose; it seems to fall here and there when moving the head (after forty-five days).
In the morning on waking, first heaviness, then after rising, heat in the head, with coldness in the hands and feet.
Headache from walking.
Headache in the evening, with which every noise, especially the human voice, hurts the brain very much (after five days).
Distending pain in the head and nose.
Headache, as if the head were pinched together.
Severe sticking in the whole head, increasing and decreasing (after three days).
Sticking in the head comes on immediately from the warmth of a stove.
Violent stitches in the brain, with heat and crawling in the head (after fifteen days).
On stamping with the feet, a shaking in the brain; great rush of blood to the head; it feels as if the blood stagnated there, and could not circulate (after twenty seven days).
Itching, creeping here and there in the head, which disappears on scratching.
Forehead and Temples.
On stooping, a sensation as if everything would fall forward in the forehead (after sixteen days).
Pressive pain in the forehead from within outward (twelfth day).
Pressure, with heaviness in the right side of the forehead.
Violent, dull stitches in the left frontal eminence, on stooping when washing.
Severe throbbing in the forehead, deep in the brain on stooping (after thirty days).
Tensive sensation in the whole skin of the forehead, it seems too tight; after a meal.
A burning stitch in the right temple.
Dull stitches above the right temple, in the morning when yawning.
Pulsating in temples.
Vertex and Parietals.
Pressure in the brain beneath the vertex, extending towards the occiput, on waking from sleep, with stiffness of the neck. Tearing on the vertex.
Pressive sticking on the vertex, which extends through the whole head, whenever he stands in the sun.
Tension, with burning in a small spot on the left parietal bone (after one hour).
Painful squeezing together of the head from both sides, then tearing in a small spot on the left parietal bone, and afterwards in the left side of the occiput.
Fine tearing in a small spot on the right parietal bone, deep in the bone.
Tearing, with twitching at short intervals, deep in the brain, beneath the right ear, immediately renewed by touching.
Sticking in the sides of the head, also after dinner and in the evening, when it is most severe in the left side.
Dull stitches in the left side of the head, extending from the occiput to the frontal eminence, or alternately here or there.
Throbbing, with sticking in the left side of the head (after seven days).
Pain, as if the hairs were pulled up on a small spot on the right parietal bone.
Occiput and Exterior.
Rheumatic pain in the occiput, with swelling in the glands of the neck.
Tearing in the left side of the occiput, relieved by bending the head backwards.
Throbbing in the occiput, extending to the frontal eminence; in the evening (after five days).
An old tumor hitherto painless on the scalp becomes larger, and begins to pain as if ulcerating, when touched.
The hairs fall out when combing (after four days).
Crawling as from ants over the whole scalp; in the evening.
In General.
The eyes are swollen in the morning. Redness of the white of the eye and lachrymation.
Redness of the white of the eye, and a white pimple upon the eye near the cornea.
Weakness of the eyes, especially in the evening by candlelight; during the day, a cloud is before the left eye; by candlelight, a glimmer. Violent pains in the left eye, and extending thence over the temple into the ear (after twenty hours).
Burning in the eyes on exerting vision.
Dry heat, and pressure in the eyes.
Pressure in both eyes, with itching as from dust. Itching of the eyes.
Tearing in the eyes.
Itching, burning pressure, soreness, and dryness in the eyes.
Orbit, Brow, and Lids.
Sensation, as if a burning spark passed from the upper margin of the right orbit to the root of the nose.
Sharp drawing over the left eye, extending from the nose towards the temple; in the evening.
Swelling of the lids in the morning.
Inflamed redness of the eyelids internally. Matter externally on the lids, especially in the morning.
Agglutination of the eyes.
The eyes are difficult to open in the morning. The eyes close in the evening in the twilight.
Twitching tearing in the right upper lid. A stitch through the left upper lid.
Itching on the border of the upper lid.
Styes in the left internal angle of the eye.
Agglutination of the eyes in the external canthi at night.
Burning in the eyes in the inner canthi, with profuse lachrymation.
Pressure in the external canthus, as if a grain of sand were in it.
Twitching-sticking in the external canthus. Balls and Vision.
The eyeballs are painful.
Frequent obscuration of vision.
After a meal a gauze comes before the eyes.
Sensation as of gauze before the eyes in the, in the morning and after a meal. Sparks before the eyes in the dark.
Sparks of fire before the eyes, and tearing in them.
The candlelight is encircled by a halo with rainbow colors. Black spot before the eyes (after twenty-four hours).
Double vision.
External and Subjective.
The gland below the right ear is swollen and painful to touch.
Tearing behind the right ear.
Crawling pain in the bones in front of the right ear.
Boring in the right ear so violent that she must cry out.
Drawing pain in the ears, a kind of twinging earache.
At night, frequent drawings in the ears.
Tearing in the left ear, extending outward.
Tearing, with boring and drawing in the bones in front of the right ear.
Sticking deep in the left ear.
Severe stitches in the ear constantly for two days (after twenty eight days).
Throbbing and hard pressure after midnight, deep in the right ear, upon which he lay, and, upon turning to the left side, in the left ear.
Crawling and twitching in the left ear.
Itching in the ears (after twenty four days).
Severe itching in the left ear.
Sensation as if hard of hearing.
Hardness of hearing first days.
Severe buzzing in the ears, in the evening, like a ringing of bells and a violent wind.
Cracking in both ears when swallowing.
Crackling in the ear, when walking fast, when swallowing, sneezing etc.
Crashing in the ears at night.
He cannot lie upon the left ear, because there is a crackling in it which extends to the right ear, which prevents his sleeping (after eleven days).
A reverberation in the ear in blowing the nose violently.
Ringing in the ears.
Ringing in the ears.
Violent, long continued ringing in the ears.
Roaring and buzzing before the ears (after twenty eight days).
Increased roaring of the ears; difficulty of hearing (in several).
Sounding in the ears, even when breathing, like a sounding-board (after two days).
Stunning noise in the ears (after two days).
Throbbing in front of the left ear if he lay upon it.
Throbbing like a pulse in the (left) ear, upon which he lay at night.
The nose seems swollen and internally agglutinated.
The nose is stopped.
Obstinate dryness of the nose.
Frequent but transient catarrh, with stopped sensation in the nose (fifteenth day).
Fluent catarrh, which rapidly appears and soon again disappears.
Fluent catarrh, with a hollow deep voice and dry cough, in the morning and during the day, but not at night.
Frequent discharge of mucus, from the nose.
Discharge of thick, yellow mucus from the nose.
Frequent inclination to blow the nose, with discharge of thick mucus, whereupon a constant sensation of dryness remains (eighth day).
Sneezing, so violent the brain is shaken by it; it leaves behind a feeling of dizziness (first day).
Frequent sneezing in rapid succession, in the evening.
Frequent nose bleeding.
Frequent and profuse nose bleeding (after twenty four hours).
Bleeding of the nose several times a day (after twenty four days).
Nose bleeding in the morning when in bed, bright red blood.
The nose bleeds easily when blowing it or cleaning it.
Every time when blowing the nose a stream of blood.
The nose pains in the tip and margin.
Burning in a small place on the top of the nose, as from a drop of hot fat.
Crawling on both sides of the nose.
The smell is very sensitive.
Face puffy.
Pale face.
Redness of the face in the evening (after twelve days).
Great redness in the face, with purple red lips, and severe congestion of blood immediately.
Twitching in the left side of the face.
Sharp stitches in face.
Tensive feeling in the whole skin of the face.
Rough, red spot on the right cheek.
Swelling of the left cheek and the region behind the ear, with pain in the temple (after thirty days).
Crawling or creeping in the left cheek (first day).
Swelling of the upper lip, with burning pain.
Lower lip cracked.
Vesicles on the lower lip.
In the morning, after rising, the lips are dry.
The upper lip feels swollen.
Burning in a small spot on the red part of the lower lip.
Painful gnawing in the left side of the lower jaw.
Tension in the lower jaw extends as far as the os hyoides.
Cannot close the lower jaw without great pain in the articulation.
Pressure under the chin, increased by touch and by moving the lower jaw.
Tearing in the lower jaw of the right side.
A stitch in the middle of the lower jaw.
Glands on the under jaw are painful.
Teeth and Gums.
(Tooth becomes rapidly hollow).
A sound tooth becomes loose, and pains when eating and for some time afterwards.
At times, an involuntary chattering of the teeth.
Frequent and profuse bleeding of the teeth.
Toothache, evening in bed, not by day (after eight days).
Burning pain, now in the upper, now in the lower teeth of the left side, with accumulation of much saliva in the mouth; he cannot lie upon his side because the side of the head feels as if pressed in, and it throbs in the left ear.
Tensive and sticking pain in all the right teeth.
Boring in the teeth as if they would be rent asunder, if he takes anything cold or warm into the mouth.
Crawling-burning in the lower teeth (after thirty six days).
A sensitive crawling in the tips of the teeth, in the evening (after six days).
Drawing, jerking, throbbing toothache, as though something were seated under the teeth, extending into the ear and the right temple.
Painful gnawing in the roots and gum of the back teeth.
Grumbling in the back teeth.
Grumbling in a decayed tooth during the day.
Tearing in the back teeth.
A sore, painful toothache; she cannot touch the teeth.
Throbbing pain, with great sensitiveness in the lower back teeth, in the morning after rising.
Gum swollen about a hollow tooth.
The gum bleeds and seems to retract from the teeth.
A vesicle under the tongue.
Pointed vesicles in the middle of the tongue.
Burning vesicles at the tip of the tongue, of long duration (after six days).
Tongue much coated.
Tongue coated, as if fuzzy.
Hardness of a spot in the middle of the tongue, with burning under touch for several days (after eighteen days).
Dryness of the tongue in the morning, with sensation as of swelling in the throat when swallowing.
Pain in the side of the tongue, as from vesicles.
Tearing on the left border of the tongue, which smarts and pains as if sore.
Smarting, burning pain in the tip of the tongue (fourth day).
Rawness on the tongue, in the morning on waking; if it touches the palate it feels as if it were a grating-iron (after thirty one days).
Mouth, Saliva, and Taste.
The whole mouth becomes filled with inflamed vesicles, especially the palate and the inside of the cheeks.
Much thick mucus in the mouth.
Much trouble with tough phlegm, which has no end; from it the mouth becomes very dry, and there from a kind of thirst.
Intolerable odor from the mouth, which he does not perceive himself (after five days).
Dryness in the mouth, in the morning after rising.
Mouth is sticky.
The mouth feels numb in the morning (third and fourth days).
Stitches in the palate, as with needles (after nine days).
Continual spitting of saliva for eight days (after thirty eight days).
The mouth is constantly full of water which rises from the stomach (after fourteen days).
During the morning sleep, saliva runs out of the mouth.
Taste completely lost for several days.
Mouth bitter and slimy, with coated tongue (sixth day).
Foul, bitter taste and smell in the mouth.
Foul taste in the mouth every morning, with very coated tongue.
Salty taste in the mouth and throat in the afternoon.
Sour taste in the mouth, in the morning after rising (after forty eight days).
Sour taste in the mouth in the evening.
Sour taste in the mouth before eating, not after it.
Throat In General
Takes cold very easily, and has an inflammation of the throat in consequence.
Dryness and severe painful sticking and pressure, as from swelling, in the back part of the left side of the throat, only when swallowing (after four days).
After chilliness and heat, and bruised feeling in all the limbs, an inflammation of the throat, with swelling of the palate and tonsils, which suppurate, and on account of which he cannot open the jaws, neither speak nor swallow, with dark brown urine and loss of sleep (after eighteen days).
Feeling as if there were much mucus in the throat, and hence much desire to drink in order to relieve the sensation.
A feeling as though the throat were swollen internally in the morning, when swallowing, with dryness of the tongue.
Attacks of choking in the throat after dinner, when sitting and writing with sensation as if the thyroid gland were pressed inward, which thereby impedes respiration (after twenty eight days).
Choking or constriction in the throat, with arrest of breathing, so that he is obliged to open his clothes during dinner (after twenty six days).
Constriction in the throat, with sensation on swallowing as if a plug were in the region of the larynx; worse in the afternoon.
Pressive pain in the throat when swallowing.
Sticking in the throat (after fourteen days).
Sticking pain in the throat on swallowing.
Sticking in the throat, worse when swallowing, with dryness, in the evening (after six days).
Pain in the throat from taking cold; a sharp stitching pain when swallowing (seventh day).
Smarting pain in the throat when swallowing, though most on empty swallowing; therewith the throat is painful externally on both sides to the touch.
Rawness in the throat followed by severe paroxysms of cough (after one hour).
Rawness and smarting in the throat after a night-sweat, more painful on empty swallowing than when swallowing (soft) food (after forty eight hours).
The throat is scraped and raw, worse after swallowing (after two days).
Tickling in the throat, which causes a constant hawking.
Pharynx and Tonsils.
When sneezing a sensation in the pharynx as if a piece of flesh had become loosened in the upper part of the fauces, with burning at that spot (after four days).
A feeling in the pharynx following previous scratching, as if a plug or a morsel had become lodged there.
A sensation in the pharynx as if a fine leaf lay before the posterior nares, in the morning after waking (second day).
Swelling of the left tonsil.
Swelling of the submaxillary gland (after thirty nine days).
Appetite and Thirst.
Hunger, even on rising in the morning (after two days).
(Desire to nibble). Sensation of hunger in the stomach, but no appetite (after ten days).
Want of appetite.
Appetite slight for several days.
Loss of appetite for three weeks (after twenty six days).
Indifference to sweet things.
Aversion to fruit, especially to plums.
Thirst almost every evening at 6 o’clock (after sixteen days).
Thirst, with dryness in the mouth.
Eructations and Hiccough.
Frequent eructations.
Incessant eructations.
Many eructations in the afternoon (after twenty five days).
Eructations from the afternoon (after twenty five days).
Eructations from the afternoon until far into the night, which prevent his going to sleep (after forty days).
After dinner, suppressed eructations, followed by spasmodic constrictive pain in the stomach (after seven days).
Forcible eructations, with pressure in the stomach, as if a stone rose and fell down again.
Empty eructations wake him from sleep in the morning (after forty two days).
After a (natural) stool, much empty eructations (after a few hours).
Frequent eructations of air, with sensation as if a lump of the size of a hazel-nut rose with them, in the morning (after nineteen days).
Eructations sweetish, or of bitter water, after dinner.
Frequent bitter eructations.
Rancid eructations.
Sour eructations daily, a couple of hours after eating.
Violent hiccough in the forenoon and after eating.
Nausea, Vomiting, and Sensations.
Nausea, as from foul stomach, in the morning.
Nausea in the morning, fasting, with palpitation and anxiety.
Frequent vomiting of mucus.
Vomiting fluid, water and chalk, followed by prostration.
A feeling of weakness in the stomach, which disappears after eating.
Cold and empty feeling in the stomach.
It seems as if the stomach hung down loose.
Pain in the stomach.
Burning in the region of the stomach in the afternoon.
Feeling of repletion in the stomach.
Fullness of the stomach, after eating, as if he had eaten too much.
Pain in the stomach as if it were too full and tense; urinating difficult.
Sense of tension and heaviness in pit of stomach, as from flatulence and palpitation.
Constrictive pain in the stomach in the afternoon.
Pressure in the stomach, as from a stone; relieved by eructations.
Severe pressure in the stomach, with nausea, after eating bread, not after cooked food, even when very little, with collection of saliva in the mouth.
Pressure and choking in the right side of the stomach, extending into the chest, as if a hard body pressed upward with difficulty, from morning to afternoon.
Drawing tearing in the pit of the stomach, with a feeling as if a heavy body were there, on becoming erect and on stooping (after seventeen days).
Fine stitches through the stomach into the spine.
Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach; on stepping hard feels every step painful in it.
Ulcerative pain in the stomach when pressing upon it.
Hypochondria and Umbilicus.
Pressive pain in the region of the liver, more when moving, and still more when touching it.
Short sticking below the right hypochondrium, without affecting respiration (after half an hour).
Violent dull stitch in the left hypochondrium.
Pains in the abdomen about and below the navel, which extend downward into the thigh; with violent pain on the left side from the point of the hip, extending forward, and pain in the region of the right groin (after three days).
Pains in the abdomen so violent that the navel is retracted, and he is obliged to crouch; in the evening.
Pinching around the navel, more in sitting than when moving.
Pinching around the navel on the slightest motion made at night when lying down, and by day when sitting; passage of flatus relieves the pain, and it ceases entirely when walking (after twenty seven days).
Sudden stitches below the navel (after four days).
In General.
Fullness of the abdomen (after nineteen days).
Distention of the abdomen.
Painful distention of the abdomen.
Hard, tense abdomen.
Offensive flatus.
(On turning in bed, it seems as if the intestines fell from one side to the other).
After a customary walk, pain in the abdomen, followed by an exhausting night-sweat (fifth day).
On account of pains in the bowels he cannot sleep at night; when ever he moves a little, the pains return (after twenty seven days).
Tension of the abdomen, with sensitiveness of the abdominal walls when touched.
A feeling in the abdomen as if something in it were swollen.
Many troubles in the abdomen from flatulence, whereby the hemorrhoids protrude, with pain when sitting.
Feeling of contraction in a spot of the size of the hand in the left side of the upper abdomen (after two days).
Pinching in the bowels, with nausea.
Pressure in the right side of the abdomen in the morning, after waking, in bed; disappears after rising.
Pressive pain in the forepart of the abdomen, as if external to the intestines, in the muscles, especially at evening, becoming unendurable when walking and on motion; speedily relieved when sitting and lying, but soon returning on walking (after twenty f our hours).
Severe cutting pain in the abdomen wakes him about midnight.
Painful cutting in the abdomen, especially around the navel, in the evening (after fifteen days).
Cutting colic at night.
Severe drawing-cutting, extending upward in the left side of the upper abdomen.
Stitches in the right side of the abdomen when hiccoughing, when turning the body, when yawning and breathing deeply, not when walking.
A stitch in the right side of the abdomen, and, at the same time, in the small of the back (after two days).
Throbbing here and there in the abdomen.
Hypogastrium and Iliac Region.
On urinating, pinching in the lower bowels.
Drawing pain deep in the lower abdomen, down along the right groin, as from a string (after two days).
Pressure in the abdomen, above the pubes, in the morning, in bed, when lying in the back.
(Inflammation of a hernial ring (after three days).
A pressing outward in the abdominal ring on moving and during stool.
Cutting in the lower portion of the bowels at night, with pressure towards the rectum, with rending pains in the intestines, with a feeling of fullness above the pubes, as though everything were stopped and the abdomen would burst, when lying out straight; afterwards, stool, first hard, knotty, followed by burning in the anus (after two days).
Itching in the hernial ring.
Rectum and Anus
Sticking in the rectum the whole day, and a hard stool.
In the anus, many hemorrhoids of the size of a hazel-nut, with smarting and sticking pains.
Not only with the stool, but also with urination, the hemorrhoids protrude.
After the stool, moist hemorrhoids.
Passage of blood from the anus frequently, with distention of the abdomen.
Burning in the anus.
With the (natural) stool, burning in the anus.
Biting in the anus.
Crawling in the anus.
Painful soreness around the anus, as if he had been excoriated (after five days).
Sore pain and burning around the anus towards evening.
Very frequent desire for stool. Urgent desire for stool; she cannot retain the stool because it is forced out rapidly.
Frequent small stools, with feeling of great relief.
Diarrhoeic stool (first and thirtieth days).
Diarrhoeic stool, mixed with blood (in a child).
Diarrhoea at night, with hemorrhoidal pains.
Diarrhoea towards morning, preceded by pain in abdomen; later in the day, suddenly, yellow stool, with mucus and blood.
Soft stool, with very urgent desire (previously there had been a hard one), followed by a burning and a pressing asunder in the rectum (first and second days).
Stool very hard, difficult to pass, with pain in the rectum and bloody mucus.
Tough stool one day; hard stool, with burning in the anus.
Light-colored stool.
Passage of round worms.
A passage of round worms in the stool.
Small pin worms pass with the stool (in an adult).
Blood with the stool.
Stool omits sometimes for one day.
Urinary Organs
Increased purulent gleet.
On urinating, burning in the urethra (fifteenth day).
After dinner, much desire to urinate. Urgent desire to urinate; she cannot retain the urine, it passes so rapidly.
After urinating, renewed desire therefore; afterwards, every time when walking, a few drops of urine pass; disappears on sitting.
Frequent passage of urine every other day (after twenty-nine hours).
Increased urine; she rises twice every night to urinate; passes much each time (after nineteen days).
Seldom and scanty urine, with burning in the urethra (eighth and seventeenth days).
The urine has a yellow sediment.
Sexual Organs
Numbness of the genitals for several minutes (after twenty-eight days).
Slow erection (ninth and fourteenth days).
Erection in the morning before rising, which was seldom the case (after seventeen days).
Erection all night (thirtieth days), (secondary action).
In the evening, sudden erections, more violent than for a year, with shivering and such desire that coition was necessary (after ten hours).
Erections while riding, with impotence.
Twitching in the glans.
Violent itching on the right side of the scrotum, which he cannot sufficiently scratch.
Burning in the left testicle (after thirteen days).
Much increased sexual desire (secondary action).
Diminished sexual desire.
Falls asleep during coition, without emission of semen (twenty first day).
Sexual desire disappears the first day.
(In coition, emission takes place too soon). Emissions in a man thirty years old, who never before had the like.
Several emissions follow each other in close succession (in a married man), followed by exhaustion (after thirty five days).
Profuse nightly emissions shortly after coition (fourth day).
Emissions in an old man followed by a feeling of dryness in the whole body (after ten days).
Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina, with anxious palpitation and restlessness of body, pain in the small of the back, weakness amounting to faintness.
Painful drawings like tearings by jerks in the pudenda, so that she must cry out, in the evening (after four days).
Continually increased sexual desire in women (curative action).
Increased desire for coition in women, which is more violent and lasting (curative action).
Menstruation appears two days too early.
Menstruation appears too early and is too profuse.
Menstruation very scanty.
Menstruation very scanty, lasting only one day, usually lasts two or three.
During menstruation, a pressure like a heaviness over the pubes in every position.
During menstruation, cutting and griping in the bowels.
Respiratory Apparatus
Stitches in the air-passages (second day).
In the larynx a feeling as if he inspired only smoke (after twenty-seven days).
Hoarseness (after fourteen days).
Hoarseness, or rather loss of voice (for several weeks).
Cough after midnight.
Suffocative cough.
Cough excited by continued speaking (after thirty five days).
Dry cough in the morning after rising, followed by a sensation as if a hard body were falling down in the chest (twentieth day).
Dry short cough in the evening.
Dry cough for three days, caused by a tickling in the bronchi and in the precordial region, which is relieved only at night, sometimes also after dinner.
Violent dry cough in the evening, followed by weakness in the head.
Cough with expectoration of mucus.
Cough from an incessant irritation, with mucous expectoration. A loose cough, with salty, starch like expectoration, having lasted four weeks, disappears (curative action).
Arrest of breathing, either in coughing or not (ninth day).
Pains in the chest.
Fullness in the chest, and painfulness as if bruised in the left side.
A fullness in the chest with short breathing, especially on ascending, with stitches in the chest, especially on inspiration.
Pressure and tickling in the chest with dry cough, disappears (curative action).
Stitches extending from the chest to the shoulder.
Sore pain in the chest and on it, externally.
When coughing, a sensation of soreness in the chest.
Burning externally in the whole breast, with redness of the skin.
Tearing and sticking externally in the breasts (after nineteen days).
Pain in the right ribs, with cold hands and feet, and heat and redness of the cheeks (after two days).
Transient burning in the left side of the chest.
Sudden sticking and burning, so that she cried out on account of it, deep in the left side of the chest, in the afternoon (after four days).
Transient stitches in the right side of the chest caused her to cry out, in the evening (after two days).
Stitches in the left side of the chest (after four hours).
Small stitches in the left side of the chest on every respiration (after nineteen days).
A violent stitch in the left side of the chest on lifting a heavy weight with both hands (after twenty days).
Throbbing, with sticking pain in the left side of the chest, extending upward from the pit of stomach.
Dull stitches under the sternum, deep in the chest, followed by a bruised pain at that spot (first day).
Heart and Pulse
Violent, long lasting palpitation.
At times violent palpitation (during the first fourteen days).
Palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side.
Palpitation of the heart, which is renewed when thinking of it, for then it makes her anxious, most at midday.
Pulse full and hard.
Neck and Back
Swelling in the neck, which, after a time extends over the whole head, with redness and ulcerative pain in the skin and great swelling of all the glands of this region for several days (seventh day).
Stiffness in the neck on waking from midday sleep (after twenty- four hours).
Boring bone pain in the neck, which is neither increased nor diminished by motion nor by touching (third day).
Several swollen glands in the neck and occiput.
Dislocating pain in the left shoulder-blade.
Burning in the upper part of the right shoulder-blade.
Burning stitch on the outer border of the shoulder-blade (second day).
Dull stitches through the left shoulder-blade to front of the chest (third day).
Bruised pain between the shoulders (fifth and tenth days).
In the morning, on rising, pains between the shoulders, so that he is quite stiff there from and cannot turn himself; afterwards, they extend into nape of neck and left shoulder, where they are very violent, then in to the vertex and across the pectoral muscles into the left nipple.
Weakness and powerlessness in the spine, it falls together when sitting a long time.
Great pain in the right side of the back on lying down.
Tensive pain extending from the spine forward, under the right ribs when rising from sitting, and when stooping far forward, under the right ribs when rising from sitting, and when stooping far forward (to lift something up).
Backache, as if he had lain too hard.
Throbbing in the back and severe pulsation during rest, especially after emotional excitement (first day).
Heaviness in the small of the back and in the loins, as from taking cold.
Pain in the small of the back (after twelve days).
Painful drawing in the small of the back, as if a heavy body broke down (after six days).
Tensive pain in the small of the back, worse in the evening, so that he could not rise from sitting not bend himself backward.
Sticking in the small of the back, worse when sitting than on motion (after eleven days).
A violent stitch in the small of the back.
A sore pain extents from the small of the back around the abdomen externally.
During menstruation, bruised pain in the small of the back.
Burning in a small spot on the left side of the lumbar vertebrae, and at the same time in the lower part of the left shoulder- blade, worse when rising from sitting, better when walking; also at night, so that he can lie upon only one side (seventeenth and nineteenth day).
Burning in the loins, which extends across through the abdomen.
Extremities in General
Excessive weakness in all the limbs in the afternoon, then towards evening; sweat at night; vomiting; this all reappears (according to a three day type).
The feet, arms, etc., go to sleep on lying upon them.
Upper Extremities
Audible cracking in the shoulder-joint, on every motion of the arm (after eighteen days).
Throbbing, alternating with tearing, now in the left shoulder, now between the shoulder-blades, also at night (nineteenth day).
In the axillae under the arms, frequent pain in the glands.
Swelling of the right arm with pain of the auxiliary glands.
The arms are heavy and trembling.
The arms fall asleep when lying upon the table.
The left arm falls asleep, she can only bring it to again by much rubbing.
Pain in the bone of the upper arm as if an ulcer would form.
Tension here and there in the arms, always only in a small spot (second day).
Twitching-tearing in the bend of the right elbow.
Twitching almost like shuddering in the bend of the left elbow, extending to the middle of the upper and forearm.
Pain as from a blow, above the left elbow.
Pain in the elbow, as if bruised.
Paralytic pain in the forearm in the morning, disappearing on motion, and returning during rest.
In the left forearm painful tearings extending from the middle of it to the wrist.
In the wrist and in other parts of the right arm, tension of drawing.
Drawing in the left wrist, extending to the middle of the upper arm.
Sudden tearing pain in the wrist.
Dull sticking in the left wrist, relieved by motion.
Distended veins in the hands, with redness thereof (twelfth day).
The hands tremble when writing.
Pinching pain in the hand.
Wrenching pain in the back of the hands.
At first crawling in the hands, then they fall asleep.
Cracking in the joints of the thumb and little finger on moving them.
Drawing in the last joint of the thumb and also in the fourth finger, so violent that it seems as if the finger would be torn off.
Drawing pain in the last joint of the thumb.
Drawing under the thumb-nail.
Drawing in the index-finger as if paralyzed, with a sensation on touching it or bending it as if it were pithy, especially at the tip.
Stitch in the last joint of the thumb also suddenly in the tip of the thumb, so violent that it frightens him.
Throbbing in the middle joint of the middle finger as of hammer.
Ulcerated nail on the left fourth finger (second day).
Lower Extremities
Hip and Thigh.
Tension in the legs extending up to the hips, as if all the tendons were too short; most severe when standing, relieved when lying (thirty seventh day).
Pain in the right hip-joint on walking in the open air.
Pinching pain in the right hip-joint, as if it were stiff or screwed up, it extends downward along the front of the thigh.
Sudden stitches in the hip-joint, as if it would be wrenched out, with pain on walking, as if it would break to pieces.
Burning in the nates.
Drawing pain in the right nates, as if the flesh were torn off.
Violent stitches in the nates.
Sticking-itching in the nates.
Twitching in the thigh above the right knee.
He drags the legs, especially on ascending steps, on account of a sensation of lameness in the middle of the thigh. (Neidhard).
She said she had pains in the thigh during sleep.
Burning in the bend of thigh, as if in the bone when sitting.
Drawing down the front of the thigh as if in the bone, relieved when walking (twenty seventh day).
A feeling of pressing-inward in the bend of the right thigh.
Sudden, dull sticking on the inner surface of the thigh which frightened him (fourth day).
Violent sticking in the right thigh, so that he could scarcely walk (fourth day).
Tearing in the right thigh, in the morning after rising, relieved by the warmth of the bed (nineteenth day).
From the left foot, internal stitches through the whole thigh into the testes, hinder walking.
Excessive bruised feeling in the thighs.
Violent bruised pain in the middle of the right thigh, which after awhile extends over the whole leg, and lasts from the afternoon till towards midnight.
A blow in the thigh above the right knee when standing, so that he believed he would fall forward.
Knee, leg, and Ankle.
Pain in knees and legs.
Tearing on the inside of the knee, extending to the middle of the tibia, relieved when walking, returns when sitting. Cutting-burning in the right knee-pan.
In the right knee, at times, a rapid momentary pain, like a cutting with a knife, which makes the leg lame.
Stitching pain in the knee joints.
(Burning soreness in the knee pan).
Twitching in the right calf.
Weakness in the legs in the morning, so that he sinks down (tenth day).
In the lower leg, especially in the right tibia, paralytic pain relieved by elevating the leg, as for example, on a sofa.
Tension in the tibia, in going down a mountain (sixteenth day).
Tension in the tendons of the calf as if they were too short (fifteenth day).
Tension and tearing in the leg, relieved by walking (sixteenth day).
Much cramp in the legs.
Cramp in calves.
Cramp in the calf on stretching out the leg.
Drawing pain as if in the bones of the leg, in the evening when sitting, was obliged to stand and walk about.
Tearing and tension in the bones of the legs, extending downward to the feet, somewhat relieved when walking (fifteenth day).
Crawlings in the left calf as though going to sleep, when sitting. pains in the legs at night, as if he had taken a very long walk or danced too much.
Pain as from a sprain in the ankle.
Pains as from a sprain in the ankle, and on the back of the foot, even when at rest, with severe sticking, on motion.
Feet and Toes.
Trembling in the feet when standing, so that he is obliged to take hold of something to prevent falling (tenth day).
When walking in the open air, the right foot becomes cold, and there is a tension in the calf.
Uneasiness in the feet.
Uneasiness in the feet when sitting, is constantly obliged to move the leg, in order to relieve the tension in the thigh, and the burning in the public region.
Drawing pain in the feet, only when walking.
Tearing in the feet extending to the knee, worse on motion.
Sticking deep in the ball of the right foot.
Ulcerative pain in the ball of the foot on stepping, especially in the morning after rising.
Sticking in the heel.
Burning in the soles of the feet the whole night, yet he cannot endure anything cool on them.
Spasmodic pain in the soles of the feet.
The tough skin on the sole of the foot pains as if sensitive when walking, like a corn.
Pinching in the toes on stretching out the foot.
Drawing pain in the toes (after five days).
Drawing, violent tearing in the right great toe towards the tip.
Tearing and stitching in the left great toe by the nail, with continued sensitiveness of the place, with great fretfulness (first day).
Corns make their appearance on the toes.
Pinching pain in the corns.
Sticking in a corn.
Trembling through the whole body, in the morning on rising.
After dinner, great indolence and dread of labor.
Walking in the open air is difficult for him; but the farther he walks the easier it becomes.
A short walk fatigues him very much; he is obliged to sleep soon afterwards.
Weary, as with sleepy eyes during the whole day.
After eating, so tired that she cannot raise the hands; she is too weak to masticate.
Great weakness; can scarcely raise herself in bed; if she does, the pulse immediately becomes rapid, jerking, and hard, and after several minutes scarcely perceptible.
Great weakness and lassitude of the body, so that he almost sinks down, in the evening at 8 o’clock.
When lying, a weakness, which generally seems a kind of heaviness; is most insupportable.
Faint feeling at night; she is obliged to vomit profusely on the following day; is still nauseated the second night.
Unusual sensitiveness of all the senses.
Feeling generally sick.
A very unpleasant relaxed condition of the joints.
The whole upper part of the body feels numb and stiff.
At night everything rocks within him, as in a ship.
Tight and tense feeling in the whole body, with anxiety in the forenoon.
Pinching pressive pain in many places in the body.
Drawing in the whole body, now here, now there (after seven days).
Drawing, alternately in the right shoulder, in the legs, in the arms, in the occiput, and in the eyes, with heaviness of the occiput, great weakness, and sleepiness, causing dizziness.
Sticking as from needles in the whole body.
Sometimes, stitches in the joints.
Feeling bruised over the whole body, in the morning on waking (eleventh day).
In the morning at 8, suddenly feels as if the circulation ceased; a tingling in the whole body, extends into the tongue and the ends of the fingers and toes, with anxiety for fifteen minutes; then feels deathly tired,.
Desquamation of the skin on the back of both hands (twentieth day).
Dryness of the skin of the hands like parchment (fifth day).
The skin on the back of both hands is rough and dry.
The skin on the tips of the fingers becomes chapped and scales off.
Eruption on the right eyebrow, with a sticking pain when touched.
Eruptions on the ears.
Fatty tumors, especially about the neck, (St. Cl. S).
Pimples in various places for example, on the arms, hips, nose, upper lip, forehead, etc.
Pimples on the sides of the scalp.
Small pimples in the face like boils, though without sensation.
A cluster of small, itching, pimples, with a red base below the left corner of the mouth.
Itching pimples in the neck close to the scalp (third day).
Itching pimples on the wrist.
Pimples on the feet, which spread like the itch.
(Tetter like) rash on the upper part of the forehead, with a sensation that is more burning than itching.
Small boils on the forehead.
A very uncomfortable small boil on the right wing of the nose, near the tip.
(Boils on the upper arm).
Small boils on the nates.
A small wound becomes easily unhealthy, for example, having got a splinter in the finger, which was drawn out again, the wound would not heal; it ulcerated and throbbed; the pain prevented her sleeping at night.
Burning in many places on the skin, now here, now there (seventeenth day).
Severe itching over the whole body, which prevents her sleeping for several hours at night (twenty-ninth day).
Itching here and there, which is only partially relieved by scratching.
Itching here and there; scratching is followed by a violent pain.
Burning-itching, here and there.
Itching and biting on the scalp, and on the temples (after third day).
Itching, evenings in bed, now in the face, now in the back, now in the hands.
Itching upon the left shoulder-blade, with small pimples after scratching.
Severe itching in the thighs, even at night (eleventh day).
Violent itching on the back day and night.
Much itching, with eruption upon the back.
Itching on the small of the back and between the nates; must scratch it raw.
Sleep and Dreams
Much yawning, every morning.
Frequent, severe yawning.
Great sleepiness after dinner, every day.
Great sleepiness in the evening, his eyes close involuntarily.
Falls asleep late in the evening, and then the sleep is very restless with dreams.
Frequent waking at night, every hour.
Frequent waking at night; child calls for its parents.
Loss of sleep at night, on account of a sensation of great heat.
Evenings in bed the thought which she had through the whole day that she would sleep very well prevented her sleeping all night.
Starting in the evening on falling asleep, as from fright, so that the whole body rises up.
Is not refreshed by afternoon sleep, heavy, feels bruised; the head is painfully confused; constant yawning (after four hours).
Talking during sleep (in an old man).
Dreams nearly all night.
Confused dreams for several nights, so that in the morning on rising it is some time before she collects her mind.
Anxious dreams almost every night, with restless sleep.
Anxious dreams at night, with heaviness of the head in the morning.
Frightful dreams.
Frightful dreams, on account of which she wakes in a sweat.
Frightful dreams of fire and the like (after eight days).
Great sensitiveness to cold (after twelve days).
Constant coldness, as if cold water were dashed over her; worse in the afternoon (seventh to tenth day).
Sudden chill, with gooseflesh; external coldness; bristling of the hairs; in the forenoon.
At 8 o’clock in the evening, coldness of the whole body, with shivering beginning in the feet, with bristling of the hairs (twentieth day).
Chilliness, with thirst in the afternoon (seventh day).
Chilliness on going into a room from the open air.
Shivering in the arms, which disappears by the warmth of a stove, but is aggravated by the least draft of air; in the afternoon.
Coldness of the hands, with itching.
Skin hot and dry.
Alterations of heat during the day (ninth day).
Transient heat frequently rising in the head (fourth day).
The whole night, restless on account of internal heat (in a child).
Heat at night and anxiety, so that he does not know what to do with himself; lasts till morning on rising (fifth and fourteenth days).
She cannot lie upon the left side, on account of orgasm of blood and violent palpitation, with a feeling of soreness in the heart, and great anxiety.
He is attacked with heat when eating or drinking.
After dinner he becomes very warm and uncomfortable, and feels a pressure in the right side above the stomach.
Violent heat and sweat in the head, then thirst in the evening (eleventh day).
Heat toward evening, with little thirst; violent pulsation extending into the head; on rising, vertigo, even to falling; heat the whole night, with disturbed sleep; next day violent thirst; pours down whole glasses of water, with very thick, white coating on tongue (660).
Heat in the head, in the morning on rising, and sticking as with knives (after seventeen days).
Dry heat of the face in the afternoon (twelfth day).
Hot hands; frequently dips them into cold water.
Coldness and Heat.
Alteration of coldness and heat towards evening.
Chilliness in the forenoon, suddenly in the evening he becomes too warm in the whole body, and the blood pulsates in the head.
Dry heat the whole night, with sleeplessness, and if she put her hand out of bed, coldness, chilliness, and thirst (twelfth day).
Now heat, now coldness, the whole night.
Cold sensation in the right side of the head, as from ice, and at the same time a burning sensation.
A burning cold sensation in the forehead, in the forenoon (seventh day).
Icy coldness of the feet from afternoon till evening, with heat in the whole body after lying down (seventh day).
Heat and redness, frequently of one cheek, with coldness of the other.
Sweat for several nights, after midnight (seventh day).
Exhausting night-sweat (thirteenth day).
Profuse sweat on the left side, especially on the head.
Sweat on the inner surface of the hands and fingers in the afternoon (eighteenth day).
Conditions, Aggravation
(Morning), On waking, feels stupid; on waking, confusion in the head; after rising, vertigo; on waking, heaviness, etc., in head; when yawning, stitches above right temple; eyes swollen; swelling of the lids; matter on the lids; eyes difficult to open; sensation as of gauze before the eyes; in bed, nose-bleed; after rising, lips dry; after rising, pain in lower back teeth; dryness of tongue; on waking, rawness on the tongue; after rising, dryness in the mouth; mouth feels numb; foul taste; after rising, sour taste in mouth; when swallowing, feeling as if throat swollen; after waking, sensation in the pharynx; frequent eructations; nausea; fasting, nausea; after waking, in bed, pressure on right side of abdomen; in bed, when lying on back, pressure in abdomen; after rising, cough; on rising, pain between shoulders; during rest, pain in forearm; after rising, tearing in thigh; weakness in the legs; after rising, pain in ball of foot; on rising, trembling; on waking, bruised feeling all over; at 8 o’clock, suddenly, feeling as if the circulation had ceased, etc.; much yawning; on rising, heat in head.
(Forenoon), Confusion in head; hiccough; from morning to afternoon, pressure, etc., in right side of stomach; tight feeling in whole body; sudden chill; chilliness; burning cold sensation in forehead.
(Noon), Palpitation of heart.
(Afternoon), Salty taste in mouth; constriction in throat; eructations; burning in region of stomach; pain in stomach; sticking etc., in chest; weakness in the limbs; coldness; chilliness; shiverings in the arms; dry heat of the face; from afternoon till evening, coldness of the feet; sweat on the hands.
(Towards evening), Pain, etc., around anus; heat, etc., alternations of coldness and heat.
(Evening), Sad, etc., suddenly, becomes dejected; in bed, anxious; confusion, etc., in head; headache; sticking in the sides of the head; throbbing in occiput; crawling over scalp; weakness of the eyes; drawing over left eye; in the twilight, eyes close; buzzing in ears; frequent sneezing; redness of the face; in bed, toothache; crawling in tips of teeth; sour taste in mouth; sticking in throat; at 6 o’clock, thirst; from afternoon until far into the night, eructations; pressive pain in the forepart of the abdomen; cutting in abdomen; sudden erections; drawings in the pudenda; dry cough; dry, short cough; stitches in right side of chest; pain in small of back; when sitting, pain in the bones of the leg; at 8 o’clock, great weakness. etc., in bed, itching; becomes too warm, etc.; sleepiness; 8 o’clock, coldness all over.
(Night), Lachrymose; agglutination of eyes; drawing in ear; crashing in ears; on slightest motion, when lying down, pinching around the navel; cutting colic; cutting in lower bowels; when lying out straight, feeling of fullness above pubes; diarrhoea; burning in left side of lumbar vertebrae; throbbing in left shoulder, etc.; pains in the legs; faint feeling; everything rocks within him; restlessness from heat’ with anxiety; dry heat, etc.; now heat, now coldness.
(About midnight), Cutting pain in abdomen.
(After midnight), throbbing etc., in right ear; cough; for several nights, sweat; exhausting sweat.
(Towards morning), Diarrhoea.
(Least draft of air), Shivering in arms.
(On ascending), Fullness in the chest.
(On blowing nose), Reverberation in ear; bleeding at the nose.
(When breathing deeply), Stitches in right side of abdomen.
(When coughing), Sensation of soreness in chest.
(On descending a mountain), Tension in the tibiae.
(After dinner), Sticking in sides of head; when sitting and writing, attacks of choking in throat; suppressed eructations; eructations sweetish etc.; desire to urinate; every day, great sleepiness; becomes very warm etc.
(Before eating), Sour taste in mouth.
(When eating), And for some time afterwards, sound tooth becomes loose, etc.
(When eating or drinking), Heat.
(After eating), Daily, in two hours, sour eructations; violent hiccough; feeling of repletion in stomach; tired.
(After eating bread), Pressure in stomach.
(After emotional excitement), Throbbing in the back etc.
(On exerting vision), Burning in eyes.
(Passage of flatus), Pinching around navel.
(When hiccoughing), Stitches in right side of abdomen.
(On inspiration), Stitches in the chest.
(On lifting a heavy weight with both hands), Stitch in left side of back.
(When lying), Weakness.
(On lying down), Pain in right side of back.
(When lying on ear), Throbbing in front of ear.
(When lying on left side), Palpitation of heart.
(After a meal), tensive sensation in skin of forehead.
(During menstruation), Pressure over pubes; cutting, etc., in bowels; Pain in small of back.
(Motion), Pain in region of liver; pains in bowels; pain in small of back.
(Motion), Pain in region of liver; pains in bowels; pain in abdomen; pressing out in abdominal ring; sticking in ankle, etc.; tearing in the feet.
(Moving lower jaw), Pressure under the chin.
(On raising herself in bed), Immediately, pulse becomes rapid, etc.
(On raising the arm), Suddenly, vertigo.
(On every respiration), Stitches in left chest.
(While riding), Erections.
(When rising from sitting), Pain from the spine forwards; burning on left side of lumbar vertebrae.
(On rising from stooping), vertigo; seems as if his head would tumble about; drawing etc., in pit of stomach.
(After scratching), Violent pain; pimples on shoulder blade.
(When sitting), Confusion of head; pinching around navel; sticking in small of back; burning in bend of thigh; tearing on inside of knee returns; crawling in left calf; uneasiness in the feet.
(When sitting a long time), Weakness, etc., in spine.
(During sleep), Pains in thigh.
(When sneezing, Cracking in ear; sensation in pharynx.
(Continued speaking), Excites cough.
(On stamping with the feet), Shaking in the brain, etc., (Standing), Tension in the legs; trembling in the feet.
(On standing in the sun), sticking on vertex.
(During stool). pressing out in abdominal ring.
(After stool), Much empty eructations; moist hemorrhoids.
(On stooping), Vertigo; sensation as if everything would fall forward in the forehead; when washing, stitches in frontal eminence; drawing, etc., in pit of stomach.
(When stooping far forwards), Pain from the spine forwards.
(On stretching out the foot), Pinching in the toes.
(On stretching out the leg), Cramp in the calf.
(When swallowing), Cracking in both ears; crackling in one ear; dryness, etc., in back part of throat; sticking in throat worse.
(Empty swallowing), Smarting pain in throat; rawness, etc., in throat.
(After swallowing), Scraping in throat.
(On taking anything cold or warm into mouth), Boring in the teeth.
(Touch), Renews tearing in brain; pressure under chin; pain in region of liver; indolence, etc., (When turning body), Stitches in right side of abdomen.
(On turning in bed), Intestines seem to fall to one side.
(On urinating), Pinching in lower bowels.
(On waking), Pressure in the brain; from, midday sleep, stiffness in neck.
(On walking), Headache; pain in abdomen becomes intolerable; drawing pain in the feet.
(When walking fast), Cracking in ear.
(After walking), Pain in abdomen.
(On going into warm room from open air), Chilliness.
(From warmth of stove), Immediately, sticking in head comes on.
(When yawning), Stitches in side of abdomen.
(Morning), After rising, pressure in side of abdomen.
(Night), Fluent catarrh ceases; dry cough.
(In open air), Many symptoms disappear; confusion of head passes off.
(Bending head backwards) Tearing in occiput.
(During dinner), Many symptoms seemed to abate.
(After dinner), Dry cough.
(After eating), Weak feeling in stomach disappears.
(Elevating leg), Pain in lower leg.
(Eructations), Pressure in stomach; pains in the chest.
(Lying), Pain in abdomen; tension in legs.
(Motion), Many symptoms disappear; pain in forearm; sticking in wrist.
(On scratching), Itching, etc., in head disappears.
(Sitting), Pain in abdomen; desire to urinate ceases.
(Standing), Many symptoms.
(When walking), Pain around navel ceases; burning on left side of lumbar vertebrae; drawing down thigh; tearing on inside of knee; tension, etc., in legs; tearing, etc., in bones of leg.
(Warmth of bed), Tearing in right thigh.
(Dry, warm applications), Pains in chest.
Rubrics: 355 | Bar-c [1123/355] |
Total |
[Complete ] [Mind]ABSENT-MINDEDNESS:Apoplexy, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]CHILDISH BEHAVIOR:Apoplexy, after: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COMPANY:Aversion to:Strangers, to:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]CONFUSION OF MIND:Staggering, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]COWARDICE:Anger, with fits of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]DELUSIONS, IMAGINATIONS:Laughed at, to being:Hides behind furniture, therefore: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]FORGETFULNESS:Work, for mental:Child cannot be taught: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]HIDE:Oneself, desire to:Children, in:Think all visitors laugh at it and hides behind furniture: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]LOQUACITY:Menses:During:Young girls, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]LOQUACITY:Pregnancy, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MOANING, GROANING:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]MUTTERING:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]RESPONSIBILITY:Late, in children: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]RESTLESSNESS, NERVOUSNESS:Hysterical:Take cold, inclined to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]STUPEFACTION, AS IF INTOXICATED:Old age, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]TALK, TALKING, TALKS:Sleep:During:Old men, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mind]UNOBSERVING:Children:Memory, with weakness of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Vertex:Sun, exposure to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Pressing:Vertex:Sun, while standing in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Head]PAIN, HEADACHE:Stitching:Vertex:Sun, exposure to: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Eyes]PAIN:Looking:Down, amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Boring:Front of:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Drawing:Front of:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Ears]PAIN:Tearing:Front of:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]CRACKING:One-sided: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]CRACKING:Walking fast, quick, agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]FLUTTERING, FLAPPING SOUNDS:Breathing: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]NOISES:Walking:Agg.:Rapid, fast: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]ROARING:Inspiration, on: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Hearing]WIND, SOUND OF:Evening: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]DRYNESS, INTERNAL:Sensation of:Blowing nose: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Nose]ERUPTIONS, INTERNAL:Scaly, scabby:Nares, posterior, choanae: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Smell]PINE SMOKE: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Smell]SMOKE, OF:Pine, of: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Face]SWELLING:Edematous:Emaciation, with: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]ERUPTIONS:Crusts:Palate:Behind base of uvula: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]ERUPTIONS:Vesicles:Tongue:Center: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Mouth]SALIVATION:Tonsillitis and cough, with: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]PAIN, TOOTHACHE:Hollow teeth:Cold, taking: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Teeth]TENSION:Right: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Dinner:During: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Dinner:After: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Sitting, while: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CHOKING, CONSTRICTING:Writing, while: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]CONVULSIONS, SPASMS:Esophagus:Swallow liquids, can only:Old people: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]ERUPTIONS:Scabs, base of uvula: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]INFLAMMATION, SORE THROAT:Tonsils:Perspiration of feet, suppressed, agg.: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]LEAF, AS FROM A:Posterior nares, choanae, morning on waking: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]LUMP SENSATION:Swallowing:Agg.:Solids: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Perspiration:After: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Throat]SWALLOWING:Difficult:Talking much agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Neck]TORTICOLLIS:Chronic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Neck]TUMORS:Fatty: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Neck]TUMORS:Sarcoma: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]BALL SENSATION:Eructation, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ERUCTATIONS:Waterbrash:Sudden, paroxysmal: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]PAIN:Sore, bruised:Swallowing a morsel, after: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Stomach]ULCERS:Vomiting, without: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Rectum]URGING, DESIRE:Chilliness in hand and thighs, with: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]ERECTIONS:Chill, during: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Male Genitalia]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Scrotum:Extending to knees: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Female Genitalia]PAIN:Tearing:Cry out, must: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]PLUG SENSATION:Larynx:Afternoon: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Larynx & Trachea]SMOKE IN AIR PASSAGES, AS OF:Pitch, or: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]MUMBLING SPEECH:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]WANTING, LOST:Mucus in larynx, from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Speech & Voice]WANTING, LOST:Old people, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Respiration]DIFFICULT:Eruptions:With:Purpura: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Expectoration]DIFFICULT:Alternating with loose: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]ATROPHY:Mammae:Ovary complaints, with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]NODULES:Painful:Mammae:Old fat men, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PAIN:Tearing:Mammae:Leucorrhea, in: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Chest]PITCH, AS OF: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]ORGASM OF BLOOD:Lying, while:Left: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Heart & Circulation]PAIN:Heart region:Masturbation, from: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]ITCHING:Lumbar region:Scratches until raw: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]RESTLESSNESS:Lumbar region:Flatus amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]TENSION:Lumbar region:Bending backward:Agg.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Back]TUMORS:Sarcoma: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]HEAVINESS, WEARINESS:Hands:Eating, after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]NUMBNESS, INSENSIBILITY:Knees:Sitting:Amel.: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Upper limbs:Swollen axillary glands, with: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Buttocks, nates:Periodic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Burning, smarting:Knees:Hollow of:Extending down back, posterior part of legs: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PAIN:Tearing:Buttocks, nates:Periodic: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Extremities]PARALYSIS:Feet:Muscles:Flexor: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Perspiration]PERIODIC:Evening, every other: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Perspiration]OFFENSIVE:One-sided: | 4 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]BATHING, WASHING:Agg.:Part affected: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]HEATED, WARMED, HOT, BECOMING:Agg.:Drunkards, in old: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Complete ] [Generalities]SIT, SITTING:Agg.:Side, on painful: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Stomach]PAIN:Sore,bruised,beaten (tenderness):Swallowing a morsel,after: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Extremities pain]PAIN:Upper limbs:Swollen axillary glands,with: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Perspiration]ODOUR:Offensive:On one side: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Kent ] [Generalities]SWELLING :Glands:After scarlet fever: | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Mind]ABSENTMINDED, (SEE FORGETFUL) :Stroke, from : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Arms]PAIN, ARMS :Swollen, axillary glands, with : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Constitutions]WOMEN, CONSTITUTIONS, (SEE FEMALE, GENERAL) :Dwarfish : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
[Murphy ] [Perspiration]ODOR, GENERAL:Offensive :One side, on : | 3 | 1 / 1 |
35.0 Bar-c : Baryta Carbonica
[Curative action Of Remedies In Organic Disease Of Heart]
Transactions Of World Congress Of Homoeopathic Physicians & Surgeons By Pemberton Dudley.
1893 May / June
Clarke J H.
Calc / Spig / Bar-c / Tub / Ars-i / Aur / Bry / Puls / Colch / Ign.
THE common notion that disease of the heart is incurable should be in every way discountenanced by Homoeopathists. Many forms of heart disease are completely curable, and the sooner the popular ideas on the subject are corrected, the better it will be for those who suffer fro any kind of heart affection. It is true that old-established valvular disease cannot be altered, destroyed valves cannot be restored, but even in these cases much maybe done by remedies to restore the power of the heart when it is defective, and to bring about proper compensation, which is practically a cure. In recent cases of valve affection it has frequently been my lot to observe the disappearance of all signs of disease under treatment. In my book on Rheumatism I have mentioned, among others, a case of this kind which particularly struck me when I was resident medical officer at the London Homoeopathic Hospital. It was that of a young girl who had a severe attack of acute rheumatism, with both pericarditis and endocarditis. Under treatment, the friction sounds of the pericardial inflammation quite disappeared, and when these had gone the bruits indicating endocardial mischief also subsided.
One of the chief difficulties in the treatment of endocarditis occurring in connection with rheumatic fever lies in the fact that there are so few symptoms indicating the mischief. Pericarditis has generally abundance of symptoms, hence it is a much easier matter to cure cases of this. On the other hand, there may be very extensive endocarditis and so sing be given except on physical examination. In such cases the only thing to be done is to take the totality of the symptoms and to prescribe accordingly. If there are no symptoms elsewhere to guide, such medicines as have been found in practice or in provings to have an affinity for the lining membrane of the heart and arteries should be thought of, when the constitution of the patient and his previous medical history, with any former symptoms may have had, will severe to distinguish the most similar.
CASE I.-Quite recently a little girl, aged 5, came under my care in the Homoeopathic Hospital suffering from rheumatic fever, affecting a number of joints, and complaining of pain in her chest. I found extensive effusion into the pericardium, and a marked mitral systolic bruit as well. She had received Chelidonium and afterwards Aconite before I saw her, but without benefit. There was great irritability of temper, white tongue, heavy perspirations, and marked nightly aggravation of the symptoms, causing her to scream the greater part of the night. I prescribed Merc. viv. 12, and the symptoms at once abated. The temperature fell to normal, the effusion disappeared, and in a few days the patient was convalescent. However, the bruit persisted. But there were no symptoms whatever. The child was, in all other respects, perfectly well. As her feet were somewhat cold and clammy, I prescribed Calc. c., but I could not trace any effect on the valve to this; and as the patient had no leave the hospital I was unable to follow the case further. Compensation, however, was fully established before the left.
During last summer a number of cases of endocarditis came under my observation in connection with acute fevers. There was at the time an extensive epidemic of German measles, and the first case I shall describe is that of a young lady aged nineteen who was one of its victims.
CASE II.-On June 15, I called to see Miss L., who had been somewhat ill for four days. I found the rash of German measles, sore throat, the right tonsil being enlarged. There was a cough, and she raised a good deal of phlegm. There was some fever. The monthly period was on at the time. The pulse was 72. On listening to the heart I found a systolic mitral bruit. She had cold, clammy feet. Under Belladonna 30 the symptoms of the fever left her, but the bruit remained. On the 22d June the bruit was audible in the mitral, tricuspid and left auricular areas when she was lying down, but disappeared when she sat up. I gave her Spigelia 30, and in a few days the bruit became less distinct. She afterwards received Nat. mur. and then Arsen. for other indications; but on June 29th, after a restless night, hot and perspiring, the pulse was 84, the mitral bruit was very distinct, and heard in all the areas of the heart, and the patient felt “queer,” so I again gave Spigelia 30. Two days after this I found her feeling much better, and I could not hear the bruit. A few days later I listened again, but could hear nothing of it, so I let her leave town for the seaside.
CASE III.-About the same time i was attending another German measles patient, also a young lady, who developed in the course of it a similar affection of the mitral valve. Eventually this also disappeared, but as this case was more complicated, the attack having supervened on a long period of over-work and mental strain, much longer time was required. The medicine which had most effect on the heart symptoms in this case, was Baryta carb., which was given in two-grain doses of the 3x. The sensations she complained of were a strained feeling referred to the base of the heart and a sharp pain about the apex. The 3x appeared to have more decided action in this case than the 30th which was given first.
CASE IV.-Charlie W., aged 10, had an attack of English measles in May, 1892. I saw him on the 28th, and all the classical symptoms of the disease were present, and in addition, a mitral systolic bruit. There were no symptoms arising from the latter, and I treated the case according to the symptoms in the ordinary way. Under Bell. 30, Merc. sol. 30, and Sulph. 30, the disease ran a mild course, leaving the boy well, except for the bruit. On May 7th, as there were no symptoms, I put him on Lycopus virginicus 1 x which has a reputation in valvular disease. I could trace no effect to this, nor to Spongia 30, with which I followed it. On 17th of May, taking into consideration that he came of a consumptive family on one side of the house, and guided by the crenated appearance of his teeth, which Dr. Burnett has shown is an indication for the medicine, I gave one dose of Tuberculinum (Heath) 200, and as he had cold, clammy feet, I followed this with Calc, carb. Under this treatment he made good progress, and on the 10th of June I ceased attending. The bruit was then inaudible when he stood up but could be heard if he lay down.
On December 14th I saw him again for something else, and had the opportunity of examining the heart. He told me he had no shortness of breath on running up stairs, and he could run as well as ever be could. The apex beat was felt in the fifth space, further to the left than normal, and the area of cardiac dulness was greater than normal. On standing, no bruit was audible; there was a little accentuation of the first second at the apex, and of the second over the pulmonary artery. On making him lie down I found that the bruit reappeared in all the areas, loudest over the apex, and the action of the heart became irregular. I have not been able satisfactory to account to myself for this condition in which there is competence of the valve in the erect, and incompetence in the recumbent position, but it is a condition I have often observed. In one case, that of a child who bad at one time unmistakable mitral incompetence with attacks of violent palpitation and flushing of eyes and face following whooping- cough, I found, after some years, that the bruit could only be heard when she lay down; and still later it could not be heard at all. There was no anaemia in this case. Some defect of the posterior flap of the valve, or irregular action of the columnae cardiae may possible account for it.
CASE V.-On the 22d June, 1880, James T., a chimney-sweep, aged 44, came to my hospital clinic on the recommendation of a private patient of mine who had persuaded him to try Homoeopathy. When he entered my out-patient’s room it was easy to see he was exceedingly ill. Like most of his class he had led a hard, reckless life. He commenced chimney-sweeping as a tiny boy in the days when boys were sent up the flues instead of the machine- brushes now used. Naturally, he was a man of powerful physique; but now it had been with the greatest difficulty that he had succeeded in reaching the hospital. He had the blurred, heavy look of countenance-a sort of indistinctness of features-often noticed in suffers from heart-disease. He had the blurred, heavy look of countenance-a sort of indistinctness of features-often noticed i suffers from heart-disease. He felt just as ill as he looked, for he afterwards told me that he never expected to reach home again alive.
Fourteen days before, he had taken cold form getting wet during a trip to Oxford on the river. This was followed by a cough with raising of thick phlegm, the cough being so painful that he had to hold himself, and this had continued. The chief thing he now complained of was a pain at the heart as if it were swelling up. The pain gradually moved down, and the night before his visit to me was in the left flank; then it moved up to the heart again. Sensation as if a big knife went through it, aggravated on taking for him so lie on the left side. Tongue white; appetite good, but he could not eat, because eating brought on the pain. Bowels confined, he had a choking sensation in the epigastrium, and a dizziness in the eyes. He was excitable.
On examining the heart I found there was increase in size, a pericardial rub, and bruits in aortic and mitral areas; that is to say, there was pericarditis with effusion and endocarditis as well.
The knife-like pain in the heart singled out Spigelia from all the other medicines related to his condition, so I gave it him in the 3d centesimal dilution, a dose every hour.
He slept well that night, as he was able to breathe better. The next day I called at this house, and I found a decrease in the pericardial rubbing sound, and a diminution in the area of cardiac dulness.
June 24th.-Still better; sleeps well; has no pain appetite good. On the day I made the following note of the state of the heart:.
Sight rub heard over centre of heart.
Mitral area: double bruit, the systolic portion being heard in the axilla.
Tricuspid area (right border of sternum on level of fourth rib); a double rough, grating sound.
Aortic area; a double bruit.
On the night of the 25th-26th (as his wife informed me) his breathing seemed to be arrested; it began again with a gasp.
The Spigelia 3 was continued al this time, though it was not given so frequently as at first. From the 25th it was given every two hours.
A few weeks after this he mentioned a circumstance which occurred during the time he was taking Spigelia-the loss of a pain in the right knee which had troubled him for eighteen months. if he knelt on it he was unable to get up without going down on the other knee as well, and then stretching out the right leg. The pain was as if the knee got out of joint. He had been sometimes for hours at night before he could get is into the right position in bed. He asked me if my medicine could have had anything to do with its disappearance; for as he had not told me anything about it before, he did not see how I could have cured it. On referring to Allen, I found this in italics; Tearing pains, like a sprain, in the knee-cap, only when walking, so that at times he limped, since he could not bend the knee as usual. Other similar symptoms refer to the right knee and both knees. That the Spigelia must have the credit of this bye-cure I proved later on, for the pain in the knee returned; but a few doses of the Spigelia 1m F.C. permanently removed it.
But it go back. By July 1st he was quite free from any chest symptoms; he could lie on either side. But he has weak in the calves, had giddiness, and suffered from constipation with straining, Nux 1m relieved the latter condition.
On July 3d he was still complaining of weakness in the legs; so I put him on Baryta. c. 1m, after which there was rapid improvement. He continued on this medicine, with a rest, till August 10th. Occasionally he had palpitation on lying down at night; on the 5th there was slight pain in lower part of left chest; on the 12th numbness of left shoulder and arm. On August 1st he had an attack of coldness in the evening whilst walking in the street. He resumed work on the 9th of August. On October 11th he declared he felt as well as ever he did in his life. Being an enthusiastic member of the volunteer force,he had been testing his powers by practicing ball-firing. The following Easter he went though the fatigues and exposure of the Easter Volunteer manoeuvres, indulging him-self even (without asking my permission, I need hardly say) in bathing in the cold spring sea.
On the 19th of March, 1893, I called upon him to make an examination of his present condition. For the last eighteen months he has been better, he says, than for years before. His pulse was 72, regular, steady and of good force. I append his sphygmogram, taken from the left radial, standing, with a pressure of 3/12 ounces. It does not differ from a normal tracing except, perhaps, in the strength and sharpness of the upstroke and sudden though quickly-arrested return.
The area of dulness is still greater than normal; the apex beat is felt in the sixth interspace and more to the left than normal. Combing to the heart sounds, I found, of course, no pericardial rub. Also the mitral bruit and the grating sound (probably pericardial) in the tricuspid area were no longer to be heard. The double aortic bruit still remains. In the tricuspid area the first sound is clear, and a soft bruit replaces the second. This is probably the aortic diastolic propagated downwards. In the mitral area the first sound is somewhat impure- not the clear, sharp click of a normal valve-but there is no bruit, showing that the valve is competent.
In this case I conclude that under the treatment-that is, under the action of Spigelia and Baryta carb, chiefly-the inflammation of the heart, which affected both the outer and inner lining, was subdued, and the affection of the mitral valve was so far remedied that it has been restored to competence. The aortic valves remain still as they were, but the softness of the systolic portion of the double bruit shows that the degree of obstruction to the blood-flow is but slight, and the softness of the diastolic part that the regurgitation is not considerable. This shows that there has been, at any rate, an arrest of the disease process, and I am disposed to think that the aortic trouble dates from before the time when I saw him. I may say that after having been a very heavy drinker, he suddenly gave up alcohol in all forms seven years before this illness began. What made him gave it up was that he lost nerve when at his work on roofs, and even on stepping from a curbstone into the street felt as if he would fall. Afterwards he suffered much from “indigestion,” and in the night violent palpitation and sometimes arrest of breathing, as noticed by his wife. Loss of nerve is a very common symptom in heart affections, and the probability is that the aortic disease was commencing at that time.
Before leaving the acute cases I would like to refer to a case of ulcerative endocarditis following pneumonia, with delirium tremens, which I published in the November number of The Homoeopathic World for 1884 (vol. xix., p. 497). The case ended fatally, but the point I wish to refer to was made evident at the post-mortem examination. The heart weighed thirteen ounces. On the under surface of the aortic valves (which were competent) grew abundant granulations like cauliflower excrescences, exuding purulent matter. These granulations pressed against the aortic segment of the mitral valve, constricting the orifice artificially. The mitral valve itself was healthy, except that the appearance of an old deposit was found between its laminae. There were no signs of the heart being affected during his first rheumatic attack, but that there had been inflammation of the valve which had healed without causing deformity, the appearance of this specimen clearly showed.
I will now pass on to speak of chronic cases.
At the Annual Homoeopathic Congress, held in LOndon in September, 1884, I read a paper, which was afterwards published in a small volume, entitled Iodide of Arsenic in Organic Disease of the Heart. Iodide of arsenic is a drug that has received no extensive proving, and my prescription of it in the series of cases I narrated was, to a certain extent, based on general considerations. Since that time I have had many opportunities of repeating the observations I then made, especially in cases where pulmonary or bronchial affections complicate heart disease. In one case of chronic tobacco-heart it was the remedy that gave most relief. It seems to act when the symptoms of either of its elements are present, but I cannot give any markedly characteristic symptoms that indicate it in preference to other drugs. The accompaniment of cough with expectoration sometimes difficult to raise, and sense of oppression at the chest complicating valvular disease, are perhaps the leading indications, but pain at the heart, breathlessness on movement, faintness, and nervousness, occurring independently of cough, are also relieved by the Iodide. In all cases of overburdened or overbalanced heart the drug should be thought of.
But, as I mentioned in my paper, there are number of cases which are not perceptibly influenced by the Iodide. Homoeopathy has no specifics for diseases, hence a strict attention to symptomatology is our only safe rule in this as in all departments of our art.
CASE VI.-It is notable how frequently cardiac patients complain more than anything else of indigestion. It was the principal thing the patient, James T., complained of before the attack which brought him under my care. It was the chief trouble in two of the cases still to be mentioned. In the case I am now going to relate, that of Mrs. W., an octogenarian, the strictest attention to dietetic rules was absolutely necessary to keep her in comfort.
This patient had survived a number of illnesses, including a right-side pleurisy many years before, which had left her with a shrunken lung and curved spine and a displacement of the heart to the right. The heart was greatly hypertrophied, and there were murmurs to be heard at every orifice, a double aortic, loud systolic at mitral and tricuspid. The heart’s action was very irregular, the arteries hard and tortuous.
I attended her through a variety of illness, diphtheritic sore throat, bronchitis on various occasion, influenza with bronchitis, minor urinary troubles and psoriasis. The condition of the heart dominated everything. There was great swelling of the feet, which varied in degree at different times. But her chief trouble was indigestion and flatulence; the smallest transgression was pretty sure to be visited by an “attack” in the early hours of the morning. The “attack” was a feeling of faintness, a sensation that she was “going,” violent pain at times in the region of the heart’s apex, great oppression, the symptoms being relieved after a greater or less time by a copious flow of colorless urine. Every time I was called to her in one of these attacks she thought she was dying, and was almost angry with me because I refused to confirm her prognosis and pronounce the viaticum.
Aurum metallicum in the 30th or 1m gave prompt relief to this feeling of impending death and kept her reconciled to life for long periods at a time. Kali carb. in the same potencies gave her great help when the attacks came on between 2 and 5 A.M., and when there was a cough with aggravation at those hours. After an attack, when there was much palpation and breathlessness with heart discomfort, Baryt. carb. 5 and 30, gave much relief. On occasional courses of these medicines she was kept in tolerable health for long periods. When I first began to treat her I gave the Iodide of arsenic with some benefit; but it was not nearly so marked as that fro the more-definitely indicated remedies n higher powers. Aurum 1 m (Boericke & Tafel, or F.C.), had the most prompt action when the sensation of impending death was marked.
I will place beside this case another of extensive damaged heart in an aged patient, in which there were practically no symptoms referable to the heart itself, and consequently no call for special treatment.
CASE VII.-A stalwart octogenarian, Andrew M., came to my out-patient clinic at the Homoeopathic hospital in the summer of 1882, complaining of rheumatic pains in various parts of him. Two years before he had been laid up for five weeks with rheumatic fever, and for a short time after that he had been troubled with shortness of breath on going up stairs, but had got over that, and had not been troubled with any heart symptoms since. His irregular pulse, sharp and hard, and hard tortuous arteries at once told me that damage had been done. Here are two of his sphygmograms:.
Examination of the heart showed the following:.
There was visible pulsation in the carotids, the apex beat was in the fifth interspace, 3 1/2 inches to the left of the sternum, and the transverse dulness extended from 1/4 inch on the right of the sternum 4 inches to the left. Vertical dulness began at the lower border of the third rib. No bruits were audible, but there was at the apex the peculiar thumping first sound which indicates mitral stenosis, this being followed by a sharp second. Over the aortic and pulmonary areas the first sound was inaudible, the second being sharply accentuated, the accentuation being most marked in the aortic area. An exaggerated second means increased backward pressure on the heart, and in the case of the aortic valve, it is generally the prelude to aortic incompetence and regurgitation. When the aorta has been affected, either by acute inflammation, as in fevers, or by chronic degeneration, it loses a certain amount of elasticity, and becomes permanently dilated under the force of the heart’s beats. When this has taken place the rebound of the column of blood after the systole is more sudden, and produces the accentuation of the second sound in the aortic area, such as was present in this case. The defect was compensated by hypertrophy.
The rheumatic symptoms gradually subsided under Bryonia and Colchicum, and, finally, Pulsatilla 3, which last did more for him than any other remedy. It removed, after the other medicines had failed, swelling, pain, and numbness of the hands across the metacarpal joints, worse in the morning on rising, leaving him practically well. The only symptoms he had during the course of the treatment referable to the heart were temporary giddiness and buzzing in the ears. In this case I did not think it necessary to alarm the patient by explaining to him the condition of his heart, as I believed it would last him as long as the rest of his body.
I will now give particulars of a case which first came under my care as one of “indigestion”.
CASE VIII.-Mr. J.W., a tradesman, who had done work about my house, such as gas-fitting and the like, consulted me occasionally for an “indigestion” he was troubled with from time to time. The first time was in February, 1888, he being then 38 years old. The symptoms of his indigestion were weight at the epigastrium after food, tenderness to pressure, and drowsiness after meals. These symptoms were quickly removed by Bryonia. He also suffered frequently from headache, tightness at the chest, pain between the shoulders, and at times a cough. His pulse was somewhat frequent, but there was nothing sufficiently remarkable about it to make me suspect anything wrong with his heart.
On April 13, 1889, I was summoned to see him in the greatest urgency. After a good deal of worry he had been suddenly seized with violent palpitation and faintness, and when I saw him he was in a death-like faint, pallid, with purple lips, and icy cold; in fact, he was in a very grave condition of cardiac syncope; the pulse was weak and slow. On examining his chest, I found the heart enlarged and a mitral systolic bruit present. I put on his tongue a dose of Ignatia 1m (Boericke & Tafel) and repeated it frequently, and he soon revived sufficiently to enable me to take him home in a cab (for he was at his place of business at the time of the seizure). On examining him more at leisure, I found the systolic bruit (which was soft) was audible over the apex and also over the left auricle. The condition was one of mitral incompetence with hypertrophy.
I now learned that for some time past he had noticed a shortness of breath or going up stairs, and three months before he had turned faint suddenly and been compelled to sit down. I continued the Ignatia, and I may say that ever since it has been a very good friend to my patient. He never goes anywhere without a bottle of pilules of the medicine in the same strength, and whenever he has any sensation of weakness about the heart, whether induced by worry or by over-exertion, a few doses soon put him right. He has never had a fully developed attack again.
He is fair, and of a very sensitive temperament, and easily affected by worry, but active and muscularly strong. To return now to my journal:.
April 14th.-Had a slight attack in the evening after talking. Dreamed much in the night; short breath on gong up stairs; head feels rather light; feet rather colder. Continue Ignatia.
April 16th.-Headache in occiput; fluttering sensation in left chest; faint trembling after walking; a little fever; much flatus downwards; thirst; lips dry. Arsenicum 1m every two hours. Ignatia if required.
April 17th.-Went for a walk yesterday, but could not go far. Dreamed much all night-muddled dreams. Tongue white; still thirsty. Bowels rather confined. Occipital headache on waking Tremor at heart. Repeat.
I need not follow out the case from day to day. There was another slight attack on the 20th, but by the end of the month the patient was able to return to his work. He had occasionally drawing or digging pain in his left side and at times a sharp pain, and headache remained troublesome. At one time he described it as a “floating weight” at the vertex. This was relieved by Act. rac. 1. On May 8th he complained of feeling a weight at epigastrium after food; sinking sensation comes after dinner and constipation. He received Sulph. 30, one pilule three times a day. After this he was practically well, Sulphur and Ignatia being the chief remedies he required.
Early in the following year he had influenza very badly, with pneumonia and pleurisy of the left side. The heart was not directly involved. The bruit was heard, though faintly. Sulphur was his chief remedy on this occasion. At present he is in very good health. If he over-exerts himself, especially when at work on great heights, as the roofs of London houses, he is reminded that he has a heart. I examined his chest quite recently, and fund this condition:.
Apex beat not felt. Area of cardiac dulness extends 2 1/2 inches to left of sternal edge. In pulmonary and aortic areas the first sound is soft; at the mitral area no bruit is heard, but the first sound is improve. This shows that the mitral valve has been restored to competence, though not to its normal state. The sharp, clear sound of the closing of healthy valves is wanting.
This patient has never had rheumatic fever or any illness to which the state of his heart could be traced. He has always been temperate. Eleven years ago he was very nearly killed by a brick falling on his head fro a building in course of erection; but this is the only illness of consequence that he remembers. I append his syphygmograph taken while sitting, March 21, 1893.
These few cases, chosen out of a large number, will I think, suffice to prove to the Congress that valvular disease of the heart is often curable under Homoeopathic treatment; and when the valves are beyond repair and the balance of the organ lost, much may still be done by strict Homoeopathy to give power to the heart and restore its equilibrium.
The sphygmograms were taken with Dr. Dudgeon’s pocket sphygmograph.
[Curative action Of Remedies In Organic Disease Of Heart]
July- December 1995
Dr. Mary I. Senseman
Ruta / Puls / Symph / Spig / Calc-f / Calc / Guai / Sil / Hecla / Calc-s /Cadm-i / Alum-sil / Calc-sil / Led / Toxi / Viol-t / Calc-i / Bar-c / Stront-c / M-aust / Anthr / Merc-v / Tarent-c / Lyc / Caust / Scroph-n / Echi / Sanic / Thuj / Ferr-ma / Con / Berb / Card-m / Bell / Kali-c / Morph-s / Chel
By: – Dr. Mary I. Senseman, M. D.
Surgery is mechanical and its application should be restricted to the correction of faulty mechanical, conditions. There are two misfortunes that require surgery: lacerations or breaks in any tissue; obstruction that cannot be reduced by any other means.
A doctor is sometimes puts on his mettle to bring a case to a successful conclusion with only homoeopathic remedies, disregarding the popular surgical processes. I shall cite a few cases from my practice.
Glaucoma from Contusion.
Mr. C.S., aged 57, four weeks before he consulted me, he was looking upward to direct some carpentry on a ceiling. The workman missed a square blow as he struck a nail, and the nail fell with considerable force, striking the patients left eyeball the mark of the head of the nail could still be seen on the sclera, appearing as a round, flat-bottomed depression surrounded by the swollen conjunctive, and palpation disclosed that area as the most indurated. Left eyeball was bloodshot, and eyelids were very red and much swollen. Entire eyeball bulged, so that the right one felt sunken in contrast.
Lachrymation, severe photophobia, sensation of a foreign body on conjunctive, inability to focus eyes was the symptoms. He had been given some kind of eye treatments at a clinic for a week or more before coming to me. He thought that particles of something had fallen from the ceiling and were still in the eye. But there was no foreign matter. The trouble was unquestionably due to the bruise, and an intraocular haemorrhage of some degree must have occurred.
The eye was kept covered with gauge to rest it as much as possible, and to protect it from external irritation. Ruta grav.10M was the first remedy administered. Pulsatilla 200 was given four days later, and Symphytum 1M the next day. By that time, there was less inflammation, and no sensation of a foreign body. But, there was still much soreness and photophobia.
That evening, he attended a movie, and in the middle of the night there was profuse lachrymation. A few hours later, he was so much distressed that he went into a mild state of shock; felt faint, nauseated; perspired; pulse weak and show, But, he soon recovered. There was still induration of the eyeball, especially where the nail had struck.
I gave Spigelia 30; later Spigelia 1M. By the next day, all symptoms were decreasing. I later gave Spigelia 10M. Immediately after that he overtaxed the eyes by driving his auto 160 miles, part of the trip after dark. As a result, swelling, redness, lachrymation, and inability to focus recurred. Spigelia CM was given. Three weeks after my first prescription, the eye was normal.
Tuberculosis of Femur.
Mast. C. F., aged 15 years, was in hospital for ten weeks, sent by the High School, as he had an abscess on elbow thought due to injury while playing football. He was given large doses of Sulfa and Penicillin. Nobody paid any attention to his complaints of pain in left hip until a nurse lifted the leg to swing the charley horse out of it. The boy screamed. Then, an X-ray picture was taken. Head of femur was eroded. The parents were told that Dr. So and So would operate. The hospital was told that nobody would operate and that the patient would be taken home.
My first prescription was Mercurius chromicus 10M, Dec.28 1944, although I did not see him until May 17, 1045. All those months, he had fever, a part of every day. Temperature varied from 97 to 101 F. Pain developed in left knee and in other parts of left leg. Abscesses appeared in thigh, and particles of bone were discharged.
His mother described a symptom that he has, which disappeared before I saw him. He is a decided blonde. While, still in hospital, black hair appeared all over him. Sometime after beginning my treatment, that hair began to fall out His mother cleaned quantities of it from the bed everyday.
During the four and a half months before I visited the young man, I had sent numerous remedies by mail. I dont think any of them was a similimum, but he improved steadily. Some of the remedies were Calc flourica, Symphytum, Calc carb, Guaiacum, Silicea, Hecla lava, Calc sulph., Ruta grav., Cadmium iod, Alumina silicate, calc sil.
When I visited him on May 17, 1945, he still had a little fever everyday; pulse was 120. He was very pale. The upper half of left thigh was indurated; The left knee was painful if moved. But, he couldnt lift the leg from the bed, which had not been possible all those first months.
Just one year from the time he had to leave high school, he returned. The femur was adherent in the acetabulum at a bad angle, which caused a very bad limp. He is more than six feet tall, has weighed 242 to 280 pounds. At every step he leaned far to the left, putting great strain on the spine.
He completed high school and had four years at Millikin University. Then, he was selected for employment at Research institute, a medical department of the University of Illinois. When, he began a research n Nov. 1951, he still had two small openings in the tight. He was under skilled observation, and in July 1952, two pieces of bone were removed, as they were too large to emerge from either openings. The fistula healed in much less time than the surgeons expected.
Major surgery on the adherent femur had been under consideration, but they wanted to be sure that active tuberculosis would not be around by such an operation. On the other hand, some intervertebral disc might be damaged at any correct the faulty alignment. That operation was done on April 30, 1953.
He had continued to take my prescriptions. Besides those named previously, he had Thuja and some of the Calcareas, mainly. When operations were done, he was given such remedies as Ledum, Ruta, Symphytum.
After 7 or 8 months post-operaive use of trunk and leg casts, he walks erect. There is some mobility of the pelvic girdle, which compensates partially for the immobilized hip joint, which was done deliberately by the surgeons, instead of using some device that might permit movement in the socket.
He is still employed at Research Institute. There has been no indication of active tuberculosis of bone for more than five years. It took 7 years of homoeopathy to accomplish that.
Tuberculosis of the shaft of the right femur.
Mast. W. B., a boy aged 8 years, had been sickly from birth. He had had jaundice at one month. He cried a lot his first two years.
In June 1939, he developed pain in the right leg and lay with his knee flexed. He would not let his parents move him, as he feared, he would have more pain. He would move himself, little by little, across the bed.
After six weeks, he was able to walk with crutches. The leg had been flexed both at groin and knee, but now was straight, and there was no joint involvement.
Four fistulous openings developed in middle of the thigh. They began as abscesses about six months after the onset of the trouble. Two openings closed after two years; the other two discharged for four years. Painful bits of bones didnt necrose my more, the fistulae healed.
Some if the remedies used were Symphytum, Toxicophis, Viola Trico., Guaiacum, Crespa, Trombidium, Ledum, Calc iod., Calc flour., Baryta carb., strontium carb., Calc carb., Masparing friends or foes alike when he deems it fit. If there was ever a parchament of Homoeopathy, I would feel he would always relish being the leader of the opposition. His opinions may or may not be accepted by the readers but his obvious sincerity and scholarship can well be seen in his journal in his editorials comments and in his articles. Magnetis Polus Australis, Anthracinum. Mercurius vivus, Tarentula cubens, Lycopodium, Hecla lava, Causticum, Scrophularius, Echinacea, Senicula, Thuja. He is now twenty six years old, married and has two children. He is a carpenter and has done strenuous physical work all his adult life. He has never had a return of the trouble, although several times subjected to brushing of bones.
Tumour of breast.
Mrs. J. H., aged 79. In June 1954 she noted irregular lumps in her left breast, like a group of several nodules, each projecting forward to different degrees, like a group of several nodules, each projecting forward to different degrees, like a miniature mountain range. Adherent behind the nipple, and just to the left; dark bluish gray at that area. Some pain extended towards the left axilla, and a thin ridge was palpable along the line of pain.
In four months, the irregularity of the surface had disappeared and the entire mass had been gradually reducing. I couldnt find the ridge, but there was some enlargement of a lymphatic gland in that region. The patient told me that she had practically no pain. The nipple became so hard and dry that it dropped off; Discolouration is less dark where adherent. Only one remedy has been administered Ferrum magneticum in potencies from 10M to CM, at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. Conium was given once, but was not beneficial. While this condition is far from being cured and many never wholly disappear, she has reacted favourable thus far. She looks fairly well and does a good deal of work in her home. Her daughters think she is getting along better than she would under any other kind of treatment.
Gall Stone.
Ms. M. B., a women aged 48, had many attacks of gall stone colic, of varying degree of severity over a long period of years. My predecessor, Dr. J. D. Knott, had prescribed for her, and I continued to do so. In 1935 she was seized with unusually great pains. The gallbladder could be outlined by palpation; the muscles were rigid and the face dusk-hued. I gave her Berbers 30. The acute pain gradually subsided, but, the patient never lost the deep sallow color of skin.
Seven months later, agonizing pain came on one evening. Nothing that I sent to her gave any relief. I visited her at 2 a.m.., when she was in collapse, but conscious. She could not endure the slightest tough in gall-bladder region. I gave Morphin sulphate gr. by hypodermic; and Belladonna 30, every fifteen minutes. There was violent but ineffective urging to vomit about every half-hour. She recovered sufficiently to get out of bed after a few days, but lost 12 Pounds in one week, and had constant aching and soreness. I gave Lycopodium, then Kali carb.
After another week, pain was increasing to the colic stage again, Urine contained bile, stools were clay colored. She went into a paroxysm of pain that was frightful to witness, as I learned later from a neighbour who was present at the time. I was giving her Chelidonium tincture at that time, and had her take morphine sulphate gr. by mouth. But, that stone was passing towards the duodenum, and had to move through some very small ducts. Retching was violent. Then, in a flash, the pain ended. Immediately, she could turn in bed as she wished.
The next day the urine was black, a stone was found in the stool, she brought it to me, it just went through the half-inch mouth diameter of a vial. It is still in that bottle, and I measured it again. It is black on the outside with a brown centre that can be seen because some of the surface has flaked off. The patient found quantities of smaller stones, down to mere sand, for more than a week after the large one was expelled. She has never had another attack of gallstone colic in these past 22 years. I have always been sure that the stone was lodged some place in the duct, probably the common bile duct, throughout the 7 months preceding its final expulsion.
With kind courtesy of Dr. S. R. Wadia, who sent a Photostat copy of this useful article for us.
Jan98 to June98, VoI-VII, Issue 1 & 2
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar
Staph / Ph-ac / Bar-c / Coloc / Caust
Dr. Uttareshwar Pachegaonkar
A Male aged 35 came with the complaint of headache since 2 years. He used to get headache toward evenings especially on working days. The headache used to be maximum in the evening on going home from the office. He was qualified engineer but working as administrative office. The headache used to be throbbing ameliorated by pressing and diverting attention. He used to get palpitation on some occasions especially when he is alone. Another complaint he used to get was recurrent sore throat by least exposure to cold in the form of exposure to cold wind as well as cold drinks. He was treated for tonsillitis in childhood and was advised tonsillectomy by E. N. T surgeon when he was 19 years old. He didnt operated, instead took homoeopathic treatment for the same and was relieved for many years. He was feeling weak and used to get easily tired. On occasions he used to get lumbago especially on prolonged standing with little numbness in left lower limb which again used to be relieved by rest in supine posture.
Personal History: Patient had very good appetite, bowels and urine normal. Patient used to perspire more than others especially while attending meeting. He used to perspire in presence of strangers. Thirst moderate. No special desires. He liked ice creams but avoided with apprehension of sore throat. Sleep Sound, Position on abdomen Amorous dreams. He needed more covering than others. In case he is exposed to cool open air he used to get sore throat. He had developed masturbatic tendency. Married at the age of 26 years he had normal sexual activity with his wife but he could not resist masturbation. On some occasions he has gone for masturbation even soon after coitus. On inquiring about what he used to feel regarding his masturbatic tendency he said it is his natural need and he need not worry about it.
He had knock knee. Has bald head which started appearing at very early age of 30 years. His blood pressure is high always around 150/96 mm of Hg since two years. Physicians attributed his headache to raised blood pressure but the control of blood pressure didnt relieve headache. His elder brother had hypertension since the age of 38 years. Father who is businessman had hypertension since the age of 55 years. Mother has developed hypertension at the age of 65 years.
Mantals. He used to prefer very simple life and not mixing with the people freely. His intellectual performance was very good especial aptitude for mathematics. Very intelligent in his profession but is not easily socialized. He does not mix with the community freely may be to avoid problem because of his high administrative position in the society. He gets lot of tensions in the administrative job like insubordination from the people working with him and under remarks from the higher officials and especially while confronting the political leaders.
14.05.1 986: Staph 1M was prescribed.
Intense masterbatic tendency and the after effects of it pointed out Staph.
26.05.1986: No relief in headache. The fatigability still prevails. Acid phos 30 OD for 14 days. Loss of vital fluids (seminal emissions coitus and masturbation) pointed to Acid Phos.
02.06.1986: Headache not relieved. Fatigue persists. Has sore throat due to cold drink he had to take with the guest. Baryta carb 30 tds for 2 days. Patch intelligence, frontal baldness, extra aptitude for maths, recurrent tonsillitis pointed to Baryta Carb.
12.06.1986: Sore throat subsided completely. Baryta carb 200 single dose.
24.06.1986: He has headache but less intensity. Lassitude still persists. No medicine.
12.07.1986: He has headache but now no progressive relief. Baryta carb 1M single dose.
04.08.1986: He has headache but his blood pressure for the first time has come down to 140/90 mm Hg. No medicine.
19.08.1986: Headache mild, weakness not much prominent. Baryta carb 1M single dose.
23.09.1986: Headache he gets occasionally only if there occurs overexertion or tension. He has improved energy levels in general and feeling well. No palpitations since long even if he is alone or he has to confront job tensions. Blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg. No medicine.
Conclusion: Without antihypertensive drugs his blood pressure is in normal range.
A female aged 65 years approached with the complaints of severe pain in the teeth since four months in escalating severity. The pain starts at the right temple and settles at the right upper molar teeth. She gets severe pain making her restless. Dentists when approached opined that the teeth are not having any apparent pathology and neednt be extracted. The patient had agonizing pain. The pain was aggravated on being exposed to open air, cold hours of the day and better by warm room. The pains aggravated on moving about. The surgeon already had diagnosed it to be the case of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
The Patient had Osteo-arthritis of the knees and the pains again were better on warm application.
The patient is widow from her middle age, husband died of alcoholic cirrhosis. The patient managed the farm and brought up both sons who are now well settled. She is staying with both sons and theirs wives and children as combined family. When asked about what position she is enjoying in the family she said that daughter in-law wouldnt hesitate to disobey her. She herself takes care that she is not insulted by them. She has been to many doctors in vain and finally had come for the homoeopathic treatment. When asked why someone from the family didnt escort her during her visit to our clinic she said that all of the members are already overburdened by the botheration by one of the grandsons having incurable orthopedic problem. So she is reluctant to bother them by her own problems.
She has black wart on the face.
On working out the case following picture was synthesized-
- Right sided trigeminal neuralgia.
2.<=”” p=”” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>
- Intolerant of indignations.
- More concerned for others.
- Black wart on face.
Being in acute agonizing pain she was given
14.08.1997: Colo 200 4 doses in a day.
20.08.1997: She was not relieved of pain. Caust 200.
26.08.1997: There was no much relief. Staph 200 4 doses in a day.
08.09.1997: There was dramatic relief in her pain. Very slight pain existed. Staph 200 4 doses in a day.
12.09.1997: Complete relief from pain. Staph 1M 4 doses in day.
21.09.1997: She has no pain except little heaviness in the head and the habit she had developed during acute pain to press teeth together.
Conclusion: In this case Caust was clearly indicated remedy. However the acute of it in neuralgic complaints Colocynth was given as an acute remedy. Naturally after Causticum, Staph was given on the basis of strong indication as < by indignation. Staph helped the pain but Caust once again given as constitutional in higher potencies. Coincidently these three remedies are indicated in cycles as Colo-Caust-Staphy-Colo.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1940 Mar Vol LXXV No 891
Robert L Redfield.
Bar-c / Sec / Aur.
Read before the Southwestern Homoeopathic Medical Society, Los Angeles, October 15th, 1937.].
By ROBERT L. REDFIELD, M. D., Berkeley.
(From Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy).
THE problems of individuals with arterial and arteriolar fibrosis with or without subsequent calcification, meets the physician during every working day. Often he is hard put to help these patients with any ordinary means at his command. However, homoeopathically, symptomatic relief is usually possible and although anything resembling a cure is beyond our reach, homoeopathic palliation in itself is an ideal. Too often we find that these people cannot tolerate the barbiturates or other sedatives, the theo-bromine group, or even mild laxatives and stimulants which might be of value if successfully retained. It is certain, indeed, that none of these objections pertain to homoeopathic medicines. With this general statement of affairs in mind, we wish to present for your consideration and discussion a few remedies eminently useful in these trying states.
Let us take up three typical disease pictures, so commonly seen by all of us.
- White-haired Sam Howard is gently ushered into the office by the nurse. He moves without the spring of a vital human, sits down cautiously, and by his conversation one is struck with the realization that his mental processes move slowly, and in even simple things accurate expression is hard for him.
His chief complaints are difficult urination, mental confusion, fatigue, and palpitation. His age is fifty. He says that he has never been well, and now to add to his difficulty, he had a catheterize himself. Previous physicians have told him that he had high blood pressure, and on the last consultation was notified of his prostatic enlargement. He had come to homoeopathic care because the previous consultant quietly informed the family that he was a poor operative risk, and a well meaning neighbour completed the picture with the radical statement that homoeopathy could care prostatic disease. On questioning him, the following points are finally obtained.
(a) He has had many attacks of Peri-tonsillar abscess with much soreness and swelling of the cervical glands. This troublesome state of affairs was terminated finally by removal of these tonsils two years ago in the hope of relieving the blood pressure.
(b) He has always “caught” everything, was in school a poor scholar, and never has kept a good job.
(c) For the past three or four years, has become increasingly weak, mentally slower, urinating with more difficulty, and to complete his general apathy, is now sexually impotent.
(d) One year ago he had a slight stroke resulting not only in a left sided facial disfigurement for a short time, but in addition, a complete paralysis of the tongue, from which he just recently recovered.
(e) Incidentally, there are many vague and distressing symptoms occurring occasionally. Nevertheless, he doesnt complain of much pain.
On Physical examination one finds a broken arterio-sclerotic gentleman with an enlarged heart and aortic arch, moderately high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, and an enormous prostate.
Summarizing the findings then, we have:.
- History of lifelong ill-health with special notation of slow mental and physical development and involvement of the lymphatic glandular system.
- Present history of premature senile changes in form of slowing up of mental processes, enlarged prostate, sexual impotency, blood vascular sclerosis, and increased blood pressure.
- Apoplectic stroke characterized by paralysis of the tongue.
- General absence of painful complaints.
This common picture, so frequently, so frequently seen and so often causing the physician to “throw up the sponge”, should as you know, call for the exhibition of Baryta carb. Repeat it frequently, employ any potency, alternate it, with less basic remedies if you must, but never forget it.
For the second outline, let us consider another group of cases displaying much more troublesome complaints, but presenting no such vivid history as above.
The first view of the patient entering the office gives a singular clue. A thinness and general emaciation so pronounced as never to be forgotten during the entire consultation. This patients name is Peter Steinburg. Age forty. The chief complaints: dizziness, coldness and burning of hands and severe burning of the feet at night in bed. Cramps in the legs when walking any distance, and general weakness.
His family history is essentially negative.
His past history tonsillectomy at four years of age. No major operations or serious diseases. Moderate tobacco. No alcohol.
History of present illness. Up till three years ago when the complaints gradually began, Peter had classed himself as a very healthy man. Only eight years ago he had taken out a large life insurance policy and at that time, his weight and blood pressure were normal. However, more recently, his occasional attendants have remarked that his blood pressure was high and that they were unable to explain his emaciation. As to the leg cramps, they simply passed that by, mentioning something about ” intermittent claudication,” remarking that he should stop smoking and take certain exercises.
After considerable prying, one is able to elicit the fact that even though the arms and feet felt cold, Peter cannot tolerate warmth because of the burning sensation produced. Also it is learned that early in the course of the trouble there was much itching, tingling, and numbness of the extremities.
Physical examination reveals in emaciated individual with a sunken countenance, and blue rings about his eyes. The systolic blood pressure is quite high, but the heart is fairly normal. All other findings are quite within normal limits except that the hands and feet are mottled purplish with the skin cold and tight. On one leg there is an unhealthy, small ulcer of six months duration.
Summarizing the findings of the second group history, we take pains to note:.
- Past history of good health, and familial expectancy.
- Present history of gradual development of peripheral vasospasm, and circulatory deficiency, emaciation without much pathologic background and high systolic pressure.
- Burning of extremities, although actually cold to the touch, and made worse by any warmth.
Of orthodox advice, nothing especially helpful is available. But, as homoeopathists you all know Secale cornutum will do much for this patient.
Incidentally, it is well worth while to recall here that diminished arterial and arteriolar circulation appears to be the main basis of symptoms in provings with Secale. Likewise it is the basis of many of the symptoms of old age or premature senility. Accordingly, in our hands this drug has been eminently useful in geriatric practice, often as a basic remedy.
A third common group of cases are those which might be classed as cerebrovascular sclerosis, but really amount only to a general vascular change with more cerebral damage than the average, and are easily recognized by the predominance of mental symptoms, i.e. mild depressions, anxiety syndromes or manias. Let us note a case history typical of this group.
The nurse ushers in stout, Mr. Arnold Kendall, age sixty, whose melancholy look is apparent at once. He is accompanied by his wife who immediately starts up the conversation by remarking:.
” I have brought my husband to you because of many troubles, and I am afraid you will have to ask me the questions concerning his illness. You see, he doesnt ever expect to get well, is not interested in trying, and even thinks of doing away with himself. Two or three years ago, I noticed Mr. Kendall was becoming quite irascible. He flew off the handle over trifling contradictions, became purple with rage and after quieting down, would complain of a crushing pain across his chest. All the doctors we have gone to tell us he has heart disease and high blood pressure. They offer nothing to help him, but Digitalis which relieves for a time and then makes him terribly sick.”.
At this point, realizing aimlessness of the conversation, interrupt to get more definite information.
- His father and mother dies at about sixty, from cardiovascular accidents.
- The patient has had little illness throughout his life except for syphilis at twenty-five years of age, which was cured after three years of mercurial inunctions. Otherwise he has had no serious diseases or operations. He has been an oil executive, brilliant in work, but retired one year ago because of his failing memory and hair- trigger temper.
- His adult habits have been moderate.
- All his symptoms, including ill-defined and variable pains all over his body, dyspnoea, palpitation and vasomotor flushes, come on and are worse at night. On any exertion there appears the crushing oppression of the chest.
- Mentally, he is either melancholy, or peevish, and irritable.
Physical Examination:
One notes a stout man with a bourbon nose obviously dejected, answering the questions curtly and seeming to forget quickly what has been asked of him. His face appears bloated and unreal. His blood pressure is moderate, arteries markedly sclerosed, liver enlarged, questionable abdominal ascites, and an enlarged indurated right testicle. Despite all this, the information is volunteered that he is sexually hyper-active. Further, the heart rate is rapid and though there is some hypertrophy, the beat is poor. One notes that the patient is very nervous and fidgety during the examination. He makes an occasional foolish remark, but then immediately becomes glum.
Summarizing the findings of this picture we observe:.
(1) Past history of good health with the exception of syphilis and mercurialization. Familiar vascular tendencies.
(2) Present history of irascibility, bad temper and melancholia. Possible suicidal ideas.
(3) Crushing pain across the chest, worse emotions or physical exertion.
(4) All symptoms appear and are worse at night.
(5) Peculiar bloated expressionless countenance.
(6) Sexual hyper-activity despite obvious pathology and age.
This individual, whose story is strangely reminiscent of that of King Henry VIII, can receive no real help from any man but one trained in the principles of similar medicine. Under ordinary care his prognosis might be six months, but what a long period of time that would be for both he and the family.
As you all well know, Aurum metallicum will make a happier man, and a less burdened family.
Naturally, in addition to these three deep acting drugs, there are numerous others, equally important, and with just as clear a history and picture attached to them. Sepia, Sulphur, Thuja, Plumbum and the nosodes are among those with which you all are acquainted.
Quite obviously, too, there are a host of minor remedies without which medical practice might be embarrassing. Indeed it would be hard to keep up a busy practice if one could not call on:.
Glonoin for acute cerebral congestion.
Granatum for extreme dizziness.
Aconite for anxiety neuroses.
Ammon. carb. for cyanosis and dyspnoea.
Apis for oedema
Camphor of syncope,.
Cactus, Convallaria or Crataegus for mild heart complaints.
China for flatulence.
Dolichos for pruritis.
Chamomilla and Ignatia for nervousness.
Latrodectus for anginal pain,.
and many others you all use regularly.
In conclusion, it is our hope that in reviewing these three important remedies by giving respectively three typical vasosclerotic case histories, we have recalled some things to mind that you may have forgotten. Remember Baryta by its history and glandular status, Secale by its peripheral vasospasm, and arteriolar sclerosis, and Aurum by the peculiar mental state and leuetic history.
If you carry nothing else away,after hearing this short summary than the thought to bring these three remedies further forward on your active shelf, our time has been well spent. We heartily commend, for good services rendered, the grand trio of Baryta, Secale and Aurum.
HEAL THYSELF (The Homoeopathic World) A Popular Journal of Medical, Dietetic, Social and Sanitary Science By J Ellis Barker.
1933 May Vol LXVIII No 809
Emil Schlegel.
Cases / Therapeutics
Nat-n / Chel / Bar-c / Thuj / Lyc.
By DR. EMIL SCHLEGEL, Lindau- Reutin.
ON March 5th, 1932, Miss J. H., a girl of 13, was brought to me. She suffered from a tumour on the palate, for which she had been operated three times, but the tumour had always returned. It had first been noticed a year previously. When she came to me it was as large as a pea, and was adherent to the hard palate on the right-hand side. It was soft, yielding, with a broad base. The tonsils were somewhat large, and there was catarrh. Guided by the symptoms, I prescribed Natrum nitricum 4x and Chelidonium 4x. by the end of March, the tumour had shrunk so much that it was no longer to be found. The girl then received Baryta 12x for a week. On May 4th everything seemed normal, but on May 13th she returned because the tumour had begun to grow once more. I gave her Thuja 30, and four weeks after Lycopodium 30. Nine months have elapsed without a return of the trouble. Sometimes these small growths become malignant, developing into sarcoma. Only internal treatment can thoroughly cure that condition. The combination of Natrum nitricum and chelidonium was introduced by Rademacher a century ago. It frequently is effective in influenza. Both remedies have many symptoms relating to mouth and palate.
Being particularly interested in the treatment of cancer, I would describe a few cases of cancer. Seven years ago an old friend of mine came to me complaining that he had become somewhat hoarse, that he found some difficulty in breathing and he asked me to help him. He had occasionally felt some pain in the larynx, was a great smoker, but refused to give in the beloved tobacco. I treated him according to his symptoms with Nux vomica, Hepar sulphuris, Argentum metallicum, Nitricum acidum and Carbo vegetabilis, which improved his condition, and on my advice he reduced his smoking. His voice improved and so did his breathing. One of his relatives induced him to consult a specialist, and he went to Professor A. for an examination. The consultant discovered that my friend had a tumour on the vocal cord, and told him that it ought to be operated upon immediately. The operation was performed and as soon as it was done the surgeon telephoned me and told me that Mr. D. was suffering from cancer which had been found in the excised portion of the tumour, but unfortunately it was not possible to cut out the whole of the growth. Cancer cells had been found by microscopic examination. Of course I was grateful for the information and continued medicinal treatment of my friend, using at first Causticum, which was indicated by the symptoms, and giving then Thuja and other remedies. The patient had every confidence in me and refused further operations. He recovered completely and is now in his eighty-first year.
Three year ago I was consulted by an official of the Law Courts,, who had undergone a considerable number of operations, and who was in a very pitiful condition. He had been operated upon, had been cauterized etc., and at last he had been told that surgery could do nothing further for him. He was sixty-one years old, and suffered greatly from his apparently incurable disease. When he came to me there was a ring-shaped abscess in his larynx and his general health was very unfavourable. As my experience had taught me that cancer of the larynx has a relatively benign character, and as that disease does well under homoeopathic treatment, I encouraged the patient. As long as twenty years ago I had had a similar case. An architect had the identical trouble, which resulted in a cure. Within a year he had so much that he began to feel cheerful. His general health had distinctly improved, and he wrote his reports himself, a thing he was unable to do when I took him in hand. He then visited me, and I found that he had completely changed. His throat had become normal, he could breath easily, and could speak clearly. I treated him with remedies similar to those employed in the previous case. In addition I gave him Stannum, Allium cepa, Euphrasia, etc., according to the symptoms.
I do not care to describe further cancer cures of mine, but would add some remarks about the treatment of this disease. Doctors who wish to treat cancer medicinally must have courage, confidence, knowledge and luck. If they possess these, homoeopathic treatment of cancer is superior to surgical treatment. Surgeons sometimes succeed with cancer and sometimes fail. However, it rarely happens that the homoeopath cannot do anything in a cancer case. He can always relieve, but he may experience disappointments. The surgeon is in a similar position. He may find that an apparently successful operation is followed by a recurrence and death.
For our treatment we have some promising remedies which have hitherto been neglected, such as Cadmium sulphuricum, with which I have effected some cures. Dr. Grimmer has described some of his cancer cures with Cadmium sulphuricum in the American homoeopathic journals, such as the Recorder. The remedy can be given in high potency, medium potency, or low potency with good results, provided it is indicated not only by the local symptoms, but also by the broad constitutional symptoms. It has been stated that Sulphur should not be given to the cancerous. However, I have found that it is very valuable to cause a reaction, but one must not give it steadily. It is good as an intercurrent, used occasionally, if called for by the symptoms, and one must change that medicine for Belladonna, Nux vomica, Arsenic or whatever is indicated. Another great remedy for cancer is Phosphorus. Apis, Arnica, and in fact any homoeopathic drug may be called for by the symptoms. At present I am treating a case of cancer of the mouth in which Argentum nitricum 6 produced immediate improvement. Then symptoms appeared which called for Baptisia, particularly difficulties in swallowing indicated that remedy, and then Phytolacca was called for by redness and swelling of tonsils. Of course it is too early to say anything definite about the treatment of this case.
Possibly cancer may be favourably affected by the medicines of Dr. Bach, who endeavours to act upon the inmost indications of the constitution and character of the patient. I have read his recent article with the deepest interest and great hopefulness. England had done great things for the medicinal treatment of cancer by pioneers of homoeopathy, such as Robert Cooper, Compton Burnett, Patterson, Burford, John H. Clarke, Le Hunte Cooper, and others, whose successes are far too little known.
National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.
1992 Mar / Apr Vol 1 No 2
Sujit Chatterjee.
Tub / Lach / Bar-c / Cham / Iod / Syph / Puls.
In the last issue we discussed the importance of the Mind: Understand the mind correctly and find the right remedy quickly. The question is how to understood the mind of infants or children?
It is very easy to get a lot of mind symptoms form infants and children by mere observation (cases 1-5). The history of the mother, especially her state of mind during pregnancy is also very important (see cases 6-7). I shall illustrate this point with cases.
Case 1
Baby K, 4 years, had a tendency for recurrent tonsillitis. While taking the case, I observed the following:
- She was very restless (SRI-853)
- I wanted to see her throat, but she refused to let me do so. Her mother failed to convince her for five minutes. I took this as “Obstinate” (SRI-787)
- She wanted to go out and her mother said that she loved travelling. (SRI-1030)
- Her recent attack of tonsillitis was caused after taking cold milk, which she loves: Desires cold milk (SRII-258).
On these indications Tuberculinum 1M, 12 hourly three doses, were given. The dose was repeated after one month. Her tonsillitis and the tendency for it was completely cured.
Case 2
Master V, 6 years, had violent cough which was aggravated during sleep. (Kent-1402). He came to my clinic directly from school. His tie was very loose and his mother said that he could not tolerate tight clothing. He was asking her (and also me) many questions. He was very talkative and intelligent (mother confirmed it).
I took the following symptoms:
- Loquacity (SRI-713);
- Inquisitive (SR 633);
- Comprehension easy (SR 154);
- Tight clothing agg (K 1348)
- Cough agg sleep during (K 804).
Accordingly, Lachesis 1M a few doses were given, he asked why his brother (who was also my patient) was given two bottles of medicine, and he himself only one. This confirmed his jealousy without asking a single question. He recovered fully within a very short time.
Case 3
Baby K, 7 years, had severe pain in both the extremities since the last two years. Her whole history was narrated by her mother. Whenever I asked her any questions she would hide her face with her fingers. While taking the case my compounder entered the room, and again she hid her face; and she was looking through her fingers. Her mother confirmed that she was a very timid girl, when any stranger would come to their house, she would hide behind the furniture. She also doesnt like to play with any other children. She had an aversion to fruits.
These symptoms led me to Baryta-crab. Two doses of 1M potency were given and within two months she was better.
- Children, covering their face with their hands, but looking through their fingers (SRI-141)
- Hide, desire to, child thinks all visitors laugh at it and hides behind the furniture (SRI-595)
- Aversion to play, in children (SR 1-796)
- Averse to fruits (SR II-245).
Case 4
One day I was taking the case of a patient when I heard a child weeping piteously in the waiting room. I observed that he was very irritable, and the mother had to carry him constantly. It was a case of Bronchial-asthma since birth. Chamomilla 200, few doses were given. The mother reported after three days that first her piteous weeping had disappeared after the medicine, followed by considerable relief in asthma, the following rubrics were taken:
- Weeping, piteous (SR 1-1035)
- Irritability, children in (SR I-661)
- Carried, desire to be (SR I- 124)
Case 5
Miss PB2 years, was suffering from Pulmonary Kochs, and had severe pain in both the heels since many years. She was taking anti-Kochs treatment, but still she was losing weight, and her appetite had not improved. While narrating the history, the mother was weeping since they had consulted many doctors and spent a lot of money, but to no avail. Then the child also started weeping but in few minutes she was very cheerful. The mother confirmed that sometimes she was very cheerful but some- times she is not. The child was running about in my clinic and was very restless. She had a desire to travel, and the mother said that before the onset of TB her appetite had increased tremendously. She used to feel hungry and ask for food within short intervals of time.
Rubrics taken
- Weeping alternating with cheerfulness (SR I-1071)
- Runs about (SR I-863)
- Travel, desire to (SR I-1030)
- Appetite increased (K 477);
- Appetite ravenous (K 478).
Iodum 200 three doses twelve hourly were given. The heel pain disappeared with the first dose itself, and she started putting on weight. There was an all-round improvement in her health.
Case 6
Master K, 8 years was suffering from chronic diarrhoea since birth. he had taken a lot of allopathic medicine and was even admitted to the Hospital, but his diarrhoea would not stop.
While taking the history I could get only two peculiar individualising symptoms:
- He had salivation at night;
- He wanted to put his hand frequently into the water (washing).
The mothers history was also taken in detail. She had a strong mania for washing. She revealed that her father had been a drunkard (the childs grandfather), and he used to beat her mother in front of others. He never did any work and left her mother after some time. What was the remedy of the childs grand father?
I took the following rubrics:
- Anti-social (Phataks Rep. p. 13)
- Business, averse to (SR 117).
The remedy came to Syphilinum. Master Ks mother had no other symptoms, but the strong characteristic symptom of a mania for washing. So, she was carrying the roots of her father. Again, Master K had no other characteristic symptoms but the mania for washing. And he was suffering from diarrhoea from birth.
The following rubrics were taken for the patient:
- Washing always her hands (SR I-1062)
- Excessive flow of saliva; it runs out of mouth during sleep. (Phataks MM, P 580).
Considering the grandfathers and the mothers history, Syphilinum 1M one dose was given. From the very first dose his diarrhoea stopped completely. He started putting on weight, and two years later he is an absolutely healthy child.
Case 7
Baba G. 2 years and 4 months, had hypopigmented patches all over the body. There was not a single characteristic symptom except thirstlessness whenever there was fever. Even otherwise, the childs thirst was very poor. I could get a lot of information from the mother, especially her state of mind during pregnancy, viz.
Chief complaints
- She had a strong forsaken feeling.
- She used to weep easily, amel. by consolation.
- Was very mild and gentle.
- Has desire for open air and company.
- She was also thirstless.
On these indications Pulsatilla 1M, 12 hours three doses were given, and repeated after one month. The hypopigmented patches disappeared completely. I remember Dr. L. M. Khan of Calcutta successfully treating a case of Leukemia of a child with Arnica, on the indication that during pregnancy, the mother had a history of injury.
So, when characteristic symptoms are few or absent, the mothers history during pregnancy plays a very important role in forming the totality.
Every part of the family constitute a part of the family tree. Father is the rough bark and the fiber, the rugged part which supports and protects it. Mother is the heart, which must be sound and true or the tree will die. The daughter may be likened to the leaves and flowers that adorn it. The sons almost always the sap.
P-81, 2nd Road,Hindu Colony, Dadar,Bombay 400 014,Tel: 4143151.
National Journal Of Homoeopathy By Vishpala Parthasarathy.
1992 Mar / Apr Vol 1 No 2
Dorothy Shepherd.
Bar-c / Kali-c.
There was a little boy of four who had been treated for six months at the clinic of a well-known children specialist with gallipots and cod liver oil and malt, without any appreciable effect on his nerves, his weight or his unresolved pneumonia…. from being a shy, nervous boy, who would not look at the stranger, would not play with other children, hiding himself in a corner, never a word out of him, he developed into a bright, cheerful, playful soul, full of fun and gaiety- a few doses of Kali Carb for his unresolved right-sided basal pneumonia and then Baryta carb 6 bd for some weeks, followed by Bar.c.m.
They suggested psychological treatment for him. Homoeopathy so vitalised him and changed him, that he gained 9lbs. in ten months, lost his cough and his pneumonic patch, and his terrible shyness and fear of strangers. Is it not so worthwhile to be a homoeopathic psychologist.
Psychologists call difficult children as “Problem children”. True, such children present rather serious problems to the psychologist; it means long periods of observation and the close study of the behaviour of each child before course of treatment can be suggested by the psychologist. Now I claim that the Homoeopaths are better psychologists than the psychologist themselves. They also possess positive means of curing psychological problems: i.e. by way of the indicated remedy. As Hahnemann taught us, we have collected pages and pages of psychological symptoms to be applied on the principle of “like cures like”. Hence, a difficult child does not present such a “problem” to the true follower of Hahnemann as to the psychologist”.
Dr. Dorothy Shepherd
“The Magic of the Minimum Dose” (p.69 and 75-6).
1993 Mar / Apr VOL II No 2
Sujit Chatterjee.
Verat / Bar-c / Pall / Thuj.
Leucoderma is an autoimmune disorders. I have seen many doctors treating this disorder with specifics like Ars-sulph-flavum and Tuberculinum as an intercurrent. According to me, this type of treatment results in palliation of Homoeopathic suppression. I have obtained results in many of my Leucoderma cases, when I prescribed purely on the totality without using a reference to the rubric Skin, discolouration white (a pathological symptom).
Mrs M M, aged 50 years, had extensive Leucoderma of the whole left leg since the last two years. She used to get a repeated dream, that God is talking with her. She was very religious and used to pray for a very long time every day. Her ultimate aim in life was to get salvation. She had intense craving for sweets and fruits. She had some financial loss. She had a strong grief that she could not secure a seat in a medical college. When I asked her how not getting a seat affected her, she replied “A doctor has a high status in society”.
With the above history i gave her Verat-alb 1M because of the following rubrics-
1) Delusion, God in communication with, he he (SR I 293)
2) Religious (SRI 1828)
3) Praying (SRI 1799)
4) Despair of salvation (SRI 1395)
5) A / F Pecuniary loss (SRI 1210)
6) Grief (SRI 1566)
7) Desire for fruits (SRI 1246)
8) Burns (SRI II 53)
Follow up-
There was hardly any improvement in the first ten months, and her dreams remained the same. Once she dreamt of snakes. When I asked her what she felt about it, she replied that it was a symbol of God. On another occasion she had a dream of saint.
She hardly did any work but presented herself to us, as if she was occupied with some important work. (I am not mentioning the full detailed story here) The I started repeating Verat-alb 1M one dose every second or third month.
After a few months she started feeling better in general and from then on new pigmentation started. She is very much better now.
Mr M had extensive Leucoderma all over the body. I interviewed him on six consecutive occasions with great patience and time, but I could hardly get any symptoms. My impression about him was that he behaved in a way, as if somebody was present in the room. Could this be the reason for his not telling me about himself?
I observed that he had extra hair all over his body. He used to take very hot baths and had intense craving for onions.
So I took the following rubrics- Del strangers seem to be in the room. SR I 360.
Del someone is present. SR I 339 Hot bathing ameliorates. SR II 42. Craving for onions. SR II 259.
Skin, hair, unusual parts on. K 1326.
Thuja 1M was hence given once. Within six months 90 percent of his Leucoderma cleared.
A girl, 4 years of age, had Leucoderma on the forehead since 1-2 years. During casetaking it became obvious, that she never gave any one an opportunity to make any critical remark about her. She felt extremely happy when someone praised her.
I took the following rubrics-
1) longing for the good opinion of others. SR I 1237.
2) Del, appreciated she is not. SR I 237.
I did not bother to see the skin rubrics. She was given Palladium 1M one dose. From the seventh month dramatic improvement was observed and she now is cured completely.
Master S V, 15 years of age, was suffering from Vitiligo all over his body since the last four years. He was very timid and poor in studies, with an inferiority complex. He could not take his own decisions. This was his condition before the onset of Vitiligo. Baryta-carb 1M was given. Within one year he was 80 percent better.
I have the photographs and video recordings of the above cases before and after treatment. Any doctor interested in seeing them can contact me. I would again like to stress that the patient is more important than disease. Homoeopathy has no specifics.
1993 May / Jun Vol II No 3
Subhash Chandra Paul.
An old widow, 72 years came to me in 1988 with the following complaints-
While eating rice, the morsel of food suddenly lodges in the oesophagus compelling her to sit still like a statue with no power to talk or to indicate he sufferings. Only tears roll down her cheeks with signs of agonising pain. After a few minutes the crisis passes off and she lies in bed, exhausted. Except for weakness no other sequelae remain.
This type of attack occurs a couple of times each month since one year. The attacks are irregularly spaced.She consulted several allopaths and was treated by antispasmodic drugs with little effect.
I was confused whether to prescribe on this local symptom alone, as no other guiding symptom was available. I finally analysed the case on the following lines-
Due to her old age, the muscles of the oesophagus had become weak. During continuous deglutition of solids, the oesophageal muscles get fatigued and the action of automatic contraction and expansion to propagate food to reach the stomach becomes difficult.
On this basis, I prescribed Baryta carb 30 twice daily for two weeks. After this she did not report a single attack. After a month a mild attack was felt. So the medicine was repeated for one week. She has not complained of any attack since then. She is still alive and enjoys good health.
EDITOR : We wish the doctor had mentioned the specific indications which led him to Baryta carb. However, on referring to Kents Repertory we found the following rubrics which lead to Baryta carb-
Old people K 1376
Throat difficulty, swallowing solids K 486
Oesophagus, Sensation as if food lodged in K 452
Throat, choking on swallowing K 449.
1948 May Vol LXIII No 11
Marion Belle Rood.
Bar-c / Cad / Sabad / Hyper / Diph / Dros / Morb / Carc / Con.
[ Read before Bureau of Pediatrics, I.H.A., June 25, 1947].
CASE I. B.H. was seven June 23, 1946. He had mumps, a light case, early in December, 1946, but has failed to gain since. He is underweight, with scrophulous glands, extremely fair skin, pupils widely dilated, but sleepy and tired continually. There are dry parched lips, mouth breathing, and foul breath. The mumps have never really disappeared on the right. His teacher sent him in, because, although he seemed to be a very bright boy, he was not learning any more in school. He was given Baryta carb., 3x, on March 10, 1947.
April 9, 1947. Immediately after the tablets were gone (about ten tablets given) Bobby improved a little, but a day or two later, the slight swelling of the glands on the side of his neck on the right become almost as large as an orange, and very hard. Two days later he had his mumps back. Much less listless, however; he says he feels better. Rx. Cadmium calcarea fluorica 10M.
Bobby was brought in once more about a week later, but the alteration in his appearance was almost startling. The cervical swelling was completely gone, his skin was firm and moist, instead of dry and flabby, and his color clear, with pink cheeks and sparkling eyes. He said he felt just fine and grinned broadly because now he did not have to “have his tonsils out in June.” True, the tonsillar tissue has also regressed, and he ceased to breathe through his mouth. The best was his sudden spurt in school, which once more took on its old charm for him.
CASE II. R.S., aged five, was first seen in midst of a hay fever attack in July, 1945, which seemed to respond to Sabadilla 1M. The same remedy, repeated in the summer of 1946, relieved but did not completely cure his asthmatic breathing and watery nose. His parents considered that it was as good as could be done and did not return until March 18, 1947. At this time he had asthma again with sneezing, vomiting, and whooping. He had been given “shots” for whooping cough before he was a year old. He wakes up crying, hot, with a feverish hot breath. He grates his teeth a good deal at night. Rx. Sabadilla cc.
May 21, 1947. He has developed a facial contortion, blinking both eyes and twisting his mouth to one side. His head draws back in sleeping. Rx. Cicuta virosa 1M.
May 25, 1947. He was not much improved. This child had a ladder fall on his head when two years old. A large bump appeared, but no treatment was given. He has had true Jacksonian attacks. Rx. Hypericum CM.
A week later he came in without his facial contortion, much improved. His hay fever has not appeared, and his asthmatic breathing has disappeared. Rx. Hypericum 10M.
CASE III. S.A. DeM, aged four months, was first seen March 21, 1947. This baby presents an eye (left one) protruding from the socket, closed or drooping lid, with a network of fine blue veins spreading from the lid of the eye over the left side of the forehead and face, the entire left forehead having a dusky appearance, and the eye looks as if a mass behind it were pushing it forward. This condition has been present since birth. Her father was in the South Pacific, and had malaria; her mother has developed fainting spells and haemorrhages from the uterus since her birth. This is her first baby. The labor was not unusually long, terminated spontaneously, and the baby cried immediately. some signs of hyperthyroid function present in the mother. The baby is listless. Rx. Cadmium ferrum iodide 10M.
April 5, 1947. She shows much improvement in appearance. There is suspicion of chill and fever. Rx. Cadmium mur. 10M.
May 19, 1947. The baby has lost most of the difference in the appearance of the two sides of her face. Her eye opens wider, does not protrude, and the red mark is much more faint. No bulging of the eye or forehead on the left. However, mother thought fit to give this baby diphtheria prevention “shots” and since then the child turns blue by spells, and gasps for breath (heart?). Rx. Diphtherinum 1M followed in twenty-four hours by Merc. sol. ars., 1M.
June, 1947. The baby has had two teeth, with no special fuss or trouble, and her picture does not show any sign of her previous deformity. Her eyes are about alike.
CASE I. L.K., aged six, was seen in August, 1945 for a stubborn cough following measles. she had “shots” for whooping cough before she was a year old. This cough has persisted for three months. Morbillinum 1M, followed by a dose of Drosera 200., cleared the cough in three or four days.
April 15, 1947. Lois is coughing again. She now presents some swollen cervical glands, and she did not have the mumps when all the other children in her school did. Rx. Cadmium calc., 10M.
May 19, 1947. The baby has lost most of the difference in the appearance of the two sides of her face. Her eye opens wider, does not protrude, and the red mark is much more faint. No bulging of the ye or forehead on the left. However, mother thought fit to give this baby diphtheria prevention “shots” and since then the child turns blue by spells, and gasps for breath (heart?). Ex. Diphtherinum 1M followed in twenty-four hours by Merc. sol. ars., 1M.
June, 1947. The baby has had two teeth, with no special fuss or trouble, and her picture does not show any sign of her previous deformity. Her eyes are about alike.
CASE IV. L.K., aged six, was seen in August, 1945 for a stubborn cough following measles. she had “shots” for whooping cough before she was a year old. This cough has persisted for three months. Morbillinum 1M, followed by a dose of Drosera 200., cleared the cough in three or four days.
April 15, 1947. Lois is coughing again. She now presents some swollen cervical glands, and she did not have the mumps when all the other children in her school did. Rx. Cadmium calc., 10M.
June 6, 1947. Lois returns with genuine whooping cough. She coughs every minute all night long until no one can rest. Rx. Cocqueluchin, 30., one dose. Lois never coughed again. That night, all slept.
CASE V AND VI. Two children were brought in by their mother with a previous diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervical glands from Hurley Hospital in flint, where the mother was being treated by deep x-ray therapy for general carcinosis at the age of thirty. Biopsy of the cervical glands of the children was dine at the hospital, and x-ray treatment recommended for malignant cells found therein by the pathologist. The mother declined the advice on account of the great increase of suffering she had experienced from the treatment, discontinued her own treatments, and brought all three to me instead.
April 11, 1947, Elaine, aged eight years, complains of continual stomachache, and refuses to eat. She is pale, thin, poorly nourished, about the proper height, but tired. Her only other definite symptom is enuresis, very obstinate case. Rx. Conium mac., 1M.
April 28, 1947. The bedwetting has improved but the stomachache has not. Rx. Feldspar, 1M.
June 1, 1947. no bedwetting. no stomachache. Color and appearance improved and some weight gain (four pounds). Perhaps she is not cure,d but she feels better.
April 11, 1947. Tommy, aged four years, had the largest swelling of the cervical glands. Intermittent fever is present (undulant?). Rx. Baryta iodide, 3x.
April 28, 1947. He shows softer, smaller cervical glands, but they are still large enough to see easily. Rx. Niccolexin, 1M.
June 1, 1947. The glands appear normal and he has gained weight. Color has changed from sallow to clear, with some pain in cheeks. His play shows the most marked change for the better.
I would not care to go on and on, but these few cases are only a sample, and the truth dawns with a certainly. Carcinoma has moved into the pediatrics department to stay. A generation of preventive medicine has demonstrated that the child who is given “shots” may develop the only really dangerous sequel of diphtheria, heart damage. And notwithstanding the continued presence of these old, well-known diseases of childhood, we may look out into our offices anytime and see a group of little children, sallow, with drawn expressions on their faces, listless, losing flesh and energy, with all the classical signs and symptoms of that disease of old age, cancer.
One looks for etiology. Here it is wise to recall that dictum of the ancients which gave origin to our great school of medical thought, namely, what ailments any drug can cause in large doses, that it can cure, if given in single, minute, potentized homoeopathic doses. There was a long series of experiments carried out by Dr. Mary Stark at the New Medical School with fruit flies. These flies lived on the pulp of bananas which were salvaged from extinction by the liberal use of arsenical sprays. They developed a carcinomatous tumor of the head ganglion, which was bred out of the strain by the use of Arsenicum alb. in potency. Arsenic is the most frequently indicated remedy in cancerous states, perhaps, but there are others. The cadmiums, gold, and that combination, merc-sol-ars., called for, perhaps, when the treated syphilis of the parents becomes the early tumorous formation in the child. These children develop lesions in the brain and nervous system as all know.
The startling fact that we must look for, expect, and learn to treat cancer in little children is unmistakable. When acute diseases are followed by chronic glandular swellings, listlessness, etc., then the homoeopath may think of his gold, his arsenicum, and the cadmiums, not to forget that most helpful nosode, Carcinosin K, which will often confirm the dark suspicion, when no other method of proof is available.
Here, only a true and tried homoeopath, who is at home with the high potencies and the whole system of homoeopathic philosophy can give the victims of our bungling civilization restoration to health easily, quickly and painlessly. LAPEER, MICHIGAN.
- RALPH S. FARIS: I remember a little fellow I was called to treat two or three years ago. He had been given “shots” for whooping cough, or to prevent whooping cough, and within about a week or ten days following these “shots” he developed eczema. That was before I was called on the case.
The eruption extended over the entire body, and at bedtime and sometimes during the day, too, the mother had to tie him spread- eagle in his little crib to keep him from tearing himself to pieces, the itching was so intense. The expression in that little fellows eyes was simply pitiful. She tried, I think, the whole galaxy of pediatricians we have in town there, and we have a pretty good supply of them, and, finally, someone suggested homoeopathy, and that was where I entered the case, but it took more than a year to clear that child up. We got him out of his spread-eagle position in two or three weeks, probably, but it took more than a year, between a year and a half, to overcome the effects of that lovely immunization.
- C.P. BRYANT: I am sorry I had to part of Dr. Roods paper. I heard enough so that I want to add a little more information to what I have already heard.
Some years ago probably some of you remember reading the statistics from the Metropolitan Asylum Board in London, in which they decided they were going to find out how beneficial diphtheria antitoxin is. Over a period of about six years they persuaded all those patients whom they could to have treatment for diphtheria without the antitoxin-I cant recall the number of cases now. Over the period of years they tried to make it so there would be the same number of those who had antitoxin as of those who didnt have it, and the shock that the medical profession got was that of those who had no antitoxin-and that doesnt mean they had any homoeopathic treatment, because they didnt they had nothing but good nursing, plenty of fresh air, and very light diet-6 per cent died and 14 per cent died who did have it.
- DAYTON T. PULFORD: I feel that the Bureau of Pediatrics is really the best place to sell homoeopathy to the public. You can do more in the childs developing than you can after a certain amount of pathology has been established, and not only make friends of the children, but also make grateful parents, and through the child, bring more of the older people to homoeopathy than you can probably in any other way.
- MARION BELLE ROOD (closing discussion): I thank you all for your kind criticism. There is only one thing to add to it, the source of the remedies. When homoeopathy becomes an obsession, as it has for me, there is nothing in heaven or earth that cannot be of use. I take whatever I can get whenever I can get it, and use it homoeopathically if there is any way to do so.
I have hunted high and low among all whom I know who practice homoeopathy and I still want to search for more, to learn something, and anything I learn, I use. I learned homoeopathy from every homoeopath, especially the late Dr. Harriet Knott, of Saginaw, as preceptor, and lately from Dr. Bryant and Dr. Morgan, and from all of you. You are my teachers.
1936 Jun Vol LI No 6
Pulford A.
Graph / Bar-c.
Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Clinical Medicine, June 8, 1935.
Several years ago I was called to see a very severe and malignant case of erysipelas that had all the earmarks of Lachesis. The response to that drug was so prompt and gratifying that the patient has never forgotten it. He has been a firm and consistent exponent of homoeopathy ever since, and has sent us a number of patients.
Among the list of patients sent was a very case of eczema, especially marked on the hands. The hands were a disgusting sight, cracked and oozing profusely a sticky gluey fluid. He was a printer by trade, also book binder, and his hands were blue with ink most of the time. Under Graphites 1M. he made a splendid recovery.
It was after that cure was completed that he apologetically asked if he might bring his young son at some time for an examination. Said he, “My boy was born with a double cataract, and we discovered later that he was blind. I have had him to some very fine specialists, but none of them was able to do a thing for him, not even by an operation. Not only have I heard of some of the remarkable things with homoeopathy when others had failed, but I know exactly what you did for me under like circumstances, and, while I dare hope for nothing, I wish you would test out homoeopathy on the boy, no matter how long it takes”.
I had the father bring his wife and the boy to the office, and here is what we learned and found: A weak, ill-nourished boy, mentally and physically dwarfed, timid, bashful, inclined to imbecility, averse to and shunning strangers and unfamiliar faces, imagining he was being laughed at and made fun of, forgetful, taking cold easily and subject to quinsy, childish,. chilly, glands enlarged, expression stupid and vacant, feet sweaty and offensive, abdomen hard and tense, etc. With the left eye he could barely distinguish a very bright light from utter darkness.
In going over our key to the materia medica, now under construction, I found the above symptom complex embraced the grand characteristic of the drug, together with its primary essential group. On the strength of that, 30 months ago, the young lad received a single dose of Baryta carbonica 10M. That dose was not repeated for 6 months. At the end of that period the young man could distinguish, with the better eye, type 2 inches tall, and with the poorer eye, he could distinguish a strong light from utter darkness. A second dose of the 10M was given, with another 6 months wait. At the expiration of the second 6 months the lad had begun to develop both mentally and physically, and could distinguish 2-inch type with the poorer eye, and one and a half inch type with the better eye.
Again, at the expiration of the first year he was given a third dose of the 10M. with another 6 months lapse. At the end of that time he could read inch type with both eyes. Another dose of the 10M. At the end of another 6 months he was able to real half-inch type easily. He is now on his fifth dose of the 10M. and is reading type smaller than a quarter-inch. He is mentally alert and physically strong, and in contrast to his former dwarfed appearance, he is a fine good looking boy, of whom any one could be proud.
This case shows just what homoeopathy can do, if the drug is positively indicated and the system given time to react to the drug; not only in cataract, but in cancer, tuberculosis, etc. Out intentions are perhaps good in advocating the treating of the patient and ignoring the pathological state, but in practice I am afraid we forget our own advice. That strict homoeopathy, in all curable cases, and nothing else will cure an incurable case, will restore to normal patients suffering from cancer, tuberculosis, tumor, syphilis, diphtheria, etc., is a well proven FACT. Of that I have had sufficient proof in my own practice. Our office practices strict homoeopathy and after 50 years, and all through the depression, we are still several jumps ahead of the sheriff and still going strong. It was wisely said, “What Homoeopaths need most is an introduction to HOMOEOPATHY”.
- MOORE: We do take care of congenital cataracts surgically and they get so they can see, but as far as developing them, surgery does nothing of that. Of course, I am not able to clear cataracts by homoeopathy. I dont know enough homoeopathy yet, but I will say to Dr. Pulford, give me forty years, and I will be just as good as he is.
- PULFORD: And even better.
- CAMPBELL: If any of us ever waver in our faith (and I am sure I do at times when I get depressed and have a series of cases that dont seem to get well properly) the memory of this will sustain us, and not only that, but this is the type of case that we can present to our allopathic friends; and if we dont convince them, at least we make them think.
1939 Jul Vol LIV No 7
Daniel Coleman.
Phyt / Nat-m / Con / Calc-f / Bar-c / Kali-i / Kreos / Kali-c / Hydr / Acon / Ign / Stram.
[ Read before I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 6, 1935].
Cancer, “Chief banqueter at (deaths) feast”, the Grim Reapers most faithful ally: this is the tragic subject chosen for this paper. The star tragedian in the playhouse of disease stalks on as yet unconquered. His no therapeutic Saint George arisen to slay this morbid pathological dragon, who strike with relentless malevolence regardless of person? The mighty voice of Tamagno, the greatest of all tenors, was forever silenced by the the vulturous claws of this hideous monster, sinking its poisonous talons into the very organ that held countless audiences spellbound with its clarion notes. Grover Cleveland, a truly great PResident, was Sound in order that his highly efficient services as the chief executor could be continued. Alas, this rugged individualist, who believed in upholding the traditions of a government “by the people, for the people”, survived only a few short years. General Ulysses s. Grant, who saved the Union, fell by the attack of this more deadly foe than he had ever encountered in battle. Dr. William Tinninghast Bull fought with his scalpel this demon of scourges for many years. He himself fell by the hand of the powerful antagonist he had failed to conquer.
Can nothing be done for those suffering from this dread disease? Although, as I said before, this malady is as yet unconquered, much can be done to relieve, and sometimes even to cure, this dreadful enemy of mankind.
Surgery, x-ray and radium are practically the only therapeutic measures used by the majority of the medical profession today. The hundreds of so-called “cures” investigated by the various cancer hospitals have proved impotent.
Surgery says operate early, at the incipiency of the disease. Then and only then is there hope of recovery. If operated later a return of the growth is almost certain. Operation on gastrointestinal cancers, under the most favorable conditions, can promise only about two short years of life.
X-ray and radium have the power to destroy the cancer cell in the superficial epithelial variety. It is significant that they are capable of destroying lesions similar to those that they produce. They are therefore homoeopathic. If we apply a weak emanation, as would happen with a deeply situated growth, conditions would be made worse. Small doses stimulate, large doses destroy (Arndt-Schultz). After the disease has extended to the surrounding tissues and the lymph nodes have become involved, neither x-ray nor radium therapy holds out hope of curability.
It is the object of this paper, however, to tell what homoeopathy can accomplish to combat this horrible spectre which hangs over thousands of otherwise happy homes. We must be careful to make no false claims or exaggerated statements. To do so would defeat the very object that we have in view, to show that in homoeopathy lies the greatest hope of eventually conquering this disease. We lack remedies which are capable of producing growths similar to cure carcinoma. Recently three chemicals growths similar to true carcinoma. Recently three chemical shave been discovered which have produced in mice tumors similar to malignant growths. No homoeopathic provings or verifications have been made, however. I may be in a position to discuss these in a later paper. We, as homoeopaths, can do much to palliate, to prolong life, and possibly to cure some case with the remedies already at our disposal. Many patients are seen during thirty- four years practice. The following are selected in the way of illustration.
The first set of cases comprise those in which a definite diagnosis of cancer could not be given,. It has been my personal opinion that many patients successfully operated have been of this class. We could have cured them without an operation.
CASE I. Female, age 37. Lamp the size of a marble under left arm. Discovered eight months previously. Cured in six months by Phytolacca 3x.
CASE II. Female, age 45. Hard lump in left breast of two years duration. subjective symptoms: Melancholy, depressed, trembling of the limbs, fluttering in the epigastrium, awaking suddenly at night with feeling of suffocation, etc. Lump disappeared in less than two months under Natrum mur. 30x four times daily. Lump returned in a little over a year. Conium 3x followed by Phytolacca 3x cured completely in three weeks.
CASE III. Female, age 52, Lump in breast characterized by stony hardness. Cured by Conium 3.
CASE IV. Female, age 41. History of a blow on the left breast, followed by indurated lumps. Cured in three weeks by Conium 3.
CASE V. A young lady appeared at my office in a most apprehensive state of mind. Her father had died of duodenal carcinoma. Her own doctor, an excellent prescriber, was out of town. I consented to treat her until he returned. she presented a lump the size of a small plum in the right breast. Considerable pain of a spreading character. I prescribed Conium 30 four times daily. I saw her again in two weeks. The pain had ceased after the first day under the remedy and the lump was much smaller. She continued treatment under her own physician.
CASE VI. Female. Lump in left breast about two inches long and one and a half inches wide. Cured in a few months by Conium 3, followed by Calcarea fluorica 6x.
I could give more similar cases, but these will suffice. Were they cancer? “Ah theres the rub.” They were saved from operation, however.
The following are case in which positive diagnosis of malignancy were established.
CASE I. Female, age 60. Hard swelling in left breast with retraction of the nipple. Thin exudation. Prescribed Conium 3 four times daily. Prompt and continued improvement, lump diminished in size and the lymphatics did not become involved. Remedy discontinued and resumed as indicated. In six months the tumor was greatly reduced in size. Phytolacca was then indicated. The growth was very much smaller in six weeks, but I detected another in close proximity. Perhaps I had overlooked this before because of the swelling. I prescribed Iodine tincture, gtt. v in quarter glass of water, two teaspoonfuls q.i.d. a profuse discharge resulted with complete disappearance of the growths. This condition of apparent cure was interrupted by slight relapses. These were controlled by Conium 2x, Baryta carb. 2x and Kali iod. 2x as indicated. LAter I prescribed Conium 30 with marked success.
I did not see her for some time. During the interval she yielded to the advice of “friends” and was operated. What remained of the original tumor was removed. The pathological examinations proved it malignant.
The indicated remedy caused marked improvement for seven years which only ceased when she discontinued treatment. Her general health was always benefited by the medication. If the treatment had not been interrupted, might not a complete cure have resulted without an operation? There has been no return of the trouble, now twenty-two years later.
CASE II. Female, age 65. Indurated tumor size of a small egg, involving nipple. I decided to remove this growth to learn its true character. I made a rapid enucleation. The axillary nodes were not involved. The tumor proved to be a scirrhus. Almost as rapidly as the heads of the seven-headed Lernaean hydra reappeared after being severed by Hercules, another growth manifested itself in close proximity to the situation of the first. I prescribed Conium 3 in repeated doses on the indication of stony hardness. The tumor disappeared rapidly. If this was simply senile degeneration, degeneration, why did not the original tumor degenerate? There never was a return. She died many years later of senile cardiac insufficiency.
CASE III. Female, age 72. Inoperable mammary carcinoma of five years duration. She had been under the care of a fine homoeopathic prescriber. The growth was indurated and showed signs of breaking down. It was the size of an orange. She suffered from sharp, lancinating pains. Conium, 3 stopped the pain completely. Later, the growth broke down, profuse haemorrhages appeared. Millefolium tincture, gtt. x in half glass of water, teaspoonful every five minutes. The blood would drop after the first does, and cease after the second. Sloughing then developed. The characteristic odor was intolerable. External deodorants (used by the family) proved valuable. Kreosote 6, later 3x, prescribed on the indications, ulceration with thin discharge and bluish color of the parts, completely removed the odor and checked the ulceration.
The patients general health would improve after each prescription. The last few weeks of her life were spent in a well-known cancer hospital. They were surprised at the result of the treatment, especially the power of Millefolium to control the haemorrhages. I treated her until the last. She died in her eighty-third year, over fifteen years after the growth was first discovered.
CASE IV. Female. Carcinoma of liver. Symptoms: Great weakness, emaciation, hunger, thirst, constipation, etc. I prescribed Natrum mur. 30x several times daily. She gained weight and improved so much that the family thought she would recover. This continued several months. I told them that no cure was possible, but that I could relieve her suffering. Finally, no remedy would improve her condition and she passed on to the inevitable end.
CASE V. Female, age 70. Severe lancinating pain in the left hypochondrium with profuse bright red haemorrhage. Nodular mass present. Kali carb. 30 controlled pain and bleeding.
CASE VI. Cancer of face., Morphine, given before I treated the patient, no longer relieved the intense burning pain. The pain was relieved by heat. Arsenicum alb. 30 brought complete relief which lasted until the end.
CASE VII. Female, age 72. Cancer of the liver. Nodular growth in the abdomen. LArge doses of codeine given by previous physician produced unpleasant results. Chelidonium tincture, gtt. vii in half glass of water, teaspoonful in repeated doses, completely relieved the pain.
I improved the general condition of another liver case with Hydrastis 3x. The characteristic mucous discharge from the nose and throat was present.
CASE VIII. Female, age 65. VEry malignant carcinoma just above the left breast. Constitutional involvement, no hope of recovery. Had x-ray treatment. Various remedies were given at different times according to indications. The lancinating pains were controlled by Conium 3. Aconite 3 often relieved the intense fear and restlessness. Later, when she became weak, Arsenicum 3 accomplished the same. Sometime Ignatia 3x was given for the hysteria. Mental symptoms developed. I prescribed Stramonium 3 with perfect success. The chief symptoms were great loquacity and desire for light, she wished the light left on all night. She gradually grew weaker but did not suffer. The homoeopathic remedy prevented this. Finally she passed peacefully to her final rest.
Some years ago it was believed by many that cancer developed more readily in those suffering from acidosis. This conception has been reversed, those suffering from alkalosis are more prone to the disease. A slight acidosis is beneficial. I read an interesting article in the January, 1934, number of the Medical World on the acid treatment of cancer.
In conclusion, I wish to assert that although we cannot claim a universal cure for cancer, much can be done therapeutically for those suffering from this disease. Dr. Buckley, for many years connected with the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, believed in treating the patient rather than operating. Although not a member of our school, he possessed considerable knowledge of the homoeopathic principles. He had a vast experience with cancer. NEW YORK, N.Y.
- GRIMMER: I want to commend the Doctors position. I am in agreement with him, especially in the proposition that homoeopathic treatment and remedies are the things that will help to solve the cancer question.
The Doctor paints an entirely different picture from our friends of the old school. He does bring hope; at least if the case is so far advanced that we may not cure them, we can relieve their sufferings and give them a peaceful ending, without the massive doses of morphine or drugging, or the other methods the old school has to employ.
We should not criticize them for giving the things they do, when they havent the weapons we have to deal with. The only criticism I have to offer against the old school is the position they take in the face of their dismal failures. They still brand anybody else who is practicing differently, who doesnt subscribe to their methods, as a quack and a charlatan, until one wonders just who the charlatans are.
The question of potency does not need to disturb us so much. There is no doubt cures have been made with remedies from the tincture to the highest potencies. It is the question of the remedy, and every doctor must be the best judge of what he prefers to use from his experience in this work.
I think that some of our homoeopathics, notably Dr. Stearns and other, are on the road to increasing our valuable remedies for these conditions. I think we will get more searching remedies, remedies that will probably take case of cases farther advanced than we now can hope to do with our present group, because with this work we are dealing more directly with the vital processes which are, after all, more important than any chemical change that can take place, or any change of tissue. That is where it begins; that is where the beginnings of this work are, in the vital forces, and even the old school has become convinced of the inherited tendencies of families. There can be no question that cancer is an inherited condition that is handed, down from generation to generation and some families are much more susceptible to the influence.
Now, the homoeopathic remedy is the only one that can reach down into the germ of the chromosomes and change inherited tendencies.
There is one more thought I want to leave and that is the power that homoeopathic remedies have if we could get our patients early enough. The real cure, the real future of homoeopathy is putting that patient in such a state of health that cancer cannot attack him, and I believe that is possible. I know it is possible from my observation, personally, and from talking with a great number of good prescribers who keep records. I know there isnt one case in a thousand who has the advantage of good homoeopathic prescribing, that will develop cancer, even in cancer families.
- V.E. BALDWIN: Dr. Grimmer has given you an incentive to give homoeopathic remedies. Perhaps I can recall to him several years ago I had a case with osteosarcoma behind the ear, developing secondary to an operative mastoid. I used at his recommendation Calcarea Natrum fluor. The girl had been an invalid and had spasms of a serious type and following the operation had a growth around the mastoid; that patient got sound and well and since then has been married and become the mother of children, and is in rugged health; although she has a hole back there where the operator left it, the other part is well.
In the last ten years I have had, I expect, as large an opportunity as anyone in my territory to prescribe for these patients because they have stayed by me. I will not take up your time but will tell you remedies and I have pictures and records with me at my hotel, of some hundred or more patients I have treated for cancer, who are at least on the way to Wellville; some are dismissed and consider themselves well.
The remedies I have used: Calcarea iodide, and I want to say this: In any type of malignancy that has hardness or involvement of glands, that case nearly always needs some form of the iodide, Cadmium iodide, Calcarea iodide, Aurum iodide, Conium, and Phytolacca, for these types with glandular involvement, and especially a great deal of hardness in it. Then there is Cadmium sulph., Calcarea fluor., and Calcarea sulph. and Hepar sulph., and Phytolacca, especially for those who have softer tissue, especially in the abdomen or along the alimentary canal.
Cadmium sulph. has been remarkable in the recovery development in most any types of malignancy that involves the alimentary canal. It hardly ever fails to give you some help and relief along that line, especially if the liver is involved.
You will be surprised how much Chionanthus will help you, in higher potency, by the way, or Chelidonium, beginning in the lower potency and going upward. It has been tremendously helpful and I believe I have positively cured cases with the use of these remedies.
I want especially to mention this matter: So many patients come to you sent by other men, or from other institutions who claim to have cancer, who really dont have cancer. They have some form of tertiary syphilis or some outbreak of a syphilitic miasm, and in several instances I have had patients referred to me who were positively cured by Syphilinum.
Then there are Arsenicum iodide, and Phytolacca, and Asterias rubens, in those cases where you suspect malignancy, which may not be that, but tuberculosis.
I have a picture of a patient with me, here. This patient came to me with a whole breast involvement, not deep, superficial, clear out under the arm and across the breast bone. You could cover two or three layers with your hand. She had been to Indianapolis and was tested out at a laboratory and they said she had cancer. She got well on Asterias rubens. It took two years, but I stuck to it to the end, and she was cured finally but the action of the remedy.
I have a patient coming to me who had radium used over the abdomen and developed a radium burn which the doctor who had been using the radium said he thought had turned into cancer. This is over two years ago. This patient got Phosphorus CM. in the beginning, with some improvement.
I learned something in working on that patient. She wanted something to relieve the burning. She had become intolerant to the touch of her clothes over it, and Phosphorus didnt relieve it a t all, so tried several kinds of ointment. Every time I tried an ointment with a mineral in it, I dont care what it was, it irritated the surface and made the trouble worse. I finally saturated cloths with pure tincture of Calendula, and you would be surprised what happened. She got along fine and a little later I gave her a series of radium from the 30 up to the CM., and that woman is perfectly comfortable, the redness is gone and she seems to be recovered.
- GRIMMER: Cadmium iodide will take that out.
- BALDWIN: Maybe I am giving the credit to the radium. I gave her Cadmium iodide following the Phosphorus, and since then radium-nearly a year.
- GRIMMER: The three remedies I find the best antidotes to compare with for radium burns are Phosphorus, Fluoric acid, and Cadmium iodide.
- BALDWIN: she had practically recovered from her inconvenience and trouble.
Dont forget Hydrastis in those stomach cases, especially where there is lots of burning and disposition to vomit, and intolerance to food, especially more suffering when hungry, how much Hydrastis will relieve them.
I am especially interested in cancer and anything that can be given me here while I am here, that will be a help to my patients I will appreciate and anything I can give to you while I am here I will be mighty glad to be of service.
- BOGER: I want to mention that I haven;t heard this touched on here- it is one thing to remove a cancerous growth, and it is something better possibly to remove the toxemia which remains afterward.
As has been hinted, a good many cases of so-called cancer are syphilis, especially with cancer blood. I had a case a few years ago in the left ear like the one you mentioned. It did not do well. I am satisfied today it was a case of syphilis, because she had a child and the child was an imbecile. I prescribed a few times for the child and didnt make progress to suit me; and I came to the conclusion that it needed a dose of Syphilinum. The child had been getting better ever since and making wonderful progress on the Syphilinum. I am satisfied I should have had the blood examined for syphilis instead of trying to cure for cancer.
- BALDWIN: I want to show you a picture to illustrate that point. You see how that mans nose is eaten out- a case sent from the laboratory for cancer is often nothing but syphilis, and Syphilinum and Calcarea iodide, and Aurum iodide saved that man for nearly ten years.
- ALFRED PULFORD: I have a little, article here that I am sure will interest everybody interest in cancer. I will be brief.
“Readers of the Truth Teller will doubtless be glad to have the opinion of the Medical Times (London), April, 1935, on the subject of cancer research, which is as follows:.
“We submit that cancer research is being conducted on wrong lines. Our opinion is confirmed rather than shaken by a perusal of the Eleventh Scientific Report of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund which had been recently issues. We agree with Dr. Lockhart Mummery, the well known surgeon, when he says that a very real danger to the best interests of cancer research is a tendency for animal experimentalists to get out of touch with the surgeon and pathologist who are dealing with the disease in human beings”.
We have had remedies offered for cancer. I think I have got one, and that is the entire Homoeopathic materia medica. I have and considerable experience with cancer. I have a case now and I reported her nine years ago a case of osteosarcoma diagnosed by the allopath, operated on, and the mans face all indented, the x-ray used, and radium used, and all failing, and he was cured by the 10M. of Phosphorus. He is now in perfect health and the parts are as normal as they ever were.
If we had more people investigating homoeopathy and the homoeopathic materia medica, than hanging crepe on it, we should get somewhere.
- COLEMAN: There is one erroneous statement that has come before the public of late, in the last few years, that cancer is on the come before the public of late, in the last few years, that cancer is on the increase. That, like the acid theory, has been exploded. That is not true. Cancer is not on the increase. It is simply the statistics, and in the days gone by, before diagnosis of internal cancer could be made by the the x-ray examination, the superficial cancers that could be diagnosed physically were the only cancers that were counted.
Now these superficial cancers are not on the increase, no more today than they were twenty-five, or thirty, or forty, or fifty years ago, but the seeming increase of cancer is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal cases of cancer that were not capable of being diagnosed fifty years ago, are diagnosed today by the aid of the x-ray, and they have been added to the present case that can be diagnosed by a physical examination, and they have made a seemingly larger incidence of cancer, whereas, there are actually no more cancer cases today than there were fifty years ago; in other words, cancer is not on the increase and it doesnt have to be on the increase to be a very malignant condition to treat and very dangerous to the life of the community.
Even before the appearance of the Organon for the first time in 1810 the foundation of potentiation was laid in this sentence, a fact which nobody can gainsay and which should be minded by the majority of our profession which continues to adopt the practice of low potencies and low triturations exclusively and have only a sneer at the high potencies which are now used more extensively than we know. “They were the product of an evolution of posology which is the greatest and indisputable discovery of Hahnemann, one of the most important inventions which ever human genius has brought to light-potentiation.” B.FINCKE, M.D., 1896.
1932 Jun Vol XLVII No 6
Edward S Smith.
Cupr-cy / Cic / Agar / Bar-c.
[ Presented before the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society May 10, 1932].
Among the cases claiming the attention of the physician there are few that present a stronger appeal than children who are sub- normal, either mentally or physically. When both of these conditions are found in one and the same patient the claim on our interest is greatly augmented.
The case which I have the privilege of bringing to your notice is that of a boy, an only child, who, when first seen by the speaker, was subject of both mental and physical defects, and during his few years had suffered a greater handicap than falls to the lot of most beginners in the race of life. When I first saw him, on June 30, 1931, his age was three and a half years. He could neither walk nor talk, but lay on the bed, or cough, or floor, indifferent to his surroundings, and requiring all the attentions of a baby. The father told me that up to his fifth month he was as fine a child as a parent could wish to have, healthy, vigorous and normal. At the fifth month he began to develop convulsions, which were of daily occurrence, often repeated, and very severe. While in the convulsion the child was unconscious for at least half a minute, the head was retracted, the eyes were rolled upward, and the extremities were in a state of clonic contraction, combined with tremor. This experience was repeated many times daily, the nurse, as she sat by the crib, observing as many as seven in a single night. The seizures occurred in the night more frequently than during the day.
So for three years the child continued in this condition, being attended at first by the family physician, and later be several pediatricians, all of the dominant school of medicine. Then it was decided to take him to the New York post-Graduate Hospital. The purpose of this change was to enable the laboratory experts to make repeated tests, to discover, if possible, the basic cause of the disease. He remained in the hospital eight weeks but all the tests made there were of no avail, for the report of the laboratory men was that the boy was one hundred per cent perfect by every test. No taint or infection, hereditary or acquired, was discovered, nor was there any enlightenment as regards the cause of the condition from other sources. The sole result of his experience in this hospital was the development of a mastoiditis, for which he was treated by the usual operation, and from which he eventually recovered, though not till after his return to Bridgeport. In passing, it may be said that four days after the operation he showed signs of a collapse, so a transfusion was done, the father being the donor. Tests made of the blood of the father, preparatory to the transfusion, showed it to be without infection of any specific nature, and quite suited to the purpose in hand. After his return home he was again placed under the care of specialist and men in general practice, who tried in vain to stop the convulsions and bring him to a normal state.
One of these men believing the seat of the disorder to be in the cerebellar region advised that the skull be opened so that the cause might be removed. But the father demurred, fearing the procedure would end the childs life. Another physician in his despair at the repeated failures to relieve the patient of his incubus suggested the transference of the patient to the state hospital for epileptics at Mansfield, Conn. Again the father refused, declaring that he would never do this till every other reasonable means had been employed.
In December 1930 the boy was trained by his devoted nurse to make an attempt at walking. She succeeded in helping him to develop a partial ability to balance himself, and walk with a stilted, unnatural gait by holding on to furniture. He continued these efforts at locomotion for six months when the effect of the convulsions overcame him, and he could do not more. This was on June 10, 1931.
On my first examination of the patient I found him to be a well nourished boy, three and a half years old, weighing about forty pounds, and as well developed as most children of his age. He was quite unable to communicate by language with those around him, and he seemed but very imperfectly to understand what was said to him. His inability to walk was evident. At times there is a marked exophoria of the right eye. He is left-handed.
A case of so unusual a type, and with a history of so many experiences with various physicians, demanded care in the development of a new line of treatment. The first prescription was Cuprum cyanatum 6x trituration, which was given on the assumption that there was, at the base of the brain, the result of a chronic congestion, for which this medicine has been prescribed with effect. This remedy was given three times daily for a week, but as no improvement was observed it was discontinued.
After further consideration he was given Cicuta virosa 6x dilution on tablets three times daily. This prescription was made on July 7th. The basis for this prescription is found in Allens Handbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics where the record of symptoms is convulsions with distortion of the limbs, opisthotonos, spasms of all the muscles, unconsciousness. Clinically Allen gives convulsions from various causes, injuries, epileptiform, tetanic, with insensibility, jerking of the eye balls, muscles of the face, and of the whole body.
On July 12th, five days after the prescription of Cicuta, the convulsions stopped, and so far as is known there has never been a return of them. The child has been under the observation of his nurse day and night, with trifling exceptions, from that date to the present time, so it is believed if a convulsion had occurred it would have been noted.
On July 22nd he began to make attempts at walking, imperfect at first, but with increasing success, as the days passed, till now he runs and walks as well as a normal child of his age.
About this time it was evident that the boy had a clearer understanding of what was said to him, so the nurse began to encourage him to make efforts to talk. the response was slow at first, the vocabulary consisting of nouns, some of which he pronounced distinctly, but others quite imperfectly. However, progress has characterized the case in this respect also, for now verbs are appearing in his speech, and we hope soon there will be qualifying adjectives to join other words in his talking outfit.
In November 1931 he was given a few treatment with the actinic ray which has an excellent record in the treatment of similar cases, but his fear of the overhanging lamp was such as to cause a stopping of the treatment.
In January 1932, because of the inconsiderate demand on his resources by one who should have shown better judgment, he exhibited slight nervous twitchings, but these soon disappeared under the use of Agaricus 2x in tablet form. Later he was returned to the remedy Cicuta which he took twice daily.
On February 11m 1932, his medication was changed to Baryta carbonica 6x in tablets twice daily. This prescription was made on the basis of his backward mental state, and his general slow development. This is his medicine at the present time.
In seeking for the etiology of this case much difficulty has been encountered, but in the absence of a specific heredity, or symptoms of intestinal parasites, it is believed that the cause may be found in repeated shocks to the brain during the early months of infancy. For example, it is known that the patient was placed on the rear seat of a car, and was thrown from this place to the floor of the car when the car went over a sudden rise. It is known that he fell several times from a dressing table to the floor of the bedroom. There were many other evidences of carelessness and neglect, all without excuse, and due to the indifference of the person who had the responsibility of his care. These experiences must have resulted in repeated shocks to the developing brain of the child, and it is believed that the etiology of the case is to be found here.
Meanwhile under the direction of his physician, and the care of his nurse, the entire attitude of the patient toward his surroundings has undergone a decided change. From being merely a living thing with no interest in objects and persons about him, and unable to walk or talk, he is now mentally alert, keenly interested in play, either when alone or with other children, and demanding the co-operation of his father and his nurse in his play and in his entertainment. His mental development at present is that of a entertainment. his mental development at present is that of a child about a year and a half old. However, the development of his mentality has been so consistent and constant that there is much cause to expect he will eventually show the development of a normal mind in accord with his age.
The report of this case is made because it serves as a cogent illustration of the advantage which the homoeopathic system of medicine offers in the treatment of most disorders, especially those which are obscure in their origin, resistant to the methods of treatment practised by the dominant school of medicine, and so chronic in their course as to threaten the continuance in life of the unfortunate patient.
If I could present to you a picture of the unhappy father of this boy, pacing the floor of my office, almost overwhelmed with mental suffering as he related his disappointments with physicians who had endeavored to relieve the case, “in the last ditch with the enemy upon him,” and by contrast show you the condition now, when the boy waves him a good-bye as he departs to his daily task, and greets him when he returns at the close of day, with all the expressions of joy and delight which characterize a normal winsome child, you would, I am sure, agree that such a result affords a reason to be for the homoeopathic system of medicine.
So here is my report, fellow members, and as Ripley says “Believe it or not,” but in any event this is the case as I know it to be.
Hahnemann taught us that the common symptoms of diseased conditions were of little importance in making up the drug picture of the remedy for the disease that would do the most effective work. At first thought this truly seems an unreasonable statement. That we should throw out such symptoms as pain, fever, chill, inflammation, suppuration, tumors, and all the common features of diseased conditions as practically worthless, and take up those which were peculiar to the individual, and perhaps have no reasonable bearing upon the case from a pathological standpoint seems an unwarrantable position for one to hold. But years of homoeopathic practice from this Hahnemannian standpoint has proved the truth of the statement, and we do not lack for ample evidence to substantiate the position. H.P.HOLMES, M.D.1892.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1954 Feb Vol LXIX No 8
William B Griggs.
Bell / Merc-i-f / Bar-c / Lith-c / Tub.
The following case has always been of great interest to me because it illustrates the fallacy of ordinary routine prescribing.
Master J.A.F., 8 1/2 years old, was brought to me in January 1950.
Chief Complaint-Recurrent attacks of tonsillitis.
Family History-Both parents living and well.
Past Personal History-Normal birth; dentition delayed; always timid and bashful. At the age of four years he developed an attack of acute rheumatic fever which left him with a mitral systolic lesion. About five months after this attack, he developed a severe case of tonsillitis with the usual symptoms of fever, sore throat and difficult swallowing. A relative in the family, who was a homoeopathic physician, told the parents to keep on hand Belladonna 2x and Mercurius iodide rubrum 2x.
During the winter and spring he developed attacks of tonsillitis about every six weeks. After two winters of similar recurrent attacks, it was recommended that the tonsils be removed. But at the hospital the anesthetist felt his cardiac condition would not warrant deep anesthesia, so he was allowed to drift along for two more years with constant attacks of tonsillitis until he was brought to be in January 1950. He was then at the age of 8 1/2 years and in the first grade of school.
On his first visit to me, I made a complete physical examination. He was a poorly developed, emaciated boy who did not seem to comprehend my questions. His throat presented two very large tonsils with open crypts and a well-developed adenopathy, particularly on the right side of the jaw and neck. These glands always became greatly enlarged with every attack of tonsillitis. He also had an enlarged heart. The apex beat was in the fifth interspace within the nipple line. Also there was a harsh systolic murmur over the mitral area and an occasional early systole. The myocardial tone was poor, the lungs were negative and he only began to walk at the age of three years. As I took his symptoms, I enumerated them as follows:
(1) Inflamed and enlarged tonsils with pus in the crypts.
(2) Liability to tonsillitis after every slight cold.
(3) The right tonsil was much larger than the left and was suppuration.
(4) Submaxillary glands were swollen and tender and were part of his regular attacks.
(5) Complained of smarting of the throat; much worse on empty swallowing and was only able to swallow liquids during an attack.
(6) Night cough with difficult breathing, due probably to the enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
(7) He seemed chilly and sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.
My first prescription was Baryta carb., the 30th, a dose four times daily. According to the mother this remedy gave him more prompt relief and, in fact, reduced the distress in the throat and the swollen glands more quickly than the former treatment, which was Belladonna 2x and Mercurius iodide rubrum 2x, alternately.
His next attack of tonsillitis came on ten weeks after this attack, with the same clinical picture.
I prescribed Baryta carb. 200., twice daily, and, according to the mother, the attack was cured in three days. The attack occurred in the middle of March (1950). During the summer he seemed to improve, taking only an occasional single dose of Baryta carb.
His next attack occurred the following Thanksgiving Day with the same clinical picture. Three doses of Baryta carb. 1000. broke it up in a day and a half, and the mother remarked, “I did not find any swollen glands in his neck during this attack.”.
On January 1, 1952 he developed fever, pains in the chest and knee joints just as he had suffered at the age of four years during the attack of rheumatic fever. On this last occasion he during the attack of rheumatic fever. On this last occasion he had intense soreness over the cardiac region; the heart lesion was quite loud with some dyspnoea; there was swelling and tenderness and some redness of the finger and knee joints. I prescribed Lithium carb., the 30th, which, inside of one week, removed all the rheumatic symptoms except the soreness over the cardiac region. Lithium carb. 200. was prescribed and in one weak all the soreness and symptoms pertaining to the heart were ameliorated. He would sneak out of bed, which was forbidden; but, strange to say, by Easter at the conclusion of my physical examination there was absolutely no sign of any heart lesion. However, I advised the was absolutely no sign of any heart lesion. However, I advised the parents to take him to a cardiac clinic where a cardiogram and an X-Ray picture were taken. The cardiogram was absolutely normal and he was discharged with a clean bill of health.
During the spring and summer of 1952 enjoyed good health. About the end of October he developed an acute upper respiratory infection accompanied with much debility and sweating. I prescribed Tuberculinum in the 1000th potency. Since then, and up to the time of this reporting, January 1954, he has been gaining in weight, apparently perfectly healthy, has been out without a hat and has had no further attacks of tonsillitis. He has now joined the Boy Scouts connected with the parochial school he attends.
To me, this case has proved the value of individualization
WANTED: Contributions to The Editors Discretionary Fund. Checks payable to the international Hahnemannian Association, 80 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1954 Aug Vol LXX No 2
Bhattacharjee M.
Lach / Ant-t / Sil / Bar-c / Syph / Tub / Puls / Med.
Einstein, by expounding his theory of relativity, invalidated all previous conceptions of gravitation, the ether, geometry and other matters. Some cynic may give him a buffet in the retort that his theory of relativity itself is only relatively true. Whatever it may be, we may vouch for it that it works in the province of medical verdicts. When some authority, some specialist, or a first grade surgeon pronounces a case to be singularly hopeless, bafflingly incurable or typically surgical, we cannot but smile over it, as we know that the verdicts of those honourable persons are significant for their magnificent errors of commission and omission, which, when counted, seem to range from fifty to ninety per cent. A few cases will illustrate our proposition.
- Hepatic Abscess.
A medium-statured, dark, thin, emaciated, prostrated school teacher consulted me three years back for his suppurating liver. His liver abscess had started ten months previous to my visit and, during the intervening period, he had all along been treated by orthodox methods in one of the best hospital in India, with all the antibiotic and other therapy available and under the care of one of the best surgeons in India, who aspirated the liver ten times and subsequently operated upon it thrice, but ultimately was to give the prognosis: The liver would discharge daily and for eight months about a pint of thin, bloody, offensive pus, through the openings made by the surgeon, which showed no tendency to close. The patient was extremely anaemic, prostrated, hot thirstless, and night sweats, could not cover head and face during sleep, was constipated and had no appetite. There was a periodic hepatic pain ameliorated by copious purulent discharge, a very great tenderness to jar and pressure in the hepatic region to which only a moderate degree of applied heat was grateful. Lachesis 1 M, applied in two dose morning and evening and repeated in a single dose after an interval of one month, cured the patient completely in two months, converting the verdict of “hopeless” into a hopeful one.
- Cholera Infantum.
I had to visit a two-year-old, flabby boy, who had been suffering from purging and vomiting for more than a week. The usual treatment was with intra-muscular Glucose, Coramine, rectal saline, and sulpha drugs. At about 8 P.M., on the eighth day of his suffering, the patient collapsed, his extremities, nose, forehead and breath were ice-cold, his pulse, could not be felt, eyes were upturned and the whole body was in clinic spasm, while the death rattle could be heard from a distance. The relatives were weeping by his side. A cameraman being unavailable, the mother was trying to have finger-and foot-prints of her dear child on a piece of polished paper, to be preserved as a valued momento. The attending physician, a man of repute in the locality, who met me to give a short history of the case, pronounced the verdict: hopeless. But Homoeopathy does not believe in such a verdict, as it considers the patient as a whole and not in fragments, as it counts upon the vital reactive power of the organism to remedies and disease and not on the state of its component parts. It is, therefore, not in favour of offering one thing for the heart, another for the bowels, some, other thing for the bacterium, so as to drive all the process to failure. Just as it conceives of man as a whole, so it considers his diseased manifestations as a whole. Here, the whole picture pointed to one and the same central disturbance, e.g., that produced by suppressed measles, which manifested itself in so varied and tremendous symptoms, indicating favourably for the patient one and the same remedy, e.g., Antimonium tart., and it thus became prognostic of a probable cure in sight. Antimonium tart., administered in four doses of the 200th, every three hours, brought about the desired effect in five hours, when the convulsions ceased, the extremities became warm, the pulse could be felt and the patient gained consciousness. The next morning, to the surprise of us all, the baby looked a different picture, heartily smiling in his mothers arms. Three days later, as the diarrhoea abated, measles reappeared, which, of course, subsided of itself, needing no other medicine.
- Epilepsy.
A fourteen-year-old boy had been suffering from idiopathic epilepsy for ten years, and the diagnosis was encephalographically confirmed in Calcutta. The prognosis given was: incurable. A slender, tall, dark, chilly, arrogant boy, thirstless, constipated with clammy, sweaty palms unhealthy skin, and helminthiatic manifestations, had from fifteen to thirty typical epileptic fits daily (during waking hours or in sleep). which were aggravated definitely during new and full moon. The fits were preceded by an aura of indescribable sensations proceeding from the left great toe to ascend the whole left side, when the patient became unconscious. To us a clear picture was visible, and so foretold a hopeful culmination. Silicea 1M, 10M and 50M, applied in gradually ascending potencies, cured the patient, who has had not a single fit during the last three years. The incurable, now, came to be curable.
- Cretinism.
A nine-year-old, fair, thin, small-headed, stooping girl, whose father had periodic fits of insanity, was a perfect picture of idiocy. She could not walk steadily, could not utter anything else than day, could not masticate properly, did not know when, how and what to eat and drink, started during sleep, and had fear of strangers and animals, especially of dogs. She had the misfortune not only of having the prognosis of incurability declared, but of a very short span of life prophesied at the high alter of specialists. Yet, what has come to pass is that after three years of homoeopathic treatment, with Baryta carb. 1M, 10M, 50M, Syphilinum 1 M, 10 M and Tuberculinum bovinum 1 M, 10 M, the patient talks and walks freely, has become more rational than could be imagined, shows bright physical developments, and the parents, now, expect her to be established in life ultimately. The augury of the specialists about the incurability of the case and the short span of life of the patient shows no sign of fulfilment until now.
- Caesareanize.
A twenty-four-year-old, dark lady, medium-statured, Para 11, having conceived during her three-month-old suffering from malaria, showed extreme toxaemia of pregnancy, became highly anaemic and ultimately developed lower abdominal pains, for which she was hospitalized in the eighth month of her pregnancy. Under usual treatment with Camo-Quinine, Vitamin, Iron, etc., her general condition improved to some extent, but the abdominal pain showed no sign of lessening. Her uterus was X-rayed and a most unfavourable position of the foetus, even after the thirty-seventh week, was observed. The gynaecologist, who thoroughly examined her, gave the verdict of immediate caesarean section. The husband of the patient, dismayed by the adverse prospect of a major operation, consulted me. I advised him to keep the patient in the hospital, but at the same time to request the gynecologist of defer the operation till the actual onset of labour. Meanwhile, Homoeopathy was started informally. As I, an outsider, could not visit the patient in the hospital, the husband gave me the constitutional and local symptoms. The patient was dark, docile, hot, sensitive and of an emotional nature. She enjoyed a daily cold bath, wanted to be in open air, was rather diarrhoeic and thirstless, liked pungent food and warm food and drink most, was anaemic and highly drugged with iron, had an evening aggravation on pains and was running a low evening temperature. As is evident, the picture pointed to Pulsatilla which, administered in two does of the 1 M potency, morning and evening, brought about a hopeful change in a fortnight, in the position of the foetus, as was observed from the second X-ray reading. A single dose of the same remedy in the same potency was administered at this stage and it effected such a radical change in the position that, after the third X-ray finding the gynaecologist was amazed and obliged to take back his verdict and let it alone. So, at term, after a short labour of five hours only, the gentle lady delivered a healthy body under three doses of Caulophyllum 200., applied every two hours. The change of the position of the foetus was hailed as a mercy of God, but when it was disclosed, after all, that is was the God of Homoeopathy that effected the magic, many faces in the hospital area glowed with tributes and magic, many faces in the hospital area glowed with tributes and admiration, while those of the few placed high on the staff showed gloom.
- Calcaneal Spur.
A fifty-year-old fat gentleman had extremely difficult walking for three months, due to an awfully tender spot under his right heel. The affected area was tender o pressure and jar, and even coughing and sneezing would hurt the part. There was an occasional burning and throbbing pain in the whole of the right foot. X-ray investigation showed a calcaneal spur, a bone excrescence, on the lower surface of the os calcis, for which an immediate surgical intervention was advised. But, on scrutiny, the patient disclosed considerable weakness of memory, irritability of temper, hurriedness of behaviour and a rheumatic diathesis, which formed a complex of constitutional phenomena upon which were engrafted the aforesaid locals-the whole combining again to point to Medorrhinum. Medorrhinum 1 M, 10M and 50M, in gradually ascending potencies and administered at long intervals, removed the spur completely in six months, as no further X-ray investigation could trace, it, and the patient experienced not the least discomfort about his heel afterwards. Thus, Medorrhinum falsified the validity of the verdict of surgical intervention and maintained the relativity of verdicts in medicine.
Berhampore, Subhas Road,
Post Khagra, Dist, Murshidabad,
West Bengal, India.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1931 Jul Vol XLVI No 7
Edwards H R.
Bufo / Bar-c / Bar-i / Sulph.
Presented before the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society, May 19, 1931.
In this paper on the mental deficiency in children I shall confine myself to a discussion of the classic type of cretinism, as being the type with which I am most familiar.
There are certain types of mental abnormality, and conditions of failure of normal development of the mentally defective, which has been definitely related to defects of the endocrine glands. The effect of the internal secretions on tissues and on the mind is so great that, even if the ultimate causes lie beyond the endocrine system, the actual clinical picture is largely due to the abnormal endocrine make-up. This is shown by the enormous influence on mind and body of the thyroid, pituitary, sex glands, and adrenal cortex.
The cretin who has not enough thyroid or is void of thyroid is an imbecile because of the deficiency. Supply him with thyroid or the homoeopathic remedy that will enable him to assimilate the necessary thyroid substance and he will be restored to at least a moderate intelligence. To Dr. W. W. Nuss of Elkland, Penn., we owe a great deal along this line, as he is working out a theory and says that “if the endocrine and chemical balance of the body are maintained to a normal balance, cell metabolism will throw off disease from the body, the body being given help until the disease has disappeared”.
Cretinism is an infection beginning in infancy, characterized by retarded and imperfect physical development, due to deficiency of the thyroid gland, a feeble-mindedness, ranging from stupidity of imbecility, a direct effect of insufficient endocrine supplied to the brain cells. Such children present the peasants face with the broad nose, a tough skin, coarse straight hair and an enlarged lower lip drooping with salivation. They show an under growth, both mental and physical, and a retarded self-control. On being aroused in the morning they are still tired, dull and restless, slow in dressing, dawdle over everything and have to be coaxed or forced to wash and dress. They are always dirty, with no idea of cleanliness, and they are usually late for school.
There they show their backwardness in nearly all branches of study, for their comprehension is slow or prolonged as compared with the average, yet they seem energetic, and as a rule are the best in athletics of gym work. They perspire little, even after exertion; are subject to frequent colds and tonsillitis, have adenoids, and acquire every disease of childhood that happens along.
It is a known fact that such mental qualities as irritability, stupidity, the power to recover quickly or slowly from fatigue, sexual potency and impotence, apathy and enthusiasm are endocrine qualities. Included in this are all sorts of examples of feeble-mindedness from the moron to the imbecile and idiot.
While it is quite true that our general knowledge of symptom-complexes is not yet quite adequate to enable us to definitely fix upon the exact glands or glands involved in many cases, except through the electronic reactions, it is equally true that a single gland may be primarily involved in many instances. These manifestations are attributed to a derangement in varying degree and proportion of the whole endocrine system.
The chief thing in the care of these cases is that they just be made to obey; they must have routine duties, and are best when dressed in uniform as soldiers or sailors, and well- disciplined. Obedience and routinism is the best and most effective method of caring for them.
The typical classic cretin, due to endocrine insufficiency, once looked upon as an eternally damned defective, can be transformed by feeding thyroid and administering the well selected homoeopathic remedy into an apparently normal being, as instanced in the following cases;.
May 12, 1922. F. G., female, age 6. Short, stocky, broad hands and short nails, light two hair, which mats easily; complexion ruddy and clear; nose broad at nostrils and flattened at bridge; eyes blue and restless; a frog-like appearance of face. There is no sense of obedience and there is a marked tendency to cruelty, shown in great pleasure when hurting animals or humans. She contradicts everyone by shouting “no, no, no” to everything. If reprimanded, she rushes at one, trying to bite and kick.
There is enuresis and she masturbates during sleep. A marked strabismus is corrected by glasses. She is subject to colds and frequent attacks of tonsillitis. There have been three unsuccessful vaccinations.
Bufo 30th helped considerably after the fifth day. She showed a little less temper for ten days, then was aggravated again.
May 30, 1922. Repeated Bufo 30. This helped right away, and she seemed better in every way. The improvement lasted about twenty days, then signs of irritability appeared.
June 15, 1922. Not so well. Sac. lac.
June 20, 1922. Worse every way. Bufo 30. Improved in about forty-eight hours.
July 1, 1922. Not so well. Bufo 200.
July 10, 1922. Somewhat improved. Sac. lac.
August 1, 1922. Has changed somewhat in appearance and has grown a little. The hair is not so dry, but still mats to some extent. There has developed a foul stool with attacks of diarrhoea. The body has a marked odor and there is a discharge from navel. Pediculosis. Complains of food not tasting right and will spit it all over table. Temper bad. Psor. 42M.
August 10, 1922. Has developed a bad attack of quinsy, tonsils enlarged, covered with mucous patches, breath offensive and cussed beyond words. Sac. lac.
August 15, 1922. Marked improvement. Throat clearing up actions much better. Sac. lac.
August 20, 1922. Up and taking an interest in her playthings and playing with cat without hurting it. Sac. lac.
Sept. 30, 1922. I have just returned from the country and see a decided improvement. The temper is more controllable and she will play with other children with less tendency to quarrel. Sac. lac.
Nov. 10, 1922. Not so well again. Another cold and showing signs of temper. Sac. lac.
Nov. 20, 1922. No better and showing signs of old tricks. Sac. lac.
Jan. 5, 1923. Has been real good over the holidays, taking an interest in her toys but still masturbates and wets the bed.
Body odor gone or not noticeable. Face has changed its appearance a little. Will now wear a ribbon in her hair, which is also more natural. Face is showing a tendency to becoming greasy. Sac. lac.
Feb. 1, 1923. Has been bad for a week. Psor. CM. Apparently not much change for ten days, then improvement began.
March 2, 1923. Warts are seen appearing on hands and neck, hair greasy, also face. Thuja 1M.
March 8, 1923. Has broken out with what seems to be a bad case of chicken-pox but feels fairly well and has taken off her glasses as eyes are straight. Much improved in temper. Sac. lac.
Feb. 10, 1924. Improvement continued under Thuja for nearly a year.
Jan. 10, 1925. Shows that she has not progressed in her lessons to any extent but better tempered. Does not masturbate and only occasionally wets the bed. Baryta carb. 200.
Jan. 25, 1925. Much improved. Baryta carb. 10M.
Jan. 10, 1926. Under Baryta carb. she has gained for a year. Not so well again. Baryta carb. CM. Improvement continued for about nine months.
Oct. 10, 1926. Has still gained in her physical condition but mentally has become tired. Does not show as much interest in her work, is listless, wants a to sleep and at times shows decided signs of irritability. Began at this time giving her thyroid extract, and since then she has steadily improved, catching up with the average ones in her class.
I have not prescribed for her for two years except for an odd cold now and then.
- T., age 16. Mentally backward. Has the mentality of a child six years, and the growth of a boy of about twelve. He is short, fat and well nourished. For six years he has been under the care of old school specialists who diagnosed the case as hypopituitary, and have been administering pluriglandular remedies. The most important symptoms are mental associated with lack of growth.
Nov. 15, 1928. Baryta carb. 200. this did not seem to improve his condition any.
Dec. 15, 1928. Baryta carb. 10M. Thought we noticed a little improvement but nothing startling.
Jan. 15, 1929. Sulphur CM. This stirred him up and produced quite an irritability, so much so that we were obliged to change his surroundings.I sent him to the country where he could be outdoors, which seemed to improved him for a short time.
March 20, 1929. Baryta carb. CM. Under this he showed an improvement which continued until July, when we sent him to a boys camp. There a very annoying feature developed of involuntary stool, resulting in his expulsion from the camp. He was placed in a farmhouse in the district under the care of a motherly woman.
August 1, 1929. On going over his case again, I found he had grown about two inches. Seems more intelligent, can follow a line of conversation and is able to hold his attention longer. Baryta carb. CM.
October 5, 1929. Has grown another inch, Sac. lac.
Jan. 11, 1930. Baryta iod. 1M.
Feb 2, 1930. Still improving. Has grown another inch. Lost some of the excessive fat and since the Baryta iod. involuntary stool has ceased. Has passed out of the class he was in for four years and has become organist in the country Sunday school. Takes more interest in being with other children. Sac. lac. May 5, 1930. Not so well. More self willed. Baryta iod. 50M.
June 30, 1930. Has mentally improved but still very juvenile. The height in spite of above growth is only four feet, three inches. Sac. lac.
July 20, 1930. At summer camp again and the instructor tells me that the change in him is remarkable from last year. He is now eighteen years old this summer and learning to swim. I might say that the mother of the boy informed me that involuntary stools were a marked feature during his early infancy. He is much thinner, has grown taller and is beginning to look like a boy of his age. Sac. lac.
Dec. 1, 1930. Has remained in the country and is going to school there. The last I heard of him, he was still progressing.
I quote these two cases as being interesting, in that the first showed an improvement on the homoeopathic remedies, and appeared to come to a standstill, and yet under the action of thyroid extract has gone on steadily improving, while the second, who had been under treatment for years with the pluriglandular remedies and had come to a decided standstill, where he had been given up by the specialists, under the influence of the potentized homoeopathic remedies, in two years has taken on new growth, both mentally and physically, and will, I believe, eventually become self-supporting.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1931 Aug Vol XLVI No 8
Margaret Burgess.
Am-c / Tub / Bry / Phos / Stict / Bar-c.
Presented at the I.H.A., Bureau of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, June 1931.
Helen was a thin, scrawny child, with a congenital heart lesion, a frequently recurring eczema of the head and face, and a very unstable nervous system. When the measles eruption should have been fully developed, there was only a pale, livid rash under the skin, the heart action was weak and failing, and the child looked extremely ill, with rapidly increasing prostration. Sulph. 1M produced prompt reaction, development of the rash, and normal course of the disease without further complications.
Edwards rash was developing slowly, when suddenly the temperature shot up to 106, with pulse and respiration correspondingly high, the whole chest being filled with rales. He was indeed a very sick child, the rash was under the skin and of a livid color, the cough was infrequent, the chest was filled with mucus, there was no expectoration and he was in a semi- stupor, being roused with difficulty. Edward had been under my care since birth and under such constitutional remedies as Sulphur and Tuberculinum, but in spite of carefully selected remedies at this critical time the temperature remained at 106, and there was no improvement in the symptom picture. Dr. Rabe was called in consultation from New York. Because of a similar appearing skin in an undeveloped rash in a recent case of scarlet fever, he advised Ammonium carb. which was given in the 200. In about five hours the rash appeared in full force, the whole body was covered with a drenching sweat, the chest symptoms were relieved, and Edward had turned the corner. A teasing persistent cough and an afternoon temperature of 100 and over called for Tuberculinum which completed the cure.
Barbara, sister of the above, during the course of measles, had a hard, deep, barking cough, with retching and vomiting. She would become greatly exhausted by the violence of the prolonged paroxysms, during which she would hold her chest with her hands. Drosera 1M relieved at once.
Richard was apparently making fine progress with an uncomplicated measles, when the rash suddenly receded, the temperature mounted to 105, and over night we had a fully developed right lobar pneumonia. Bryonia 1M redeveloped the rash and modified the chest symptoms, but Phos. was called for in thirty-six hours for the hard, dry cough and flapping of the nostrils. The pneumonia ended by lysis.
Susan was just recovering from a follicular tonsillitis when she came down bang with measles, hard, dry, racking cough, temperature 104, and pale undeveloped rash. Bryonia 1M developed the rash but the temperature persisted, both lungs being filled with rales, threatening broncho-pneumonia. We had a very sick little girl who could sleep neither night nor day because of the constant hard, dry cough. Sticta 200 relieved almost immediately, the cough subsided and the chest cleared. Another rise of temperature occurred, and we had a right sided otitis media with profuse greenish yellow, offensive, excoriating discharge. Several remedies were given without benefit. The chronic symptoms were taken into consideration, hypertrophied tonsils and foul smelling foot sweat. Baryta carb 200 not only promptly cured the ear condition, but shriveled the tonsils and greatly improved the foot sweat.
- R.E.S. HAYES: I trust that the essayist will forgive me for not saying very much. In a certain way she said it all.
Five little ones departed from the ordinary course of measures and took dangerous routes from which neither the most celebrated specialist, the most live wired clinician, the clearest visioned laboratorician nor the most zealous health official could have brought them. Life cannot be saved nor protracted illness prevented in conditions of that type unless the genius of the Hahnemannian principle is recognized.
With practiced eye and keen insight the homoeopath knew what to do and what to expect. Her work, as also the consultants in one of the cases, shows an understanding of influences far deeper than mere measles. It shows the master hand.
Reports like this always suggest the phrase. “That reminds me.” At our last state meeting Dr. B.S. Adams related the case of a boy who went through measles in the usual way but the disappearance of the rash was followed by a large swelling of the cervical glands. Belladonna was used with prompt recession of the adenitis. Then the boy went through another complete attack of measles just as though none had occurred before.
I am reminded of an experience which I may have related at some previous time. An apparently robust boy was convalescing from an ordinary course of measles in the ordinary way when he suddenly came down with a very high temperature, drenching sweat, marked pallor and prostration. The most spectacular symptom, however, was a remarkably rapid loss of flesh. His soft tissues appeared to melt away with the passing of every hour. I had never seen anything like it before nor have I since. Tuberculinum checked the whole process, whatever it was, almost at once, with prompt recovery as the sequel.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1930 Oct Vol XLV No 10
Gladwin F E.
“She was a tiny old lady.
And a little dwarf boy was he”.
As fat old grandpa Baryta carbonica, a drunkard, was recovering from a cold, he had a stroke of apoplexy and passed on, leaving to poor, little, weak grandma Baryta carbonica the care of their orphan grandson, Baryta carbonica.
Grandma Baryta carbonica, like the rest of the family, is troubled with the inferiority complex in a marked degree, so she is sure that she is not capable of bringing up the grandson. Nevertheless, she cant make up her mind whether to send him to boarding school or keep him at home. She knows that whichever way she decides she will be sorry that she didnt decide the other way.
You might think that grandma Baryta carbonica had not been born a Baryta but that was not the case, for she was born a Baryta carb. and is a Baryta carb. from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, so it must be that grandpa Baryta carb. married his cousin. Perhaps that accounts for the lack of development in their children.
Grandma Baryta carb. is timid and thinks everyone she meets is noticing and criticizing her.
Little Baryta carb. is dwarfed in both mind and body but even so, he is not an easy child to take care of. Trifles frighten him and trifles make him intensely angry. He is one of those children whose temper makes them “see red” and in his tempers he would like to annihilate the offender. At these times grandma isnt strong enough to cope with the situation. Fortunately he is.
Read at the a I.H.A., Bureau of Materia Medica, June 1930 soon over it and forgets all about it. Grandma Baryta carb. isnt one of the kind who can understand that a child could need protection from trifles.
The little fellow doesnt want to play with other children so he sits around home with grandma. Grandma would like to entertain him with stories of her childhood but however hard she tries to recall some incidents, her memory fails her and it is impossible. Sometimes she tries to teach the little fellow but he has no memory and cant be taught so usually they just sit.
One day as they were sitting together, the door-bell rang. It sounded very loud to them and both were very much frightened so that they trembled in all their limbs. They thought there was a great, big man outside. They are afraid of men. Grandma finally decided to open the door, but first she put one the chain-lock, then decided to open the door, but first she put on the chain- lock, then opening it a little way she peered out. Grandson Baryta carb., hiding behind her and clinging to her skirts, peered out too but is wasnt a great, big man standing there. It was only cousin Baryta mur. coming to beg some white bread. Cousin Baryta mur. is very fond of dry, white bread and she knew that there was always a plenty of it going to waste in the Baryta carb. kitchen because the Baryta carbs. have no appetite at all, or when they are hungry, they are either too lazy to eat or are filled up too soon so there is always plenty of bread left over.
As soon as Baryta mur. came in grandma Baryta carb. dropped into a chair groaning and moaning. She wanted Baryta mur. to draw the curtain as the light dazzled and hurt her eyes. Baryta mr. was perfectly willing to do this because she didnt like the bright light herself. Baryta muriatica left as soon as she went. Grandma Baryta carb. does not like company and always feels worse when company is present, but that might he because she tells the company all about her ailments, for grandma is decidedly loquacious at times and thinking about her complaints makes them worse. It is only at times that grandma is talkative. When she is blue you cant get a word out of her.
Grandma tried to read to the little boy but her sight was dim and she couldnt see to read. You see cataracts are forming in grandmas eyes. Grandson Baryta carb. is inclined to corneal ulcer. The Baryta carbs. are extremely sensitive to odors. One day, as they were sitting there, grandma was sure that she smelled pine smoke and began to hunt for the fire. They grandson Baryta carb. smelled pine smoke and he too began to hunt for the fire. Of course they didnt find it because there was no pine fire or any other life there.
When a baby, grandson Baryta carb. had tinea capitis. There was a copious discharge from the whole scalp but that was all cured before he fell into the hands of grandma Baryta carb. Now grandma is afraid to wash his hair for he is sure to take cold if she does. She doesnt like him to have colds. His dose and upper lip get so swollen and sore and crusty. She is afraid he will be left with catarrh of posterior nares and scabs will from behind the base of the uvula.
Besides all that he is liable to have a toothache of he takes cold, then his gums become pale and swell. The cheeks swell and it extends up to his nose and eyes. His toothache is worse when thinking about it and of course he cant help thinking about it. Grandma doesnt like him to take cold. She worries about scarlet fever.
Grandma Baryta carb. has forgotten much but she doesnt forget that most of her children had mumps, tonsillitis and scar let fever at the same time. Grandson Baryta carb. has enlarged and indurated tonsils all the time. They are so large that he is nearly suffocated if he lies down. So scarlet fever or diphtheria would go pretty hard with him. Grandma Baryta carb. has great sympathy with anyone who has throat trouble. When she herself had quinsy she could swallow nothing but liquids and even that came back through the nose. She was thirsty all the time but could not drink.
Grandma Baryta carb. couldnt understand why grandson had such a big abdomen. Sure, he had some gas but not enough to puff him up like that and everybody knows he doesnt eat enough. True, hes constipated but that is probably because he wont eat enough. True, hes constipated but that is probable because he wont eat fruit. He has an aversion to fruit and especially to plums. Doesnt like sweets either.
“What are you whining for”? said grandma Baryta carb. to her grandson. “It is sour and it doesnt feel food here”, putting his hand over his stomach. Grandma Baryta carb. mused, a sour taste and a sensation of weakness in the stomach. “Ill get him something to eat and hell feel better”, but she couldnt get him any warm food for warm food made him cough and bread nauseated him so she found something else cold for him. He ate a mouthful or two and then he was full and couldnt eat any more.
Grandma coaxed and cajoled him until he had swallowed a few more mouthfuls, then he began to cry hard and in answer to grandmas questioning why, he said, “There is a stone in my stomach and it hurts”. He slumped down in his chair but the bending double made the pain worse. He stood up and leaned backward which helped a little. He started to walk that floor, but every time he put his foot down hard it make the pain worse. Pretty soon the gas began to come up, then the felt better.
One reason that grandma finds it so hard to take care of her grandson is that she has so much rheumatism in her back that she can hardly rise from a chair. Then too, she is so weak that she wants to lean on something to keep from falling. She is hungry and cant eat; sleepy, and cant sleep. At times she cant swallow even liquids. She has asthmatic attacks in which she cant speak or cough, or lift her head from the pillow; indeed, grandma Baryta carb. is rather noted for the things that she cant do. She needs someone to take care of her.
Whenever you think of grandma Baryta carb. and her grandson, remember that –
“She was an old, old, lady
And a little dwarf boy was he”.
- A. PULFORD: MR. Chairman, allow me to congratulate the doctor, Baryta carb. is a wonderful remedy, a wonderful developer. About six years ago we had brought to our office an infant. That infant looked like an idiot. It had cheeks that look like a china pig. Its tongue stuck out. It noticed nothing. Its limbs were helpless, and the uncle told me after the child was brought to us that they hoped we would kill it or that it would die. That child, under Baryta carb., is now six years old and the uncle told me a little while before we came here that they wished they had killed it. He said, “It can ask me more questions that I can answer”. That child was developed mentally and physically. It walks and is growing into a right good-looking girl.
- H.A.ROBERTS: Mr. Chairman, I think the paper is very unique, as Dr. Gladwins papers always are, in that they present a picture, that is indelible. To anyone who is at all observant this question of the development of backward children should be very close to them, for it seems to me that that is a field that is absolutely left out of general medicine. Up in Connecticut we have a state school for imbeciles which is crowded to the doors and about 600 waiting. Many of those children could be relieved, and developed into people who can work their own in the world and get along, perhaps not to the highest degree of proficiency, but they can be developed to the point where they can do their work. The American Foundation has taken this subject as one of their objectives:
To have funds sufficient to establish a home for miasmatic children, so that there will be a place where homoeopathy will shine in their development and do a trick that the old school or the ordinary physicians know nothing of.
- C.A.DIXON: Why didnt little Johny Baryta carb. have lumps in his neck?.
- D. MACFARLAN: Baryta carb. is a very valuable remedy. I remember making a proving once. One of my provers looked very much like a Chinese. He developed a peculiar swelling of the face and the eyes seemed to develop a Chinese-like expression. I used the remedy in the 30th and developed a peculiar ulceration around the finger mils, something like Silica. It didnt have that than sinus discharge that Silica has, but it had a festering around the nails. It produced-and Hahnemann corroborates this in the Chronic Diseases-a swelling of both legs. Both legs were quite swollen, from the toes right up to the groin.
CHAIRMAN J. HUTCHINSON: Does Hering have those symptoms. in his Guiding Symptoms?.
- D. MACFARLAN: I really dont know.
- H. A.ROBERTS: Hering has it.
- A. H. GRIMMER: Of course, like all the rest, I want to congratulate the doctor on her inimitable style of presenting these remedies. It is so life-like. It helps to picture the remedy without burdening the memory too much. This remedy is most wonderful, as the doctor has just stated, in the undeveloped and arrested development of children, children who go only a short way and then stop developing.
I brought out another remedy, Thallium sulphide, in a case where Baryta carb. failed to function. This remedy might be compared with Baryta carb., although we have very few symptoms for its use. It lacks the glandular features that belong to Baryta carb.
This girl was seventeen years old. She could not even feed herself. Under Thallium she was able to take care of her ordinary wants and was even beginning to read and take on mental development.
CHAIRMAN J. HUTCHINSON: Was that remedy one of the potashes?.
- A.H.GRIMMER: No, Thallium sulphide. Thallium I think is a distillation from selenium. But it is worth considering and I think we might suggest to Dr.Macfarlan-he is our great prover- that he study Thallium sulphide sometimes.
CHAIRMAN J. HUTCHINSON: It has been very pertinently said that when we get picture of the remedy, by whatever means it may be, that picture remains in the mind and is there for any immediate use. Dr. St. Chair Smith, of the New York College, years ago in one of his lectures urged the class to carry that idea in their minds always: Try to picture a drug. Make its personality so emphatic and impressive in the mind that it cant leave, and that picture will aid selection at the proper time.
- C.M.BOGER: Dr. Macfarlans reference to the Chinese brings up the thought of the placidity of Baryta carb.
So many Baryta carb. patients are excessively placid. They dont seem much impressed by things. This is especially true of the children. They are not interested. This coincides exactly with what we think of the Chinese from the morphological standpoint, the Chinese being the next lowest to the Caucasian race being the furthest developed. It has been pointed put that the Chinese themselves, however prolific they may be, never will advance and attain the heights that the Caucasian race has because genealogically they are one step behind us.
- H.A. ROBERTS: They may take a sprint afterwards.
- C.M. BOGER: They wont do it until they get new blood.
The Homoeopathic Recorder By Allan D Sutherland.
1926 Mar Vol XLI No 3
Heinrich Meng.
Lach / Phos / Bar / Tub / Iod / Spong / Bar-c.
“There are two ways of testing and revealing the truth. One is to soar from the idea and the detail immediately to the general laws and to compose and expound from these all-important postulations, as from the invincible truth, the intermediate laws. This is the usual way at the present time.
“The other is to draw from the constructive and the particular ideas, to proceed gradually and steadily upwards and only at the very end, to reach the ultimate generalisation. This is the true but unused way”.
–From THE NEW ORGANON, by Bacon.
The tendency to fatigue and the power of the individual to respond to the average demands of life are generally considered to be the measure of the constitution and its susceptibility to disease; according to the same line of reasoning, the subjective sensation, “fatigue,” which, in many cases, is the expression of objective weariness and favors sleep, but which is, when excessive, detrimental to sleep, is also a measure of the constitutional peculiarity of an individual. Therefore, knowledge concerning the importance of sleep to the healthy and to the sick and to those made ill by drugs, can be a source of valuable biological information.
Sleep does not depend so much upon fatigue as upon subjective weariness. Neither physical nor psychical exhaustion and fatigue lead to a quantitatively definite measure of sleep.
For a long time, sleep has been explained as the result of a chemico-organic change in the organism. This point of view is contradicted by the fact that many individuals fall asleep quite independently of fatigue or, by means of a definite determination to awake, can interrupt sleep; that often a short sleep is more refreshing than a long one; that fatigue often directly prevents one from going to sleep; that individuals, under the same degree of physical and mental strain, need a different amount of sleep for their restoration, some five or six hours, others eight hours, etc. Moreover research in regard to so-called “sleep” induced by suggestion or hypnosis does not bear out the chemico- organic theory. By the suggestion of wakefulness or by hypnosis, a sensation of weariness can be induced which will cause sleep quite regardless of the actual sensation of fatigue; further, under hypnosis the dose of a sleep-producing medicine can be greatly reduced, and under certain conditions, the “Hypnotic Force of Suggestion” is used instead of narcotic drugs, with complete success in cases of surgical operations. The dependence of the organism on sleep, however, must not be over-looked, for we certainly know that man and also many animals, die if subjected to a continued period of sleeplessness–a healthy man in eight days–in other words, sooner than if deprived of nourishment. We do not know the cause of this. It is a remarkable fact that the sick can often exist without sleep for a much longer period without being seriously affected, especially is this so with hysterical patients. An interesting observation has been made in a case of a patient, addicted to the morphine habit, where the drug was entirely withheld and the patient was sleepless for twenty-three days and nights without causing death.
Observations, made upon animals and recently published by Zell, indicate that sleep is to a great extent independent of fatigue. Zells observations show, that in all probability, there are certain animals, for instance the whale, which very seldom or never sleep although they often expend themselves in severe bodily effort. The chemico-organic process which induces fatigue in man, predisposes to sleep, but sleep, itself probably an instinctive process, is directly dependent upon psychical processes. As every normal function depends upon a certain integrity of an organ or a system of organs, so does the possibility to exert the sleep-instinct or the conscious will be sleep, depend upon the condition of the organs.
If to the psychical battle for sleep is added an organic difficulty, then will the disturbance of sleep be especially intensified. Here is shown how far physical and psychical changes, induced by disease or by drug experiment, can bring about sleep or cause it to remain absent. They are able to influence the conditions necessary to sleep. According to the degree of pain, fever, dyspnoea, intestinal disturbance, spasm, etc., that they cause, will the defect in the integrity of the organism be an unfavorable condition for sleep and it will depend upon the strength of the sleep-instinct and the conscious will to sleep, as to whether this condition will be easily conquered or whether it can be conquered at all. On the other hand, a psychical state which is unfavorable to sleep will be intensified by any disturbing symptoms, no matter how slight they may be. Furthermore, natural disease as well as that artificially produced, i.e., by drugs, will, according to its particular type, bring about in the psychical sphere an actual change in the will to sleep or the sleep-instinct, as, for instance, certain forms of affections due to the disturbance of the thyroid gland or to poisoning by alcohol or opium.
In order to gain more insight, let us collect the facts concerning the physiology and psychology of sleep.
Motor impulses are dulled or abolished in sleep, the reflexes are difficult to obtain, above all, the functions of the vegetative nervous system are restricted with the exception (according to Pawlow and Hoeber) of the activity of the glands influencing digestion. As pigeons and dogs, from which the cerebrum had been removed, have been known to sleep, it cannot be assumed that the occurrence of sleep is dependent solely upon the cerebrum. This is another fact, indicating the correctness of the assumption that an instinctive function plays a particular important role in regard to sleep.
Psychical: When an individual through habit, fatigue, or the will to sleep, etc., is ready to go to sleep, a change is noticed in his alertness. The ego divides into a sleep-ego and an ego that watches over sleep in order to protect it from disturbances as far as possible and, thus, normal unconsciousness occurs, during which, however that portion of the ego which watches over sleep takes notice of whatever is necessary to the continuation of sleep or, if it seems more desirable, to its interruption. (The mother who, although asleep, is aware of every breath drawn by her sick child.).
The miller who awakens when the sound, to which he is accustomed, ceases. This “sleep-watcher,” as Landauer calls this portion of the ego, regulates, instinctively and suitably, the demands made by a sleepers impulses and the utilization of the stimuli from his environment. The change in attention is, in other words, an alteration in the emotional behavior. This is portrayed for the most part, in dreams whose relation to the conscious and to the subconscious in the healthy and in the sick and in those poisoned by drugs, and will be given consideration in a later article. Sleep is, therefore, a condition in which almost all of the psychical stimuli of the environment have been withdrawn. Therefore recuperation through sleep cannot, according to the foregoing, be a purely chemico-physical reaction, but must be in extremely close relation to a psychical recuperation. To produce sleep normally, as well as by means of extraordinary psychical influences (hypnosis suggestion, etc.), or with drugs one must pay attention to the changes in the manner of reaction to stimuli–to the so-called mood-changes–as they are observed in all living organisms and also in the vegetable kingdom.
Herwig in his discussion of color psychology, refers to the “reverse” of certain psycho-physical processes and points out the appearance of a negative instead of a positive mimicry with advancing age. According to him, one differentiates in biology between the “antigen,” a change in mood as the result of external influences and the “autonomen,” change in mood through adjustment from within itself. To the latter, he reckons also the reversion of the habit of mind occasionally to be noticed in old age. He draws attention to the fact that this last condition should indeed be associated with a large circle of biological facts and produces as an illustration analogous to the reversion of mimicry, the following observation: The hypokotyl member ( the trunk portion or the internode of the germ of a plant which carries the seminal leaves and the small roots) of the germ- plant of the gourd is, in the beginning, positive geotropic; later, negative geotropic. In cases of especially strong reversion of habit of mind as in many cases of cyclothaemia, sleep in deep and prolonged during the period of melancholia as if the loss of sleep during the maniacal period was being compensated for.
With regard to the sleep of the sick, the physiological processes depend upon the type of the patients and of their disease and upon the physical processes as well as upon the psychical reaction.
Psychological observations teach us that the conscious wish to sleep and the instinctive or subconscious wish to remain awake, especially in cases of nervous insomnia, are very often antagonistic to one another. As one speaks of the will to be sick, so can one speak of the will to sleep (Steckel) and the will to insomnia. Many patients suffering from insomnia recall instances when they were at times sleepless through conscious will in order to experience certain phantasies and memory pictures, others because they were afraid of their dreams. So many sick people, do not fall asleep for the reason that they are subconsciously distressed by elementary urges and instincts that become active during their sleep, in other words, because the censorship which exists during the day enters into conflict with the wishes of the night. Therefore we may say that sleep comes when the instinctive conquers the conscious. In many cases of illness, on account of physical debilitation and psychical fission, the subconscious is so powerful with its primeval wishes that the establishing of its mastery, as we have remarked in the case of sleeping, causes a conflict. The patient will consciously, perhaps, have the desire to fall asleep, but it is impossible for him to do so.
On the other hand, another is over powered with sleep as an expression of strong suppression of conscious desires, a refusal to recognize the conflict in which his psyche is involved, an example of contrary reaction. We are of the opinion that insomnia develops when in reality unrealizable, forbidden wishes are feared by ones conscience even during sleep; somnolence, when wishes are feared which though truly realizable are at the same time objectionable and forbidden. Conscious conflict makes rather for insomnia when it is painful to dwell upon, for somnolence, perhaps, when the conflict is associated with a pleasurable sensation. This can go so far that hysterical persons may, for years, suffer from insomnia or somnolence which will have quite the appearance of insomnia with an organic basis. We know that in the city of Oknoe in Sweden, a young woman continued in an hysterical somnolent condition for thirty-two years (this case was described in the Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetriere, 1912) For the particulars of this case, see “Der Wille zum Schlaf,” Steckel. Verlag Paul Knepler, Vienna, Austria. and we conclude that this peculiar rejection of reality was the result of subconscious, suppressed psychical processes of the young woman.
It seems natural to associate the physical effect of the hysterical disturbances with the phylogenetic portion of the brain, lying deep in the cerebrum, especially with the thalamus optics whose importance with regard to sleep has been definitely established, especially through the observations made in cases of encephalitis epidemica. In this affliction, there is also sleeplessness and somnolence, likewise sleepiness during the day and wakefulness during the night, as is sometimes the case with beginning dementia paralytica. I refrain purposely, at this point, from speaking of a “sleep-center.” We know indeed that sleep automatism, similarly to the automatism of the vegetative centers, originates in the subcortex; but it is improbable that there exists a “sleep-center” in the sense of a group of brain cells, it seems more reasonable to speak rather of definite “associations” that lead to sleep.
In experiments with drugs in which an artificial illness is created, sleep disturbances are brought about in a similar way as those seen in natural illness. Certain drugs disturb the integrity of the organs, so that sleep is organically prevented. In the experiment with the poison from the Lachesis serpent, the following symptom appears: “sleepy throughout the day as well as at night; he sleeps well when the cough does not annoy him.” To be sure Lachesis has, along with the above, still other symptoms which speak for the fact that under its effect there is also an influence exerted upon the subconscious, as expressed in the symptom that has often been found in experiments and confirmed ate the bedside: “The state of mind is always worse after sleeping”.
In the first number of the commemorative addresses of the North American Academy for Homoeopathic Therapy, entitled: “Effects of Snake Poison,” Constantine Hering has gathered together numerous symptoms found during drug experiments. He relates, among many others, the following symptoms observed in healthy persons who submitted themselves to the drug tests: “It is extremely difficult for him to pay attention to others even though his sense of hearing be not diminished–the words that have just been spoken to him are as though wiped away without his noticing them himself. This happened in one who usually, even when in the greatest hurry, would not make such mistakes.Dull in the head, so that he could not remember what had happened just a short time before”.
Lachesis belongs also to that group of drugs among whose actions are to be enumerated definite disturbances in the emotions. The following well-known drugs are to be included in this list: Alcohol, cocaine, opium, morphinum, carbon monoxide, bisulphide of carbon, ergotin, lead, mercury,. We know from the materia medica at which numerous reliable research workers have labored since Hahnemann as, for instance, the Viennese under Watzke and Fleischmann and the Americans under the great drug prover, Hering, that mental symptoms were observed to quite a remarkable extent under the action of various drugs, among which can be counted numerous sleep and dream symptoms. It is not necessary that I should present to you here the clinical picture of the different exogenous intoxication psychoses, nor the fine details making up the picture of the emotional disturbances produced by gold and lead. All these changes are comparable to the “eruption waves” (Einbruchswellen) of Schilder which project the processes of metabolism and of the internal secretions into the psychical. The toxic eruption of the physical into the personality and, on the other hand, of the psychical into the physical, shows that at bottom the physical and psychical are both functions of a common vital quality. Not a few drugs strengthen or eliminate inhibitions, there are also those which with the sleep-wish, stand in relation to the “sleep-associations.” Others affect the regions of the senses whose somatic and psychical stimulation produces hallucinations, delirium, disorientation, vertigo, etc. Still others, as for instance, alcohol, cause, by acting upon the cortex a release of the inhibitions and a breaking through of the dormant passionate impulses.
If Bonhoeffers assumption is correct, that alcoholic hallucinations occur especially in people with a marked inherited acoustical analogue, similarly as the psychical disturbances in a case of Basedow occur almost exclusively in those of a psychopathic disposition, then we can understand certain observations made in drug experiments; for in these experiments it is shown that certain substances develop remarkable and characteristic symptoms in particular constitutions or races, for instance: Phosphorus in an asthenic constitution or sulphur in the black races. The activation of the mechanics of delirium or of hallucinations depends therefore upon the specificity of the poison and upon the susceptibility of the individual, and most of all, upon the state in which the individual is in, when the toxic eruption takes place. We understand, therefore, why all trustworthy researchers in drug-proving lay so much stress upon the value of knowing, as accurately as possible, the previous personal and family history of the individuals who act as provers and why it is always insisted upon that the same drug should be proven upon different constitutions, various ages, etc. The symptom-complex of paralysis, tuberculosis, tabes, etc., is dependent for part of the symptoms, even in their anatomical aspect, upon the previous physical wear and tear and upon the symptoms is dependent upon the specific action of the disease toxin; similarly in drug experiments, do the personality, the drug, and the constitution shape the symptom-complex. We know much more concerning the foregoing than we do of the bio- chemical processes in the brain or spinal cord of a sleeping man, for of these we know practically nothing. When we speak of sleep and drug experiment, two further observations are of interest. Oppenheim observed that sleep itself can cause pains which the afflicted one never had when awake, or which he felt again later (Hypnalgien); further, the recognition of symptoms which occur in cases of long-continued insomnia: Increase in the acuteness of vision, disturbance of the alertness and the attention, and hallucinations, especially those of vision.
In drug experiments, sleep disturbances are therefore, an expression of self-defense on the part of the individual against eruptions of a toxic nature which, through their dynamic action on the subconscious as through the derangement of the integrity of the organs, call forth characteristic symptoms in different constitutions. As in the list of physical symptoms, we recognize the point of least resistance of the organism, a certain oversensitiveness of the organs or organ systems, an inherited or acquired lack of resistance of the organs in their ontogenetic or phylogenetic development, so also does it seem that a number of earlier experiences in the subjective existence of the prover are again lived through. In the action of Baryta, for instance, a trait that reminds one of a neurotic symptom- complex is met with repeatedly. As the neurotic decides, when he cannot avoid a conflict, to pursue the way of regression and finds his relief by withdrawing into one of the stages of his development that has already been established, so it appears that under the influence of Baryta, the toxic eruption has its greatest effect on the personality in a regressive sense.
In Baryta provers, one notices among many other symptoms the following: “Great mental and bodily weakness, childish department, shy before others, she imagines that strangers are laughing at her or are criticising her, therefore she is so timorous that she does not want to look up”.
Remedies for inducing sleep, outside of the hypnotics and the narcotics which induce a narcosis or a sleep that is not normal (at the most, they only prepare the way for a true sleep), are all those drugs and measures which influence the organism in the sense of organ integrity or in the sense of carrying through the will to sleep. Therefore, hypnotics and narcotics should only be thought of when a patient is so disturbed mentally that he becomes dangerous to himself or to the environment and must, for this reason, be quieted for the time being; or when all other measures have proven useless and the life and health of the patient are more endangered through the lack of sleep than through the hypnotic remedy. The danger of not using soporifics conscientiously lies, on the one hand, in the psychical injury to the patient who through the artificial dulling will, fundamentally, becomes still more restless, and, on the other hand in the physical injury. Substances foreign to the system cause, as a reaction the formation of antagonistic substances. Weigert was able to demonstrate quite generally that the reaction was always longer and more severe than the stimulation. “Antagonistic substances” in a chemical sense are also often antagonistic in a functional sense as well. Experience shows, moreover, the after the torporific effect, an intensified reaction of excitement sets in.
With regard to somnolence or insomnia, one must decide in individual cases whether the shortest way to relief is through the use of drugs or by means of psychical treatment. It is indeed striking how a patient will exclaim in regard to a drug or some other measure that has been peculiarly suited to his case: “That must have been a strong sleep remedy I have not slept so well for a long time.” It was in this connection that Samuel Hahnemann, with his inspired appreciation of the psycho-physical working of the organism, showed the selective action of drugs by giving special emphasis to the mental state of his prover or patient as the guiding symptom for the selection of the remedy, and, more than a hundred years ago, pointed out the fact that, under certain premises, every drug–regardless of any suggestive effect in its administration–can serve as a sleep-producing remedy; this effect, in certain cases, can be interpreted as a dynamic action on the subconscious processes. In most cases of disordered sleep caused by a disturbed psyche, either the drug is insufficient, or the improved sleep conditions which it inaugurated are constantly being annulled through the urge exercised by repressed psychical activities upon the physical system. This indicates that we must bring order into the psychical life of the patient. According to an old adage: “A clear conscience makes a good nights rest.” This homely wisdom coincides with the interpretation of the modern psychology of sleep as being as thymogenic process, the mechanics of which were revealed especially through the research of Liebault, Bernheim, Kraft-Ebing, Vogt and Forel, that psychology which was so brilliantly broadened and developed by Sigmund Freud, the creator of psychoanalysis as a method of research and healing.
Following are some illustrations and short characterizations of certain practical points of view. In the following case histories all of the details and explanations have been omitted in so far as they deal with the psychological aspect or a differential diagnostic analysis.
Mrs. A., forty-five years of age, comes for treatment on account of insomnia, periods of which have been recurring for the last ten years. She was treated during this time by skin specialists and by internists with salves, Roentgen rays, and medicine by mouth, but her condition was only temporarily palliated. She has suffered from severe Pruritus vaginae with occasional attacks of eczema around the genitalia. Physical examination gave no clue as to the cause of her condition. For many weeks she had little sleep on account of the pruritus. The fact that she was often in a state of anxiety and suffered from other neurotic symptoms indicated the necessity for psychoanalysis, which was successful. After one year, sleep is normal and neither the eczema nor the pruritus has returned.
Mr. B., thirty-five years of age, Basedow with insomnia as the most prominent symptom. Tuberculinum 200th, Iodine 6th, and Spongia 3d, administered in sequence in the course of a few weeks, caused the Basedow symptoms to disappear and the sleep to become normal.
Mrs. C., forty-four years of age, has suffered for years from insomnia which constant use of sleeping potions only alleviated. She is now under psychoanalytic treatment on account of dyspareunia. During the early weeks of this treatment, the insomnia (inability to get to sleep) was relieved. There existed numerous conflicts in the psychical life of the patient, consisting especially of homosexual tendencies which, consciously, she had conquered, but which her subconscious occupied itself almost every night, causing her insomnia.
Miss D., thirty-two years of age, has been under drug treatment for months on account of chronic tonsillitis and the fact that it takes several hours for her to get to sleep. For the last eight years, she has been taking the usual sleeping potion without effect. Constitutional drugs which I prescribed for her, did not help. Casually, during a consultation, the patient remarked that for the last few years she could not go to a concert and could not bear to make music herself, as she was intensely affected thereby (excited and then tired, or unable to get to sleep). Thereupon instead of the Sepia which had been prescribed, Natrum carbonicum 30th was given, one powder every second evening. This drug has, in the proving on healthy persons, the symptom: Aggravation through music. The result was remarkable. The patient has been able to sleep well at night for the last three years.
Mr. E., forty years of age, awakens every morning at about four oclock with cramplike pains in the stomach and afterwards cannot get to sleep. He was treated for a long time for various gastric secretory disturbances. An organic involvement could not be established. A neurotic conditions was most probable. No drug treatment. He had, as a short but successful psychical treatment brought to light, at the time of puberty experienced severe conflicts from which he was still suffering without being conscious of them. The hour from four to five in the morning was at that time very distressing to him. Recently, owing to conscious conflicts, old experiences were again lived through and expressed themselves in this peculiar early morning disturbance.
Those who have an interest in the psychoanalytical side of this subject should read: “Vorlesung zur Einfuhrung in die Psychoanalyse,” S. Freud; Int. Psychoanalytical. Verlag, Vienna, Austria. For the relationship between toxins and the neurotic mechanism: “Medizinische Psychologie,” Paul Schilder, Verlag Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany.
Concerning the valuation of the subjective symptom in drug proving and at the sick bed, see Paul Dahlke, in the “Berlin Homoopathische Zeitschrift,” after 1900. For the natural- scientific relationship between Hahnemanns drug therapy, modern medicine, and psychoanalysis, see Otto Leeser in the “Grundlagen der Heilkunde,” Lehrbuch der Homoopathie (Konkordia, A. G., Bahl- Baden) see also the chapter on “Moderne, dynamische Psychologie” in “Einfuhrung in das Studium der Homoopathie,” Vannier-Meng (Hahnemannia-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany) and “Grundlagen der seelischen Behandlung,” Paul Federn and Heinrich Meng, in the first volume of “Das arztliche Volksbuch,” Meng-Fiessler (Wagnersche Verlaganstalt, Stuttgart, Germany, Anton Bippl). As a model for proving drugs on healthy people see “Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Homoopathie” published by Fleischmann, Hampe, Watzke, Wurmb (Verlag Braumuller und Seidel, Vienna 1844 and following years).
The Homoeopathic Recorder by Rabe R F.
1952 Oct Vol LXVII No 10
Roger A Schmidt.
Nat-s / Bar-c / Lyc.
[ Read before the Bureau of Pediatrics, I.H.A., June 27, 1952.].
Rheumatic fever has been a major concern of the medical profession these last years and considerable literature has been published on the subject. As it affects primarily children, I thought I would take this opportunity to ask on this Bureau what results our best homoeopathic prescribers do obtain in this disease as compared with the claims of the partisans of sulfa drugs and antibiotics.
The acceptable biostatistical data assembled from many thousands of cases show that rheumatic fever usually develops from age four to puberty with the average age of onset being about six years. The genetic background plays an important role. Epidemiological factors defer sharply from the usual characteristics of other communicable diseases. The risk of recurring attacks diminishes gradually with age, with the maximum risk during the year immediately following one year of freedom from symptoms. It has also been established that the most important factor in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever is the susceptibility of the host-this assertion is significant.
Here is a case which follows the typical pattern: E.M., a 10-year-old, plump, rosy-cheeked, Jewish girl, was born by Caesarian section. A bottle baby, she has had up to recently a stormy history. She walked at 9 months and had her first tooth at 5 months-a rather precocious child. She was affected very early by a skin disturbance labeled neuro-dermatitis by the specialist, and manifested allergic tendencies from the start. When 6 years old, she had a severe throat infection complicated with otitis and treated with sulfa drugs. In four weeks she lost 9 pounds and since that time her disposition changed completely from that of a sweet and lovable to a cantankerous and rebellious child.
A few weeks after these acute manifestations, she started a low-grade fever that required the attendance of four successive physicians. She was put to bed for eight solid months, and fed with salicylates from that time on. She has been a crippled child ever since, with one cold after another. Early in 1948 she had a severe bilateral parotiditis superimposed on her now chronic rheumatic condition. A year later, an infectious mononucleosis, complicated with nephritis, took four months gradually to subside after a high barrage of chloromycetin and penicillin. The last few months she got out of bed to be transported to and from school and was not permitted to walk or play outside.
This was the situation when I first saw her March 2. 1950. Physical examination revealed an 83 pounded brunette. 4 6 1/2″ tall, rather overnourished, with red cheeks and lips. The irises were typically tuberculinic with evidence of devitalization. She had been too sick to have her tonsils removed; they showed a mark degree of hypertrophy. Slight cervical adenopathy; chest negative; heart gave no evidence of valvular involvement at this time; pulse hyperkinetic; abdomen somewhat prominent and fat with no apparent abnormalities; extremities revealed no articular changes at this time the skin of the posterior part of the arm, legs and thighs presented the sandpaper aspect of A avitaminosis (hyperkeratosis); blood count demonstrated a mild secondary anemia and chronic leukocytosis (14.950); urine analysis was within normal limits.
The main recurrent complaints included frequent headaches (worse by mental effort), epistaxis almost weekly, ravenous appetite with a craving for sweets and meats and allergy to starches. Bowels regular. Sleeps well but snores. Sweats easily.
On March 9, 1950, Natrum sulph. 200. brought, a week later, a severe reaction: fever, sneezing, cough, nocturnal pains in the knees going down to the toes, a ringworm started spreading on the left arm; nasal symptoms unchanged.
March 28th she feels better; continuation of the remedy.
April 21th feels very much better-goes to school by herself, plays outside. Her mother thinks it is a miracle.
On May 12th, there is diarrhea for the last three days. Otherwise, she felt fine. Natrum sulph. 200, was again administered.
May 31st. For the last few days the girl “talks funny,” with a swollen throat, tonsils are enlarged with no coating, constantly hawking: Baryta carb. 6 b.i.d.
June 23d there is a craving for sweets which beings hives, puffy eyelids, pollakiuria even at night, again marked irritability. Lycopodium 200, brought prompt relief.
During the winter of 1950 she had a batch of colds which cleared up promptly with Sulph. 30., 200., 1M. She has been a healthy, normal child ever since.
It seems, in this case, that homoeopathy has cut short the chronic process of the classic rheumatic fever and accompanying invalidism and prevented, so far, any recurrence. Natrum sulph. proved to be the curative remedy as the reaction to its administration was followed by the classic pattern of the Law of Direction of Cure: from the above down, from the inside out and in the reverse order of the coming of the symptoms. The future will show if the cure is permanent.
- ALLEN D. SUTHERLAND [Brattleboro, Vt.]: Mr. Chairman, I havent had too much experience with rheumatic fever, I am happy to say, but I did have four cases which I felt were rather interesting. One case was in a ten-year-old girl; another case was in a thirty-odd-year-old woman; another case in a fourteen- year-old boy, and the fourth case in a girl who was twelve years old.
The first case was in the ten-year-old girl. When I saw her for the first time she had already developed a cardiac complication, having a loud blowing systolic mitral murmur, but this case was very adequately handled by Bryonia which happened to be the indicated remedy. She made a rather rapid recovery from the acute symptoms. I am not able to say what the ultimate outcome was because she left town with her family and didnt continue under my care. So, that is not really a good case but at least the acute symptoms were over in about two weeks. She was able to get up and go to school and able to handle herself, still having her mitral valve lesion.
The second case was in a thirty-two-year-old woman who developed no cardiac complication at all, had an illness of approximately three weeks, and was cured completely by Colchicum and, later, Rhus tox. She has never shown any evidence of cardiac difficulty as a result of this illness.
The third case was in a fourteen-year-old boy who developed no cardiac complications at all and recovered completely under Ledum and whom I see from time to time and who shows no evidence of any cardiac difficulty.
The fourth case was in a girl who was approximately eleven years old at the time I first saw her. This is one I missed. She made one visit, complaining of pain in one hip; had a temperature of 99. Bryonia, I think was the remedy indicated at that time and was prescribed in the 200th. The family were asked to see me again in a weeks time if the temperature still continued or if there were any complaints of joint pains.
Three years later I saw the girl and she had a very definite mitral lesion; had no joint complaints but was obviously not well. She had an elevated blood pressure and was rather short of breath on exertion; had some swelling of the ankles, the usual thing we associate with a mild decompensation. The remedy for this girl was Calcarea carb., under which she made a complete recovery. She was followed during the process of recovery at the Mary Hitchcock Clinic in Hanover, New Hampshire, which has some very competent old school men associated with it, and a clean bill of health was given by the man at the clinic who had followed her during the course of this illness. They prescribed no remedies. I did the prescribing, although they had recommended that sulfathiazole be given as a prophylactic. Of course, I repudiated this suggestion with scorn, and the proof that I was correct is shown in the fact that the child made a complete recovery under Calcarea carb.
I saw her in June, about a week before I came down to the convention, and she is perfectly all right. [Applause].
- CARL H. ENSTAM [Los Angeles, Calif.]: I think this paper is quite typical of its author; he is nothing if not meticulous. He knows the subject and you can be absolutely certain the cases he presents are just the way he described them. They are clinically perfect. I dont see those too often. We get the chronic ones that seem to gravitate down to Southern California. They come for the dry air and sunshine and then oranges we have down there. Our cases are a little tougher. They are far more chronic than some of those you people see, on which you gave reports.
It seems to me that too many of them have been allowed the privilege of self-medication, although I think the most difficult of all the cases are those that have a little bit of inefficient homoeopathic prescribing. They come with a handbook on Materia Medica, and somebody has given them six remedies, and we have a heck of a time with them to try to wean them from those, sometimes.
I had a man who came out from the Middle West, a business man. He was crippled to the extent that he couldnt work. His business was closed up. We checked him over and thought we would start out with Nux vomica, I didnt think it would continue being his remedy but it proved to be during a year and one-half, and there was no reason no prescribe otherwise for him.
He went back to his home town, and I suppose he still remains well. Homoeopathy in the treatment of rheumatic conditions, rheumatic fever, beyond any doubt is the only method of curing them, but I think we have to be positive and not permit them the luxury of any other medication.
- WILBUR K. BOND [Greensfork, Ind.]: In those old, chronic, scarred valves, Calc. fluor. 6x gives almost as good results.
- A.W. HOLCOMBE [Kokomo, Ind.]: Again I want to impose a little bit on you. Up in Hoosierland, where the poison ivy and Rhus tox. grow around every fence corner, we have an abundance of poison ivy cases, also rheumatism.
It has been my observation in the last sixty years up there, that nine out of ten of those cases of rheumatism will start about two years after they have been cured, by suppressive measures, of the poison ivy.
I can tell, when a man comes in, if he is not too old a man, whether he has been poisoned with poison ivy or not. He might have had gonorrhoea some time in his younger days, and many of them do, even with us But nobody can prognosticate the ultimate effects of Rhus tax. poisoning.
The skin symptoms can easily be gotten rid of, but it goes deeper and far their and longer, and the longer, the “worser,” as the old man says. They always can prognosticate just about what time it is going to rain.
Two-thirds of the cases of rheumatism I have in Indiana are fine weather prophets, and I trace that back where they had Rhus tox. poisoning, some of them all over their faces, hands and bodies, which has been suppressed first with one thing and then another.
Some of the most intractable cases I have had are those that have had these shots. What do they call it?.
- HOLCOMBE: Ivy-something. Those are some of the most intractable cases to cure that I have found.
- SCHMIDT [closing]: Thank you, Doctor, for giving me the opportunity to close.
I would like to thank all the commentators for their comments. The reference by Dr. Holcombe to Rhus tax., ivy poisoning and rheumatic fever, is the first time I have heard of it,. and I think it is something very interesting to consider.
In California we have a great many of those cases because poison oak is very extensively spread all over the state.
An interesting feature is that the consensus of opinion of the allopathic school is that most of those extracts, whether by injection or otherwise, mostly by injection, are no good.
We had a staff meeting at the University of California Medical School attended by about 200 doctors, and there was a symposium on this subject. They all concurred in the idea that it was better to abstain than to use them. It was rather interesting.
Of course, acute rheumatic fever is a specific entity as compared to the multiple manifestation of chronic rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and those allied diseases, and there is a little difficulty.
I was very much interested in your cases, Dr. Sutherland. I myself had been affected they by that disease when I was about twenty-five years old treated by my brother, who cured me with Lycopodium, I never had a relapse and never had any heart disease as a consequence.
I was looking to an extent, to learn from the experience of other prescribers whether they saw many heart complications in those who never received salicylates, because I remember in my days, back in the 20s, it was almost the rule for those who got heavy doses of salicylates, to get cardiac complications.
Journal Of Homoeopathic Clinics
1869-1870 Volume III, September N-1
- B. Nash
Case 283
Swelling of Submaxillary Gland.-A child six months of age; otherwise healthy. The swelling was very large, puffing out beyond the jaw; painful, and of a blueish color. After progressing several days, I first gave the child Rhus tox., and Dulc., each at the 3d dil., with no apparent effect for a few days, the swelling increasing slowly all the while. I then gave Baryta c. 3d, for three days, with like ill-success. The parents grew alarmed, and became still more so, by a friend of an allopathic physician coming in, and exclaiming very loudly against such treatment; and advising them to commence at once to paint the swelling with Iodine. But the mother, having considerable confidence in me, waited until I came, and told me of the advice she had received. As I had sometimes before seen good effects follow the use of the high dilutions, after the low had failed, I now determined to try it in this case. I accordingly dissolved a few pellets of the 200th Baryta carb. (Dunham’s), in water, a spoonful to be given once in 6 hours. Saw the case three days after; mother gives the following report: “I only gave a few doses of the medicine, for the child could not take it. It began to be in great pain after the first dose, and every dose I gave it, aggravated the pain so that the child would scream and cry terribly, for a long time, so I stopped it entirely after the first day, but I do believe the swelling is going down.”
I exa